render input prefix independent of inputstr so that e.g. a username will not lead to weirdnesses
#ifndef FILEIO_H_
#define FILEIO_H_
#include <stdio.h>
#include "Types.h"
#include "misc.h"
extern int FileMode;
typedef enum{
extern io_result_t IOResult;
typedef struct{
FILE *fp;
const char* mode;
char file_name[256];
int eof;
int record_len;
typedef file_wrapper_t* File;
typedef File Text;
typedef Text TextFile;
void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_readLn(File f);
#define fpcrtl_readLn1(f) fpcrtl_readLn(f)
void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_readLn__vars(File f, Integer *i);
void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_readLn__vars(File f, LongWord *i);
void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_readLn__vars(File f, string255 *s);
#define fpcrtl_readLn2(f, t) fpcrtl_readLn__vars(f, &(t))
#define fpcrtl_readLn(...) macro_dispatcher(fpcrtl_readLn, __VA_ARGS__)(__VA_ARGS__)
void fpcrtl_blockRead__vars(File f, void *buf, Integer count, Integer *result);
#define fpcrtl_blockRead(f, buf, count, result) fpcrtl_blockRead__vars(f, &(buf), count, &(result))
#define fpcrtl_BlockRead fpcrtl_blockRead
#define fpcrtl_assign(f, name) fpcrtl_assign__vars(&f, name)
void fpcrtl_assign__vars(File *f, string255 name);
boolean fpcrtl_eof(File f);
void fpcrtl_reset1(File f);
void fpcrtl_reset2(File f, Integer l);
#define fpcrtl_reset1(f) fpcrtl_reset1(f)
#define fpcrtl_reset2(f, l) fpcrtl_reset2(f, l)
#define fpcrtl_reset(...) macro_dispatcher(fpcrtl_reset, __VA_ARGS__)(__VA_ARGS__)
void fpcrtl_close(File f);
void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_rewrite(File f);
void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_rewrite(File f, Integer l);
void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_flush(Text f);
void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_flush(FILE *f);
void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_write(File f, string255 s);
void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_write(FILE *f, string255 s);
void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_writeLn(File f, string255 s);
void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_writeLn(FILE *f, string255 s);
void fpcrtl_blockWrite__vars(File f, const void *buf, Integer count, Integer *result);
#define fpcrtl_blockWrite(f, buf, count, result) fpcrtl_blockWrite__vars(f, &(buf), count, &(result))
#define fpcrtl_BlockWrite fpcrtl_blockWrite
bool fpcrtl_directoryExists(string255 dir);
#define fpcrtl_DirectoryExists fpcrtl_directoryExists
bool fpcrtl_fileExists(string255 filename);
#define fpcrtl_FileExists fpcrtl_fileExists
#endif /* FILEIO_H_ */