nemo said I was boring for removing the "hello" randomizer on room join.
That was actually an accident, fixed by this commit.
Now find an actual reason to call me boring (there are many to choose from :P) nemo!
#pragma once
#include <stdbool.h>
typedef union string255_
struct {
char s[256];
struct {
char len;
char str[255];
} string255;
typedef struct string192_
char s[193];
} string192;
typedef struct string31_
char s[32];
} string31;
typedef struct string15_
char s[16];
} string15;
typedef int SmallInt;
typedef int Word;
typedef int LongInt;
typedef int LongWord;
typedef int Byte;
typedef int Integer;
typedef long long int QWord;
typedef float extended;
typedef float real;
typedef bool boolean;
typedef void * pointer;
typedef Byte * PByte;
typedef char * PChar;
typedef LongInt * PLongInt;
typedef Integer * PInteger;
#define new(a) __new((void **)&a, sizeof(*(a)))
void __new(void ** p, int size);
#define dispose(a) __dispose(a, sizeof(*(a)))
void __dispose(pointer p, int size);
#define FillChar(a, b, c) __FillChar(&(a), b, c)
void __FillChar(pointer p, int size, char fill);
string255 _strconcat(string255 a, string255 b);
string255 _strappend(string255 s, char c);
string255 _strprepend(char c, string255 s);
bool _strcompare(string255 a, string255 b);
char * _pchar(string255 s);
int Length(string255 a);
string255 copy(string255 a, int s, int l);
string255 delete(string255 a, int s, int l);
#define STRCONSTDECL(a, b) const string255 a = {.len = sizeof(b), .str = b}
typedef int file;
extern int FileMode;
extern int IOResult;
#define assign(a, b) assign_(&(a), b)
void assign_(int * f, string255 fileName);
void reset(int f, int size);
#define BlockRead(a, b, c, d) BlockRead_(a, &(b), c, &(d))
void BlockRead_(int f, void * p, int size, int * sizeRead);
void close(int f);