Show error message in frontend if video encoding failed in engine
/* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Andrey Korotaev <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */#include <QLabel>#include <QGridLayout>#include <QHBoxLayout>#include <QGraphicsScene>#include <QGroupBox>#include <QSizePolicy>#include "pagegamestats.h"#include "team.h"FitGraphicsView::FitGraphicsView(QWidget* parent) : QGraphicsView(parent){}void FitGraphicsView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * event){ Q_UNUSED(event); fitInView(sceneRect());}QLayout * PageGameStats::bodyLayoutDefinition(){ kindOfPoints = QString(""); defaultGraphTitle = true; QGridLayout * pageLayout = new QGridLayout(); pageLayout->setSpacing(20); pageLayout->setColumnStretch(0, 1); pageLayout->setColumnStretch(1, 1); pageLayout->setRowStretch(0, 1); pageLayout->setRowStretch(1, 20); //pageLayout->setRowStretch(1, -1); this should work but there is unnecessary empty space betwin lines if used pageLayout->setContentsMargins(7, 7, 7, 0); QGroupBox * gb = new QGroupBox(this); QVBoxLayout * gbl = new QVBoxLayout; // details labelGameStats = new QLabel(this); QLabel * l = new QLabel(this); l->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); l->setText("<h1><img src=\":/res/StatsD.png\"> " + PageGameStats::tr("Details") + "</h1>"); l->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); labelGameStats->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); labelGameStats->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); labelGameStats->setWordWrap(true); gbl->addWidget(l); gbl->addWidget(labelGameStats); gb->setLayout(gbl); pageLayout->addWidget(gb, 1, 1); // graph graphic = new FitGraphicsView(gb); graphic->setObjectName("gameStatsView"); labelGraphTitle = new QLabel(this); labelGraphTitle->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); labelGraphTitle->setText("<br><h1><img src=\":/res/StatsH.png\"> " + PageGameStats::tr("Health graph") + "</h1>"); labelGraphTitle->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); gbl->addWidget(labelGraphTitle); gbl->addWidget(graphic); graphic->scale(1.0, -1.0); graphic->setBackgroundBrush(QBrush(Qt::black)); graphic->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true); labelGameWin = new QLabel(this); labelGameWin->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); pageLayout->addWidget(labelGameWin, 0, 0, 1, 2); // ranking box gb = new QGroupBox(this); gbl = new QVBoxLayout; labelGameRank = new QLabel(gb); l = new QLabel(this); l->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); l->setText("<h1><img src=\":/res/StatsR.png\"> " + PageGameStats::tr("Ranking") + "</h1>"); l->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); gbl->addWidget(l); gbl->addWidget(labelGameRank); gb->setLayout(gbl); labelGameRank->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); labelGameRank->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); pageLayout->addWidget(gb, 1, 0); return pageLayout;}//TODO button placement, image etcQLayout * PageGameStats::footerLayoutDefinition(){ QHBoxLayout * bottomLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); mainNote = new QLabel(this); mainNote->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); mainNote->setWordWrap(true); bottomLayout->addWidget(mainNote, 0); bottomLayout->setStretch(0,1); btnRestart = addButton(":/res/Start.png", bottomLayout, 1, true); btnRestart->setWhatsThis(tr("Play again")); btnRestart->setFixedWidth(58); btnRestart->setFixedHeight(81); btnRestart->setStyleSheet("QPushButton{margin-top:24px}"); btnSave = addButton(":/res/Save.png", bottomLayout, 2, true); btnSave->setWhatsThis(tr("Save")); btnSave->setStyleSheet("QPushButton{margin: 24px 0 0 0;}"); return bottomLayout;}void PageGameStats::connectSignals(){ connect(this, SIGNAL(pageEnter()), this, SLOT(renderStats())); connect(btnSave, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(saveDemoRequested())); connect(btnRestart, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(restartGameRequested()));}PageGameStats::PageGameStats(QWidget* parent) : AbstractPage(parent){ initPage();}void PageGameStats::AddStatText(const QString & msg){ labelGameStats->setText(labelGameStats->text() + msg);}void PageGameStats::clear(){ labelGameStats->setText(""); healthPoints.clear(); labelGameRank->setText(""); labelGameWin->setText(""); playerPosition = 0; scriptPlayerPosition = 0; lastColor = 0;}void PageGameStats::restartBtnVisible(bool visible){ btnRestart->setVisible(visible);}void PageGameStats::renderStats(){ if(defaultGraphTitle) { labelGraphTitle->setText("<br><h1><img src=\":/res/StatsH.png\"> " + PageGameStats::tr("Health graph") + "</h1>"); } else { defaultGraphTitle = true; } // if not health data sent if(healthPoints.size() == 0) { labelGraphTitle->hide(); graphic->hide(); } else { graphic->setScene(Q_NULLPTR); m_scene.reset(new QGraphicsScene(this)); // min and max value across the entire chart qint32 minValue = 0; qint32 maxValue = 0; bool minMaxValuesInitialized = false; // max data points per clan int maxDataPoints = 0; for(QMap<qint32, QVector<qint32> >::const_iterator i = healthPoints.constBegin(); i != healthPoints.constEnd(); ++i) { maxDataPoints = qMax(maxDataPoints, i.value().size()); } /* There must be at least 2 data points for any clan, otherwise there's not much to look at. ;-) */ if(maxDataPoints < 2) { labelGraphTitle->hide(); graphic->hide(); return; } QMap<qint32, QVector<qint32> >::const_iterator i = healthPoints.constBegin(); while (i != healthPoints.constEnd()) { qint32 c = i.key(); const QVector<qint32>& hps = i.value(); QPainterPath path; if (hps.size()) { path.moveTo(0, hps[0]); if(minMaxValuesInitialized) { minValue = qMin(minValue, hps[0]); maxValue = qMax(maxValue, hps[0]); } else { minValue = hps[0]; maxValue = hps[0]; minMaxValuesInitialized = true; } } for(int t = 0; t < hps.size(); ++t) { path.lineTo(t, hps[t]); maxValue = qMax(maxValue, hps[t]); minValue = qMin(minValue, hps[t]); } QPen pen(c); pen.setWidth(2); pen.setCosmetic(true); m_scene->addPath(path, pen); ++i; } graphic->setScene(; // Calculate the bounding box of the final chart qint32 sceneMinY = minValue; qint32 sceneMaxY = maxValue; // If all values are 0 or greater, make sure to include 0 at the bottom. if(sceneMinY >= 0 && sceneMaxY >= 0) sceneMinY = 0; // If all values are equal, we must increase sceneMaxY, otherwise the scene rect // would have a height of 0 and will screw up if(sceneMinY == sceneMaxY) sceneMaxY++; graphic->setSceneRect(0, sceneMinY, maxDataPoints-1, sceneMaxY - sceneMinY); graphic->fitInView(graphic->sceneRect()); graphic->show(); labelGraphTitle->show(); }}void PageGameStats::GameStats(char type, const QString & info){ switch(type) { case 'r' : { labelGameWin->setText(QString("<h1 align=\"center\">%1</h1>").arg(info)); break; } case 'D' : { int i = info.indexOf(' '); int num = info.left(i).toInt(); QString message = "<p><img src=\":/res/StatsBestShot.png\"> " + PageGameStats::tr("The best shot award was won by <b>%1</b> with <b>%2</b> pts.", "", num).arg(info.mid(i + 1), info.left(i)) + "</p>"; AddStatText(message); break; } case 'k' : { int i = info.indexOf(' '); int num = info.left(i).toInt(); QString message = "<p><img src=\":/res/StatsBestKiller.png\"> " + PageGameStats::tr("The best killer is <b>%1</b> with <b>%2</b> kills in a turn.", "", num).arg(info.mid(i + 1), info.left(i)) + "</p>"; AddStatText(message); break; } case 'K' : { int num = info.toInt(); QString message = "<p><img src=\":/res/StatsHedgehogsKilled.png\"> " + PageGameStats::tr("A total of <b>%1</b> hedgehog(s) were killed during this round.", "", num).arg(num) + "</p>"; AddStatText(message); break; } case 'H' : { int i = info.indexOf(' '); quint32 clan = info.left(i).toInt(); qint32 hp = info.mid(i + 1).toInt(); healthPoints[clan].append(hp); break; } case 'g' : { // TODO: change default picture or add change pic capability defaultGraphTitle = false; labelGraphTitle->setText("<br><h1><img src=\":/res/StatsR.png\"> " + info + "</h1>"); break; } case 'T': // local team stats { // unused break; } case 'p' : { kindOfPoints = info; break; } case 'P' : { int i = info.indexOf(' '); playerPosition++; QString color = info.left(i); quint32 c = color.toInt(); QColor clanColor = QColor(qRgb((c >> 16) & 255, (c >> 8) & 255, c & 255)); QString playerinfo = info.mid(i + 1); i = playerinfo.indexOf(' '); QString killsString = playerinfo.left(i); int kills = killsString.toInt(); QString playername = playerinfo.mid(i + 1); QString image; if (lastColor == c) playerPosition--; lastColor = c; unsigned int realPlayerPosition; if(scriptPlayerPosition == 0) realPlayerPosition = playerPosition; else realPlayerPosition = scriptPlayerPosition; switch (realPlayerPosition) { case 1: image = "<img src=\":/res/StatsMedal1.png\">"; break; case 2: image = "<img src=\":/res/StatsMedal2.png\">"; break; case 3: image = "<img src=\":/res/StatsMedal3.png\">"; break; default: image = "<img src=\":/res/StatsMedal4.png\">"; break; } QString message; QString killstring; if(kindOfPoints.isEmpty()) { //: Number of kills in stats screen, written after the team name killstring = PageGameStats::tr("(%1 kill)", "", kills).arg(kills); } else if (kindOfPoints == "!POINTS") { //: Number of points in stats screen, written after the team name killstring = PageGameStats::tr("(%1 point(s))", "", kills).arg(kills); } else if (kindOfPoints == "!TIME") { //: Time in seconds killstring = PageGameStats::tr("(%L1 second(s))", "", kills).arg((double) kills/1000, 0, 'f', 3); } else if (kindOfPoints.startsWith("!TIME") && kindOfPoints.length() == 6) { int len =; if(len != -1) killstring = PageGameStats::tr("(%L1 second(s))", "", kills).arg((double) kills/1000, 0, 'f', len); else qWarning("SendStat: siPointType received with !TIME and invalid number length!"); } else if (kindOfPoints == "!CRATES") { killstring = PageGameStats::tr("(%1 crate(s))", "", kills).arg(kills); } else if (kindOfPoints == "!EMPTY") { killstring = QString(""); } else { //: For custom number of points in the stats screen, written after the team name. %1 is the number, %2 is the word. Example: “4 points” killstring = PageGameStats::tr("(%1 %2)", "", kills).arg(kills).arg(kindOfPoints); } kindOfPoints = QString(""); message = QString("<p><h2>%1 %2. <font color=\"%4\">%3</font> ").arg(image, QString::number(realPlayerPosition), playername, + killstring + "</h2></p>"; labelGameRank->setText(labelGameRank->text() + message); scriptPlayerPosition = 0; break; } case 's' : { int i = info.indexOf(' '); int num = info.left(i).toInt(); QString message = "<p><img src=\":/res/StatsMostSelfDamage.png\"> " + PageGameStats::tr("<b>%1</b> thought it's good to shoot their own hedgehogs for <b>%2</b> pts.", "", num).arg(info.mid(i + 1)).arg(num) + "</p>"; AddStatText(message); break; } case 'S' : { int i = info.indexOf(' '); int num = info.left(i).toInt(); QString message = "<p><img src=\":/res/StatsSelfKilled.png\"> " + PageGameStats::tr("<b>%1</b> killed <b>%2</b> of their own hedgehogs.", "", num).arg(info.mid(i + 1)).arg(num) + "</p>"; AddStatText(message); break; } case 'B' : { int i = info.indexOf(' '); int num = info.left(i).toInt(); QString message = "<p><img src=\":/res/StatsSkipped.png\"> " + PageGameStats::tr("<b>%1</b> was scared and skipped turn <b>%2</b> times.", "", num).arg(info.mid(i + 1)).arg(num) + "</p>"; AddStatText(message); break; } case 'c' : { QString message = "<p><img src=\":/res/StatsCustomAchievement.png\"> "+info+" </p>"; AddStatText(message); break; } case 'R' : { scriptPlayerPosition = info.toInt(); break; } case 'h' : { QString message = "<p><img src=\":/res/StatsEverAfter.png\"> " + PageGameStats::tr("With everyone having the same clan color, there was no reason to fight. And so the hedgehogs happily lived in peace ever after.") + "</p>"; AddStatText(message); break; } }}