author nemo
Tue, 22 Jun 2010 23:08:57 -0400
changeset 3537 8f5b3108f29c
parent 3536 7d99655130ff
child 3538 b11ac2677e42
permissions -rw-r--r--
New approach to the low-res problem. Basically, we already have a 1024 minimum, and the tallest maps are restricting themselves to 2048 maximum. All backgrounds are scaled down 50%, then scaled up on draw. Saves memory, and backgrounds are already deliberately fuzzed for depth of field anyway.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module HWProtoNEState where

import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.Word
import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import CoreTypes
import Actions
import Utils
import RoomsAndClients

handleCmd_NotEntered :: CmdHandler

handleCmd_NotEntered ["NICK", newNick] = do
    (ci, irnc) <- ask
    let cl = irnc `client` ci
    if not . B.null $ nick cl then return [ProtocolError "Nickname already chosen"]
        if haveSameNick irnc then return [AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["WARNING", "Nickname already in use"], ByeClient ""]
            if illegalName newNick then return [ByeClient "Illegal nickname"]
                return $
                    ModifyClient (\c -> c{nick = newNick}) :
                    AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["NICK", newNick] :
                    [CheckRegistered | clientProto cl /= 0]
        haveSameNick irnc = False --isJust $ find (\cl -> newNick == nick cl) $ IntMap.elems clients

handleCmd_NotEntered ["PROTO", protoNum] = do
    (ci, irnc) <- ask
    let cl = irnc `client` ci
    if clientProto cl > 0 then return [ProtocolError "Protocol already known"]
        if parsedProto == 0 then return [ProtocolError "Bad number"]
            return $
                ModifyClient (\c -> c{clientProto = parsedProto}) :
                AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["PROTO", B.pack $ show parsedProto] :
                [CheckRegistered | not . B.null $ nick cl]
        parsedProto = case B.readInt protoNum of
                           Just (i, t) | B.null t -> fromIntegral i
                           otherwise -> 0

handleCmd_NotEntered ["PASSWORD", passwd] = do
    (ci, irnc) <- ask
    let cl = irnc `client` ci

    if passwd == webPassword cl then
        return $ JoinLobby : [AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["ADMIN_ACCESS"] | isAdministrator cl]
        return [ByeClient "Authentication failed"]


handleCmd_NotEntered clID clients _ ["DUMP"] =
    if isAdministrator (clients IntMap.! clID) then [Dump] else []

handleCmd_NotEntered _ = return [ProtocolError "Incorrect command (state: not entered)"]