author dag10 <gottlieb.drew@gmail.com>
Wed, 16 Jan 2013 18:34:43 -0500
changeset 8393 85bd6c7b2641
parent 2812 0a24853de796
permissions -rw-r--r--
Can now change theme for static and mission maps. Fixed mission map descriptions that had commas which broke them. Now, you must escape commas in map descriptions. Made bgwidget repaint on animation tick to avoid buffer-not-clearing issue with widgets that change overtop the background leaving a ghost image of the widget's previous state. Generated map is now the default map in the mapconfig widget.

** $Id: lfunc.c,v 2007/12/28 14:58:43 roberto Exp $
** Auxiliary functions to manipulate prototypes and closures
** See Copyright Notice in lua.h

#include <stddef.h>

#define lfunc_c
#define LUA_CORE

#include "lua.h"

#include "lfunc.h"
#include "lgc.h"
#include "lmem.h"
#include "lobject.h"
#include "lstate.h"

Closure *luaF_newCclosure (lua_State *L, int nelems, Table *e) {
  Closure *c = cast(Closure *, luaM_malloc(L, sizeCclosure(nelems)));
  luaC_link(L, obj2gco(c), LUA_TFUNCTION);
  c->c.isC = 1;
  c->c.env = e;
  c->c.nupvalues = cast_byte(nelems);
  return c;

Closure *luaF_newLclosure (lua_State *L, int nelems, Table *e) {
  Closure *c = cast(Closure *, luaM_malloc(L, sizeLclosure(nelems)));
  luaC_link(L, obj2gco(c), LUA_TFUNCTION);
  c->l.isC = 0;
  c->l.env = e;
  c->l.nupvalues = cast_byte(nelems);
  while (nelems--) c->l.upvals[nelems] = NULL;
  return c;

UpVal *luaF_newupval (lua_State *L) {
  UpVal *uv = luaM_new(L, UpVal);
  luaC_link(L, obj2gco(uv), LUA_TUPVAL);
  uv->v = &uv->u.value;
  return uv;

UpVal *luaF_findupval (lua_State *L, StkId level) {
  global_State *g = G(L);
  GCObject **pp = &L->openupval;
  UpVal *p;
  UpVal *uv;
  while (*pp != NULL && (p = ngcotouv(*pp))->v >= level) {
    lua_assert(p->v != &p->u.value);
    if (p->v == level) {  /* found a corresponding upvalue? */
      if (isdead(g, obj2gco(p)))  /* is it dead? */
        changewhite(obj2gco(p));  /* ressurect it */
      return p;
    pp = &p->next;
  uv = luaM_new(L, UpVal);  /* not found: create a new one */
  uv->tt = LUA_TUPVAL;
  uv->marked = luaC_white(g);
  uv->v = level;  /* current value lives in the stack */
  uv->next = *pp;  /* chain it in the proper position */
  *pp = obj2gco(uv);
  uv->u.l.prev = &g->uvhead;  /* double link it in `uvhead' list */
  uv->u.l.next = g->uvhead.u.l.next;
  uv->u.l.next->u.l.prev = uv;
  g->uvhead.u.l.next = uv;
  lua_assert(uv->u.l.next->u.l.prev == uv && uv->u.l.prev->u.l.next == uv);
  return uv;

static void unlinkupval (UpVal *uv) {
  lua_assert(uv->u.l.next->u.l.prev == uv && uv->u.l.prev->u.l.next == uv);
  uv->u.l.next->u.l.prev = uv->u.l.prev;  /* remove from `uvhead' list */
  uv->u.l.prev->u.l.next = uv->u.l.next;

void luaF_freeupval (lua_State *L, UpVal *uv) {
  if (uv->v != &uv->u.value)  /* is it open? */
    unlinkupval(uv);  /* remove from open list */
  luaM_free(L, uv);  /* free upvalue */

void luaF_close (lua_State *L, StkId level) {
  UpVal *uv;
  global_State *g = G(L);
  while (L->openupval != NULL && (uv = ngcotouv(L->openupval))->v >= level) {
    GCObject *o = obj2gco(uv);
    lua_assert(!isblack(o) && uv->v != &uv->u.value);
    L->openupval = uv->next;  /* remove from `open' list */
    if (isdead(g, o))
      luaF_freeupval(L, uv);  /* free upvalue */
    else {
      setobj(L, &uv->u.value, uv->v);
      uv->v = &uv->u.value;  /* now current value lives here */
      luaC_linkupval(L, uv);  /* link upvalue into `gcroot' list */

Proto *luaF_newproto (lua_State *L) {
  Proto *f = luaM_new(L, Proto);
  luaC_link(L, obj2gco(f), LUA_TPROTO);
  f->k = NULL;
  f->sizek = 0;
  f->p = NULL;
  f->sizep = 0;
  f->code = NULL;
  f->sizecode = 0;
  f->sizelineinfo = 0;
  f->sizeupvalues = 0;
  f->nups = 0;
  f->upvalues = NULL;
  f->numparams = 0;
  f->is_vararg = 0;
  f->maxstacksize = 0;
  f->lineinfo = NULL;
  f->sizelocvars = 0;
  f->locvars = NULL;
  f->linedefined = 0;
  f->lastlinedefined = 0;
  f->source = NULL;
  return f;

void luaF_freeproto (lua_State *L, Proto *f) {
  luaM_freearray(L, f->code, f->sizecode, Instruction);
  luaM_freearray(L, f->p, f->sizep, Proto *);
  luaM_freearray(L, f->k, f->sizek, TValue);
  luaM_freearray(L, f->lineinfo, f->sizelineinfo, int);
  luaM_freearray(L, f->locvars, f->sizelocvars, struct LocVar);
  luaM_freearray(L, f->upvalues, f->sizeupvalues, TString *);
  luaM_free(L, f);

void luaF_freeclosure (lua_State *L, Closure *c) {
  int size = (c->c.isC) ? sizeCclosure(c->c.nupvalues) :
  luaM_freemem(L, c, size);

** Look for n-th local variable at line `line' in function `func'.
** Returns NULL if not found.
const char *luaF_getlocalname (const Proto *f, int local_number, int pc) {
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i<f->sizelocvars && f->locvars[i].startpc <= pc; i++) {
    if (pc < f->locvars[i].endpc) {  /* is variable active? */
      if (local_number == 0)
        return getstr(f->locvars[i].varname);
  return NULL;  /* not found */