author sheepluva
Thu, 16 Jan 2014 19:50:18 +0100
changeset 9994 8455993a7a1b
parent 9977 e2ecde00b2a7
child 10005 800d1bd9021a
permissions -rw-r--r--
* allow telling cmake where to find required fonts in system when user supplies the paths, as suggested by unC0Rr, e.g. -DFONTS_DIRS='/usr/share/fonts/truetype/wqy;/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu' * the build system will use the paths to lookup fonts and install those not found * the engine will load the paths into physfs (mountpoint /Fonts) to make the fonts available at runtime * overriding fonts in packages should be possible again now

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

module JoinsMonitor(
    , newJoinMonitor
    , cleanup
    , joinsSentry
    ) where

import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Time
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad

newtype JoinsMonitor = JoinsMonitor (IORef (Map.Map B.ByteString [UTCTime]))

newJoinMonitor :: IO JoinsMonitor
newJoinMonitor = do
    ioref <- newIORef Map.empty
    return (JoinsMonitor ioref)

cleanup :: JoinsMonitor -> UTCTime -> IO ()
cleanup (JoinsMonitor ref) time = modifyIORef' ref f
        f = Map.mapMaybe (\v -> let v' = takeWhile (\t -> diffUTCTime time t < 60*60) v in if null v' then Nothing else Just v')

joinsSentry :: JoinsMonitor -> B.ByteString -> UTCTime -> IO Bool
joinsSentry (JoinsMonitor ref) host time = do
    m <- readIORef ref
    let lastJoins = map (diffUTCTime time) $ Map.findWithDefault [] host m
    let last30sec = length $ takeWhile (< 30) lastJoins
    let last2min = length $ takeWhile (< 120) lastJoins
    let last10min = length $ takeWhile (< 600) lastJoins
    let pass = last30sec < 2 && last2min < 4 && last10min < 6

    when pass $ writeIORef ref $ Map.alter (Just . (:) time . fromMaybe []) host m

    return pass