author nemo
Sun, 03 Jun 2012 23:04:21 -0400
changeset 7174 80480d21e6ed
parent 5172 88f2e05288ba
permissions -rw-r--r--
Workaround for bug #144. This workaround had occurred to me a while ago, but wasn't sure if placing them unfairly was better than not placing them at all. Argument for not placing at all is people should probably abort the game when they notice it. Argument for placing unfairly is people can still abort, and if we really wanted them to abort, we should probably just have halted launch if all hogs failed to spawn. This way at least play can continue.

/*                                                                         */
/*  pshalgo.h                                                              */
/*                                                                         */
/*    PostScript hinting algorithm (specification).                        */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2008 by                                    */
/*  David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.                      */
/*                                                                         */
/*  This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used,       */
/*  modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project      */
/*  license, LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute     */
/*  this file you indicate that you have read the license and              */
/*  understand and accept it fully.                                        */
/*                                                                         */

#ifndef __PSHALGO_H__
#define __PSHALGO_H__

#include "pshrec.h"
#include "pshglob.h"


  /* handle to Hint structure */
  typedef struct PSH_HintRec_*  PSH_Hint;

  /* hint bit-flags */
  typedef enum  PSH_Hint_Flags_

  } PSH_Hint_Flags;

#define psh_hint_is_active( x )  ( ( (x)->flags & PSH_HINT_ACTIVE ) != 0 )
#define psh_hint_is_ghost( x )   ( ( (x)->flags & PSH_HINT_GHOST  ) != 0 )
#define psh_hint_is_fitted( x )  ( ( (x)->flags & PSH_HINT_FITTED ) != 0 )

#define psh_hint_activate( x )    (x)->flags |=  PSH_HINT_ACTIVE
#define psh_hint_deactivate( x )  (x)->flags &= ~PSH_HINT_ACTIVE
#define psh_hint_set_fitted( x )  (x)->flags |=  PSH_HINT_FITTED

  /* hint structure */
  typedef struct  PSH_HintRec_
    FT_Int    org_pos;
    FT_Int    org_len;
    FT_Pos    cur_pos;
    FT_Pos    cur_len;
    FT_UInt   flags;
    PSH_Hint  parent;
    FT_Int    order;

  } PSH_HintRec;

  /* this is an interpolation zone used for strong points;  */
  /* weak points are interpolated according to their strong */
  /* neighbours                                             */
  typedef struct  PSH_ZoneRec_
    FT_Fixed  scale;
    FT_Fixed  delta;
    FT_Pos    min;
    FT_Pos    max;

  } PSH_ZoneRec, *PSH_Zone;

  typedef struct  PSH_Hint_TableRec_
    FT_UInt        max_hints;
    FT_UInt        num_hints;
    PSH_Hint       hints;
    PSH_Hint*      sort;
    PSH_Hint*      sort_global;
    FT_UInt        num_zones;
    PSH_ZoneRec*   zones;
    PSH_Zone       zone;
    PS_Mask_Table  hint_masks;
    PS_Mask_Table  counter_masks;

  } PSH_Hint_TableRec, *PSH_Hint_Table;

  typedef struct PSH_PointRec_*    PSH_Point;
  typedef struct PSH_ContourRec_*  PSH_Contour;

    PSH_DIR_NONE  =  4,
    PSH_DIR_UP    = -1,
    PSH_DIR_DOWN  =  1,
    PSH_DIR_LEFT  = -2,
    PSH_DIR_RIGHT =  2

#define PSH_DIR_VERTICAL    1

#define PSH_DIR_COMPARE( d1, d2 )   ( (d1) == (d2) || (d1) == -(d2) )

 /* the following bit-flags are computed once by the glyph */
 /* analyzer, for both dimensions                          */
    PSH_POINT_OFF    = 1,   /* point is off the curve */
    PSH_POINT_SMOOTH = 2,   /* point is smooth        */
    PSH_POINT_INFLEX = 4    /* point is inflection    */

#define psh_point_is_smooth( p )  ( (p)->flags & PSH_POINT_SMOOTH )
#define psh_point_is_off( p )     ( (p)->flags & PSH_POINT_OFF    )
#define psh_point_is_inflex( p )  ( (p)->flags & PSH_POINT_INFLEX )

#define psh_point_set_smooth( p )  (p)->flags |= PSH_POINT_SMOOTH
#define psh_point_set_off( p )     (p)->flags |= PSH_POINT_OFF
#define psh_point_set_inflex( p )  (p)->flags |= PSH_POINT_INFLEX

  /* the following bit-flags are re-computed for each dimension */
    PSH_POINT_STRONG   = 16,   /* point is strong                           */
    PSH_POINT_FITTED   = 32,   /* point is already fitted                   */
    PSH_POINT_EXTREMUM = 64,   /* point is local extremum                   */
    PSH_POINT_POSITIVE = 128,  /* extremum has positive contour flow        */
    PSH_POINT_NEGATIVE = 256,  /* extremum has negative contour flow        */
    PSH_POINT_EDGE_MIN = 512,  /* point is aligned to left/bottom stem edge */
    PSH_POINT_EDGE_MAX = 1024  /* point is aligned to top/right stem edge   */

#define psh_point_is_strong( p )    ( (p)->flags2 & PSH_POINT_STRONG )
#define psh_point_is_fitted( p )    ( (p)->flags2 & PSH_POINT_FITTED )
#define psh_point_is_extremum( p )  ( (p)->flags2 & PSH_POINT_EXTREMUM )
#define psh_point_is_positive( p )  ( (p)->flags2 & PSH_POINT_POSITIVE )
#define psh_point_is_negative( p )  ( (p)->flags2 & PSH_POINT_NEGATIVE )
#define psh_point_is_edge_min( p )  ( (p)->flags2 & PSH_POINT_EDGE_MIN )
#define psh_point_is_edge_max( p )  ( (p)->flags2 & PSH_POINT_EDGE_MAX )

#define psh_point_set_strong( p )    (p)->flags2 |= PSH_POINT_STRONG
#define psh_point_set_fitted( p )    (p)->flags2 |= PSH_POINT_FITTED
#define psh_point_set_extremum( p )  (p)->flags2 |= PSH_POINT_EXTREMUM
#define psh_point_set_positive( p )  (p)->flags2 |= PSH_POINT_POSITIVE
#define psh_point_set_negative( p )  (p)->flags2 |= PSH_POINT_NEGATIVE
#define psh_point_set_edge_min( p )  (p)->flags2 |= PSH_POINT_EDGE_MIN
#define psh_point_set_edge_max( p )  (p)->flags2 |= PSH_POINT_EDGE_MAX

  typedef struct  PSH_PointRec_
    PSH_Point    prev;
    PSH_Point    next;
    PSH_Contour  contour;
    FT_UInt      flags;
    FT_UInt      flags2;
    FT_Char      dir_in;
    FT_Char      dir_out;
    FT_Angle     angle_in;
    FT_Angle     angle_out;
    PSH_Hint     hint;
    FT_Pos       org_u;
    FT_Pos       org_v;
    FT_Pos       cur_u;
    FT_Pos       org_x;
    FT_Pos       cur_x;
    FT_Pos       org_y;
    FT_Pos       cur_y;
    FT_UInt      flags_x;
    FT_UInt      flags_y;

  } PSH_PointRec;

#define PSH_POINT_EQUAL_ORG( a, b )  ( (a)->org_u == (b)->org_u && \
                                       (a)->org_v == (b)->org_v )

#define PSH_POINT_ANGLE( a, b )  FT_Atan2( (b)->org_u - (a)->org_u,  \
                                           (b)->org_v - (a)->org_v )

  typedef struct  PSH_ContourRec_
    PSH_Point  start;
    FT_UInt    count;

  } PSH_ContourRec;

  typedef struct  PSH_GlyphRec_
    FT_UInt            num_points;
    FT_UInt            num_contours;

    PSH_Point          points;
    PSH_Contour        contours;

    FT_Memory          memory;
    FT_Outline*        outline;
    PSH_Globals        globals;
    PSH_Hint_TableRec  hint_tables[2];

    FT_Bool            vertical;
    FT_Int             major_dir;
    FT_Int             minor_dir;

    FT_Bool            do_horz_hints;
    FT_Bool            do_vert_hints;
    FT_Bool            do_horz_snapping;
    FT_Bool            do_vert_snapping;
    FT_Bool            do_stem_adjust;

  } PSH_GlyphRec, *PSH_Glyph;

  extern PSH_Hint_Table  ps_debug_hint_table;

  typedef void
  (*PSH_HintFunc)( PSH_Hint  hint,
                   FT_Bool   vertical );

  extern PSH_HintFunc    ps_debug_hint_func;

  extern PSH_Glyph       ps_debug_glyph;

  extern FT_Error
  ps_hints_apply( PS_Hints        ps_hints,
                  FT_Outline*     outline,
                  PSH_Globals     globals,
                  FT_Render_Mode  hint_mode );


#endif /* __PSHALGO_H__ */

/* END */