(* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Andrey Korotaev <unC0Rr@gmail.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA *)unit uLandGraphics;interfaceuses uFloat, uConsts;{$INCLUDE options.inc}type PRangeArray = ^TRangeArray; TRangeArray = array[0..31] of record Left, Right: LongInt; end;procedure DrawExplosion(X, Y, Radius: LongInt);procedure DrawHLinesExplosions(ar: PRangeArray; Radius: LongInt; y, dY: LongInt; Count: Byte);procedure DrawTunnel(X, Y, dX, dY: hwFloat; ticks, HalfWidth: LongInt);procedure FillRoundInLand(X, Y, Radius: LongInt; Value: Longword);procedure ChangeRoundInLand(X, Y, Radius: LongInt; doSet: boolean);function TryPlaceOnLand(cpX, cpY: LongInt; Obj: TSprite; Frame: LongInt; doPlace: boolean): boolean;implementationuses SDLh, uMisc, uLand;procedure FillCircleLines(x, y, dx, dy: LongInt; Value: Longword);var i: LongInt;beginif ((y + dy) and $FFFFFC00) = 0 then for i:= max(x - dx, 0) to min(x + dx, 2047) do Land[y + dy, i]:= Value;if ((y - dy) and $FFFFFC00) = 0 then for i:= max(x - dx, 0) to min(x + dx, 2047) do Land[y - dy, i]:= Value;if ((y + dx) and $FFFFFC00) = 0 then for i:= max(x - dy, 0) to min(x + dy, 2047) do Land[y + dx, i]:= Value;if ((y - dx) and $FFFFFC00) = 0 then for i:= max(x - dy, 0) to min(x + dy, 2047) do Land[y - dx, i]:= Value;end;procedure ChangeCircleLines(x, y, dx, dy: LongInt; doSet: boolean);var i: LongInt;beginif not doSet then begin if ((y + dy) and $FFFFFC00) = 0 then for i:= max(x - dx, 0) to min(x + dx, 2047) do if (Land[y + dy, i] > 0) then dec(Land[y + dy, i]); // check > 0 because explosion can erase collision data if ((y - dy) and $FFFFFC00) = 0 then for i:= max(x - dx, 0) to min(x + dx, 2047) do if (Land[y - dy, i] > 0) then dec(Land[y - dy, i]); if ((y + dx) and $FFFFFC00) = 0 then for i:= max(x - dy, 0) to min(x + dy, 2047) do if (Land[y + dx, i] > 0) then dec(Land[y + dx, i]); if ((y - dx) and $FFFFFC00) = 0 then for i:= max(x - dy, 0) to min(x + dy, 2047) do if (Land[y - dx, i] > 0) then dec(Land[y - dx, i]); end else begin if ((y + dy) and $FFFFFC00) = 0 then for i:= max(x - dx, 0) to min(x + dx, 2047) do inc(Land[y + dy, i]); if ((y - dy) and $FFFFFC00) = 0 then for i:= max(x - dx, 0) to min(x + dx, 2047) do inc(Land[y - dy, i]); if ((y + dx) and $FFFFFC00) = 0 then for i:= max(x - dy, 0) to min(x + dy, 2047) do inc(Land[y + dx, i]); if ((y - dx) and $FFFFFC00) = 0 then for i:= max(x - dy, 0) to min(x + dy, 2047) do inc(Land[y - dx, i]); endend;procedure FillRoundInLand(X, Y, Radius: LongInt; Value: Longword);var dx, dy, d: LongInt;begin dx:= 0; dy:= Radius; d:= 3 - 2 * Radius; while (dx < dy) do begin FillCircleLines(x, y, dx, dy, Value); if (d < 0) then d:= d + 4 * dx + 6 else begin d:= d + 4 * (dx - dy) + 10; dec(dy) end; inc(dx) end; if (dx = dy) then FillCircleLines(x, y, dx, dy, Value);end;procedure ChangeRoundInLand(X, Y, Radius: LongInt; doSet: boolean);var dx, dy, d: LongInt;begin dx:= 0; dy:= Radius; d:= 3 - 2 * Radius; while (dx < dy) do begin ChangeCircleLines(x, y, dx, dy, doSet); if (d < 0) then d:= d + 4 * dx + 6 else begin d:= d + 4 * (dx - dy) + 10; dec(dy) end; inc(dx) end; if (dx = dy) then ChangeCircleLines(x, y, dx, dy, doSet)end;procedure FillLandCircleLines0(x, y, dx, dy: LongInt);var i: LongInt;beginif ((y + dy) and $FFFFFC00) = 0 then for i:= max(x - dx, 0) to min(x + dx, 2047) do LandPixels[y + dy, i]:= 0;if ((y - dy) and $FFFFFC00) = 0 then for i:= max(x - dx, 0) to min(x + dx, 2047) do LandPixels[y - dy, i]:= 0;if ((y + dx) and $FFFFFC00) = 0 then for i:= max(x - dy, 0) to min(x + dy, 2047) do LandPixels[y + dx, i]:= 0;if ((y - dx) and $FFFFFC00) = 0 then for i:= max(x - dy, 0) to min(x + dy, 2047) do LandPixels[y - dx, i]:= 0;end;procedure FillLandCircleLinesEBC(x, y, dx, dy: LongInt);var i: LongInt;beginif ((y + dy) and $FFFFFC00) = 0 then for i:= max(x - dx, 0) to min(x + dx, 2047) do if Land[y + dy, i] = COLOR_LAND then LandPixels[y + dy, i]:= cExplosionBorderColor;if ((y - dy) and $FFFFFC00) = 0 then for i:= max(x - dx, 0) to min(x + dx, 2047) do if Land[y - dy, i] = COLOR_LAND then LandPixels[y - dy, i]:= cExplosionBorderColor;if ((y + dx) and $FFFFFC00) = 0 then for i:= max(x - dy, 0) to min(x + dy, 2047) do if Land[y + dx, i] = COLOR_LAND then LandPixels[y + dx, i]:= cExplosionBorderColor;if ((y - dx) and $FFFFFC00) = 0 then for i:= max(x - dy, 0) to min(x + dy, 2047) do if Land[y - dx, i] = COLOR_LAND then LandPixels[y - dx, i]:= cExplosionBorderColor;end;procedure DrawExplosion(X, Y, Radius: LongInt);var dx, dy, d: LongInt;beginFillRoundInLand(X, Y, Radius, 0); dx:= 0; dy:= Radius; d:= 3 - 2 * Radius; while (dx < dy) do begin FillLandCircleLines0(x, y, dx, dy); if (d < 0) then d:= d + 4 * dx + 6 else begin d:= d + 4 * (dx - dy) + 10; dec(dy) end; inc(dx) end; if (dx = dy) then FillLandCircleLines0(x, y, dx, dy); inc(Radius, 4); dx:= 0; dy:= Radius; d:= 3 - 2 * Radius; while (dx < dy) do begin FillLandCircleLinesEBC(x, y, dx, dy); if (d < 0) then d:= d + 4 * dx + 6 else begin d:= d + 4 * (dx - dy) + 10; dec(dy) end; inc(dx) end; if (dx = dy) then FillLandCircleLinesEBC(x, y, dx, dy);d:= max(Y - Radius - 1, 0);dy:= min(Y + Radius + 1, 1023) - d;UpdateLandTexture(d, dy)end;procedure DrawHLinesExplosions(ar: PRangeArray; Radius: LongInt; y, dY: LongInt; Count: Byte);var tx, ty, i: LongInt;beginfor i:= 0 to Pred(Count) do begin for ty:= max(y - Radius, 0) to min(y + Radius, 1023) do for tx:= max(0, ar^[i].Left - Radius) to min(2047, ar^[i].Right + Radius) do LandPixels[ty, tx]:= 0; inc(y, dY) end;inc(Radius, 4);dec(y, Count * dY);for i:= 0 to Pred(Count) do begin for ty:= max(y - Radius, 0) to min(y + Radius, 1023) do for tx:= max(0, ar^[i].Left - Radius) to min(2047, ar^[i].Right + Radius) do if Land[ty, tx] = $FFFFFF then LandPixels[ty, tx]:= cExplosionBorderColor; inc(y, dY) end;UpdateLandTexture(0, 1023)end;//// - (dX, dY) - direction, vector of length = 0.5//procedure DrawTunnel(X, Y, dX, dY: hwFloat; ticks, HalfWidth: LongInt);var nx, ny, dX8, dY8: hwFloat; i, t, tx, ty, stY: Longint;begin // (-dY, dX) is (dX, dY) rotated by PI/2stY:= hwRound(Y);nx:= X + dY * (HalfWidth + 8);ny:= Y - dX * (HalfWidth + 8);dX8:= dX * 8;dY8:= dY * 8;for i:= 0 to 7 do begin X:= nx - dX8; Y:= ny - dY8; for t:= -8 to ticks + 8 do {$include tunsetborder.inc} nx:= nx - dY; ny:= ny + dX; end;for i:= -HalfWidth to HalfWidth do begin X:= nx - dX8; Y:= ny - dY8; for t:= 0 to 7 do {$include tunsetborder.inc} X:= nx; Y:= ny; for t:= 0 to ticks do begin X:= X + dX; Y:= Y + dY; tx:= hwRound(X); ty:= hwRound(Y); if ((ty and $FFFFFC00) = 0) and ((tx and $FFFFF800) = 0) then if Land[ty, tx] = COLOR_LAND then begin Land[ty, tx]:= 0; LandPixels[ty, tx]:= 0; end end; for t:= 0 to 7 do {$include tunsetborder.inc} nx:= nx - dY; ny:= ny + dX; end;for i:= 0 to 7 do begin X:= nx - dX8; Y:= ny - dY8; for t:= -8 to ticks + 8 do {$include tunsetborder.inc} nx:= nx - dY; ny:= ny + dX; end;t:= max(stY - HalfWidth * 2 - 4 - abs(hwRound(dY * ticks)), 0);ty:= min(stY + HalfWidth * 2 + 4 + abs(hwRound(dY * ticks)), 1023) - t;UpdateLandTexture(t, ty)end;function TryPlaceOnLand(cpX, cpY: LongInt; Obj: TSprite; Frame: LongInt; doPlace: boolean): boolean;var X, Y, bpp, h, w: LongInt; p: PByteArray; Image: PSDL_Surface;beginTryDo(SpritesData[Obj].Surface <> nil, 'Assert SpritesData[Obj].Surface failed', true);Image:= SpritesData[Obj].Surface;w:= SpritesData[Obj].Width;h:= SpritesData[Obj].Height;if SDL_MustLock(Image) then SDLTry(SDL_LockSurface(Image) >= 0, true);bpp:= Image^.format^.BytesPerPixel;TryDo(bpp = 4, 'It should be 32 bpp sprite', true);// Check that sprite fits free spacep:= @(PByteArray(Image^.pixels)^[Image^.pitch * Frame * h]);case bpp of 4: for y:= 0 to Pred(h) do begin for x:= 0 to Pred(w) do if PLongword(@(p^[x * 4]))^ <> 0 then if (((cpY + y) and $FFFFFC00) <> 0) or (((cpX + x) and $FFFFF800) <> 0) or (Land[cpY + y, cpX + x] <> 0) then begin if SDL_MustLock(Image) then SDL_UnlockSurface(Image); exit(false) end; p:= @(p^[Image^.pitch]); end; end;TryPlaceOnLand:= true;if not doPlace then begin if SDL_MustLock(Image) then SDL_UnlockSurface(Image); exit end;// Checked, now placep:= @(PByteArray(Image^.pixels)^[Image^.pitch * Frame * h]);case bpp of 4: for y:= 0 to Pred(h) do begin for x:= 0 to Pred(w) do if PLongword(@(p^[x * 4]))^ <> 0 then begin Land[cpY + y, cpX + x]:= COLOR_LAND; LandPixels[cpY + y, cpX + x]:= PLongword(@(p^[x * 4]))^ end; p:= @(p^[Image^.pitch]); end; end;if SDL_MustLock(Image) then SDL_UnlockSurface(Image);y:= max(cpY, 0);h:= min(cpY + Image^.h, 1023) - y;UpdateLandTexture(y, h)end;end.