author Wuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru>
Thu, 25 Apr 2019 19:42:19 +0200
changeset 14837 769189675b6c
parent 14377 b6824a53d4b1
child 14859 aed75d439027
permissions -rw-r--r--
Add lookup table for Hedgewars key IDs instead of generating IDs on the fly This makes sure the key IDs never change. Previous implementation abused SDL_GetScancodeName to generate the IDs programmatically, which was not reliable and explicitly adviced against in the SDL documentation <https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_GetScancodeName#Remarks>.

import QtQuick 2.7
import Hedgewars.Engine 1.0

Page1Form {
  property var hwEngine

  Component {
    id: hwEngineComponent

    HWEngine {
      engineLibrary: "./libhedgewars_engine.so"
      previewAcceptor: PreviewAcceptor
      onPreviewImageChanged: previewImage.source = "image://preview/image"
      onPreviewIsRendering: previewImage.source = "qrc:/res/iconTime.png"

  Component.onCompleted: {
    hwEngine = hwEngineComponent.createObject()

  tickButton.onClicked: {
  gameButton.onClicked: {
    var engineInstance = hwEngine.runQuickGame()
    gameView.engineInstance = engineInstance
  button1.onClicked: {