author nemo
Sat, 09 Jun 2012 10:28:45 -0400
changeset 7208 62e36dc45098
parent 4996 76ef3d8bd78e
child 7331 0e50456d652c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Ignore all objects for fall tracing with shove to avoid considering checkins as obstacles. many objects will get knocked by the kick anyway, so end result should be pretty good. Oh, and ditch the sniper rifle doubling.

{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables, OverloadedStrings #-}
module OfficialServer.DBInteraction
) where

import Prelude hiding (catch);
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Data.List as L
import Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
#if defined(OFFICIAL_SERVER)
import System.Process
import System.IO as SIO
import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time
import System.Log.Logger
import CoreTypes
#if defined(OFFICIAL_SERVER)
import Utils

localAddressList :: [B.ByteString]
localAddressList = ["", "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1", "0:0:0:0:0:ffff:7f00:1"]

fakeDbConnection :: forall b. ServerInfo -> IO b
fakeDbConnection si = forever $ do
    q <- readChan $ dbQueries si
    case q of
        CheckAccount clId clUid _ clHost ->
            writeChan (coreChan si) $ ClientAccountInfo clId clUid (if clHost `L.elem` localAddressList then Admin else Guest)
        ClearCache -> return ()
        SendStats {} -> return ()

dbConnectionLoop :: ServerInfo -> IO ()

#if defined(OFFICIAL_SERVER)
flushRequests :: ServerInfo -> IO ()
flushRequests si = do
    e <- isEmptyChan $ dbQueries si
    unless e $ do
        q <- readChan $ dbQueries si
        case q of
            CheckAccount clId clUid _ clHost ->
                writeChan (coreChan si) $ ClientAccountInfo clId clUid (if clHost `L.elem` localAddressList then Admin else Guest)
            ClearCache -> return ()
            SendStats {} -> return ()
        flushRequests si

pipeDbConnectionLoop :: Chan DBQuery -> Chan CoreMessage -> Handle -> Handle -> Map.Map ByteString (UTCTime, AccountInfo) -> Int -> IO (Map.Map ByteString (UTCTime, AccountInfo), Int)
pipeDbConnectionLoop queries cChan hIn hOut accountsCache req =
    Exception.handle (\(e :: Exception.IOException) -> warningM "Database" (show e) >> return (accountsCache, req)) $
    q <- readChan queries
    (updatedCache, newReq) <- case q of
        CheckAccount clId clUid clNick _ -> do
            let cacheEntry = clNick `Map.lookup` accountsCache
            currentTime <- getCurrentTime
            if (isNothing cacheEntry) || (currentTime `diffUTCTime` (fst . fromJust) cacheEntry > 2 * 24 * 60 * 60) then
                    SIO.hPutStrLn hIn $ show q
                    hFlush hIn

                    (clId', clUid', accountInfo) <- SIO.hGetLine hOut >>= (maybeException . maybeRead)

                    writeChan cChan $ ClientAccountInfo clId' clUid' accountInfo

                    return $ (Map.insert clNick (currentTime, accountInfo) accountsCache, req + 1)
                    (unGetChan queries q)
                    writeChan cChan $ ClientAccountInfo clId clUid (snd $ fromJust cacheEntry)
                    return (accountsCache, req)

        ClearCache -> return (Map.empty, req)
        SendStats {} -> (
                (SIO.hPutStrLn hIn $ show q) >>
                hFlush hIn >>
                return (accountsCache, req))
                (unGetChan queries q)

    pipeDbConnectionLoop queries cChan hIn hOut updatedCache newReq
        maybeException (Just a) = return a
        maybeException Nothing = ioError (userError "Can't read")

pipeDbConnection ::
        Map.Map ByteString (UTCTime, AccountInfo)
        -> ServerInfo
        -> Int
        -> IO ()

pipeDbConnection accountsCache si errNum = do
    (updatedCache, newErrNum) <-
        Exception.handle (\(e :: Exception.IOException) -> warningM "Database" (show e) >> return (accountsCache, errNum + 1)) $ do
            (Just hIn, Just hOut, _, _) <- createProcess (proc "./OfficialServer/extdbinterface" [])
                    {std_in = CreatePipe,
                    std_out = CreatePipe}
            hSetBuffering hIn LineBuffering
            hSetBuffering hOut LineBuffering

            B.hPutStrLn hIn $ dbHost si
            B.hPutStrLn hIn $ dbName si
            B.hPutStrLn hIn $ dbLogin si
            B.hPutStrLn hIn $ dbPassword si
            (c, r) <- pipeDbConnectionLoop (dbQueries si) (coreChan si) hIn hOut accountsCache 0
            return (c, if r > 0 then 0 else errNum + 1)

    when (newErrNum > 1) $ flushRequests si
    threadDelay (3000000)
    pipeDbConnection updatedCache si newErrNum

dbConnectionLoop si =
        if (not . B.null $ dbHost si) then
            pipeDbConnection Map.empty si 0
            fakeDbConnection si
dbConnectionLoop = fakeDbConnection

startDBConnection :: ServerInfo -> IO ()
startDBConnection serverInfo =
    forkIO (dbConnectionLoop serverInfo) >> return ()