frontlib: Intermittent commit. Things are still in flux but we're getting there :)
* Functions for managing a list of schemes.
* This is in here because the scheme config file of the QtFrontend (which we are staying compatble with) contains
* all the schemes at once, so we need functions to work with a list like that.
#include "cfg.h"
typedef struct {
int _referenceCount;
int schemeCount;
flib_cfg **schemes;
} flib_schemelist;
* Load a list of configurations from the ini file.
* Returns NULL on error.
flib_schemelist *flib_schemelist_from_ini(flib_cfg_meta *meta, const char *filename);
* Store the list of configurations to an ini file.
* Returns NULL on error.
int flib_schemelist_to_ini(const char *filename, const flib_schemelist *config);
* Create an empty scheme list. Returns NULL on error.
flib_schemelist *flib_schemelist_create();
* Insert a new scheme into the list at position pos, moving all higher schemes to make place.
* pos must be at least 0 (insert at the start) and at most list->schemeCount (insert at the end).
* The scheme is retained automatically.
* Returns 0 on success.
int flib_schemelist_insert(flib_schemelist *list, flib_cfg *cfg, int pos);
* Delete a cfg from the list at position pos, moving down all higher schemes.
* The scheme is released automatically.
* Returns 0 on success.
int flib_schemelist_delete(flib_schemelist *list, int pos);
* Find the scheme with a specific name
flib_cfg *flib_schemelist_find(flib_schemelist *list, const char *name);
* Increase the reference count of the object. Call this if you store a pointer to it somewhere.
* Returns the parameter.
flib_schemelist *flib_schemelist_retain(flib_schemelist *list);
* Decrease the reference count of the object and free it if this was the last reference.
void flib_schemelist_release(flib_schemelist *list);
#endif /* SCHEMELIST_H_ */