Rope Training: Add flower effects when player returns all the way to the start
HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Locale.lua")HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Tracker.lua")HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Params.lua")--[[Space Invasion=== DOCUMENTATION ===== SCRIPT CONFIGURATION ==You can configure this script a little bit, you only have to edit the game scheme.The script makes heavy use of the script parameters, but you can also use some,but not all, of the other settings in a game scheme.You CAN use the following options:- disable girders (highly recommended!)- disable land objects- random order- solid land- low gravity (makes this game much easier, but this script is probably not optimized for it yet)- bottom border- fort mode (just changes the landscape)- teams start at opposite parts of land- wind affects almost everythingThose options are also possible, but have no real gameplay effect:- disable wind- tag team- king mode (here it only changes hats, so this is just for fun)- vampiric (has no real gameplay effect; just for the grapical effect)- full border (it’s techincally possible, but the script is currently not very well optimized for this mode)You CANNOT use any other of the on/off options in the game scheme. Those settings are simply discarded by the script.You also can change the following settings in the game scheme:- time per round (very important)- script parameters, see belowThe other settings are technically possible, but their effect is limited:- damage percentage- mines/air mines (they don’t harm the active hedgehog, however)- number of barrelsAll other variables are discarded, the script forces its own settings.There will be never Sudden Death, any crate drops, any mines and anybarrels.== SCRIPT PARAMETERS ==This script can be configured mostly with the script parameters.The script parameters are specified in a key=value format each,and each pair is delimeted by a comma.All values must be integer of 0 or higher. All values are optionaland have a default if unspecifiedList of parameters:- rounds: Number of rounds (default: 3)- shield: Amount of shield you start with (default: 30)- barrels: Amount of ammo (barrels) you start with (default: 5)- pings: How many time you can use the radar per round (default: 2)- barrelbonus: How many barrels you get for collecting/destroning a green invader (default: 3)- shieldbonus: How much shield you get for collecting/destroying a purple invader (default: 30)- timebonus: How many seconds you get for killing a drone (red) (default: 4)- forcetheme: If set to false, the game will use your chosen theme instead of forcing EarthRise- Please note that the game may not be able to be played in some themes if the sky color is very bright (i.e. Bath)Example input for the field “Script parameters”:rounds=5>>> 5 rounds, everything else is defaultforcetheme=false>>> Makes the game use whatever thmeshield=0, barrels=3, pings=0>>> no shield, no radar pings and only 3 barrels (could be some hard mode)(empty string)>>> Use defaults for everything]]---------------------------- TODO list: notes for later---------------------------- imitate winning animation at end instead of just ending the game-- add support for other world edges (they are currently disabled)-- if more weapons are added, replace primshotsfired all over the place-- look for derp and let invaders shoot again-- more weapons? flamer/machineballgun,-- some kind of bomb that just drops straight down-- "fire and forget" missile-- shockwave-- some kind of ability-meter that lets you do something awesome when you are-- doing really well in a given round.-- probably new kind of shield that pops any invaders who come near-- new invader: golden snitch, doesn't show up on your radar-- maybe replace (48/100*SI.vCircRadius[i])/2 with something better--------------------- CAPTION TYPES -----------------------[[The captions have been carefully assigned to avoid overlapping.capgrpMessage: Basic bonuses for a simple action, rounds completecapgrpMessage2: Extended bonus, awarded for repeating a basic bonuscapgrpVolume: X-Hit CombocapgrpGameState: End of turn information, kamikaze achievementscapgrpAmmoinfo: Ammo type at start of turn; Multi-shot, Shield MisercapgrpAmmostate: Remaining ammo, depleted ammo; Accuracy Bonus, Sniper, They Call Me Bullseye, Point Blank Combo]]------- CODE FOLLOWS ------------------------------------------- so I herd u liek wariables------------------------------------ The table that holds the Space Invasion variableslocal SI = {}SI.fMod = 1000000 -- use this for dev and .16+ games-- Tag IDsSI.TAG_TIME = 0SI.TAG_BARRELS = 1SI.TAG_SHIELD = 2SI.TAG_ROUND_SCORE = 4-- some console stuffSI.shellID = 0SI.explosivesID = 0-- gaudyRacerSI.boosterOn = falseSI.preciseOn = falseSI.roundLimit = 3 -- can be overridden by script parameter "rounds"SI.roundNumber = 0SI.lastRound = -1SI.gameOver = falseSI.gameBegun = false-- for script parameters-- NOTE: If you change this, also change the default “Space Invasion” game schemeSI.startBarrels = 5 -- "barrels"SI.startShield = 30 -- "shield"SI.startRadShots = 2 -- "pings"SI.shieldBonus = 30 -- "shieldbonus"SI.barrelBonus = 3 -- "barrelbonus"SI.timeBonus = 4 -- "timebonus"SI.forceTheme = true -- "forcetheme"---------------------------- hog and team tracking variales--------------------------SI.numhhs = 0SI.hhs = {}SI.teamNameArr = {}SI.teamNameArrReverse = {}SI.teamClan = {}SI.teamSize = {}SI.teamIndex = {}SI.teamScore = {}SI.teamCircsKilled = {}SI.teamSurfer = {}-- stats variablesSI.roundKills = 0SI.roundScore = 0SI.RK = 0SI.GK = 0SI.BK = 0SI.OK = 0SI.SK = 0SI.shieldMiser = trueSI.fierceComp = falseSI.chainCounter = 0SI.chainLength = 0SI.shotsFired = 0SI.shotsHit = 0SI.sniperHits = 0SI.pointBlankHits = 0----------------------- awards (for stats section, just for fun)----------------------- global awardsSI.awardTotalKills=0 -- overall killed invaders (min. 30)-- hog awardsSI.awardRoundScore = nil -- hog with most score in 1 round (min. 50)SI.awardRoundKills = nil -- most kills in 1 round (min. 5)SI.awardAccuracy = nil -- awarded to hog who didn’t miss once in his round, with most kills (min. 5)SI.awardCombo = nil -- hog with longest combo (min. 5)-- Taunt trackersSI.tauntTimer = -1SI.tauntGear = nilSI.tauntSound = nilSI.tauntClanShots = 0 -- hogs of same clans shot in this turn----------------------- tumbler goods---------------------SI.moveTimer = 0SI.leftOn = falseSI.rightOn = falseSI.upOn = falseSI.downOn = false------------------ TUMBLERSI.wep = {}SI.wepAmmo = {}SI.wepIndex = 0SI.wepCount = 0----------------SI.primShotsMax = 5SI.primShotsLeft = 0SI.TimeLeftCounter = 0SI.TimeLeft = 0SI.stopMovement = falseSI.tumbleStarted = falseSI.beam = falseSI.pShield = nilSI.shieldHealth = 0SI.timer100 = 0SI.vTag = {}------------------------------------------------- CIRCLY GOODIES-----------------------------------------------SI.circlesAreGo = falseSI.playerIsFine = trueSI.targetHit = falseSI.fadeAlpha = 0 -- used to fade the circles out gracefully when player diesSI.pTimer = 0 -- tracking projectiles following playerSI.circAdjustTimer = 0 -- handle adjustment of circs directionSI.m2Count = 0 -- handle speed of circsSI.vCirc = {}SI.vCCount = 0SI.rCirc = {}SI.rCircX = {}SI.rCircY = {}SI.rAlpha = 255SI.rPingTimer = 0SI.radShotsLeft = 0SI.vCircActive = {}SI.vCircHealth = {}SI.vType = {}SI.vCounter = {} -- how often this circ gets to "fire" etcSI.vCounterLim = {} -- when SI.vCounter == SI.vCounterLim circle performs its specialSI.vCircScore = {} -- how many points killing this invader givesSI.vCircRadMax = {}SI.vCircRadMin = {}SI.vCircRadDir = {}SI.vCircRadCounter = {}SI.vCircDX = {}SI.vCircDY = {}SI.vCircX = {}SI.vCircY = {}SI.vCircMinA = {}SI.vCircMaxA = {}SI.vCircType = {}SI.vCircPulse = {}SI.vCircFuckAll = {}SI.vCircRadius = {}SI.vCircWidth = {}SI.vCircCol = {}-- Colors-- InvadersSI.colorDrone = 0xFF0000FFSI.colorBoss = 0x0050FFFFSI.colorBossParticle = SI.colorBossSI.colorAmmo = 0x00FF00FFSI.colorShield = 0xA800FFFFSI.colorShieldParticle = SI.colorShieldSI.colorDisabled = 0xFFFFFFFF -- disabled invader at end of turn-- Other SI.colorsSI.colorMsgDepleted = 0xFF0000FFSI.colorMsgBonus = 0xFFBA00FFSI.colorTimer = 0xFFEE00FFSI.colorScore = 0xFFFFFFFF--------------------------------------------- some lazy copypasta/modified methods-------------------------------------------function HideTag(i) SetVisualGearValues(SI.vTag[i],0,0,0,0,0,1,0, 0, 240000, 0xFFFFFF00)endfunction DrawTag(i) local zoomL = 1.3 local xOffset, yOffset, tValue, tCol if i == SI.TAG_TIME then if INTERFACE == "touch" then xOffset = 60 yOffset = ScreenHeight - 35 else xOffset = 40 yOffset = 40 end tCol = SI.colorTimer tValue = SI.TimeLeft elseif i == SI.TAG_BARRELS then zoomL = 1.1 if INTERFACE == "touch" then xOffset = 126 yOffset = ScreenHeight - 37 else xOffset = 40 yOffset = 70 end tCol = SI.colorAmmo tValue = SI.wepAmmo[SI.wepIndex] elseif i == SI.TAG_SHIELD then zoomL = 1.1 if INTERFACE == "touch" then xOffset = 126 + 35 yOffset = ScreenHeight - 37 else xOffset = 40 + 35 yOffset = 70 end tCol = SI.colorShield tValue = SI.shieldHealth - 80 elseif i == SI.TAG_ROUND_SCORE then zoomL = 1.1 if INTERFACE == "touch" then xOffset = 126 + 70 yOffset = ScreenHeight - 37 else xOffset = 40 yOffset = 100 end tCol = SI.colorScore tValue = SI.roundScore end DeleteVisualGear(SI.vTag[i]) SI.vTag[i] = AddVisualGear(0, 0, vgtHealthTag, 0, false) SetVisualGearValues ( SI.vTag[i], --id -(div(ScreenWidth, 2)) + xOffset, --xoffset ScreenHeight - yOffset, --yoffset 0, --dx 0, --dy zoomL, --zoom 1, --~= 0 means align to screen nil, --frameticks tValue, --value 240000, --timer tCol --color )endfunction RebuildTeamInfo() -- make a list of individual team names for i = 0, (TeamsCount-1) do SI.teamSize[i] = 0 SI.teamIndex[i] = 0 SI.teamScore[i] = 0 SI.teamCircsKilled[i] = 0 SI.teamSurfer[i] = false end for i=0, TeamsCount-1 do local name = GetTeamName(i) SI.teamNameArr[i] = name SI.teamNameArrReverse[name] = i end -- find out how many hogs per team, and the index of the first hog in SI.hhs for i = 0, (TeamsCount-1) do for z = 0, (SI.numhhs-1) do if GetHogTeamName(SI.hhs[z]) == SI.teamNameArr[i] then SI.teamClan[i] = GetHogClan(SI.hhs[z]) if SI.teamSize[i] == 0 then SI.teamIndex[i] = z -- should give starting index end SI.teamSize[i] = SI.teamSize[i] + 1 --add a pointer so this hog appears at i in SI.hhs end end end for i=0, TeamsCount-1 do SetTeamLabel(SI.teamNameArr[i], SI.teamScore[i]) endend-- controlfunction AwardPoints(p) SI.roundScore = SI.roundScore + p DrawTag(SI.TAG_ROUND_SCORE) for i = 0,(TeamsCount-1) do if SI.teamClan[i] == GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog) then SI.teamScore[i] = SI.teamScore[i] + p SetTeamLabel(SI.teamNameArr[i], SI.teamScore[i]) end endendfunction AwardKills(t) SI.roundKills = SI.roundKills + 1 for i = 0,(TeamsCount-1) do if SI.teamClan[i] == GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog) then SI.teamCircsKilled[i] = SI.teamCircsKilled[i] + 1 SI.awardTotalKills = SI.awardTotalKills + 1 end endend-----------------function UpdateSimpleAward(oldAward, value, threshold) local awarded = false local newAward if oldAward == nil then if threshold == nil then awarded = true elseif value > threshold then awarded = true end elseif value > oldAward.value then if threshold == nil then awarded = true elseif value > threshold then awarded = true end end if awarded then newAward = { hogName = GetHogName(CurrentHedgehog), teamName = GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog), value = value } else newAward = oldAward end return newAwardend-- Update scoreboard and check victory state.-- Returns 2 bools:-- 1: true if game over-- 2: true if game's not over but we're playing now in tie-breaking phasefunction CommentOnScore() local teamStats = {} for i = 0,(TeamsCount-1) do table.insert(teamStats, {score = SI.teamScore[i], kills = SI.teamCircsKilled[i], name = SI.teamNameArr[i]}) end local scorecomp = function (v1, v2) if v1.score > v2.score then return true else return false end end table.sort(teamStats, scorecomp) local teamComment = {} for i = TeamsCount,1,-1 do local comment if teamStats[i].name ~= " " then local comment = teamStats[i].name .. " |" .. string.format(loc("Score: %d"), teamStats[i].score) .. "|" .. string.format(loc("Kills: %d"), teamStats[i].kills) if i < TeamsCount then comment = comment .. "| |" end table.insert(teamComment, comment) SendStat(siClanHealth, tostring(teamStats[i].score), teamStats[i].name) else comment = "|" end table.insert(teamComment, comment) end local roundLimitHit = SI.roundNumber >= SI.roundLimit local tie = teamStats[1].score == teamStats[2].score local lGameOver = roundLimitHit and (not tie) local entireC = "" for i = TeamsCount,1,-1 do entireC = entireC .. teamComment[i] end local statusText, scoreText -- Game is over if lGameOver then statusText = loc("Game over!") scoreText = loc("Final team scores:") -- Round is over and game is not yet complete elseif not roundLimitHit then AddCaption(string.format(loc("Rounds complete: %d/%d"), SI.roundNumber, SI.roundLimit), capcolDefault, capgrpMessage) return lGameOver, false -- Teams are tied for the lead at the end elseif roundLimitHit and tie then local tieBreakingRound = SI.roundNumber - SI.roundLimit + 1 local msg if tieBreakingRound == 1 then msg = loc("Teams are tied! Continue playing rounds until we have a winner!") else msg = string.format(loc("Tie-breaking round %d"), tieBreakingRound) end AddCaption(msg, capcolDefault, capgrpMessage) return lGameOver, true end local displayTime if lGameOver then displayTime = 20000 else displayTime = 1 end local icon if lGameOver then icon = 4 else icon = 2 end ShowMission( loc("Space Invasion"), statusText, string.format(loc("Rounds complete: %d/%d"), SI.roundNumber, SI.roundLimit) .. "| " .. "|" .. scoreText .. " |" ..entireC, icon, displayTime) if lGameOver then local winnerTeam = teamStats[1].name AddCaption(string.format(loc("%s wins!"), winnerTeam), capcolDefault, capgrpGameState) SendStat(siGameResult, string.format(loc("%s wins!"), winnerTeam)) for i = 1, TeamsCount do SendStat(siPointType, "!POINTS") SendStat(siPlayerKills, tostring(teamStats[i].score), teamStats[i].name) end local killscomp = function (v1, v2) if v1.kills > v2.kills then return true else return false end end--[[ Award some awards (just for fun, its for the stats screen onlyand has no effect on the score or game outcome. ]] local awardsGiven = 0 if SI.roundNumber == SI.roundLimit + 1 then SendStat(siCustomAchievement, loc("The teams were tied, so an additional round has been played to determine the winner.")) awardsGiven = awardsGiven + 1 elseif SI.roundNumber > SI.roundLimit then SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("The teams were tied, so %d additional rounds have been played to determine the winner."), SI.roundNumber - SI.roundLimit)) awardsGiven = awardsGiven + 1 end if SI.awardTotalKills >= 30 then awardsGiven = awardsGiven + 1 SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("%d invaders have been destroyed in this game."), SI.awardTotalKills)) end table.sort(teamStats, killscomp) local bestKills = teamStats[1].kills if bestKills > 10 then awardsGiven = awardsGiven + 1 local text if bestKills >= 50 then text = loc("BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! %s are the masters of destruction with %d destroyed invaders.") elseif bestKills >= 25 then text = loc("BOOM! %s really didn't like the invaders, so they decided to destroy as much as %d of them.") else text = loc("Boom! %s has destroyed %d invaders.") end SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(text, teamStats[1].name, teamStats[1].kills)) end if SI.awardRoundKills ~= nil then awardsGiven = awardsGiven + 1 local text if SI.awardRoundKills.value >= 33 then text = loc("%s (%s) has been invited to join the Planetary Association of the Hedgehogs, it destroyed a staggering %d invaders in just one round!") elseif SI.awardRoundKills.value >= 22 then if SI.awardRoundKills.hogName == "Rambo" then text = loc("The hardships of the war turned %s (%s) into a killing machine: %d invaders destroyed in one round!") else text = loc("%s (%s) is Rambo in a hedgehog costume! He destroyed %d invaders in one round.") end elseif SI.awardRoundKills.value >= 11 then text = loc("%s (%s) is addicted to killing: %d invaders destroyed in one round.") else text = loc("%s (%s) destroyed %d invaders in one round.") end SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(text, SI.awardRoundKills.hogName, SI.awardRoundKills.teamName, SI.awardRoundKills.value)) end if SI.awardRoundScore ~= nil then awardsGiven = awardsGiven + 1 local text if SI.awardRoundScore.value >= 300 then text = loc("%s (%s) was undoubtedly the very best professional tumbler in this game: %d points in one round!") elseif SI.awardRoundScore.value >= 250 then text = loc("%s (%s) struck like a meteor: %d points in only one round!") elseif SI.awardRoundScore.value >= 200 then text = loc("%s (%s) is good at this: %d points in only one round!") elseif SI.awardRoundScore.value >= 150 then text = loc("%s (%s) tumbles like no other: %d points in one round.") elseif SI.awardRoundScore.value >= 100 then text = loc("%s (%s) is a tumbleweed: %d points in one round.") else text = loc("%s (%s) was the best baby tumbler: %d points in one round.") end SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(text, SI.awardRoundScore.hogName, SI.awardRoundScore.teamName, SI.awardRoundScore.value)) end if SI.awardAccuracy ~= nil then awardsGiven = awardsGiven + 1 local text if SI.awardAccuracy.value >= 20 then text = loc("The Society of Perfectionists greets %s (%s): No misses and %d hits in its best round.") elseif SI.awardAccuracy.value >= 10 then text = loc("%s (%s) is a hardened hunter: No misses and %d hits in its best round!") else text = loc("%s (%s) shot %d invaders and never missed in the best round!") end SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(text, SI.awardAccuracy.hogName, SI.awardAccuracy.teamName, SI.awardAccuracy.value)) end if SI.awardCombo ~= nil then awardsGiven = awardsGiven + 1 local text if SI.awardCombo.value >= 11 then text = loc("%s (%s) was lightning-fast! Longest combo of %d, absolutely insane!") elseif SI.awardCombo.value >= 8 then text = loc("%s (%s) gave short shrift to the invaders: Longest combo of %d!") else text = loc("%s (%s) was on fire: Longest combo of %d.") end SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(text, SI.awardCombo.hogName, SI.awardCombo.teamName, SI.awardCombo.value)) end if awardsGiven == 0 then local text local r = math.random(1,4) if r == 1 then text = loc("This game wasn’t really exciting.") elseif r == 2 then text = loc("Did I miss something?") elseif r == 3 then text = loc("Nothing of interest has happened.") elseif r == 4 then text = loc("There are no snarky comments this time.") end SendStat(siCustomAchievement, text) end end return lGameOver, falseendfunction onNewRound() SI.lastRound = TotalRounds SI.roundNumber = SI.roundNumber + 1 local lGameOver, lTied = CommentOnScore() local bestScore = 0 local bestClan = -1 -- Game has been determined to be over, so end it if lGameOver then -- Get winning score for i = 0, (TeamsCount-1) do if SI.teamScore[i] > bestScore then bestScore = SI.teamScore[i] bestClan = SI.teamClan[i] end end -- Kill off all the losers for i = 0, (SI.numhhs-1) do if GetHogClan(SI.hhs[i]) ~= bestClan then SetEffect(SI.hhs[i], heResurrectable, 0) SetHealth(SI.hhs[i],0) -- hilarious loser face SetState(SI.hhs[i], bor(GetState(SI.hhs[i]), gstLoser)) end end -- Game over SI.gameOver = true EndTurn(true) SI.TimeLeft = 0 SendStat(siGraphTitle, loc("Score graph")) -- Round limit passed and teams are tied! elseif lTied then -- Enter (or continue) tie-breaking phase... -- Rules in case of a tie: -- 1) All teams that are not tied for the lead are killed (they can't play anymore, but they will keep their score and be ranked normally) -- 2) Another round is played with the remaining teams -- 3) After this round, scores are checked again to determine a winner. If there's a tie again, this procedure is repeated -- Get leading teams for i = 0, (TeamsCount-1) do if SI.teamScore[i] > bestScore then bestScore = SI.teamScore[i] end end local tiedForTheLead = {} for i = 0, (TeamsCount-1) do if SI.teamScore[i] == bestScore then tiedForTheLead[i] = true end end local wasCurrent = false -- Kill teams not in the top for i = 0, (SI.numhhs-1) do local hog = SI.hhs[i] if GetHealth(hog) then -- check if hog is still alive local team = SI.teamNameArrReverse[GetHogTeamName(hog)] if team and tiedForTheLead[team] ~= true then -- hilarious loser face SetState(hog, bor(GetState(hog), gstLoser)) -- die! SetEffect(hog, heResurrectable, 0) SetHealth(hog, 0) -- Note the death might not trigger immediately since we -- zero the health at the beginning of a turn rather than -- the end of one. -- It's just a minor visual thing, not a big deal. if hog == CurrentHedgehog then wasCurrent = true end end end end -- if current hedgehog was among the loser, end the turn if wasCurrent then EndTurn(true) end -- From that point on, the game just continues normally ... endend-- gaudy racerfunction CheckForNewRound() if TotalRounds > 0 and TotalRounds > SI.lastRound then onNewRound() endend------------------------------------------ some tumbler/space invaders methods----------------------------------------function isATrackedGear(gear) if (GetGearType(gear) == gtExplosives) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtShell) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtFlame) or (GetGearType(gear) == gtBall) then return(true) else return(false) endendfunction setNewGearValues(gear) local lfs if GetGearType(gear) == gtShell then lfs = 50 -- roughly 5 seconds SI.shellID = SI.shellID + 1 setGearValue(gear,"ID",SI.shellID) elseif GetGearType(gear) == gtBall then lfs = 5 --70 -- 7s elseif GetGearType(gear) == gtExplosives then lfs = 15 -- 1.5s SI.explosivesID = SI.explosivesID + 1 setGearValue(gear,"ID",SI.explosivesID) setGearValue(gear,"XP", GetX(gear)) setGearValue(gear,"YP", GetY(gear)) elseif GetGearType(gear) == gtFlame then lfs = 5 -- 0.5s else lfs = 100 end setGearValue(gear,"lifespan",lfs)endfunction HandleLifeSpan(gear) decreaseGearValue(gear,"lifespan") if getGearValue(gear,"lifespan") == 0 then if GetGearType(gear) == gtShell then AddVisualGear(GetX(gear), GetY(gear), vgtExplosion, 0, false) elseif GetGearType(gear) == gtExplosives then AddVisualGear(GetX(gear), GetY(gear), vgtBigExplosion, 0, false) PlaySound(sndExplosion) elseif GetGearType(gear) == gtFlame then AddVisualGear(GetX(gear), GetY(gear), vgtSmoke, 0, false) end DeleteGear(gear) endend-- this prevents ugly barrel clipping sounds when a barrel flies off map limitsfunction DeleteFarFlungBarrel(gear) if GetGearType(gear) == gtExplosives then if (GetX(gear) < -1900) or (GetX(gear) > 6200) or (GetY(gear) < -3400) then AddVisualGear(GetX(gear), GetY(gear), vgtBigExplosion, 0, false) DeleteGear(gear) end endend-------------------------EVENT HANDLERS-- action keys-----------------------function ChangeWeapon() SI.wepIndex = SI.wepIndex + 1 if SI.wepIndex == SI.wepCount then SI.wepIndex = 0 end AddCaption(SI.wep[SI.wepIndex], GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)), capgrpAmmoinfo)end-- derp tumblerfunction onPrecise() if (CurrentHedgehog ~= nil) and (SI.stopMovement == false) and (SI.tumbleStarted == true) and (SI.wepAmmo[SI.wepIndex] > 0) then SI.wepAmmo[SI.wepIndex] = SI.wepAmmo[SI.wepIndex] - 1 if SI.wep[SI.wepIndex] == loc("Barrel Launcher") then SI.shotsFired = SI.shotsFired +1 local morte = AddGear(GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog), gtExplosives, 0, 0, 0, 1) CopyPV(CurrentHedgehog, morte) local x,y = GetGearVelocity(morte) x = x*2 y = y*2 SetGearVelocity(morte, x, y) if SI.wepAmmo[SI.wepIndex] == 0 then PlaySound(sndSuddenDeath) AddCaption(loc("Ammo depleted!"),SI.colorMsgDepleted,capgrpAmmostate) else PlaySound(sndThrowRelease) end DrawTag(SI.TAG_BARRELS) elseif SI.wep[SI.wepIndex] == loc("Mine Deployer") then local morte = AddGear(GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog), gtAirBomb, 0, 0, 0, 0) SetTimer(morte, 1000) DrawTag(SI.TAG_BARRELS) end elseif (SI.wepAmmo[SI.wepIndex] == 0) and (CurrentHedgehog ~= nil) and (SI.stopMovement == false) and (SI.tumbleStarted == true) then PlaySound(sndDenied) AddCaption(loc("Ammo depleted!"),SI.colorMsgDepleted,capgrpAmmostate) end SI.preciseOn = trueendfunction onPreciseUp() SI.preciseOn = falseendfunction onLJump() if (CurrentHedgehog ~= nil) and (SI.stopMovement == false) and (SI.tumbleStarted == true) then SI.shieldMiser = false if SI.shieldHealth == 80 then AddCaption(loc("Shield depleted"),SI.colorMsgDepleted,capgrpAmmostate) PlaySound(sndDenied) elseif (SI.beam == false) and (SI.shieldHealth > 80) then SI.beam = true SetVisualGearValues(SI.pShield, GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog), 40, 255, 1, 10, 0, nil, 1, SI.colorShield-0x000000FF - -math.min(SI.shieldHealth, 255)) AddCaption( string.format(loc("Shield ON: %d power remaining"), SI.shieldHealth - 80), SI.colorShield, capgrpAmmostate) PlaySound(sndInvulnerable) else SI.beam = false SetVisualGearValues(SI.pShield, GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog), nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 0x0) AddCaption( string.format(loc("Shield OFF: %d power remaining"), SI.shieldHealth - 80), SI.colorShield, capgrpAmmostate) end endendfunction onHJump() if (CurrentHedgehog ~= nil) and (SI.stopMovement == false) and (SI.tumbleStarted == true) and (SI.rAlpha == 255) then if SI.radShotsLeft > 0 then SI.rPingTimer = 0 SI.rAlpha = 0 SI.radShotsLeft = SI.radShotsLeft -1 AddCaption(string.format(loc("Pings left: %d"), SI.radShotsLeft),GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)),capgrpAmmostate) -- Play sonar sound PlaySound(sndJetpackLaunch) else AddCaption(loc("No radar pings left!"),SI.colorMsgDepleted,capgrpAmmostate) PlaySound(sndDenied) end endend------------------- movement keys-----------------function onLeft() SI.leftOn = trueendfunction onRight() SI.rightOn = trueendfunction onUp() SI.upOn = trueendfunction onDown() SI.downOn = trueendfunction onDownUp() SI.downOn = falseendfunction onUpUp() SI.upOn = falseendfunction onLeftUp() SI.leftOn = falseendfunction onRightUp() SI.rightOn = falseend---------------------------- other event handlers--------------------------function onParameters() parseParams() if params["rounds"] ~= nil then SI.roundLimit = math.floor(tonumber(params["rounds"])) end if params["barrels"] ~= nil then SI.startBarrels = math.floor(tonumber(params["barrels"])) end if params["pings"] ~= nil then SI.startRadShots = math.floor(tonumber(params["pings"])) end if params["shield"] ~= nil then SI.startShield = math.min(250-80, math.floor(tonumber(params["shield"]))) end if params["barrelbonus"] ~= nil then SI.barrelBonus = math.floor(tonumber(params["barrelbonus"])) end if params["shieldbonus"] ~= nil then SI.shieldBonus = math.floor(tonumber(params["shieldbonus"])) end if params["timebonus"] ~= nil then SI.timeBonus = math.floor(tonumber(params["timebonus"])) end if params["forcetheme"] == "false" then SI.forceTheme = false else SI.forceTheme = true endendfunction onGameInit() --[[ Only GameFlags which are listed here are allowed. All other game flags will be discarded. Nonetheless this allows for some configuration in the game scheme ]] local allowedFlags = -- those flags are probably the most realistic one to use gfDisableGirders + gfRandomOrder + -- highly recommended! gfDisableLandObjects + gfSolidLand + gfLowGravity + -- a bit unusual but may still be useful gfBottomBorder + gfDivideTeams + gfDisableWind + gfMoreWind + gfTagTeam + -- very unusual flags, they don’t affect gameplay really, they are mostly for funny graphical effects gfKing + -- King Mode doesn’t work like expected, since hedgehogs never really die here in this mode gfVampiric + -- just for the grapical effects gfBorder -- technically possible, but not very fun to play -- any other flag is FORBIDDEN and will be disabled when it is on anyways! GameFlags = band(GameFlags, allowedFlags) if SI.forceTheme then Theme = "EarthRise" end CaseFreq = 0 HealthCaseProb = 0 SuddenDeathTurns = 50 WaterRise = 0 HealthDecrease = 0 WorldEdge = weNone local tags = { SI.TAG_TIME, SI.TAG_BARRELS, SI.TAG_SHIELD, SI.TAG_ROUND_SCORE } for t=1, #tags do SI.vTag[tags[t]] = AddVisualGear(0, 0, vgtHealthTag, 0, false) HideTag(tags[t]) end SI.wep[0] = loc("Barrel Launcher") SI.wep[1] = loc("Mine Deployer") SI.wep[2] = loc("Flamer") SI.wepCount = 3 SetSoundMask(sndFlyAway, true)endfunction onGameStart() if ClansCount >= 2 then SendGameResultOff() SendRankingStatsOff() SendAchievementsStatsOff() SendHealthStatsOff() end ShowMission ( loc("SPACE INVASION"), loc("A Hedgewars mini-game"), loc("Fly into space to fight off the invaders with barrels!") .."|".. loc("Destroy invaders and collect bonuses to score points.") .. "|" .. loc("Get the highest score to win.") .. "|" .. " " .. "|" .. loc("Avoid bazookas, red and blue invaders.") .. "|" .. loc("Collect the green and purple invaders.") .. "|" .. loc("Use the shield to protect yourself from bazookas.") .. "|" .. " " .. "|" .. string.format(loc("Round Limit: %d"), SI.roundLimit) .. "|" .. " " .. "|" .. loc("Movement: [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right]") .. "|" .. loc("Fire: [Precise]") .. "|" .. loc("Toggle Shield: [Long jump]") .. "|" .. loc("Radar Ping: [High jump]") .. "|" .. "", 8, 5000 ) CreateMeSomeCircles() RebuildTeamInfo() -- controlendfunction onScreenResize() -- redraw Tags so that their screen locations are updated if (SI.gameBegun == true) then DrawTag(SI.TAG_ROUND_SCORE) if (SI.stopMovement == false) then DrawTag(SI.TAG_BARRELS) DrawTag(SI.TAG_SHIELD) if (SI.tumbleStarted == true) then DrawTag(SI.TAG_TIME) end end endendfunction onNewTurn() SI.radShotsLeft = SI.startRadShots SI.stopMovement = false SI.tumbleStarted = false SI.boosterOn = false SI.beam = false SI.shieldHealth = SI.startShield + 80 -- 50 = 5 secs, roughly SI.RK = 0 SI.GK = 0 SI.BK = 0 SI.OK = 0 SI.SK = 0 SI.roundKills = 0 SI.roundScore = 0 SI.shieldMiser = true SI.fierceComp = false SI.shotsFired = 0 SI.shotsHit = 0 SI.sniperHits = 0 SI.pointBlankHits = 0 SI.chainLength = 0 SI.chainCounter = 0 SI.tauntClanShots = 0 SI.tauntTimer = -1 ------------------------- -- gaudy racer ------------------------- CheckForNewRound() -- Handle Starting Stage of Game if (SI.gameOver == false) and (SI.gameBegun == false) then SI.gameBegun = true SI.roundNumber = 0 -- 0 end if SI.gameOver == true then SI.stopMovement = true SI.tumbleStarted = false SetMyCircles(false) end ------- -- tumbler ---- SI.wepAmmo[0] = SI.startBarrels SI.wepAmmo[1] = SI.startRadShots SI.wepAmmo[2] = 5000 SI.wepIndex = 2 ChangeWeapon() HideTag(SI.TAG_TIME) if not SI.gameOver then DrawTag(SI.TAG_BARRELS) DrawTag(SI.TAG_SHIELD) DrawTag(SI.TAG_ROUND_SCORE) else HideTag(SI.TAG_BARRELS) HideTag(SI.TAG_SHIELD) HideTag(SI.TAG_ROUND_SCORE) endendfunction ThingsToBeRunOnGears(gear) HandleLifeSpan(gear) DeleteFarFlungBarrel(gear) if SI.circlesAreGo == true then CheckVarious(gear) ProjectileTrack(gear) endendfunction onGearWaterSkip(gear) if gear == CurrentHedgehog then for i = 0,(TeamsCount-1) do if SI.teamClan[i] == GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog) and (SI.teamSurfer[i] == false) then SI.teamSurfer[i] = true AddCaption(loc("Surfer! +15 points!"),SI.colorMsgBonus,capgrpMessage) AwardPoints(15) end end endendfunction onGameTick() HandleCircles() SI.timer100 = SI.timer100 + 1 if SI.timer100 >= 100 then SI.timer100 = 0 if SI.beam == true then SI.shieldHealth = SI.shieldHealth - 1 if SI.shieldHealth < 80 then SI.shieldHealth = 80 SI.beam = false AddCaption(loc("Shield depleted"),SI.colorMsgDepleted,capgrpAmmostate) PlaySound(sndMineTick) PlaySound(sndSwitchHog) end end if SI.tauntTimer > 0 then SI.tauntTimer = SI.tauntTimer - 100 if SI.tauntTimer <= 0 and SI.tumbleStarted and not SI.stopMovement then PlaySound(SI.tauntSound, SI.tauntGear) end end runOnGears(ThingsToBeRunOnGears) if SI.circlesAreGo == true then CheckDistances() end -- white smoke trail as player falls from the sky if (SI.TimeLeft <= 0) and (SI.stopMovement == true) and (CurrentHedgehog ~= nil) then local j,k = GetGearVelocity(CurrentHedgehog) if (j ~= 0) and (k ~= 0) then AddVisualGear(GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog), vgtSmoke, 0, false) end end end -- start the player tumbling with a boom once their turn has actually begun if (SI.tumbleStarted == false) and (SI.gameOver == false) then if (TurnTimeLeft > 0) and (TurnTimeLeft ~= TurnTime) then SI.tumbleStarted = true SI.TimeLeft = (TurnTime/1000) SI.fadeAlpha = 0 SI.rAlpha = 255 AddGear(GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog), gtGrenade, 0, 0, 0, 1) DrawTag(SI.TAG_TIME) DrawTag(SI.TAG_BARRELS) DrawTag(SI.TAG_SHIELD) DrawTag(SI.TAG_ROUND_SCORE) SetMyCircles(true) end end if (CurrentHedgehog ~= nil) and (SI.tumbleStarted == true) then -- Calculate and display turn time SI.TimeLeftCounter = SI.TimeLeftCounter + 1 if SI.TimeLeftCounter == 1000 then SI.TimeLeftCounter = 0 SI.TimeLeft = SI.TimeLeft - 1 if SI.TimeLeft >= 0 then DrawTag(SI.TAG_TIME) end end if (SI.TimeLeftCounter % 1000) == 0 then if SI.TimeLeft == 5 then PlaySound(sndHurry, CurrentHedgehog) elseif SI.TimeLeft <= 4 and SI.TimeLeft >= 1 then PlaySound(_G["sndCountdown"..SI.TimeLeft]) end end ------------------------------- -- Player has run out of luck (out of time or hit by gtShell) ------------------------------- -- checks in FloatyThings if PlayerIsFine() == false then SI.TimeLeft = 0 end if (SI.TimeLeft == 0) then if PlayerIsFine() then AddCaption(loc("Time's up!"), capcolDefault, capgrpGameState) end if (SI.stopMovement == false) then --time to stop the player SI.stopMovement = true SI.boosterOn = false SI.beam = false SI.upOn = false SI.downOn = false SI.leftOn = false SI.rightOn = false SetMyCircles(false) SI.rAlpha = 255 FailGraphics() if SI.shieldMiser == true then local p = (SI.roundKills*3.5) - ((SI.roundKills*3.5)%1) + 2 AddCaption(string.format(loc("Shield Miser! +%d points!"), p), SI.colorMsgBonus, capgrpAmmoinfo) AwardPoints(p) end local accuracy = (SI.shotsHit / SI.shotsFired) * 100 if (accuracy >= 80) and (SI.shotsFired > 4) then AddCaption(loc("Accuracy Bonus! +15 points"),SI.colorMsgBonus,capgrpAmmostate) AwardPoints(15) -- special award for no misses local award = false if SI.awardAccuracy == nil then if (SI.shotsHit >= SI.shotsFired) then award = true end elseif (SI.shotsHit == SI.shotsFired) and SI.shotsHit > SI.awardAccuracy.value then award = true end if award then SI.awardAccuracy = { hogName = GetHogName(CurrentHedgehog), teamName = GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog), value = SI.shotsHit, } end end -- other awards SI.awardRoundScore = UpdateSimpleAward(SI.awardRoundScore, SI.roundScore, 50) SI.awardRoundKills = UpdateSimpleAward(SI.awardRoundKills, SI.roundKills, 5) HideTag(SI.TAG_TIME) HideTag(SI.TAG_BARRELS) HideTag(SI.TAG_SHIELD) end else -- remove this if you want tumbler to fall slowly on death ------------------------------- -- Player is still in luck ------------------------------- if SI.chainCounter > 0 then SI.chainCounter = SI.chainCounter -1 if SI.chainCounter == 0 then SI.chainLength = 0 end end -- handle movement based on IO SI.moveTimer = SI.moveTimer + 1 if SI.moveTimer == 100 then -- 100 SI.moveTimer = 0 --------------- -- new trail code --------------- -- the trail lets you know you have 5s left to pilot, akin to birdy feathers if (SI.TimeLeft <= 5) and (SI.TimeLeft > 0) then --vgtSmoke local tempE = AddVisualGear(GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog), vgtSmoke, 0, false) SetVisualGearValues(tempE, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)) ) end -------------- -------------- local dx, dy = GetGearVelocity(CurrentHedgehog) local dxlimit, dylimit if SI.boosterOn == true then local tempE = AddVisualGear(GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog), vgtDust, 0, false) SetVisualGearValues(tempE, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 1, nil, GetClanColor(GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog)) ) dxlimit = 0.8*SI.fMod dylimit = 0.8*SI.fMod else dxlimit = 0.4*SI.fMod dylimit = 0.4*SI.fMod end if dx > dxlimit then dx = dxlimit end if dy > dylimit then dy = dylimit end if dx < -dxlimit then dx = -dxlimit end if dy < -dylimit then dy = -dylimit end if SI.leftOn == true then dx = dx - 0.1*SI.fMod end if SI.rightOn == true then dx = dx + 0.1*SI.fMod end if SI.upOn == true then dy = dy - 0.1*SI.fMod end if SI.downOn == true then dy = dy + 0.1*SI.fMod end SetGearVelocity(CurrentHedgehog, dx, dy) end end -- new end I put here to check if he's still alive or not endendfunction onGearDamage(gear, damage) if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog and damage >= 60 then if GetHogClan(gear) ~= GetHogClan(CurrentHedgehog) then if (SI.fierceComp == false) then SI.fierceComp = true AddCaption(loc("Fierce Competition! +8 points!"),SI.colorMsgBonus,capgrpMessage) AwardPoints(8) end SI.tauntTimer = 500 SI.tauntGear = gear local r = math.random(1, 2) if r == 1 then SI.tauntSound = sndIllGetYou else SI.tauntSound = sndJustYouWait end elseif gear ~= CurrentHedgehog then SI.tauntTimer = 500 SI.tauntGear = gear if SI.tauntClanShots == 0 then SI.tauntSound = sndSameTeam else SI.tauntSound = sndTraitor end SI.tauntClanShots = SI.tauntClanShots + 1 end endendfunction onGearResurrect(gear) -- did I fall into the water? well, that was a stupid thing to do if gear == CurrentHedgehog then SI.TimeLeft = 0 SI.playerIsFine = false endendfunction onGearAdd(gear) if isATrackedGear(gear) then trackGear(gear) setNewGearValues(gear) end if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then SetEffect(gear, heResurrectable, 1) ----------- -- control SI.hhs[SI.numhhs] = gear SI.numhhs = SI.numhhs + 1 ----------- endendfunction onGearDelete(gear) if isATrackedGear(gear) then trackDeletion(gear) end if CurrentHedgehog ~= nil then FollowGear(CurrentHedgehog) endend-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLOATY THINGS-- "I'll make this into a generic library and code properly-- when I have more time and feel less lazy"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------function HandleRadarBlip(cUID) -- work out the distance to the target local g1X, g1Y = GetGearPosition(CurrentHedgehog) local g2X, g2Y = SI.vCircX[cUID], SI.vCircY[cUID] local q = g1X - g2X local w = g1Y - g2Y -- Floating point operations are safe, it's only for visuals local r = math.sqrt( (q*q) + (w*w) ) --alternate local opp = w if opp < 0 then opp = opp*-1 end -- work out the angle (theta) to the target local t = math.deg ( math.asin(opp / r) ) -- based on the radius of the radar, calculate what x/y displacement should be local NR = 150 -- radius at which to draw circs local NX = math.cos( math.rad(t) ) * NR local NY = math.sin( math.rad(t) ) * NR -- displace xy based on where this thing actually is if r < NR then SI.rCircX[cUID] = g2X elseif q > 0 then SI.rCircX[cUID] = g1X - NX else SI.rCircX[cUID] = g1X + NX end if r < NR then SI.rCircY[cUID] = g2Y elseif w > 0 then SI.rCircY[cUID] = g1Y - NY else SI.rCircY[cUID] = g1Y + NY endendfunction PlayerIsFine() return (SI.playerIsFine)endfunction GetDistFromXYtoXY(a, b, c, d) local q = a - c local w = b - d return ( (q*q) + (w*w) )endfunction GetDistFromGearToGear(gear, gear2) local g1X, g1Y = GetGearPosition(gear) local g2X, g2Y = GetGearPosition(gear2) local q = g1X - g2X local w = g1Y - g2Y return ( (q*q) + (w*w) )endfunction GetDistFromGearToXY(gear, g2X, g2Y) local g1X, g1Y = GetGearPosition(gear) local q = g1X - g2X local w = g1Y - g2Y return ( (q*q) + (w*w) )endfunction CreateMeSomeCircles() for i = 0, 7 do SI.vCCount = SI.vCCount +1 SI.vCirc[i] = AddVisualGear(0,0,vgtCircle,0,true) SI.rCirc[i] = AddVisualGear(0,0,vgtCircle,0,true) SI.rCircX[i] = 0 SI.rCircY[i] = 0 SI.vCircDX[i] = 0 SI.vCircDY[i] = 0 SI.vType[i] = "generic" SI.vCounter[i] = 0 SI.vCounterLim[i] = 3000 SI.vCircScore[i] = 0 SI.vCircHealth[i] = 1 SI.vCircMinA[i] = 80 SI.vCircMaxA[i] = 255 SI.vCircType[i] = 1 SI.vCircPulse[i] = 10 SI.vCircFuckAll[i] = 0 SI.vCircRadius[i] = 0 SI.vCircWidth[i] = 3 SI.vCircRadMax[i] = 0 SI.vCircRadMin[i] = 0 SI.vCircRadDir[i] = -1 SI.vCircRadCounter[i] = 0 SI.vCircX[i], SI.vCircY[i] = 0,0 SI.vCircCol[i] = 0xFF00FFFF SetVisualGearValues(SI.vCirc[i], SI.vCircX[i], SI.vCircY[i], SI.vCircMinA[i], SI.vCircMaxA[i], SI.vCircType[i], SI.vCircPulse[i], SI.vCircFuckAll[i], SI.vCircRadius[i], SI.vCircWidth[i], SI.vCircCol[i]) SetVisualGearValues(SI.rCirc[i], 0, 0, 100, 255, 1, 10, 0, 40, 3, SI.vCircCol[i]) end SI.pShield = AddVisualGear(0,0,vgtCircle,200,true)endfunction IGotMeASafeXYValue(i) local acceptibleDistance = 800 SI.vCircX[i] = GetRandom(5000) SI.vCircY[i] = GetRandom(2000) local dist = GetDistFromGearToXY(CurrentHedgehog, SI.vCircX[i], SI.vCircY[i]) if dist > acceptibleDistance*acceptibleDistance then return(true) else return(false) endendfunction CircleDamaged(i) local res = "" SI.vCircHealth[i] = SI.vCircHealth[i] -1 if SI.vCircHealth[i] <= 0 then -- circle is dead, do death effects/consequences SI.vCircActive[i] = false if (SI.vType[i] == "drone") then PlaySound(sndHellishImpact4) SI.TimeLeft = SI.TimeLeft + SI.timeBonus AddCaption(string.format(loc("Time extended! +%dsec"), SI.timeBonus), SI.colorDrone, capgrpMessage ) DrawTag(SI.TAG_TIME) local morte = AddGear(SI.vCircX[i], SI.vCircY[i], gtExplosives, 0, 0, 0, 1) SetHealth(morte, 0) SI.RK = SI.RK + 1 if SI.RK == 5 then SI.RK = 0 AddCaption(loc("Drone Hunter! +10 points!"),SI.colorMsgBonus,capgrpMessage2) AwardPoints(10) end elseif (SI.vType[i] == "ammo") then AddVisualGear(SI.vCircX[i], SI.vCircY[i], vgtExplosion, 0, false) PlaySound(sndExplosion) PlaySound(sndShotgunReload) SI.wepAmmo[0] = SI.wepAmmo[0] + SI.barrelBonus AddCaption(string.format(loc("+%d Ammo"), SI.barrelBonus), SI.colorAmmo,capgrpMessage) DrawTag(SI.TAG_BARRELS) SI.GK = SI.GK + 1 if SI.GK == 3 then SI.GK = 0 AddCaption(loc("Ammo Maniac! +5 points!"),SI.colorMsgBonus,capgrpMessage2) AwardPoints(5) end elseif (SI.vType[i] == "bonus") then AddVisualGear(SI.vCircX[i], SI.vCircY[i], vgtExplosion, 0, false) PlaySound(sndExplosion) AddVisualGear(SI.vCircX[i], SI.vCircY[i], vgtFire, 0, false) AddVisualGear(SI.vCircX[i], SI.vCircY[i], vgtFire, 0, false) AddVisualGear(SI.vCircX[i], SI.vCircY[i], vgtFire, 0, false) AddVisualGear(SI.vCircX[i], SI.vCircY[i], vgtFire, 0, false) AddVisualGear(SI.vCircX[i], SI.vCircY[i], vgtFire, 0, false) AddVisualGear(SI.vCircX[i], SI.vCircY[i], vgtSmoke, 0, false) PlaySound(sndVaporize) SI.shieldHealth = SI.shieldHealth + SI.shieldBonus if SI.shieldHealth >= 250 then SI.shieldHealth = 250 AddCaption(loc("Shield is fully recharged!"),SI.colorShield,capgrpMessage) else AddCaption(string.format(loc("Shield boosted! +%d power"),SI.shieldBonus), SI.colorShield,capgrpMessage) end DrawTag(SI.TAG_SHIELD) SI.OK = SI.OK + 1 if SI.OK == 3 then SI.OK = 0 AddCaption(loc("Shield Seeker! +10 points!"),SI.colorShield,capgrpMessage2) AwardPoints(10) end elseif (SI.vType[i] == "blueboss") then PlaySound(sndHellishImpact3) SI.tauntTimer = 300 SI.tauntSound = sndEnemyDown SI.tauntGear = CurrentHedgehog AddCaption(loc("Boss defeated! +30 points!"), SI.colorBoss,capgrpMessage) local morte = AddGear(SI.vCircX[i], SI.vCircY[i], gtExplosives, 0, 0, 0, 1) SetHealth(morte, 0) SI.BK = SI.BK + 1 if SI.BK == 2 then SI.BK = 0 AddCaption(loc("Boss Slayer! +25 points!"),SI.colorMsgBonus,capgrpMessage2) AwardPoints(25) end end AwardPoints(SI.vCircScore[i]) AwardKills() SetUpCircle(i) res = "fatal" SI.chainCounter = 3000 SI.chainLength = SI.chainLength + 1 if SI.chainLength > 1 then AddCaption( string.format(loc("%d-Hit Combo! +%d points!"), SI.chainLength, SI.chainLength*2),SI.colorMsgBonus,capgrpVolume) AwardPoints(SI.chainLength*2) end SI.awardCombo = UpdateSimpleAward(SI.awardCombo, SI.chainLength, 5) else -- circle is merely damaged -- do damage effects/sounds AddVisualGear(SI.vCircX[i], SI.vCircY[i], vgtSteam, 0, false) local r = math.random(1,4) PlaySound(_G["sndHellishImpact" .. tostring(r)]) res = "non-fatal" end return(res)endfunction SetUpCircle(i) local r = GetRandom(10) -- 80% of spawning either drone/ammo if r <= 7 then r = GetRandom(2) if r == 0 then SI.vCircCol[i] = SI.colorDrone SI.vType[i] = "drone" SI.vCircRadMin[i] = 50 *5 SI.vCircRadMax[i] = 90 *5 SI.vCounterLim[i] = 3000 SI.vCircScore[i] = 10 SI.vCircHealth[i] = 1 elseif r == 1 then SI.vCircCol[i] = SI.colorAmmo SI.vType[i] = "ammo" SI.vCircRadMin[i] = 25 *7 SI.vCircRadMax[i] = 30 *7 SI.vCircScore[i] = 3 SI.vCircHealth[i] = 1 end -- 20% chance of spawning boss or bonus else r = GetRandom(5) if r <= 1 then SI.vCircCol[i] = SI.colorBoss SI.vType[i] = "blueboss" SI.vCircRadMin[i] = 100*5 SI.vCircRadMax[i] = 180*5 SI.vCircWidth[i] = 1 SI.vCounterLim[i] = 2000 SI.vCircScore[i] = 30 SI.vCircHealth[i] = 3 else SI.vCircCol[i] = SI.colorShield SI.vType[i] = "bonus" SI.vCircRadMin[i] = 20 *7 SI.vCircRadMax[i] = 40 *7 SI.vCircScore[i] = 5 SI.vCircHealth[i] = 1 end end -- regenerate circle xy if too close to player or until sanity limit kicks in local reN = 0 while (reN < 10) do if IGotMeASafeXYValue(i) == false then reN = reN + 1 else reN = 15 end end SI.vCircRadius[i] = SI.vCircRadMax[i] - GetRandom(SI.vCircRadMin[i]) SetVisualGearValues(SI.vCirc[i], SI.vCircX[i], SI.vCircY[i], nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, SI.vCircRadius[i], SI.vCircWidth[i], SI.vCircCol[i]-0x000000FF) SetVisualGearValues(SI.rCirc[i], 0, 0, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, SI.vCircCol[i]-0x000000FF) SI.vCircActive[i] = trueendfunction SetMyCircles(s) SI.circlesAreGo = s SI.playerIsFine = s for i = 0,(SI.vCCount-1) do if s == false then SI.vCircActive[i] = false elseif s == true then SetUpCircle(i) end endendfunction WellHeAintGonnaJumpNoMore(x,y,explode,kamikaze) if explode==true then AddVisualGear(x, y, vgtBigExplosion, 0, false) PlaySound(sndExplosion) local r = math.random(1,3) PlaySound(_G["sndOoff"..r], CurrentHedgehog) end SI.playerIsFine = false FailGraphics() if not kamikaze then AddCaption(loc("GOTCHA!"), capcolDefault, capgrpGameState) PlaySound(sndHellish) end SI.targetHit = trueend-- Turn all circles white to indicate they can't be hit anymorefunction FailGraphics() for i = 0,(SI.vCCount-1) do SI.vCircCol[i] = SI.colorDisabled endend--- collision detection for weapons firefunction CheckVarious(gear) SI.targetHit = false -- if circle is hit by player fire if (GetGearType(gear) == gtExplosives) then local circsHit = 0 for i = 0,(SI.vCCount-1) do local dist = GetDistFromGearToXY(gear, SI.vCircX[i], SI.vCircY[i]) -- calculate my real radius if I am an aura local NR if SI.vCircType[i] == 0 then NR = SI.vCircRadius[i] else NR = (48/100*SI.vCircRadius[i])/2 end if dist <= NR*NR then dist = (GetDistFromXYtoXY(SI.vCircX[i], SI.vCircY[i], getGearValue(gear,"XP"), getGearValue(gear,"YP")) - (NR*NR)) if dist >= 1000000 then SI.sniperHits = SI.sniperHits +1 AddCaption(loc("Sniper! +8 points!"),SI.colorMsgBonus,capgrpAmmostate) AwardPoints(8) if SI.sniperHits == 3 then SI.sniperHits = 0 AddCaption(loc("They Call Me Bullseye! +16 points!"),SI.colorMsgBonus,capgrpAmmostate) AwardPoints(16) end elseif dist <= 6000 then SI.pointBlankHits = SI.pointBlankHits +1 if SI.pointBlankHits == 3 then SI.pointBlankHits = 0 AddCaption(loc("Point Blank Combo! +5 points!"),SI.colorMsgBonus,capgrpAmmostate) AwardPoints(5) end end AddVisualGear(GetX(gear), GetY(gear), vgtBigExplosion, 0, false) SI.targetHit = true CircleDamaged(i) circsHit = circsHit + 1 if circsHit > 1 then AddCaption(loc("Multi-shot! +15 points!"),SI.colorMsgBonus,capgrpAmmoinfo) AwardPoints(15) circsHit = 0 end SI.shotsHit = SI.shotsHit + 1 end end -- if player is hit by circle bazooka elseif (GetGearType(gear) == gtShell) and (CurrentHedgehog ~= nil) then local dist = GetDistFromGearToGear(gear, CurrentHedgehog) if SI.beam == true then if dist < 3000 then local tempE = AddVisualGear(GetX(gear), GetY(gear), vgtSmoke, 0, false) SetVisualGearValues(tempE, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 0xFF00FFFF) PlaySound(sndVaporize) DeleteGear(gear) SI.SK = SI.SK + 1 if SI.SK == 5 then SI.SK = 0 AddCaption(loc("Shield Master! +10 points!"),SI.colorMsgBonus,capgrpMessage) AwardPoints(10) end end elseif dist < 1600 then WellHeAintGonnaJumpNoMore(GetX(gear), GetY(gear), true) end end if SI.targetHit == true then DeleteGear(gear) endend-- collision detection for player entering a circlefunction CheckDistances() if not CurrentHedgehog then return end for i = 0,(SI.vCCount-1) do local g1X, g1Y = GetGearPosition(CurrentHedgehog) local g2X, g2Y = SI.vCircX[i], SI.vCircY[i] g1X = g1X - g2X g1Y = g1Y - g2Y local dist = (g1X*g1X) + (g1Y*g1Y) -- calculate my real radius if I am an aura local NR if SI.vCircType[i] == 0 then NR = SI.vCircRadius[i] else NR = (48/100*SI.vCircRadius[i])/2 end if dist <= NR*NR then if (SI.vCircActive[i] == true) and ((SI.vType[i] == "ammo") or (SI.vType[i] == "bonus") ) then CircleDamaged(i) elseif (SI.vCircActive[i] == true) and ( (SI.vType[i] == "drone") or (SI.vType[i] == "blueboss") ) then local ss = CircleDamaged(i) local explosion if SI.vType[i] == "blueboss" then explosion = true else explosion = false end local kamikaze = false if ss == "fatal" then if (SI.wepAmmo[0] == 0) and (SI.TimeLeft <= 9) then AddCaption(loc("Kamikaze Expert! +15 points!"),SI.colorMsgBonus,capgrpGameState) AwardPoints(15) PlaySound(sndKamikaze, CurrentHedgehog) kamikaze = true elseif (SI.wepAmmo[0] == 0) then AddCaption(loc("Depleted Kamikaze! +5 points!"),SI.colorMsgBonus,capgrpGameState) AwardPoints(5) PlaySound(sndKamikaze, CurrentHedgehog) kamikaze = true elseif SI.TimeLeft <= 9 then AddCaption(loc("Timed Kamikaze! +10 points!"),SI.colorMsgBonus,capgrpGameState) AwardPoints(10) PlaySound(sndKamikaze, CurrentHedgehog) kamikaze = true end end WellHeAintGonnaJumpNoMore(GetX(CurrentHedgehog),GetY(CurrentHedgehog),explosion,kamikaze) end end endendfunction HandleCircles() if SI.rAlpha ~= 255 then SI.rPingTimer = SI.rPingTimer + 1 if SI.rPingTimer == 100 then SI.rPingTimer = 0 SI.rAlpha = SI.rAlpha + 5 if SI.rAlpha >= 255 then SI.rAlpha = 255 end end end for i = 0,(SI.vCCount-1) do SetVisualGearValues(SI.rCirc[i], SI.rCircX[i], SI.rCircY[i], 100, 255, 1, 10, 0, 40, 3, SI.vCircCol[i]-SI.rAlpha) SI.vCounter[i] = SI.vCounter[i] + 1 if SI.vCounter[i] >= SI.vCounterLim[i] then SI.vCounter[i] = 0 if ((SI.vType[i] == "drone") or (SI.vType[i] == "blueboss") ) and (SI.vCircActive[i] == true) then AddGear(SI.vCircX[i], SI.vCircY[i], gtShell, 0, 0, 0, 1) end end if (SI.vCircActive[i] == true) then SI.vCircRadCounter[i] = SI.vCircRadCounter[i] + 1 if SI.vCircRadCounter[i] == 100 then SI.vCircRadCounter[i] = 0 -- make my radius increase/decrease faster if I am an aura local M if SI.vCircType[i] == 0 then M = 1 else M = 10 end SI.vCircRadius[i] = SI.vCircRadius[i] + SI.vCircRadDir[i] if SI.vCircRadius[i] > SI.vCircRadMax[i] then SI.vCircRadDir[i] = -M elseif SI.vCircRadius[i] < SI.vCircRadMin[i] then SI.vCircRadDir[i] = M end -- random effect test -- maybe use this to tell the difference between circs -- you can kill by shooting or not --vgtSmoke vgtSmokeWhite --vgtSteam -- nice long trail --vgtDust -- short trail on earthrise --vgtSmokeTrace if SI.vType[i] == "ammo" then local tempE = AddVisualGear(SI.vCircX[i], SI.vCircY[i], vgtSmoke, 0, false) SetVisualGearValues(tempE, SI.vCircX[i], SI.vCircY[i], nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, SI.vCircCol[i] ) elseif SI.vType[i] == "bonus" then local tempE = AddVisualGear(SI.vCircX[i], SI.vCircY[i], vgtDust, 0, false) SetVisualGearValues(tempE, SI.vCircX[i], SI.vCircY[i], nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 1, nil, SI.colorShieldParticle) elseif SI.vType[i] == "blueboss" then local k = 25 local g = vgtSteam local trailColour = SI.colorBossParticle local tempE = AddVisualGear(SI.vCircX[i], SI.vCircY[i], g, 0, false) SetVisualGearValues(tempE, SI.vCircX[i], SI.vCircY[i]+k, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, trailColour-75 ) tempE = AddVisualGear(SI.vCircX[i], SI.vCircY[i], g, 0, false) SetVisualGearValues(tempE, SI.vCircX[i]+k, SI.vCircY[i]-k, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, trailColour-75 ) tempE = AddVisualGear(SI.vCircX[i], SI.vCircY[i], g, 0, false) SetVisualGearValues(tempE, SI.vCircX[i]-k, SI.vCircY[i]-k, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, trailColour-75 ) end end end end -- alter the circles velocities SI.circAdjustTimer = SI.circAdjustTimer + 1 if SI.circAdjustTimer == 2000 then SI.circAdjustTimer = 0 for i = 0,(SI.vCCount-1) do -- bounce the circles off the edges if they go too far -- or make them move in random directions if SI.vCircX[i] > 5500 then SI.vCircDX[i] = -5 --5 circmovchange elseif SI.vCircX[i] < -1500 then SI.vCircDX[i] = 5 --5 circmovchange else local z = GetRandom(2) if z == 1 then z = 1 else z = -1 end SI.vCircDX[i] = SI.vCircDX[i] + GetRandom(3)*z --3 circmovchange end if SI.vCircY[i] > 1500 then SI.vCircDY[i] = -5 --5 circmovchange elseif SI.vCircY[i] < -2900 then SI.vCircDY[i] = 5 --5 circmovchange else local z = GetRandom(2) if z == 1 then z = 1 else z = -1 end SI.vCircDY[i] = SI.vCircDY[i] + GetRandom(3)*z --3 circmovchange end end end -- move the circles according to their current velocities SI.m2Count = SI.m2Count + 1 if SI.m2Count == 25 then --25 circmovchange SI.m2Count = 0 for i = 0,(SI.vCCount-1) do SI.vCircX[i] = SI.vCircX[i] + SI.vCircDX[i] SI.vCircY[i] = SI.vCircY[i] + SI.vCircDY[i] if (CurrentHedgehog ~= nil) and (SI.rAlpha ~= 255) then HandleRadarBlip(i) end end if (SI.TimeLeft == 0) and (SI.tumbleStarted == true) then SI.fadeAlpha = SI.fadeAlpha + 1 if SI.fadeAlpha >= 255 then SI.fadeAlpha = 255 end end end for i = 0,(SI.vCCount-1) do SetVisualGearValues(SI.vCirc[i], SI.vCircX[i], SI.vCircY[i], nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, SI.vCircRadius[i]) end if (SI.TimeLeft == 0) or ((SI.tumbleStarted == false)) then for i = 0,(SI.vCCount-1) do SetVisualGearValues(SI.vCirc[i], SI.vCircX[i], SI.vCircY[i], nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, SI.vCircRadius[i], nil, (SI.vCircCol[i]-SI.fadeAlpha)) end end if (CurrentHedgehog ~= nil) then if SI.beam == true then SetVisualGearValues(SI.pShield, GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog), nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, SI.colorShield-0x000000FF - -math.min(SI.shieldHealth, 255)) DrawTag(SI.TAG_SHIELD) else SetVisualGearValues(SI.pShield, GetX(CurrentHedgehog), GetY(CurrentHedgehog), nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 0x0) end endendfunction ProjectileTrack(gear) if (GetGearType(gear) == gtShell) then local turningSpeed = 0.1*SI.fMod local dx, dy = GetGearVelocity(gear) if GetX(gear) > GetX(CurrentHedgehog) then dx = dx - turningSpeed else dx = dx + turningSpeed end if GetY(gear) > GetY(CurrentHedgehog) then dy = dy - turningSpeed else dy = dy + turningSpeed end local dxlimit = 0.4*SI.fMod local dylimit = 0.4*SI.fMod if dx > dxlimit then dx = dxlimit end if dy > dylimit then dy = dylimit end if dx < -dxlimit then dx = -dxlimit end if dy < -dylimit then dy = -dylimit end SetGearVelocity(gear, dx, dy) endend