Easier back jumps in Basic Movement Training (fixes
bug #692)
The explanation of Back Jumping (2/2) has been simplified
and the "hard" part has been made easier by lowering the girders.
The original idea was that I wanted to force players to learn
how to jump higher by delaying the 2nd backspace keypress.
But this turned out that this section was too unfair and we have
lost at least one player due to rage-quitting, according to feedback.
** $Id: lgc.h,v 2007/12/27 13:02:25 roberto Exp $
** Garbage Collector
** See Copyright Notice in lua.h
#ifndef lgc_h
#define lgc_h
#include "lobject.h"
** Possible states of the Garbage Collector
#define GCSpause 0
#define GCSpropagate 1
#define GCSsweepstring 2
#define GCSsweep 3
#define GCSfinalize 4
** some userful bit tricks
#define resetbits(x,m) ((x) &= cast(lu_byte, ~(m)))
#define setbits(x,m) ((x) |= (m))
#define testbits(x,m) ((x) & (m))
#define bitmask(b) (1<<(b))
#define bit2mask(b1,b2) (bitmask(b1) | bitmask(b2))
#define l_setbit(x,b) setbits(x, bitmask(b))
#define resetbit(x,b) resetbits(x, bitmask(b))
#define testbit(x,b) testbits(x, bitmask(b))
#define set2bits(x,b1,b2) setbits(x, (bit2mask(b1, b2)))
#define reset2bits(x,b1,b2) resetbits(x, (bit2mask(b1, b2)))
#define test2bits(x,b1,b2) testbits(x, (bit2mask(b1, b2)))
** Layout for bit use in `marked' field:
** bit 0 - object is white (type 0)
** bit 1 - object is white (type 1)
** bit 2 - object is black
** bit 3 - for userdata: has been finalized
** bit 3 - for tables: has weak keys
** bit 4 - for tables: has weak values
** bit 5 - object is fixed (should not be collected)
** bit 6 - object is "super" fixed (only the main thread)
#define WHITE0BIT 0
#define WHITE1BIT 1
#define BLACKBIT 2
#define KEYWEAKBIT 3
#define FIXEDBIT 5
#define SFIXEDBIT 6
#define iswhite(x) test2bits((x)->gch.marked, WHITE0BIT, WHITE1BIT)
#define isblack(x) testbit((x)->gch.marked, BLACKBIT)
#define isgray(x) (!isblack(x) && !iswhite(x))
#define otherwhite(g) (g->currentwhite ^ WHITEBITS)
#define isdead(g,v) ((v)->gch.marked & otherwhite(g) & WHITEBITS)
#define changewhite(x) ((x)->gch.marked ^= WHITEBITS)
#define gray2black(x) l_setbit((x)->gch.marked, BLACKBIT)
#define valiswhite(x) (iscollectable(x) && iswhite(gcvalue(x)))
#define luaC_white(g) cast(lu_byte, (g)->currentwhite & WHITEBITS)
#define luaC_checkGC(L) { \
condhardstacktests(luaD_reallocstack(L, L->stacksize - EXTRA_STACK - 1)); \
if (G(L)->totalbytes >= G(L)->GCthreshold) \
luaC_step(L); }
#define luaC_barrier(L,p,v) { if (valiswhite(v) && isblack(obj2gco(p))) \
luaC_barrierf(L,obj2gco(p),gcvalue(v)); }
#define luaC_barriert(L,t,v) { if (valiswhite(v) && isblack(obj2gco(t))) \
luaC_barrierback(L,t); }
#define luaC_objbarrier(L,p,o) \
{ if (iswhite(obj2gco(o)) && isblack(obj2gco(p))) \
luaC_barrierf(L,obj2gco(p),obj2gco(o)); }
#define luaC_objbarriert(L,t,o) \
{ if (iswhite(obj2gco(o)) && isblack(obj2gco(t))) luaC_barrierback(L,t); }
LUAI_FUNC size_t luaC_separateudata (lua_State *L, int all);
LUAI_FUNC void luaC_callGCTM (lua_State *L);
LUAI_FUNC void luaC_freeall (lua_State *L);
LUAI_FUNC void luaC_step (lua_State *L);
LUAI_FUNC void luaC_fullgc (lua_State *L);
LUAI_FUNC void luaC_link (lua_State *L, GCObject *o, lu_byte tt);
LUAI_FUNC void luaC_linkupval (lua_State *L, UpVal *uv);
LUAI_FUNC void luaC_barrierf (lua_State *L, GCObject *o, GCObject *v);
LUAI_FUNC void luaC_barrierback (lua_State *L, Table *t);