- Add stub page for rooms list
- Clear chat box on disconnect (not only nicks list)
module Main where
import Network
import IO
import System.IO
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception (setUncaughtExceptionHandler, handle, finally)
import Control.Monad (forM, forM_, filterM, liftM)
import Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.List
import Miscutils
import HWProto
acceptLoop :: Socket -> TChan ClientInfo -> IO ()
acceptLoop servSock acceptChan = do
(cHandle, host, port) <- accept servSock
cChan <- atomically newTChan
forkIO $ clientLoop cHandle cChan
atomically $ writeTChan acceptChan (ClientInfo cChan cHandle "" 0 "" False)
hPutStrLn cHandle "CONNECTED\n"
acceptLoop servSock acceptChan
listenLoop :: Handle -> [String] -> TChan [String] -> IO ()
listenLoop handle buf chan = do
str <- hGetLine handle
if str == "" then do
atomically $ writeTChan chan buf
listenLoop handle [] chan
listenLoop handle (buf ++ [str]) chan
clientLoop :: Handle -> TChan [String] -> IO ()
clientLoop handle chan =
listenLoop handle [] chan
`catch` (const $ clientOff >> return ())
where clientOff = atomically $ writeTChan chan ["QUIT"] -- if the client disconnects, we perform as if it sent QUIT message
sendAnswers [] _ clients _ = return clients
sendAnswers ((handlesFunc, answer):answers) client clients rooms = do
let recipients = handlesFunc client clients rooms
putStrLn ("< " ++ (show answer) ++ " (" ++ (show $ length recipients) ++ " recipients)")
clHandles' <- forM recipients $
\ch -> Control.Exception.handle (\e -> putStrLn (show e) >> hClose ch >> return [ch]) $
if (not $ null answer) && (head answer == "off") then hClose ch >> return [ch] else -- probably client with exception, don't send him anything
forM_ answer (\str -> hPutStrLn ch str)
hPutStrLn ch ""
hFlush ch
if (not $ null answer) && (head answer == "BYE") then hClose ch >> return [ch] else return []
let mclients = remove clients $ concat clHandles'
sendAnswers answers client mclients rooms
remove list rmClHandles = deleteFirstsBy2t (\ a b -> (Miscutils.handle a) == b) list rmClHandles
mainLoop :: Socket -> TChan ClientInfo -> [ClientInfo] -> [RoomInfo] -> IO ()
mainLoop servSock acceptChan clients rooms = do
r <- atomically $ (Left `fmap` readTChan acceptChan) `orElse` (Right `fmap` tselect clients)
case r of
Left ci -> do
mainLoop servSock acceptChan (ci:clients) rooms
Right (cmd, client) -> do
putStrLn ("> " ++ show cmd)
let (clientsFunc, roomsFunc, answers) = handleCmd client clients rooms $ cmd
let mrooms = roomsFunc rooms
let mclients = (clientsFunc clients)
let mclient = fromMaybe client $ find (== client) mclients
clientsIn <- sendAnswers answers mclient mclients mrooms
mainLoop servSock acceptChan clientsIn mrooms
startServer serverSocket = do
acceptChan <- atomically newTChan
forkIO $ acceptLoop serverSocket acceptChan
mainLoop serverSocket acceptChan [] []
main = withSocketsDo $ do
serverSocket <- listenOn $ Service "hedgewars"
startServer serverSocket `finally` sClose serverSocket