author nemo
Wed, 09 Aug 2017 12:46:52 -0400
changeset 12451 48ee3777e42e
parent 12192 31b18c1ba02a
child 13049 1df5b407f368
permissions -rw-r--r--
trying to eliminate that annoying impact sound for gears that are well under the water and not even exiting it. sheepluva might want to look this over since this is modifying his code and should perhaps be part of the addSplashForGear checks, but hadn't had much luck getting him to examine it past year or so

; Korean locale

00:01=산탄식 폭탄
00:02=로켓탄 발사기
00:05=잭 해머
00:11=야구 방망이
00:15=폭탄 공습
00:16=지뢰 공습
00:17=발염 장치
00:20=고슴도치 바꾸기
00:23=가미가제 공격
00:27=불지옥 수류탄
00:28=드릴 발사기
00:29=구체의 폭탄 발사기
00:30=네이팜 공습
00:33=손상 증가
00:34=정복 불능
00:36=레이저 조준기
00:38=저격용 소총
00:41=못생긴 앵무새
00:42=포털 건
00:44=악취가 나는 치즈
00:45=사인 건
00:46=화염 방사기

; 01:00=Loading …
01:02=%1 승리!
01:03=음량 %1%
01:05=그만둘까요? (Y/Esc)?
01:06=단판 결승!
01:07=%1 발 남는다
01:09=동시에 발생하고 있다...
01:10=사용하면 회전 계속할 수 있다
01:11=아직 사용할 수가 없다
01:12=1 회전 후에 단판 결승 시작하겠다!
01:13=%1 회전 후에 단판 결승 시작하겠다!
01:14=%1 준비됐나요?

; Event messages
; Hog (%1) died
02:00=%1 죽었다!

; Hog (%1) drowned
02:01=%1 !

; Round starts

; Round ends and team/clan (%1) wins
02:03=%1 승리!

; Round ends in a draw

; New health crate

; New ammo crate

; New utility crate

; Hog (%1) skips his turn
02:08=%1 통과했다.

; Hog (%1) hurts himself only
02:09=%1 피학대 성애자인 것 캍아...

; Hog shot an home run (using the bat and another hog)

; Hog (%1) has to leave (team is gone)
02:11=%1 포기했다!

; Weapon Categories
03:00=Timed Grenade
03:01=Timed Grenade
03:02=Ballistic Weapon
03:03=Guided Weapon
03:04=Gun (multiple shots)
03:05=Digging Tool
03:07=Transport Utility
03:08=Proximity Bomb
03:09=Gun (multiple shots)
03:12=Martial Arts
03:14=Transport Utility
03:15=Airborne Attack
03:16=Airborne Attack
03:17=Digging Tool
03:19=Transport Utility
03:21=Ballistic Weapon
03:22=Call me Indiana!
03:23=(Really) Martial Arts
03:24=The cake is NOT a lie!
03:25=Costume Kit
03:26=Juicy Grenade
03:27=Fiery Grenade
03:28=Ballistic Weapon
03:29=Ballistic Weapon
03:30=Airborne Attack
03:31=Remote Controlled Bomb
03:32=Temporary Effect
03:33=Temporary Effect
03:34=Temporary Effect
03:35=Temporary Effect
03:36=Temporary Effect
03:37=Temporary Effect
03:38=Gun (multiple shots)
03:39=Transport Utility
03:40=Incinerating Grenade
03:41=Huge fan of Squawks
03:42=I'm making a note here...
; the misspelled "Beethoven" is intentional (-> to beat)
03:43=Performing Beathoven's deadly sonata
03:44=Best before: 1923
03:45=The power of science
03:46=Hot Hot Hot!
03:47=Stick these somewhere useful!
03:48=It's Hammer time!
03:49=Does what you guess

; Weapon Descriptions (use | as line breaks)
04:00=Attack your enemies using a simple grenade.|It will explode once its timer reaches zero.|1-5: Set grenade's timer|Attack: Hold to throw with more power
04:01=Attack your enemies using a cluster bomb.|It will split into smaller bombs once its timer|reaches zero.|1-5: Set grenade's timer|Attack: Hold to throw with more power
04:02=Attack your enemies using a ballistic projectile|that might be influenced by wind.|Attack: Hold to shoot with more power
04:03=Launch an explosive bee that will lock on|the selected target. Don't shoot with full power|to improve its precision.|Cursor: Pick target|Attack: Hold to shoot with more power
04:04=Attack your enemy using a shotgun with two shots.|Thanks to its spread you don't need direct hits|to harm your opponents.|Attack: Shoot (multiple times)
04:05=Move underground! Use the pickhammer to drill|a hole into the ground and reach other areas.|Attack: Start or stop digging
04:06=Bored? No way to attack? Save your ammo?|No problem! Just skip your turn, coward!|Attack: Skip your turn without fighting
04:07=Bridge huge distances using timed shots with the|rope. Use your momentum to slide into other hogs|or drop grenades and other weapons on them.|Attack: Shoot or release the rope|Long Jump: Drop grenades or similar weapons
04:08=Keep your enemies away by dropping a mine in|narrow passages or right below their feet. Be|sure to retreat before you trigger it yourself!|Attack: Drop mine next to your feet
04:09=Not sure about your aiming? Use the Desert|Eagle to attack using up to four shots.|Attack: Shoot (multiple times)
04:10=Brute force is always an option. Drop this classic|explosive next to your enemies and retreat.|Attack: Drop dynamite next to your feet
04:11=Get rid of enemy hogs by batting them over|the map borders or into water. Or how about|knocking some mines to your friends?|Attack: Bat everything in front of you
04:12=Get close and personal to unleash the power of|this almost deadly martial arts technique.|Attack: Perform the Fire Punch
04:14=Fear of heights? Better grab a parachute.|It will unfold once|you fall too far and|save your hog from taking fall damage.|Attack: Unfold the parachute|Long Jump: Drop grenades or similar weapons
04:15=Call in an airplane to attack your enemies|using a bombing run.|Left/Right: Determine attack direction|Cursor: Select target region
04:16=Call in an airplane to drop several mines|in the target area.|Left/Right: Determine attack direction|Cursor: Select target region
04:17=Need shelter? Use the blow torch to dig|a tunnel into solid ground granting you|cover.|Attack: Start or stop digging
04:18=Need additional protection or want to pass|unpassable ground? Place some girders as you|like.|Left/Right: Select girder to place|Cursor: Place girder in a valid position
04:19=Used at the right moment teleportation can|be more powerful than almost all weapons as|it allows you to save hogs from dangerous|situations within seconds.|Cursor: Select target region
04:20=Allows you to play the current turn with|a different hog.|Attack: Enable switching hogs
04:21=Shoot a grenade-like projectile that will|release multiple bombs upon impact.|Attack: Shoot at full power
04:22=Not just for Indiana Jones! The whip is a|useful weapon in many situations. Especially|when you'd like to shove someone off a cliff.|Attack: Strike everything in front of you
04:23=If you have nothing to lose, this might be|quite handy. Sacrifice your hog by launching|him into a specific direction hurting everything|on his way and exploding at the end.|Attack: Launch the devastating and deadly attack
04:24=Happy Birthday! Launch this cake, let it walk right|next to your enemies and let them have an explosive|party. The cake is able to pass almost all terrain|but he might detonate earlier this way.|Attack: Start the cake or let it stop and explode
04:25=Use this disguise kit to get your enemies to jump|towards your hog (and into some gap or hole).|Attack: Use the kit and try to seduce another hog
04:26=Throw this juicy watermelon at your enemies. Once|the timer expires, it will split into several|explosive pieces.|1-5: Set watermelon's timer|Attack: Hold to shoot with more power
04:27=Let hellfire rain onto your opponents by using|this fiendish explosive. Don't get too close to|the explosion as smaller fires might last longer.|Attack: Hold to shoot with more power
04:28=Short time after launching this rocket, it will|start drilling through solid ground and explode|once its fuse is triggered or it resurfaces again.|Attack: Hold to shoot with more power
04:29=This is nothing for small kids! The ball gun fires|tons of small colored balls filled with explosives.|Attack: Shoot at full power|Up/Down: Continue aiming
04:30=Call in an airplane to launch a powerful napalm|strike. With proper aiming this attack can eradicate|huge parts of landscape including unlucky hogs|sitting there.|Left/Right: Determine attack direction|Cursor: Select target region
04:31=The RC plane is the ideal weapon to collect crates or|attack far away hogs. Either steer it into enemies or|drop some bombs first.|Attack: Launch the plane or drop bombs|Long Jump: Let the valkyries ride into battle|Up/Down: Steer the plane
04:32=Low gravity is more effective than any diet! Jump|higher and over greater distances or let your enemies|fly even further.|Attack: Activate
04:33=Sometimes you just need that little extra boost to|deal some more damage.|Attack: Activate
04:34=Can't touch me!|Attack: Activate
04:35=Sometimes time's running too fast. Grab some extra|seconds to finish your attack.|Attack: Activate
04:36=Well, sometimes you're just too bad in aiming. Get|some assistance using modern day technology.|Attack: Activate
04:37=Don't fear the daylight. It will just last one turn|but will enable you to absorb the damage you do to|other hogs.|Attack: Activate
04:38=The sniper rifle can be the most devastating weapon|in your whole arsenal, however it's very ineffective|at close quarters. The damage dealt increases with|the distance to its target.|Attack: Shoot (twice)
04:39=Fly to other parts of the map using the flying|saucer. This hard to master utility is able to|take you to almost any position on the battlefield.|Attack: Activate|Up/Left/Right: Apply force in one direction|Long Jump: Drop grenades or similar weapons
04:40=Set some ground on fire using this bottle filled|with (soon to be) burning liquid.|Attack: Hold to shoot with more power
04:41=The evidence nature might even top the flying|saucer. Birdy can carry your hog around and|drop eggs on your enemies!|Attack: Activate and drop eggs|Up/Left/Right: Flap in one direction
04:42=This portable portal device is capable|of instantly transporting you, your enemies,|or your weaponry between two points on the|terrain.|Use it wisely and your campaign will be a...|HUGE SUCCESS!|Attack: Shoot a portal|Switch: Cycle portal colours
04:43=Make your musical debut an explosive success!|Drop a piano from the heavens, but beware...|someone needs to play it, and that may cost you|your life!|Cursor: Select target region|F1-F9: Play the piano
04:44=This isn't just cheese, it's biological warfare!|It won't cause an huge amount of damage once|the timer reaches zero but it will definitely|poison anyone unlucky to touch the smell!|1-5: Set grenade's timer|Attack: Hold to throw with more power
04:45=All those physics classes have finally|paid off, launch a devastating Sine|wave at your foes.|Watch out, this weapon packs quite a kick. (This weapon is incomplete)|Attack: Shoot
04:46=Cover your foes with sizzling liquid flame.|Heartwarming!|Attack: Activate|Up/Down: Continue aiming|Left/Right: Modify spitting power
04:47=Double the fun with two spiky, sneaky, sticky mines.|Set up a chain reaction or defend yourself (or both!)|Attack: Hold to shoot with more power (twice)
04:48=Why should the moles get all the abuse?|Wacking a hog can be just as fun! A good|blow from this hammer will shave off one|third of a hog's health and plunge them|underground.|Attack: Activate
04:49=Resurrect your friends!|But beware that this also resurrects your foes.|Attack: Keep attack pressed to resurrect slowly|Up: Accelerate resurrection

; Game goal strings
05:00=게임 수정 모드
05:01=이 규칙은 제정할 것입니다.
05:02=킹을 배치함: Pick a protected starting point for your King
05:04=정복 불능
05:05=흡혈귀: Hogs will be healed for the damage dealt
05:06=카르마: Hogs will be damaged for the damage dealt
05:07=킹 모드: Don't let your king die!
05:08=고슴도치를 배치하기
05:09=움직이지 못함
05:10=굳은 지반: Most weapons won't destroy terrain
05:11=공용탄약: All teams of the same color share their ammunition
05:12=지뢰 타임스위치: %1 초
05:13=지뢰 타임스위치: 즉각적이다
05:14=지뢰 타임스위치: 0 - 5 초
05:15=손상 수정: %1% 손상
05:16=회전 후에 건강을 재건함
05:17=컴퓨터 고슴도치들이 자동 소새시킴
05:18=무한한 탄약
05:19=회전 후에 탄약을 재건함
05:20=탄약 종목별기준