Many modifications (these files seems written by a non Italian):
1. some (not all, yet) of the typos!
2. Italian grammar is different from English: there are no "Titles Like This" but "Titles like this" if there are no proper nouns.
3. Let's use actual Italian words not "Engrish" or jargon. For example, "chatta" to say "to chat" is not correct even if widely used!
4. I'd use the Italian "Morte improvvisa" instead of English "Sudden Death"; what to do you think?
(* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (c) 2004-2013 Andrey Korotaev <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA *){$INCLUDE ""}unit uGearsRender;interfaceuses uTypes, uConsts, GLunit, uFloat, SDLh;procedure RenderGear(Gear: PGear; x, y: LongInt);var RopePoints: record Count: Longword; HookAngle: GLfloat; ar: array[0..MAXROPEPOINTS] of record X, Y: hwFloat; dLen: hwFloat; b: boolean; sx, sy, sb: boolean; end; rounded: array[0..MAXROPEPOINTS + 2] of TVertex2f; end;implementationuses uRender, uUtils, uVariables, uAmmos, Math, uVisualGearsList;procedure DrawRopeLinesRQ(Gear: PGear);beginwith RopePoints do begin rounded[Count].X:= hwRound(Gear^.X); rounded[Count].Y:= hwRound(Gear^.Y); rounded[Count + 1].X:= hwRound(Gear^.Hedgehog^.Gear^.X); rounded[Count + 1].Y:= hwRound(Gear^.Hedgehog^.Gear^.Y); end;if (RopePoints.Count > 0) or (Gear^.Elasticity.QWordValue > 0) then begin glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); //glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); glPushMatrix; glTranslatef(WorldDx, WorldDy, 0); glLineWidth(4.0); Tint($C0, $C0, $C0, $FF); glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, @RopePoints.rounded[0]); glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_STRIP, 0, RopePoints.Count + 2); Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF); glPopMatrix; glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); //glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH) endend;function DrawRopeLine(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, roplen: LongInt): LongInt;var eX, eY, dX, dY: LongInt; i, sX, sY, x, y, d: LongInt; b: boolean;begin if (X1 = X2) and (Y1 = Y2) then begin //OutError('WARNING: zero length rope line!', false); exit end; eX:= 0; eY:= 0; dX:= X2 - X1; dY:= Y2 - Y1; if (dX > 0) then sX:= 1 else if (dX < 0) then begin sX:= -1; dX:= -dX end else sX:= dX; if (dY > 0) then sY:= 1 else if (dY < 0) then begin sY:= -1; dY:= -dY end else sY:= dY; if (dX > dY) then d:= dX else d:= dY; x:= X1; y:= Y1; for i:= 0 to d do begin inc(eX, dX); inc(eY, dY); b:= false; if (eX > d) then begin dec(eX, d); inc(x, sX); b:= true end; if (eY > d) then begin dec(eY, d); inc(y, sY); b:= true end; if b then begin inc(roplen); if (roplen mod 4) = 0 then DrawSprite(sprRopeNode, x - 2, y - 2, 0) end end;DrawRopeLine:= roplen;end;procedure DrawRope(Gear: PGear);var roplen: LongInt; i: Longword;begin if (cReducedQuality and rqSimpleRope) <> 0 then DrawRopeLinesRQ(Gear) else begin roplen:= 0; if RopePoints.Count > 0 then begin i:= 0; while i < Pred(RopePoints.Count) do begin roplen:= DrawRopeLine(hwRound([i].X) + WorldDx, hwRound([i].Y) + WorldDy, hwRound([Succ(i)].X) + WorldDx, hwRound([Succ(i)].Y) + WorldDy, roplen); inc(i) end; roplen:= DrawRopeLine(hwRound([i].X) + WorldDx, hwRound([i].Y) + WorldDy, hwRound(Gear^.X) + WorldDx, hwRound(Gear^.Y) + WorldDy, roplen); roplen:= DrawRopeLine(hwRound(Gear^.X) + WorldDx, hwRound(Gear^.Y) + WorldDy, hwRound(Gear^.Hedgehog^.Gear^.X) + WorldDx, hwRound(Gear^.Hedgehog^.Gear^.Y) + WorldDy, roplen); end else if Gear^.Elasticity.QWordValue > 0 then roplen:= DrawRopeLine(hwRound(Gear^.X) + WorldDx, hwRound(Gear^.Y) + WorldDy, hwRound(Gear^.Hedgehog^.Gear^.X) + WorldDx, hwRound(Gear^.Hedgehog^.Gear^.Y) + WorldDy, roplen); end;if RopePoints.Count > 0 then DrawSpriteRotated(sprRopeHook, hwRound([0].X) + WorldDx, hwRound([0].Y) + WorldDy, 1, RopePoints.HookAngle)else if Gear^.Elasticity.QWordValue > 0 then DrawSpriteRotated(sprRopeHook, hwRound(Gear^.X) + WorldDx, hwRound(Gear^.Y) + WorldDy, 0, DxDy2Angle(Gear^.dY, Gear^.dX));end;procedure DrawAltWeapon(Gear: PGear; sx, sy: LongInt);beginwith Gear^.Hedgehog^ do begin if not (((Ammoz[CurAmmoType].Ammo.Propz and ammoprop_AltUse) <> 0) and ((Gear^.State and gstAttacked) = 0)) then exit; DrawTexture(sx + 16, sy + 16, ropeIconTex); DrawTextureF(SpritesData[sprAMAmmos].Texture, 0.75, sx + 30, sy + 30, ord(CurAmmoType) - 1, 1, 32, 32); end;end;procedure DrawHH(Gear: PGear; ox, oy: LongInt);var i, t: LongInt; amt: TAmmoType; sign, hx, hy, tx, ty, sx, sy, m: LongInt; // hedgehog, crosshair, temp, sprite, direction dx, dy, ax, ay, aAngle, dAngle, hAngle, lx, ly: real; // laser, change defaultPos, HatVisible: boolean; HH: PHedgehog; CurWeapon: PAmmo; iceOffset:Longint; r:TSDL_Rect;begin HH:= Gear^.Hedgehog; if HH^.Unplaced then exit; m:= 1; if ((Gear^.State and gstHHHJump) <> 0) and (not cArtillery) then m:= -1; sx:= ox + 1; // this offset is very common sy:= oy - 3; sign:= hwSign(Gear^.dX); if (Gear^.State and gstHHDeath) <> 0 then begin DrawSprite(sprHHDeath, ox - 16, oy - 26, Gear^.Pos); Tint(HH^.Team^.Clan^.Color shl 8 or $FF); DrawSprite(sprHHDeath, ox - 16, oy - 26, Gear^.Pos + 8); Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF); exit end else if (Gear^.State and gstHHGone) <> 0 then begin DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprTeleport, sx, sy, Gear^.Pos, sign, 0); exit end; defaultPos:= true; HatVisible:= false; if HH^.Effects[heFrozen] > 0 then if HH^.Effects[heFrozen] < 150000 then begin DrawHedgehog(sx, sy, sign, 0, 0, 0); defaultPos:= false; if HH^.Effects[heFrozen] < 256 then HatVisible:= true else HatVisible:= false end else begin DrawHedgehog(sx, sy, sign, 2, 4, 0); defaultPos:= false; HatVisible:= false end; if HH^.Effects[hePoisoned] <> 0 then begin Tint($00, $FF, $40, $40); DrawTextureRotatedF(SpritesData[sprSmokeWhite].texture, 2, 0, 0, sx, sy, 0, 1, 22, 22, (RealTicks shr 36) mod 360); Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF) end; if ((Gear^.State and gstWinner) <> 0) and ((CurAmmoGear = nil) or (CurAmmoGear^.Kind <> gtPickHammer)) then begin DrawHedgehog(sx, sy, sign, 2, 0, 0); defaultPos:= false end; if (Gear^.State and gstDrowning) <> 0 then begin DrawHedgehog(sx, sy, sign, 1, 7, 0); defaultPos:= false end else if (Gear^.State and gstLoser) <> 0 then begin DrawHedgehog(sx, sy, sign, 2, 3, 0); defaultPos:= false end else if (Gear^.State and gstHHDriven) <> 0 then begin if ((Gear^.State and (gstHHThinking or gstAnimation)) = 0) and/// If current ammo is active, and current ammo has alt attack and uses a crosshair (rope, basically, right now, with no crosshair for parachute/saucer (((CurAmmoGear <> nil) and //((Ammoz[CurAmmoGear^.AmmoType].Ammo.Propz and ammoprop_AltAttack) <> 0) and ((Ammoz[CurAmmoGear^.AmmoType].Ammo.Propz and ammoprop_NoCrossHair) = 0)) or/// If no current ammo is active, and the selected ammo uses a crosshair ((CurAmmoGear = nil) and ((Ammoz[HH^.CurAmmoType].Ammo.Propz and ammoprop_NoCrosshair) = 0) and ((Gear^.State and gstAttacked) = 0))) then begin (* These calculations are a little complex for a few reasons: 1: I need to draw the laser from weapon origin to nearest land 2: I need to start the beam outside the hedgie for attractiveness. 3: I need to extend the beam beyond land. This routine perhaps should be pushed into uStore or somesuch instead of continuuing the increase in size of this function. *) dx:= sign * m * Sin(Gear^.Angle * pi / cMaxAngle); dy:= -Cos(Gear^.Angle * pi / cMaxAngle); if cLaserSighting then begin lx:= GetLaunchX(HH^.CurAmmoType, sign * m, Gear^.Angle); ly:= GetLaunchY(HH^.CurAmmoType, Gear^.Angle); // ensure we start outside the hedgehog (he's solid after all) while abs(lx * lx + ly * ly) < (Gear^.radius * Gear^.radius) do begin lx:= lx + dx; ly:= ly + dy end; // add hog's position lx:= lx + ox - WorldDx; ly:= ly + oy - WorldDy; // decrease number of iterations required ax:= dx * 4; ay:= dy * 4; tx:= round(lx); ty:= round(ly); hx:= tx; hy:= ty; while ((ty and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0) and ((tx and LAND_WIDTH_MASK) = 0) and (Land[ty, tx] = 0) do // TODO: check for constant variable instead begin lx:= lx + ax; ly:= ly + ay; tx:= round(lx); ty:= round(ly) end; // reached edge of land. assume infinite beam. Extend it way out past camera if ((ty and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) <> 0) or ((tx and LAND_WIDTH_MASK) <> 0) then begin tx:= round(lx + ax * (max(LAND_WIDTH,4096) div 2)); ty:= round(ly + ay * (max(LAND_WIDTH,4096) div 2)); end; //if (abs(lx-tx)>8) or (abs(ly-ty)>8) then begin DrawLine(hx, hy, tx, ty, 1.0, $FF, $00, $00, $C0); end; end; // draw crosshair CrosshairX := Round(hwRound(Gear^.X) + dx * 80 + GetLaunchX(HH^.CurAmmoType, sign * m, Gear^.Angle)); CrosshairY := Round(hwRound(Gear^.Y) + dy * 80 + GetLaunchY(HH^.CurAmmoType, Gear^.Angle)); DrawTextureRotated(HH^.Team^.CrosshairTex, 12, 12, CrosshairX + WorldDx, CrosshairY + WorldDy, 0, sign * (Gear^.Angle * 180.0) / cMaxAngle); end; hx:= ox + 8 * sign; hy:= oy - 2; aangle:= Gear^.Angle * 180 / cMaxAngle - 90; if (CurAmmoGear <> nil) and (CurAmmoGear^.Kind <> gtTardis) then begin case CurAmmoGear^.Kind of gtShotgunShot: begin if (CurAmmoGear^.State and gstAnimation <> 0) then DrawSpriteRotated(sprShotgun, hx, hy, sign, aangle) else DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandShotgun, hx, hy, sign, aangle); end; gtDEagleShot: DrawSpriteRotated(sprDEagle, hx, hy, sign, aangle); gtSniperRifleShot: begin if (CurAmmoGear^.State and gstAnimation <> 0) then DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprSniperRifle, hx, hy, 1, sign, aangle) else DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprSniperRifle, hx, hy, 0, sign, aangle) end; gtBallgun: DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandBallgun, hx, hy, sign, aangle); gtRCPlane: begin DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandPlane, hx, hy, sign, 0); defaultPos:= false end; gtRope: begin if Gear^.X < CurAmmoGear^.X then begin dAngle:= 0; hAngle:= 180; i:= 1 end else begin dAngle:= 180; hAngle:= 0; i:= -1 end; if ((Gear^.State and gstWinner) = 0) then begin DrawHedgehog(ox, oy, i, 1, 0, DxDy2Angle(CurAmmoGear^.dY, CurAmmoGear^.dX) + dAngle); with HH^ do if (HatTex <> nil) then begin DrawTextureRotatedF(HatTex, 1.0, -1.0, -6.0, ox, oy, 0, i, 32, 32, i*DxDy2Angle(CurAmmoGear^.dY, CurAmmoGear^.dX) + hAngle); if HatTex^.w > 64 then begin Tint(HH^.Team^.Clan^.Color shl 8 or $FF); DrawTextureRotatedF(HatTex, 1.0, -1.0, -6.0, ox, oy, 32, i, 32, 32, i*DxDy2Angle(CurAmmoGear^.dY, CurAmmoGear^.dX) + hAngle); Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF) end end end; DrawAltWeapon(Gear, ox, oy); defaultPos:= false end; gtBlowTorch: begin DrawSpriteRotated(sprBlowTorch, hx, hy, sign, aangle); DrawHedgehog(sx, sy, sign, 3, HH^.visStepPos div 2, 0); with HH^ do if (HatTex <> nil) then begin DrawTextureF(HatTex, 1, sx, sy - 5, 0, sign, 32, 32); if HatTex^.w > 64 then begin Tint(HH^.Team^.Clan^.Color shl 8 or $FF); DrawTextureF(HatTex, 1, sx, sy - 5, 32, sign, 32, 32); Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF) end end; defaultPos:= false end; gtShover: DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandBaseball, hx, hy, sign, aangle + 180); gtFirePunch: begin DrawHedgehog(sx, sy, sign, 1, 4, 0); defaultPos:= false end; gtPickHammer: begin defaultPos:= false; dec(sy,20); end; gtTeleport: defaultPos:= false; gtWhip: begin DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprWhip, sx, sy, 1, sign, 0); defaultPos:= false end; gtHammer: begin DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprHammer, sx, sy, 1, sign, 0); defaultPos:= false end; gtResurrector: begin DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandResurrector, sx, sy, 0, 0); defaultPos:= false end; gtKamikaze: begin if CurAmmoGear^.Pos = 0 then DrawHedgehog(sx, sy, sign, 1, 6, 0) else DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprKamikaze, ox, oy, CurAmmoGear^.Pos - 1, sign, aangle); defaultPos:= false end; gtSeduction: begin if CurAmmoGear^.Pos >= 6 then DrawHedgehog(sx, sy, sign, 2, 2, 0) else begin DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprDress, ox, oy, CurAmmoGear^.Pos, sign, 0); DrawSprite(sprCensored, ox - 32, oy - 20, 0) end; defaultPos:= false end; gtFlamethrower: begin DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprHandFlamethrower, hx, hy, (RealTicks div 125) mod 4, sign, aangle); if CurAmmoGear^.Tex <> nil then DrawTextureCentered(sx, sy - 40, CurAmmoGear^.Tex) end; gtLandGun: begin DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandBallgun, hx, hy, sign, aangle); if CurAmmoGear^.Tex <> nil then DrawTextureCentered(sx, sy - 40, CurAmmoGear^.Tex) end; gtIceGun: begin DrawSpriteRotated(sprIceGun, hx, hy, sign, aangle); if CurAmmoGear^.Tex <> nil then DrawTextureCentered(sx, sy - 40, CurAmmoGear^.Tex) end; end; case CurAmmoGear^.Kind of gtShotgunShot, gtDEagleShot, gtSniperRifleShot, gtShover: begin DrawHedgehog(sx, sy, sign, 0, 4, 0); defaultPos:= false; HatVisible:= true end end end else if ((Gear^.State and gstHHJumping) <> 0) then begin DrawHedgehog(sx, sy, sign*m, 1, 1, 0); HatVisible:= true; defaultPos:= false end else if (Gear^.Message and (gmLeft or gmRight) <> 0) and (not isCursorVisible) then begin DrawHedgehog(sx, sy, sign, 0, HH^.visStepPos div 2, 0); defaultPos:= false; HatVisible:= true end else if ((Gear^.State and gstAnimation) <> 0) then begin if (TWave(Gear^.Tag) < Low(TWave)) or (TWave(Gear^.Tag) > High(TWave)) then begin Gear^.State:= Gear^.State and (not gstAnimation); end else begin DrawSpriteRotatedF(Wavez[TWave(Gear^.Tag)].Sprite, sx, sy, Gear^.Pos, sign, 0.0); defaultPos:= false end end else if ((Gear^.State and gstAttacked) = 0) then begin if HH^.Timer > 0 then begin // There must be a tidier way to do this. Anyone? if aangle <= 90 then aangle:= aangle+360; if Gear^.dX > _0 then aangle:= aangle-((aangle-240)*HH^.Timer/10) else aangle:= aangle+((240-aangle)*HH^.Timer/10); dec(HH^.Timer) end; amt:= CurrentHedgehog^.CurAmmoType; CurWeapon:= GetCurAmmoEntry(HH^); case amt of amBazooka: DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandBazooka, hx, hy, sign, aangle); amSnowball: DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandSnowball, hx, hy, sign, aangle); amMortar: DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandMortar, hx, hy, sign, aangle); amMolotov: DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandMolotov, hx, hy, sign, aangle); amBallgun: DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandBallgun, hx, hy, sign, aangle); amDrill: DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandDrill, hx, hy, sign, aangle); amRope: DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandRope, hx, hy, sign, aangle); amShotgun: DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandShotgun, hx, hy, sign, aangle); amDEagle: DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandDEagle, hx, hy, sign, aangle); amSineGun: DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprHandSinegun, hx, hy, 73 + (sign * LongInt(RealTicks div 73)) mod 8, sign, aangle); amPortalGun: if (CurWeapon^.Timer and 2) <> 0 then // Add a new Hedgehog value instead of abusing timer? DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprPortalGun, hx, hy, 0, sign, aangle) else DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprPortalGun, hx, hy, 1+CurWeapon^.Pos, sign, aangle); amSniperRifle: DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprSniperRifle, hx, hy, 0, sign, aangle); amBlowTorch: DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandBlowTorch, hx, hy, sign, aangle); amCake: DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandCake, hx, hy, sign, aangle); amGrenade: DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandGrenade, hx, hy, sign, aangle); amWatermelon: DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandMelon, hx, hy, sign, aangle); amSkip: DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandSkip, hx, hy, sign, aangle); amClusterBomb: DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandCluster, hx, hy, sign, aangle); amDynamite: DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandDynamite, hx, hy, sign, aangle); amHellishBomb: DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandHellish, hx, hy, sign, aangle); amGasBomb: DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandCheese, hx, hy, sign, aangle); amMine: DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandMine, hx, hy, sign, aangle); amSMine: DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandSMine, hx, hy, sign, aangle); amKnife: DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprHandKnife, hx, hy, 0, sign, aangle); amSeduction: begin DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandSeduction, hx, hy, sign, aangle); DrawCircle(ox, oy, 248, 4, $FF, $00, $00, $AA); //Tint($FF, $0, $0, $AA); //DrawTexture(ox - 240, oy - 240, SpritesData[sprVampiric].Texture, 10); //Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF); end; amVampiric: DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprHandVamp, hx, hy, (RealTicks div 125) mod 4, sign, aangle); amRCPlane: begin DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandPlane, hx, hy, sign, 0); defaultPos:= false end; amGirder: begin DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandConstruction, hx, hy, sign, aangle); DrawSpriteClipped(sprGirder, ox-256, oy-256, LongInt(topY)+WorldDy, LongInt(rightX)+WorldDx, cWaterLine+WorldDy, LongInt(leftX)+WorldDx) end; amBee: DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprHandBee, hx, hy, (RealTicks div 125) mod 4, sign, aangle); amFlamethrower: DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprHandFlamethrower, hx, hy, (RealTicks div 125) mod 4, sign, aangle); amLandGun: DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandBallgun, hx, hy, sign, aangle); amIceGun: DrawSpriteRotated(sprIceGun, hx, hy, sign, aangle); amResurrector: DrawCircle(ox, oy, 98, 4, $F5, $DB, $35, $AA); // I'd rather not like to hardcode 100 here end; case amt of amAirAttack, amMineStrike, amDrillStrike: DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandAirAttack, sx, oy, sign, 0); amPickHammer: DrawHedgehog(sx, sy, sign, 1, 2, 0); amTeleport: DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprTeleport, sx, sy, 0, sign, 0); amKamikaze: DrawHedgehog(sx, sy, sign, 1, 5, 0); amWhip: DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprWhip, sx, sy, 0, sign, 0); amHammer: DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprHammer, sx, sy, 0, sign, 0); else DrawHedgehog(sx, sy, sign, 0, 4, 0); HatVisible:= true; (* with HH^ do if (HatTex <> nil) and (HatVisibility > 0) then DrawTextureF(HatTex, HatVisibility, sx, sy - 5, 0, sign, 32, 32); *) end; case amt of amBaseballBat: DrawSpriteRotated(sprHandBaseball, sx - 4 * sign, sy + 9, sign, aangle); end; defaultPos:= false end; end else // not gstHHDriven begin if (Gear^.Damage > 0) and (HH^.Effects[heFrozen] = 0) and (hwSqr(Gear^.dX) + hwSqr(Gear^.dY) > _0_003) then begin DrawHedgehog(sx, sy, sign, 2, 1, Gear^.DirAngle); defaultPos:= false end else if ((Gear^.State and gstHHJumping) <> 0) then begin DrawHedgehog(sx, sy, sign*m, 1, 1, 0); defaultPos:= false end; end; with HH^ do begin if defaultPos then begin if HH^.Team^.hasGone then Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $80); DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprHHIdle, sx, sy, (RealTicks div 128 + Gear^.Pos) mod 19, sign, 0); HatVisible:= true; end; if HatVisible then if HatVisibility < 1.0 then HatVisibility:= HatVisibility + 0.2 else else if HatVisibility > 0.0 then HatVisibility:= HatVisibility - 0.2; if (HatTex <> nil) and (HatVisibility > 0) then if DefaultPos then begin DrawTextureF(HatTex, HatVisibility, sx, sy - 5, (RealTicks div 128 + Gear^.Pos) mod 19, sign, 32, 32); if HatTex^.w > 64 then begin Tint(HH^.Team^.Clan^.Color shl 8 or $FF); DrawTextureF(HatTex, HatVisibility, sx, sy - 5, (RealTicks div 128 + Gear^.Pos) mod 19 + 32, sign, 32, 32); Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF) end; if HH^.Team^.hasGone then Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF) end else begin DrawTextureF(HatTex, HatVisibility, sx, sy - 5, 0, sign*m, 32, 32); if HatTex^.w > 64 then begin Tint(HH^.Team^.Clan^.Color shl 8 or $FF); DrawTextureF(HatTex, HatVisibility, sx, sy - 5, 32, sign*m, 32, 32); Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF) end end end; if (Gear^.State and gstHHDriven) <> 0 then begin (* if (CurAmmoGear = nil) then begin amt:= CurrentHedgehog^.CurAmmoType; case amt of amJetpack: DrawSprite(sprJetpack, sx-32, sy-32, 0); end end; *) if CurAmmoGear <> nil then begin case CurAmmoGear^.Kind of gtJetpack: begin DrawSprite(sprJetpack, sx-32, sy-32, 0); if cWaterLine > hwRound(Gear^.Y) + Gear^.Radius then begin if (CurAmmoGear^.MsgParam and gmUp) <> 0 then DrawSprite(sprJetpack, sx-32, sy-28, 1); if (CurAmmoGear^.MsgParam and gmLeft) <> 0 then DrawSprite(sprJetpack, sx-28, sy-28, 2); if (CurAmmoGear^.MsgParam and gmRight) <> 0 then DrawSprite(sprJetpack, sx-36, sy-28, 3) end; if CurAmmoGear^.Tex <> nil then DrawTextureCentered(sx, sy - 40, CurAmmoGear^.Tex); DrawAltWeapon(Gear, sx, sy) end; end; end end; with HH^ do begin if ((Gear^.State and (not gstWinner)) = 0) or ((Gear^.State = gstWait) and (Gear^.dY.QWordValue = 0)) or (bShowFinger and ((Gear^.State and gstHHDriven) <> 0)) then begin t:= sy - cHHRadius - 9; if (cTagsMask and htTransparent) <> 0 then Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $80); if ((cTagsMask and htHealth) <> 0) then begin dec(t, HealthTagTex^.h + 2); DrawTextureCentered(ox, t, HealthTagTex) end; if (cTagsMask and htName) <> 0 then begin dec(t, NameTagTex^.h + 2); DrawTextureCentered(ox, t, NameTagTex) end; if (cTagsMask and htTeamName) <> 0 then begin dec(t, Team^.NameTagTex^.h + 2); DrawTextureCentered(ox, t, Team^.NameTagTex) end; if (cTagsMask and htTransparent) <> 0 then Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF) end; if (Gear^.State and gstHHDriven) <> 0 then // Current hedgehog begin if (CurAmmoGear <> nil) and (CurAmmoGear^.Kind = gtResurrector) then DrawTextureCentered(ox, sy - cHHRadius - 7 - HealthTagTex^.h, HealthTagTex); if bShowFinger and ((Gear^.State and gstHHDriven) <> 0) then DrawSprite(sprFinger, ox - 16, oy - 64, GameTicks div 32 mod 16); if (Gear^.State and gstDrowning) = 0 then if (Gear^.State and gstHHThinking) <> 0 then DrawSprite(sprQuestion, ox - 10, oy - cHHRadius - 34, (RealTicks shr 9) mod 8) end end; if HH^.Effects[hePoisoned] <> 0 then begin Tint($00, $FF, $40, $80); DrawTextureRotatedF(SpritesData[sprSmokeWhite].texture, 1.5, 0, 0, sx, sy, 0, 1, 22, 22, 360 - (RealTicks shr 37) mod 360); end; if HH^.Effects[heResurrected] <> 0 then begin Tint($f5, $db, $35, $20); DrawSprite(sprVampiric, sx - 24, sy - 24, 0); end; if Gear^.Invulnerable then begin Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, max($40, round($FF * abs(1 - ((RealTicks div 2 + Gear^.uid * 491) mod 1500) / 750)))); DrawSprite(sprInvulnerable, sx - 24, sy - 24, 0); end; if HH^.Effects[heFrozen] < 150000 then begin if HH^.Effects[heFrozen] < 150000 then Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, min(255,127+HH^.Effects[heFrozen] div 800)); iceOffset:= min(32, HH^.Effects[heFrozen] div 8); r.x := 128; r.y := 96 - iceOffset; r.w := 32; r.h := iceOffset; if sign = -1 then DrawTextureFromRectDir(sx + sign*2, sy+16-iceoffset, r.w, r.h, @r, HHTexture, sign) else DrawTextureFromRectDir(sx-16 + sign*2, sy+16-iceoffset, r.w, r.h, @r, HHTexture, sign); if HH^.Effects[heFrozen] < 150000 then Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF); end; if cVampiric and (CurrentHedgehog^.Gear <> nil) and (CurrentHedgehog^.Gear = Gear) then begin Tint($FF, 0, 0, max($40, round($FF * abs(1 - (RealTicks mod 1500) / 750)))); DrawSprite(sprVampiric, sx - 24, sy - 24, 0); end; Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF)end;procedure RenderGear(Gear: PGear; x, y: LongInt);var HHGear: PGear; vg: PVisualGear; i: Longword; aAngle: real; startX, endX, startY, endY: LongInt;begin if Gear^.State and gstFrozen <> 0 then Tint($A0, $A0, $FF, $FF); //if Gear^.State and gstFrozen <> 0 then Tint(IceColor or $FF); if Gear^.Target.X <> NoPointX then if Gear^.AmmoType = amBee then DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprTargetBee, Gear^.Target.X + WorldDx, Gear^.Target.Y + WorldDy, 0, 0, (RealTicks shr 3) mod 360) else if Gear^.AmmoType = amIceGun then //DrawSprite(sprSnowDust, Gear^.Target.X + WorldDx, Gear^.Target.Y + WorldDy, (RealTicks shr 2) mod 8) //DrawTextureRotatedF(SpritesData[sprSnowDust].Texture, 1, 0, 0, Gear^.Target.X + WorldDx, Gear^.Target.Y + WorldDy, (RealTicks shr 2) mod 8, 1, 22, 22, (RealTicks shr 3) mod 360) DrawTextureRotatedF(SpritesData[sprSnowDust].Texture, 1/(1+(RealTicks shr 8) mod 5), 0, 0, Gear^.Target.X + WorldDx, Gear^.Target.Y + WorldDy, (RealTicks shr 2) mod 8, 1, 22, 22, (RealTicks shr 3) mod 360) else DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprTargetP, Gear^.Target.X + WorldDx, Gear^.Target.Y + WorldDy, 0, 0, (RealTicks shr 3) mod 360); case Gear^.Kind of gtGrenade: DrawSpriteRotated(sprBomb, x, y, 0, Gear^.DirAngle); gtSnowball: DrawSpriteRotated(sprSnowball, x, y, 0, Gear^.DirAngle); gtGasBomb: DrawSpriteRotated(sprCheese, x, y, 0, Gear^.DirAngle); gtMolotov: if (Gear^.State and gstDrowning) = 0 then DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprMolotov, x, y, (RealTicks div 125) mod 8, hwSign(Gear^.dX), Gear^.DirAngle * hwSign(Gear^.dX)) else DrawSprite(sprMolotov, x, y, 8); gtRCPlane: begin aangle:= Gear^.Angle * 360 / 4096; if Gear^.Tag < 0 then aangle:= 360-aangle; Tint(Gear^.Hedgehog^.Team^.Clan^.Color shl 8 or $FF); DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprPlane, x, y, 0, Gear^.Tag, aangle - 90); Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF); DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprPlane, x, y, 1, Gear^.Tag, aangle - 90) end; gtBall: DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprBalls, x, y, Gear^.Tag,0, Gear^.DirAngle); gtPortal: if ((Gear^.Tag and 1) = 0) // still moving? or (Gear^.LinkedGear = nil) or (Gear^.LinkedGear^.LinkedGear <> Gear) // not linked&backlinked? or ((Gear^.LinkedGear^.Tag and 1) = 0) then // linked portal still moving? DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprPortal, x, y, Gear^.Tag, hwSign(Gear^.dX), Gear^.DirAngle) else DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprPortal, x, y, 4 + Gear^.Tag div 2, hwSign(Gear^.dX), Gear^.DirAngle); gtDrill: if (Gear^.State and gsttmpFlag) <> 0 then DrawSpriteRotated(sprAirDrill, x, y, 0, DxDy2Angle(Gear^.dY, Gear^.dX)) else DrawSpriteRotated(sprDrill, x, y, 0, DxDy2Angle(Gear^.dY, Gear^.dX)); gtHedgehog: DrawHH(Gear, x, y); gtShell: DrawSpriteRotated(sprBazookaShell, x, y, 0, DxDy2Angle(Gear^.dY, Gear^.dX)); gtGrave: begin DrawTextureF(Gear^.Hedgehog^.Team^.GraveTex, 1, x, y, (GameTicks shr 7+Gear^.uid) and 7, 1, 32, 32); if Gear^.Health > 0 then begin //Tint($33, $33, $FF, max($40, round($FF * abs(1 - (GameTicks mod (6000 div Gear^.Health)) / 750)))); Tint($f5, $db, $35, max($40, round($FF * abs(1 - (GameTicks mod 1500) / (750 + Gear^.Health))))); //Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, max($40, round($FF * abs(1 - (RealTicks mod 1500) / 750)))); DrawSprite(sprVampiric, x - 24, y - 24, 0); Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF) end end; gtBee: DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprBee, x, y, (GameTicks shr 5) mod 2, 0, DxDy2Angle(Gear^.dY, Gear^.dX)); gtPickHammer: DrawSprite(sprPHammer, x - 16, y - 50 + LongInt(((GameTicks shr 5) and 1) * 2), 0); gtRope: DrawRope(Gear); gtMine: begin if (((Gear^.State and gstAttacking) = 0)or((Gear^.Timer and $3FF) < 420)) and (Gear^.Health <> 0) then DrawSpriteRotated(sprMineOff, x, y, 0, Gear^.DirAngle) else if Gear^.Health <> 0 then DrawSpriteRotated(sprMineOn, x, y, 0, Gear^.DirAngle) else DrawSpriteRotated(sprMineDead, x, y, 0, Gear^.DirAngle); end; gtSMine: if (((Gear^.State and gstAttacking) = 0)or((Gear^.Timer and $3FF) < 420)) and (Gear^.Health <> 0) then DrawSpriteRotated(sprSMineOff, x, y, 0, Gear^.DirAngle) else if Gear^.Health <> 0 then DrawSpriteRotated(sprSMineOn, x, y, 0, Gear^.DirAngle) else DrawSpriteRotated(sprMineDead, x, y, 0, Gear^.DirAngle); gtKnife: DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprKnife, x, y, 0, hwSign(Gear^.dX), Gear^.DirAngle); gtCase: begin if Gear^.Timer > 1000 then begin if ((Gear^.Pos and posCaseAmmo) <> 0) then begin if Gear^.State and gstFrozen <> 0 then DrawSprite(sprCase, x - 24, y - 28, 0) else begin i:= (GameTicks shr 6) mod 64; if i > 18 then i:= 0; DrawSprite(sprCase, x - 24, y - 24, i) end end else if ((Gear^.Pos and posCaseHealth) <> 0) then begin if Gear^.State and gstFrozen <> 0 then DrawSprite(sprFAid, x - 24, y - 28, 0) else begin i:= ((GameTicks shr 6) + 38) mod 64; if i > 13 then i:= 0; DrawSprite(sprFAid, x - 24, y - 24, i) end end else if ((Gear^.Pos and posCaseUtility) <> 0) then begin if Gear^.State and gstFrozen <> 0 then DrawSprite(sprUtility, x - 24, y - 28, 0) else begin i:= (GameTicks shr 6) mod 70; if i > 23 then i:= 0; i:= i mod 12; DrawSprite(sprUtility, x - 24, y - 24, i) end end end; if Gear^.Timer < 1833 then begin DrawTextureRotatedF(SpritesData[sprPortal].texture, min(abs(1.25 - (Gear^.Timer mod 1333) / 400), 1.25), 0, 0, x, LongInt(Gear^.Angle) + WorldDy - 16, 4 + Gear^.Tag, 1, 32, 32, 270); end end; gtExplosives: begin if ((Gear^.State and gstDrowning) <> 0) then DrawSprite(sprExplosivesRoll, x - 24, y - 24, 0) else if Gear^.State and gstAnimation = 0 then begin i:= (GameTicks shr 6 + Gear^.uid*3) mod 64; if i > 18 then i:= 0; DrawSprite(sprExplosives, x - 24, y - 24, i) end else if Gear^.State and gsttmpFlag = 0 then DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprExplosivesRoll, x, y + 4, 0, 0, Gear^.DirAngle) else DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprExplosivesRoll, x, y + 4, 1, 0, Gear^.DirAngle) end; gtDynamite: DrawSprite(sprDynamite, x - 16, y - 25, Gear^.Tag and 1, Gear^.Tag shr 1); gtClusterBomb: DrawSpriteRotated(sprClusterBomb, x, y, 0, Gear^.DirAngle); gtCluster: DrawSprite(sprClusterParticle, x - 8, y - 8, 0); gtFlame: if Gear^.Tag and 1 = 0 then DrawTextureF(SpritesData[sprFlame].Texture, 2 / (Gear^.Tag mod 3 + 2), x, y, (GameTicks shr 7 + LongWord(Gear^.Tag)) mod 8, 1, 16, 16) else DrawTextureF(SpritesData[sprFlame].Texture, 2 / (Gear^.Tag mod 3 + 2), x, y, (GameTicks shr 7 + LongWord(Gear^.Tag)) mod 8, -1, 16, 16); gtParachute: begin DrawSprite(sprParachute, x - 24, y - 48, 0); DrawAltWeapon(Gear, x + 1, y - 3) end; gtAirAttack: begin Tint(Gear^.Hedgehog^.Team^.Clan^.Color shl 8 or $FF); DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprAirplane, x, y, 0, Gear^.Tag, 0); Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF); DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprAirplane, x, y, 1, Gear^.Tag, 0); end; gtAirBomb: DrawSpriteRotated(sprAirBomb, x, y, 0, DxDy2Angle(Gear^.dY, Gear^.dX)); gtTeleport: begin HHGear:= Gear^.Hedgehog^.Gear; if not Gear^.Hedgehog^.Unplaced then DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprTeleport, x + 1, y - 3, Gear^.Pos, hwSign(Gear^.dX), 0); DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprTeleport, hwRound(HHGear^.X) + 1 + WorldDx, hwRound(HHGear^.Y) - 3 + WorldDy, 11 - Gear^.Pos, hwSign(HHGear^.dX), 0); end; gtSwitcher: DrawSprite(sprSwitch, x - 16, y - 56, (GameTicks shr 6) mod 12); gtTarget: begin Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, round($FF * Gear^.Timer / 1000)); DrawSprite(sprTarget, x - 16, y - 16, 0); Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF); end; gtMortar: DrawSpriteRotated(sprMortar, x, y, 0, DxDy2Angle(Gear^.dY, Gear^.dX)); gtCake: if Gear^.Pos = 6 then DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprCakeWalk, x, y, (GameTicks div 40) mod 6, hwSign(Gear^.dX), Gear^.DirAngle * hwSign(Gear^.dX) + 90) else DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprCakeDown, x, y, 5 - Gear^.Pos, hwSign(Gear^.dX), Gear^.DirAngle * hwSign(Gear^.dX) + 90); gtSeduction: if Gear^.Pos >= 14 then DrawSprite(sprSeduction, x - 16, y - 16, 0); gtWatermelon: DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprWatermelon, x, y, 0, 0, Gear^.DirAngle); gtMelonPiece: DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprWatermelon, x, y, 1, 0, Gear^.DirAngle); gtHellishBomb: DrawSpriteRotated(sprHellishBomb, x, y, 0, Gear^.DirAngle); gtBirdy: begin if Gear^.State and gstAnimation = gstAnimation then begin if Gear^.State and gstTmpFlag = 0 then // Appearing begin endX:= x - WorldDx; endY:= y - WorldDy; if Gear^.Tag < 0 then startX:= max(max(LAND_WIDTH,4096) + 1024, endX + 2048) else startX:= max(-max(LAND_WIDTH,4096) - 1024, endX - 2048); startY:= endY - 1024; DrawTextureF(SpritesData[sprBirdy].Texture, min(Gear^.Timer/750,1), startX + WorldDx + LongInt(round((endX - startX) * (-power(2, -10 * LongInt(Gear^.Timer)/2000) + 1))), startY + WorldDy + LongInt(round((endY - startY) * sqrt(1 - power((LongInt(Gear^.Timer)/2000)-1, 2)))), ((Gear^.Pos shr 6) or (RealTicks shr 8)) mod 2, Gear^.Tag, 75, 75); end else // Disappearing begin startX:= x - WorldDx; startY:= y - WorldDy; if Gear^.Tag > 0 then endX:= max(max(LAND_WIDTH,4096) + 1024, startX + 2048) else endX:= max(-max(LAND_WIDTH,4096) - 1024, startX - 2048); endY:= startY + 1024; DrawTextureF(SpritesData[sprBirdy].Texture, min((2000-Gear^.Timer)/750,1), startX + WorldDx + LongInt(round((endX - startX) * power(2, 10 * (LongInt(Gear^.Timer)/2000 - 1)))) + hwRound(Gear^.dX * Gear^.Timer), startY + WorldDy + LongInt(round((endY - startY) * cos(LongInt(Gear^.Timer)/2000 * (Pi/2)) - (endY - startY))) + hwRound(Gear^.dY * Gear^.Timer), ((Gear^.Pos shr 6) or (RealTicks shr 8)) mod 2, Gear^.Tag, 75, 75); end; end else begin if Gear^.Health < 250 then DrawTextureF(SpritesData[sprBirdy].Texture, 1, x, y, ((Gear^.Pos shr 6) or (RealTicks shr 7)) mod 2, Gear^.Tag, 75, 75) else DrawTextureF(SpritesData[sprBirdy].Texture, 1, x, y, ((Gear^.Pos shr 6) or (RealTicks shr 8)) mod 2, Gear^.Tag, 75, 75); end; end; gtEgg: DrawTextureRotatedF(SpritesData[sprEgg].Texture, 1, 0, 0, x, y, 0, 1, 16, 16, Gear^.DirAngle); gtPiano: begin if (Gear^.State and gstDrowning) = 0 then begin Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $10); for i:= 8 downto 1 do DrawTextureF(SpritesData[sprPiano].Texture, 1, x, y - hwRound(Gear^.dY * 4 * i), 0, 1, 128, 128); Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF) end; DrawTextureF(SpritesData[sprPiano].Texture, 1, x, y, 0, 1, 128, 128); end; gtPoisonCloud: begin if Gear^.Timer < 1020 then Tint($C0, $C0, $00, Gear^.Timer div 8) else if Gear^.Timer > 3980 then Tint($C0, $C0, $00, (5000 - Gear^.Timer) div 8) else Tint($C0, $C0, $00, $C0); DrawTextureRotatedF(SpritesData[sprSmokeWhite].texture, 3, 0, 0, x, y, 0, 1, 22, 22, (RealTicks shr 36 + Gear^.UID * 100) mod 360); Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF) end; gtResurrector: begin DrawSpriteRotated(sprCross, x, y, 0, 0); Tint($f5, $db, $35, max($00, round($C0 * abs(1 - (GameTicks mod 6000) / 3000)))); DrawTexture(x - 108, y - 108, SpritesData[sprVampiric].Texture, 4.5); Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF); end; gtNapalmBomb: DrawSpriteRotated(sprNapalmBomb, x, y, 0, DxDy2Angle(Gear^.dY, Gear^.dX)); gtFlake: if Gear^.State and (gstDrowning or gstTmpFlag) <> 0 then begin Tint((ExplosionBorderColor shr RShift) and $FF, (ExplosionBorderColor shr GShift) and $FF, (ExplosionBorderColor shr BShift) and $FF, $FF); // Needs a nicer white texture to tint DrawTextureRotatedF(SpritesData[sprSnowDust].Texture, 1, 0, 0, x, y, 0, 1, 8, 8, Gear^.DirAngle); //DrawSpriteRotated(sprSnowDust, x, y, 0, Gear^.DirAngle); //DrawTexture(x, y, SpritesData[sprVampiric].Texture, 0.1); Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF); end else //if not isInLag then begin if isInLag and (Gear^.FlightTime < 256) then inc(Gear^.FlightTime, 8) else if not isInLag and (Gear^.FlightTime > 0) then dec(Gear^.FlightTime, 8); if Gear^.FlightTime > 0 then Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF-min(255,Gear^.FlightTime)); if vobVelocity = 0 then DrawSprite(sprFlake, x, y, Gear^.Timer) else DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprFlake, x, y, Gear^.Timer, 1, Gear^.DirAngle);//DrawSprite(sprFlake, x-SpritesData[sprFlake].Width div 2, y-SpritesData[sprFlake].Height div 2, Gear^.Timer)//DrawSpriteRotatedF(sprFlake, x-SpritesData[sprFlake].Width div 2, y-SpritesData[sprFlake].Height div 2, Gear^.Timer, 1, Gear^.DirAngle); if Gear^.FlightTime > 0 then Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF); end; //gtStructure: DrawSprite(sprTarget, x - 16, y - 16, 0); gtTardis: if Gear^.Pos <> 4 then begin if Gear^.Pos = 2 then Tint(Gear^.Hedgehog^.Team^.Clan^.Color shl 8 or $FF) else Tint(Gear^.Hedgehog^.Team^.Clan^.Color shl 8 or max($00, round(Gear^.Power * (1-abs(0.5 - (GameTicks mod 2000) / 2000))))); DrawSprite(sprTardis, x-24, y-63,0); if Gear^.Pos = 2 then Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF) else Tint($FF,$FF,$FF,max($00, round(Gear^.Power * (1-abs(0.5 - (GameTicks mod 2000) / 2000))))); DrawSprite(sprTardis, x-24, y-63,1); if Gear^.Pos <> 2 then Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF)(* Tint(Gear^.Hedgehog^.Team^.Clan^.Color shl 8 or max($00, round(Gear^.Power * abs(1 - (RealTicks mod 500) / 250)))); DrawTexture(x-6, y-70, SpritesData[sprVampiric].Texture, 0.25); Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF)*) end; gtIceGun: begin HHGear := Gear^.Hedgehog^.Gear; if HHGear <> nil then begin i:= hwRound(hwSqr(Gear^.X - HHGear^.X) + hwSqr(Gear^.Y - HHGear^.Y)); if RealTicks mod max(1,50 - (round(sqrt(i)) div 4)) = 0 then // experiment in "intensifying" might not get used begin vg:= AddVisualGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), vgtDust, 1); if vg <> nil then begin i:= random(100) + 155; vg^.Tint:= i shl 24 or i shl 16 or $FF shl 8 or Longword(random(200) + 55); vg^.Angle:= random(360); vg^.dx:= 0.001 * random(80); vg^.dy:= 0.001 * random(80) end end; if RealTicks mod 2 = 0 then begin i:= random(100)+100; if Gear^.Target.X <> NoPointX then begin DrawLine(Gear^.Target.X, Gear^.Target.Y, hwRound(HHGear^.X), hwRound(HHGear^.Y), 4.0, i, i, $FF, $40); end else begin DrawLine(hwRound(HHGear^.X), hwRound(HHGear^.Y), hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 4.0, i, i, $FF, $40); end; end end end; gtGenericFaller: DrawCircle(x, y, 3, 3, $FF, $00, $00, $FF); // debug end; if Gear^.RenderTimer and (Gear^.Tex <> nil) then DrawTextureCentered(x + 8, y + 8, Gear^.Tex); if Gear^.State and gstFrozen <> 0 then Tint($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF)end;end.