- Write server config into .ini file on change
- Import Data.TConfig into project, make it export Conf constructor, remove all workarounds for missing constructor in server.
-- Module : Data.TConfig
-- Copyright : (c) Anthony Simpson 2009
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer : DiscipleRayne@gmail.com
-- Stability : relatively stable
-- Portability : portable
A small and simple text file configuration
library written in Haskell. It is similar
to the INI file format, but lacks a few of
it's features, such as sections. It is
suitable for simple games that need to
keep track of certain information between
module Data.TConfig
, repConfig
, readConfig
, writeConfig
, remKey
, addKey
, Conf ()
) where
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Map as M
type Key = String
type Value = String
type Conf = M.Map Key Value
-- |Adds a key and value to the end of the configuration.
addKey :: Key -> Value -> Conf -> Conf
addKey k v conf = M.insert k (addQuotes v) conf
-- |Utility Function. Checks for the existence
-- of a key.
checkKey :: Key -> Conf -> Bool
checkKey k conf = M.member k conf
-- |Utility function.
-- Removes a key and it's value from the configuration.
remKey :: Key -> Conf -> Conf
remKey k conf = M.delete k conf
-- |Utility function. Searches a configuration for a
-- key, and returns it's value.
getValue :: Key -> Conf -> Maybe Value
getValue k conf = case M.lookup k conf of
Just val -> Just $ stripQuotes val
Nothing -> Nothing
stripQuotes :: String -> String
stripQuotes x | any isSpace x = filter (/= '\"') x
| otherwise = x
-- |Returns a String wrapped in quotes if it
-- contains spaces, otherwise returns the string
-- untouched.
addQuotes :: String -> String
addQuotes x | any isSpace x = "\"" ++ x ++ "\""
| otherwise = x
-- |Utility function. Replaces the value
-- associated with a key in a configuration.
repConfig :: Key -> Value -> Conf -> Conf
repConfig k rv conf = let f _ = Just rv
in M.alter f k conf
-- |Reads a file and parses to a Map String String.
readConfig :: FilePath -> IO Conf
readConfig path = readFile path >>= return . parseConfig
-- |Parses a parsed configuration back to a file.
writeConfig :: FilePath -> Conf -> IO ()
writeConfig path con = writeFile path $ putTogether con
-- |Turns a list of configuration types back into a String
-- to write to a file.
putTogether :: Conf -> String
putTogether = concat . putTogether' . backToString
where putTogether' (x:y:xs) = x : " = " : y : "\n" : putTogether' xs
putTogether' _ = []
-- |Turns a list of configuration types into a list of Strings
backToString :: Conf -> [String]
backToString conf = backToString' $ M.toList conf
where backToString' ((x,y):xs) = x : y : backToString' xs
backToString' _ = []
-- |Parses a string into a list of Configuration types.
parseConfig :: String -> Conf
parseConfig = listConfig . popString . parse
parse :: String -> [String]
parse = words . filter (/= '=')
-- |Turns a list of key value key value etc... pairs into
-- A list of Configuration types.
listConfig :: [String] -> Conf
listConfig = M.fromList . helper
where helper (x:y:xs) = (x,y) : helper xs
helper _ = []
-- |Parses strings from the parseConfig'd file.
popString :: [String] -> [String]
popString [] = []
popString (x:xs)
| head x == '\"' = findClose $ break (('\"' ==) . last) xs
| otherwise = x : popString xs
where findClose (y,ys) =
[unwords $ x : y ++ [head ys]] ++ popString (tail ys)