Replace tabs with spaces using 'expand -t 4' command
(* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (c) 2007 Andrey Korotaev <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA *){$INCLUDE ""}unit uTriggers;interfaceuses SDLh, uConsts;type TTrigAction = (taSpawnGear, taSuccessFinish, taFailFinish);procedure init_uTriggers;procedure free_uTriggers;procedure AddTriggerSpawner(id, Ticks, Lives: Longword; GearType: TGearType; X, Y: LongInt; GearTriggerId: Longword);procedure AddTriggerSuccess(id, Ticks, Lives: Longword);procedure AddTriggerFail(id, Ticks, Lives: Longword);procedure TickTrigger(id: Longword);implementationuses uGears, uFloat, uMisc, uWorld;type PTrigger = ^TTrigger; TTrigger = record id: Longword; Ticks: Longword; Lives: Longword; TicksPerLife: LongWord; Action: TTrigAction; X, Y: LongInt; SpawnGearType: TGearType; SpawnGearTriggerId: Longword; Next: PTrigger; end;var TriggerList: PTrigger;function AddTrigger(id, Ticks, Lives: Longword): PTrigger;var tmp: PTrigger;beginnew(tmp);FillChar(tmp^, sizeof(TTrigger), 0);tmp^.id:= id;tmp^.Ticks:= Ticks;tmp^.TicksPerLife:= Ticks;tmp^.Lives:= Lives;if TriggerList <> nil then tmp^.Next:= TriggerList;TriggerList:= tmp;AddTrigger:= tmpend;procedure AddTriggerSpawner(id, Ticks, Lives: Longword; GearType: TGearType; X, Y: LongInt; GearTriggerId: Longword);var tmp: PTrigger;beginif (Ticks = 0) or (Lives = 0) then exit;tmp:= AddTrigger(id, Ticks, Lives);tmp^.Action:= taSpawnGear;tmp^.X:= X;tmp^.Y:= Y;tmp^.SpawnGearType:= GearType;tmp^.SpawnGearTriggerId:= GearTriggerIdend;procedure AddTriggerSuccess(id, Ticks, Lives: Longword);beginwith AddTrigger(id, Ticks, Lives)^ do Action:= taSuccessFinishend;procedure AddTriggerFail(id, Ticks, Lives: Longword);beginwith AddTrigger(id, Ticks, Lives)^ do Action:= taFailFinishend;procedure TickTriggerT(Trigger: PTrigger);begin{$IFDEF DEBUGFILE}AddFileLog('Tick trigger (type: ' + inttostr(LongWord(Trigger^.Action)) + ')');{$ENDIF}with Trigger^ do case Action of taSpawnGear: begin FollowGear:= AddGear(X, Y, SpawnGearType, 0, _0, _0, 0); FollowGear^.TriggerId:= SpawnGearTriggerId end; taSuccessFinish: begin GameState:= gsExit end; taFailFinish: begin GameState:= gsExit end endend;procedure TickTrigger(id: Longword);var t, pt, nt: PTrigger;begint:= TriggerList;pt:= nil;while (t <> nil) do begin nt:= t^.Next; if (t^.id = id) then begin dec(t^.Ticks); if (t^.Ticks = 0) then begin TickTriggerT(t); dec(t^.Lives); t^.Ticks:= t^.TicksPerLife; if (t^.Lives = 0) then begin if t = TriggerList then begin TriggerList:= nt; Dispose(t) end else begin pt^.Next:= nt; Dispose(t); t:= pt end end end end; pt:= t; t:= nt endend;procedure init_uTriggers;begin TriggerList:= nil;end;procedure free_uTriggers;beginend;end.