Removed some unused imports and a redundand nullcheck
(* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (c) 2004-2012 Andrey Korotaev <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA *){$INCLUDE ""}unit uLandObjects;interfaceuses SDLh;procedure AddObjects();procedure FreeLandObjects();procedure LoadThemeConfig;procedure BlitImageAndGenerateCollisionInfo(cpX, cpY, Width: Longword; Image: PSDL_Surface; extraFlags: Word = 0);procedure AddOnLandObjects(Surface: PSDL_Surface);implementationuses uStore, uConsts, uConsole, uRandom, uSound, GLunit, uTypes, uVariables, uUtils, uDebug, sysutils;const MaxRects = 512; MAXOBJECTRECTS = 16; MAXTHEMEOBJECTS = 32;type PRectArray = ^TRectsArray; TRectsArray = array[0..MaxRects] of TSDL_Rect; TThemeObject = record Surf: PSDL_Surface; inland: TSDL_Rect; outland: array[0..Pred(MAXOBJECTRECTS)] of TSDL_Rect; rectcnt: Longword; Width, Height: Longword; Maxcnt: Longword; end; TThemeObjects = record Count: LongInt; objs: array[0..Pred(MAXTHEMEOBJECTS)] of TThemeObject; end; TSprayObject = record Surf: PSDL_Surface; Width, Height: Longword; Maxcnt: Longword; end; TSprayObjects = record Count: LongInt; objs: array[0..Pred(MAXTHEMEOBJECTS)] of TSprayObject end;var Rects: PRectArray; RectCount: Longword; ThemeObjects: TThemeObjects; SprayObjects: TSprayObjects;procedure BlitImageAndGenerateCollisionInfo(cpX, cpY, Width: Longword; Image: PSDL_Surface; extraFlags: Word = 0);var p: PLongwordArray; x, y: Longword; bpp: LongInt;beginWriteToConsole('Generating collision info... ');if SDL_MustLock(Image) then SDLTry(SDL_LockSurface(Image) >= 0, true);bpp:= Image^.format^.BytesPerPixel;TryDo(bpp = 4, 'Land object should be 32bit', true);if Width = 0 then Width:= Image^.w;p:= Image^.pixels;for y:= 0 to Pred(Image^.h) do begin for x:= 0 to Pred(Width) do if (p^[x] and AMask) <> 0 then begin if (cReducedQuality and rqBlurryLand) = 0 then begin if (LandPixels[cpY + y, cpX + x] = 0) or (((p^[x] and AMask) <> 0) and (((LandPixels[cpY + y, cpX + x] and AMask) shr AShift) < 255)) then LandPixels[cpY + y, cpX + x]:= p^[x]; end else if LandPixels[(cpY + y) div 2, (cpX + x) div 2] = 0 then LandPixels[(cpY + y) div 2, (cpX + x) div 2]:= p^[x]; if ((Land[cpY + y, cpX + x] and $FF00) = 0) and ((p^[x] and AMask) <> 0) then begin Land[cpY + y, cpX + x]:= lfObject; Land[cpY + y, cpX + x]:= Land[cpY + y, cpX + x] or extraFlags end; end; p:= @(p^[Image^.pitch shr 2]) end;if SDL_MustLock(Image) then SDL_UnlockSurface(Image);WriteLnToConsole(msgOK)end;procedure AddRect(x1, y1, w1, h1: LongInt);beginwith Rects^[RectCount] do begin x:= x1; y:= y1; w:= w1; h:= h1 end;inc(RectCount);TryDo(RectCount < MaxRects, 'AddRect: overflow', true)end;procedure InitRects;beginRectCount:= 0;New(Rects)end;procedure FreeRects;begin Dispose(rects)end;function CheckIntersect(x1, y1, w1, h1: LongInt): boolean;var i: Longword; res: boolean = false;begini:= 0;if RectCount > 0 then repeat with Rects^[i] do res:= (x < x1 + w1) and (x1 < x + w) and (y < y1 + h1) and (y1 < y + h); inc(i) until (i = RectCount) or (res);CheckIntersect:= res;end;function CountNonZeroz(x, y: LongInt): Longword;var i: LongInt; lRes: Longword;begin lRes:= 0; for i:= y to y + 15 do if Land[i, x] <> 0 then inc(lRes); CountNonZeroz:= lRes;end;function AddGirder(gX: LongInt): boolean;var tmpsurf: PSDL_Surface; x1, x2, y, k, i: LongInt; rr: TSDL_Rect; bRes: boolean;beginy:= topY+150;repeat inc(y, 24); x1:= gX; x2:= gX; while (x1 > Longint(leftX)+150) and (CountNonZeroz(x1, y) = 0) do dec(x1, 2); i:= x1 - 12; repeat dec(x1, 2); k:= CountNonZeroz(x1, y) until (x1 < Longint(leftX)+150) or (k = 0) or (k = 16) or (x1 < i); inc(x1, 2); if k = 16 then begin while (x2 < (rightX-150)) and (CountNonZeroz(x2, y) = 0) do inc(x2, 2); i:= x2 + 12; repeat inc(x2, 2); k:= CountNonZeroz(x2, y) until (x2 >= (rightX-150)) or (k = 0) or (k = 16) or (x2 > i) or (x2 - x1 >= 768); if (x2 < (rightX - 150)) and (k = 16) and (x2 - x1 > 250) and (x2 - x1 < 768) and (not CheckIntersect(x1 - 32, y - 64, x2 - x1 + 64, 144)) then break; end;x1:= 0;until y > (LAND_HEIGHT-125);if x1 > 0 thenbegin bRes:= true; tmpsurf:= LoadImage(UserPathz[ptCurrTheme] + '/Girder', ifTransparent or ifIgnoreCaps); if tmpsurf = nil then tmpsurf:= LoadImage(Pathz[ptCurrTheme] + '/Girder', ifTransparent or ifIgnoreCaps); if tmpsurf = nil then tmpsurf:= LoadImage(UserPathz[ptGraphics] + '/Girder', ifTransparent or ifIgnoreCaps); if tmpsurf = nil then tmpsurf:= LoadImage(Pathz[ptGraphics] + '/Girder', ifCritical or ifTransparent or ifIgnoreCaps); rr.x:= x1; while rr.x < x2 do begin // For testing only. Intent is to flag this on objects with masks, or use it for an ice ray gun if (Theme = 'Snow') or (Theme = 'Christmas') then BlitImageAndGenerateCollisionInfo(rr.x, y, min(x2 - rr.x, tmpsurf^.w), tmpsurf, lfIce) else BlitImageAndGenerateCollisionInfo(rr.x, y, min(x2 - rr.x, tmpsurf^.w), tmpsurf); inc(rr.x, tmpsurf^.w); end; SDL_FreeSurface(tmpsurf); AddRect(x1 - 8, y - 32, x2 - x1 + 16, 80);endelse bRes:= false;AddGirder:= bRes;end;function CheckLand(rect: TSDL_Rect; dX, dY, Color: Longword): boolean;var tmpx, tmpx2, tmpy, tmpy2, bx, by: LongInt; bRes: boolean = true;begininc(rect.x, dX);inc(rect.y, dY);bx:= rect.x + rect.w;by:= rect.y + rect.h;{$WARNINGS OFF}tmpx:= rect.x;tmpx2:= bx;while (tmpx <= bx - rect.w div 2 - 1) and bRes do begin bRes:= ((rect.y and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0) and ((by and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0) and ((tmpx and LAND_WIDTH_MASK) = 0) and ((tmpx2 and LAND_WIDTH_MASK) = 0) and (Land[rect.y, tmpx] = Color) and (Land[by, tmpx] = Color) and (Land[rect.y, tmpx2] = Color) and (Land[by, tmpx2] = Color); inc(tmpx); dec(tmpx2) end;tmpy:= rect.y+1;tmpy2:= by-1;while (tmpy <= by - rect.h div 2 - 1) and bRes do begin bRes:= ((tmpy and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0) and ((tmpy2 and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0) and ((rect.x and LAND_WIDTH_MASK) = 0) and ((bx and LAND_WIDTH_MASK) = 0) and (Land[tmpy, rect.x] = Color) and (Land[tmpy, bx] = Color) and (Land[tmpy2, rect.x] = Color) and (Land[tmpy2, bx] = Color); inc(tmpy); dec(tmpy2) end;{$WARNINGS ON}CheckLand:= bRes;end;function CheckCanPlace(x, y: Longword; var Obj: TThemeObject): boolean;var i: Longword; bRes: boolean;beginwith Obj do if CheckLand(inland, x, y, lfBasic) then begin bRes:= true; i:= 1; while bRes and (i <= rectcnt) do begin bRes:= CheckLand(outland[i], x, y, 0); inc(i) end; if bRes then bRes:= not CheckIntersect(x, y, Width, Height) end else bRes:= false;CheckCanPlace:= bRes;end;function TryPut(var Obj: TThemeObject): boolean; overload;const MaxPointsIndex = 2047;var x, y: Longword; ar: array[0..MaxPointsIndex] of TPoint; cnt, i: Longword; bRes: boolean;begincnt:= 0;with Obj do begin if Maxcnt = 0 then exit(false); x:= 0; repeat y:= topY+32; // leave room for a hedgie to teleport in repeat if CheckCanPlace(x, y, Obj) then begin ar[cnt].x:= x; ar[cnt].y:= y; inc(cnt); if cnt > MaxPointsIndex then // buffer is full, do not check the rest land begin y:= 5000; x:= 5000; end end; inc(y, 3); until y >= LAND_HEIGHT - Height; inc(x, getrandom(6) + 3) until x >= LAND_WIDTH - Width; bRes:= cnt <> 0; if bRes then begin i:= getrandom(cnt); BlitImageAndGenerateCollisionInfo(ar[i].x, ar[i].y, 0, Obj.Surf); AddRect(ar[i].x, ar[i].y, Width, Height); dec(Maxcnt) end else Maxcnt:= 0 end;TryPut:= bRes;end;function TryPut(var Obj: TSprayObject; Surface: PSDL_Surface): boolean; overload;const MaxPointsIndex = 8095;var x, y: Longword; ar: array[0..MaxPointsIndex] of TPoint; cnt, i: Longword; r: TSDL_Rect; bRes: boolean;begincnt:= 0;with Obj do begin if Maxcnt = 0 then exit(false); x:= 0; r.x:= 0; r.y:= 0; r.w:= Width; r.h:= Height + 16; repeat y:= 8; repeat if CheckLand(r, x, y - 8, lfBasic) and (not CheckIntersect(x, y, Width, Height)) then begin ar[cnt].x:= x; ar[cnt].y:= y; inc(cnt); if cnt > MaxPointsIndex then // buffer is full, do not check the rest land begin y:= 5000; x:= 5000; end end; inc(y, 12); until y >= LAND_HEIGHT - Height - 8; inc(x, getrandom(12) + 12) until x >= LAND_WIDTH - Width; bRes:= cnt <> 0; if bRes then begin i:= getrandom(cnt); r.x:= ar[i].X; r.y:= ar[i].Y; r.w:= Width; r.h:= Height; SDL_UpperBlit(Obj.Surf, nil, Surface, @r); AddRect(ar[i].x - 32, ar[i].y - 32, Width + 64, Height + 64); dec(Maxcnt) end else Maxcnt:= 0 end;TryPut:= bRes;end;procedure CheckRect(Width, Height, x, y, w, h: LongWord);begin if (x + w > Width) then OutError('Object''s rectangle exceeds image: x + w (' + inttostr(x) + ' + ' + inttostr(w) + ') > Width (' + inttostr(Width) + ')', true); if (y + h > Height) then OutError('Object''s rectangle exceeds image: y + h (' + inttostr(y) + ' + ' + inttostr(h) + ') > Height (' + inttostr(Height) + ')', true);end;procedure ReadThemeInfo(var ThemeObjects: TThemeObjects; var SprayObjects: TSprayObjects);var s, key: shortstring; f: textfile; i: LongInt; ii, t: Longword; c2: TSDL_Color;beginAddProgress;// Set default water greyscale valuesif cGrayScale then begin for i:= 0 to 3 do begin t:= round(SDWaterColorArray[i].r * RGB_LUMINANCE_RED + SDWaterColorArray[i].g * RGB_LUMINANCE_GREEN + SDWaterColorArray[i].b * RGB_LUMINANCE_BLUE); if t > 255 then t:= 255; SDWaterColorArray[i].r:= t; SDWaterColorArray[i].g:= t; SDWaterColorArray[i].b:= t end; for i:= 0 to 1 do begin t:= round(WaterColorArray[i].r * RGB_LUMINANCE_RED + WaterColorArray[i].g * RGB_LUMINANCE_GREEN + WaterColorArray[i].b * RGB_LUMINANCE_BLUE); if t > 255 then t:= 255; WaterColorArray[i].r:= t; WaterColorArray[i].g:= t; WaterColorArray[i].b:= t end end;s:= UserPathz[ptCurrTheme] + '/' + cThemeCFGFilename;if not FileExists(s) then s:= Pathz[ptCurrTheme] + '/' + cThemeCFGFilename;WriteLnToConsole('Reading objects info...');Assign(f, s);{$I-}filemode:= 0; // readonlyReset(f);ThemeObjects.Count:= 0;SprayObjects.Count:= 0;while not eof(f) do begin Readln(f, s); if Length(s) = 0 then continue; if s[1] = ';' then continue; i:= Pos('=', s); key:= Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i))); Delete(s, 1, i); if key = 'sky' then begin i:= Pos(',', s); SkyColor.r:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); i:= Pos(',', s); SkyColor.g:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); SkyColor.b:= StrToInt(Trim(s)); if cGrayScale then begin t:= round(SkyColor.r * RGB_LUMINANCE_RED + SkyColor.g * RGB_LUMINANCE_GREEN + SkyColor.b * RGB_LUMINANCE_BLUE); if t > 255 then t:= 255; SkyColor.r:= t; SkyColor.g:= t; SkyColor.b:= t end; glClearColor(SkyColor.r / 255, SkyColor.g / 255, SkyColor.b / 255, 0.99); SDSkyColor.r:= SkyColor.r; SDSkyColor.g:= SkyColor.g; SDSkyColor.b:= SkyColor.b; end else if key = 'border' then begin i:= Pos(',', s); c2.r:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); i:= Pos(',', s); c2.g:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); c2.b:= StrToInt(Trim(s)); if cGrayScale then begin t:= round(SkyColor.r * RGB_LUMINANCE_RED + SkyColor.g * RGB_LUMINANCE_GREEN + SkyColor.b * RGB_LUMINANCE_BLUE); if t > 255 then t:= 255; c2.r:= t; c2.g:= t; c2.b:= t end; cExplosionBorderColor:= c2.value or AMask; end else if key = 'water-top' then begin i:= Pos(',', s); WaterColorArray[0].r:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); i:= Pos(',', s); WaterColorArray[0].g:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); WaterColorArray[0].b:= StrToInt(Trim(s)); WaterColorArray[0].a := 255; if cGrayScale then begin t:= round(WaterColorArray[0].r * RGB_LUMINANCE_RED + WaterColorArray[0].g * RGB_LUMINANCE_GREEN + WaterColorArray[0].b * RGB_LUMINANCE_BLUE); if t > 255 then t:= 255; WaterColorArray[0].r:= t; WaterColorArray[0].g:= t; WaterColorArray[0].b:= t end; WaterColorArray[1]:= WaterColorArray[0]; end else if key = 'water-bottom' then begin i:= Pos(',', s); WaterColorArray[2].r:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); i:= Pos(',', s); WaterColorArray[2].g:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); WaterColorArray[2].b:= StrToInt(Trim(s)); WaterColorArray[2].a := 255; if cGrayScale then begin t:= round(WaterColorArray[2].r * RGB_LUMINANCE_RED + WaterColorArray[2].g * RGB_LUMINANCE_GREEN + WaterColorArray[2].b * RGB_LUMINANCE_BLUE); if t > 255 then t:= 255; WaterColorArray[2].r:= t; WaterColorArray[2].g:= t; WaterColorArray[2].b:= t end; WaterColorArray[3]:= WaterColorArray[2]; end else if key = 'water-opacity' then begin cWaterOpacity:= StrToInt(Trim(s)); cSDWaterOpacity:= cWaterOpacity end else if key = 'music' then MusicFN:= Trim(s) else if key = 'clouds' then begin cCloudsNumber:= Word(StrToInt(Trim(s))) * cScreenSpace div LAND_WIDTH; cSDCloudsNumber:= cCloudsNumber end else if key = 'object' then begin inc(ThemeObjects.Count); with ThemeObjects.objs[Pred(ThemeObjects.Count)] do begin i:= Pos(',', s); Surf:= LoadImage(UserPathz[ptCurrTheme] + '/' + Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i))), ifTransparent or ifIgnoreCaps); if Surf = nil then Surf:= LoadImage(Pathz[ptCurrTheme] + '/' + Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i))), ifCritical or ifTransparent or ifIgnoreCaps); Width:= Surf^.w; Height:= Surf^.h; Delete(s, 1, i); i:= Pos(',', s); Maxcnt:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); if (Maxcnt < 1) or (Maxcnt > MAXTHEMEOBJECTS) then OutError('Object''s max count should be between 1 and '+ inttostr(MAXTHEMEOBJECTS) +' (it was '+ inttostr(Maxcnt) +').', true); with inland do begin i:= Pos(',', s); x:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); i:= Pos(',', s); y:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); i:= Pos(',', s); w:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); i:= Pos(',', s); h:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); CheckRect(Width, Height, x, y, w, h) end; i:= Pos(',', s); rectcnt:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); for ii:= 1 to rectcnt do with outland[ii] do begin i:= Pos(',', s); x:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); i:= Pos(',', s); y:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); i:= Pos(',', s); w:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); if ii = rectcnt then h:= StrToInt(Trim(s)) else begin i:= Pos(',', s); h:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i) end; CheckRect(Width, Height, x, y, w, h) end; end; end else if key = 'spray' then begin inc(SprayObjects.Count); with SprayObjects.objs[Pred(SprayObjects.Count)] do begin i:= Pos(',', s); Surf:= LoadImage(UserPathz[ptCurrTheme] + '/' + Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i))), ifTransparent or ifIgnoreCaps); if Surf = nil then Surf:= LoadImage(Pathz[ptCurrTheme] + '/' + Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i))), ifCritical or ifTransparent or ifIgnoreCaps); Width:= Surf^.w; Height:= Surf^.h; Delete(s, 1, i); Maxcnt:= StrToInt(Trim(s)); end; end else if key = 'flakes' then begin i:= Pos(',', s); vobCount:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); if vobCount > 0 then begin i:= Pos(',', s); vobFramesCount:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); i:= Pos(',', s); vobFrameTicks:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); i:= Pos(',', s); vobVelocity:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); vobFallSpeed:= StrToInt(Trim(s)); end; end else if key = 'flatten-flakes' then cFlattenFlakes:= true else if key = 'flatten-clouds' then cFlattenClouds:= true else if key = 'sd-water-top' then begin i:= Pos(',', s); SDWaterColorArray[0].r:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); i:= Pos(',', s); SDWaterColorArray[0].g:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); SDWaterColorArray[0].b:= StrToInt(Trim(s)); SDWaterColorArray[0].a := 255; if cGrayScale then begin t:= round(SDWaterColorArray[0].r * RGB_LUMINANCE_RED + SDWaterColorArray[0].g * RGB_LUMINANCE_GREEN + SDWaterColorArray[0].b * RGB_LUMINANCE_BLUE); if t > 255 then t:= 255; SDWaterColorArray[0].r:= t; SDWaterColorArray[0].g:= t; SDWaterColorArray[0].b:= t end; SDWaterColorArray[1]:= SDWaterColorArray[0]; end else if key = 'sd-water-bottom' then begin i:= Pos(',', s); SDWaterColorArray[2].r:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); i:= Pos(',', s); SDWaterColorArray[2].g:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); SDWaterColorArray[2].b:= StrToInt(Trim(s)); SDWaterColorArray[2].a := 255; if cGrayScale then begin t:= round(SDWaterColorArray[2].r * RGB_LUMINANCE_RED + SDWaterColorArray[2].g * RGB_LUMINANCE_GREEN + SDWaterColorArray[2].b * RGB_LUMINANCE_BLUE); if t > 255 then t:= 255; SDWaterColorArray[2].r:= t; SDWaterColorArray[2].g:= t; SDWaterColorArray[2].b:= t end; SDWaterColorArray[3]:= SDWaterColorArray[2]; end else if key = 'sd-water-opacity' then cSDWaterOpacity:= StrToInt(Trim(s)) else if key = 'sd-clouds' then cSDCloudsNumber:= Word(StrToInt(Trim(s))) * cScreenSpace div LAND_WIDTH else if key = 'sd-flakes' then begin i:= Pos(',', s); vobSDCount:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); if vobSDCount > 0 then begin i:= Pos(',', s); vobSDFramesCount:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); i:= Pos(',', s); vobSDFrameTicks:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); i:= Pos(',', s); vobSDVelocity:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); vobSDFallSpeed:= StrToInt(Trim(s)); end; end else if key = 'rq-sky' then begin if ((cReducedQuality and rqNoBackground) <> 0) then begin i:= Pos(',', s); RQSkyColor.r:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); i:= Pos(',', s); RQSkyColor.g:= StrToInt(Trim(Copy(s, 1, Pred(i)))); Delete(s, 1, i); RQSkyColor.b:= StrToInt(Trim(s)); if cGrayScale then begin t:= round(RQSkyColor.r * RGB_LUMINANCE_RED + RQSkyColor.g * RGB_LUMINANCE_GREEN + RQSkyColor.b * RGB_LUMINANCE_BLUE); if t > 255 then t:= 255; RQSkyColor.r:= t; RQSkyColor.g:= t; RQSkyColor.b:= t end; glClearColor(RQSkyColor.r / 255, RQSkyColor.g / 255, RQSkyColor.b / 255, 0.99); SDSkyColor.r:= RQSkyColor.r; SDSkyColor.g:= RQSkyColor.g; SDSkyColor.b:= RQSkyColor.b; end end end;Close(f);{$I+}TryDo(IOResult = 0, 'Bad data or cannot access file ' + cThemeCFGFilename, true);AddProgress;end;procedure AddThemeObjects(var ThemeObjects: TThemeObjects);var i, ii, t: LongInt; b: boolean;begin if ThemeObjects.Count = 0 then exit; WriteLnToConsole('Adding theme objects...'); for i:=0 to ThemeObjects.Count do ThemeObjects.objs[i].Maxcnt := max(1, (ThemeObjects.objs[i].Maxcnt * MaxHedgehogs) div 18); // Maxcnt is proportional to map size, but allow objects to span even if we're on a tiny map repeat t := getrandom(ThemeObjects.Count); b := false; for i:=0 to ThemeObjects.Count do begin ii := (i+t) mod ThemeObjects.Count; if ThemeObjects.objs[ii].Maxcnt <> 0 then b := b or TryPut(ThemeObjects.objs[ii]) end; until not b;end;procedure AddSprayObjects(Surface: PSDL_Surface; var SprayObjects: TSprayObjects);var i, ii, t: LongInt; b: boolean;begin if SprayObjects.Count = 0 then exit; WriteLnToConsole('Adding spray objects...'); for i:=0 to SprayObjects.Count do SprayObjects.objs[i].Maxcnt := max(1, (SprayObjects.objs[i].Maxcnt * MaxHedgehogs) div 18); // Maxcnt is proportional to map size, but allow objects to span even if we're on a tiny map repeat t := getrandom(SprayObjects.Count); b := false; for i:=0 to SprayObjects.Count do begin ii := (i+t) mod SprayObjects.Count; if SprayObjects.objs[ii].Maxcnt <> 0 then b := b or TryPut(SprayObjects.objs[ii], Surface) end; until not b;end;procedure AddObjects();var i, int: Longword;beginInitRects;if hasGirders then begin int:= max(playWidth div 8, 256); i:=leftX+int; repeat AddGirder(i); i:=i+int; until (i>rightX-int); end;if (GameFlags and gfDisableLandObjects) = 0 then AddThemeObjects(ThemeObjects);AddProgress();FreeRects();end;procedure AddOnLandObjects(Surface: PSDL_Surface);beginInitRects;//AddSprayObjects(Surface, SprayObjects, 12);AddSprayObjects(Surface, SprayObjects);FreeRectsend;procedure LoadThemeConfig;begin ReadThemeInfo(ThemeObjects, SprayObjects)end;procedure FreeLandObjects();var i: Longword;begin for i:= 0 to Pred(MAXTHEMEOBJECTS) do begin if ThemeObjects.objs[i].Surf <> nil then SDL_FreeSurface(ThemeObjects.objs[i].Surf); if SprayObjects.objs[i].Surf <> nil then SDL_FreeSurface(SprayObjects.objs[i].Surf); ThemeObjects.objs[i].Surf:= nil; SprayObjects.objs[i].Surf:= nil; end;end;end.