Change CrazyMission preview, change portal map theme to Hell
/* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (C) 2012 Simeon Maxein <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */#ifndef MODEL_MAP_H_#define MODEL_MAP_H_#include <stddef.h>#include <stdint.h>#include <stdbool.h>#define MAPGEN_REGULAR 0#define MAPGEN_MAZE 1#define MAPGEN_DRAWN 2#define MAPGEN_NAMED 3#define TEMPLATEFILTER_ALL 0#define TEMPLATEFILTER_SMALL 1#define TEMPLATEFILTER_MEDIUM 2#define TEMPLATEFILTER_LARGE 3#define TEMPLATEFILTER_CAVERN 4#define TEMPLATEFILTER_WACKY 5#define MAZE_SIZE_SMALL_TUNNELS 0#define MAZE_SIZE_MEDIUM_TUNNELS 1#define MAZE_SIZE_LARGE_TUNNELS 2#define MAZE_SIZE_SMALL_ISLANDS 3#define MAZE_SIZE_MEDIUM_ISLANDS 4#define MAZE_SIZE_LARGE_ISLANDS 5/** * Data structure for defining a map. This contains the whole recipe to * exactly recreate a particular map. * * The required fields depend on the map generator, see the comments * at the struct for details. */typedef struct { int mapgen; //!< Always one of the MAPGEN_ constants char *name; //!< The name of the map for MAPGEN_NAMED (e.g. "Cogs"), otherwise one of "+rnd+", "+maze+" or "+drawn+". char *seed; //!< Used for all maps. This is a random seed for all (non-AI) entropy in the round. Typically a random UUID, but can be any string. char *theme; //!< Used for all maps. This is the name of a directory in Data/Themes (e.g. "Beach") uint8_t *drawData; //!< Used for MAPGEN_DRAWN size_t drawDataSize; //!< Used for MAPGEN_DRAWN int templateFilter; //!< Used for MAPGEN_REGULAR. One of the TEMPLATEFILTER_xxx constants. int mazeSize; //!< Used for MAPGEN_MAZE. One of the MAZE_SIZE_xxx constants.} flib_map;/** * Create a generated map. theme should be the name of a * directory in "Themes" and templateFilter should be one of the * TEMPLATEFILTER_* constants, but this is not checked before * passing it to the engine. * * Use flib_map_destroy to free the returned object. * No NULL parameters allowed, returns NULL on failure. */flib_map *flib_map_create_regular(const char *seed, const char *theme, int templateFilter);/** * Create a generated maze-type map. theme should be the name of a * directory in "Themes" and mazeSize should be one of the * MAZE_SIZE_* constants, but this is not checked before * passing it to the engine. * * Use flib_map_destroy to free the returned object. * No NULL parameters allowed, returns NULL on failure. */flib_map *flib_map_create_maze(const char *seed, const char *theme, int mazeSize);/** * Create a map from the Maps-Directory. name should be the name of a * directory in "Maps", but this is not checked before * passing it to the engine. If this is a mission, the corresponding * script is used automatically. * * Use flib_map_destroy to free the returned object. * No NULL parameters allowed, returns NULL on failure. */flib_map *flib_map_create_named(const char *seed, const char *name);/** * Create a hand-drawn map. Use flib_map_destroy to free the returned object. * No NULL parameters allowed, returns NULL on failure. */flib_map *flib_map_create_drawn(const char *seed, const char *theme, const uint8_t *drawData, size_t drawDataSize);/** * Create a deep copy of the map. Returns NULL on failure or if NULL was passed. */flib_map *flib_map_copy(const flib_map *map);/** * Decrease the reference count of the object and free it if this was the last reference. */void flib_map_destroy(flib_map *map);#endif