author Mitchell Kember <mk12360@gmail.com>
Fri, 30 Nov 2012 20:00:53 -0500
changeset 8149 237802cf4610
parent 2812 0a24853de796
child 10017 de822cd3df3a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Google Code-in: Center help text field Modifies the grid layout slightly so that the help text which appears when hovering over certain elements is centered with respect to the window, even when there are more buttons on one side. https://google-melange.appspot.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/7968226

** $Id: lstate.h,v 2008/01/03 15:20:39 roberto Exp $
** Global State
** See Copyright Notice in lua.h

#ifndef lstate_h
#define lstate_h

#include "lua.h"

#include "lobject.h"
#include "ltm.h"
#include "lzio.h"

struct lua_longjmp;  /* defined in ldo.c */

/* table of globals */
#define gt(L)	(&L->l_gt)

/* registry */
#define registry(L)	(&G(L)->l_registry)

/* extra stack space to handle TM calls and some other extras */
#define EXTRA_STACK   5

#define BASIC_CI_SIZE           8


typedef struct stringtable {
  GCObject **hash;
  lu_int32 nuse;  /* number of elements */
  int size;
} stringtable;

** informations about a call
typedef struct CallInfo {
  StkId base;  /* base for this function */
  StkId func;  /* function index in the stack */
  StkId	top;  /* top for this function */
  const Instruction *savedpc;
  int nresults;  /* expected number of results from this function */
  int tailcalls;  /* number of tail calls lost under this entry */
} CallInfo;

#define curr_func(L)	(clvalue(L->ci->func))
#define ci_func(ci)	(clvalue((ci)->func))
#define f_isLua(ci)	(!ci_func(ci)->c.isC)
#define isLua(ci)	(ttisfunction((ci)->func) && f_isLua(ci))

** `global state', shared by all threads of this state
typedef struct global_State {
  stringtable strt;  /* hash table for strings */
  lua_Alloc frealloc;  /* function to reallocate memory */
  void *ud;         /* auxiliary data to `frealloc' */
  lu_byte currentwhite;
  lu_byte gcstate;  /* state of garbage collector */
  int sweepstrgc;  /* position of sweep in `strt' */
  GCObject *rootgc;  /* list of all collectable objects */
  GCObject **sweepgc;  /* position of sweep in `rootgc' */
  GCObject *gray;  /* list of gray objects */
  GCObject *grayagain;  /* list of objects to be traversed atomically */
  GCObject *weak;  /* list of weak tables (to be cleared) */
  GCObject *tmudata;  /* last element of list of userdata to be GC */
  Mbuffer buff;  /* temporary buffer for string concatentation */
  lu_mem GCthreshold;
  lu_mem totalbytes;  /* number of bytes currently allocated */
  lu_mem estimate;  /* an estimate of number of bytes actually in use */
  lu_mem gcdept;  /* how much GC is `behind schedule' */
  int gcpause;  /* size of pause between successive GCs */
  int gcstepmul;  /* GC `granularity' */
  lua_CFunction panic;  /* to be called in unprotected errors */
  TValue l_registry;
  struct lua_State *mainthread;
  UpVal uvhead;  /* head of double-linked list of all open upvalues */
  struct Table *mt[NUM_TAGS];  /* metatables for basic types */
  TString *tmname[TM_N];  /* array with tag-method names */
} global_State;

** `per thread' state
struct lua_State {
  lu_byte status;
  StkId top;  /* first free slot in the stack */
  StkId base;  /* base of current function */
  global_State *l_G;
  CallInfo *ci;  /* call info for current function */
  const Instruction *savedpc;  /* `savedpc' of current function */
  StkId stack_last;  /* last free slot in the stack */
  StkId stack;  /* stack base */
  CallInfo *end_ci;  /* points after end of ci array*/
  CallInfo *base_ci;  /* array of CallInfo's */
  int stacksize;
  int size_ci;  /* size of array `base_ci' */
  unsigned short nCcalls;  /* number of nested C calls */
  unsigned short baseCcalls;  /* nested C calls when resuming coroutine */
  lu_byte hookmask;
  lu_byte allowhook;
  int basehookcount;
  int hookcount;
  lua_Hook hook;
  TValue l_gt;  /* table of globals */
  TValue env;  /* temporary place for environments */
  GCObject *openupval;  /* list of open upvalues in this stack */
  GCObject *gclist;
  struct lua_longjmp *errorJmp;  /* current error recover point */
  ptrdiff_t errfunc;  /* current error handling function (stack index) */

#define G(L)	(L->l_G)

** Union of all collectable objects
union GCObject {
  GCheader gch;
  union TString ts;
  union Udata u;
  union Closure cl;
  struct Table h;
  struct Proto p;
  struct UpVal uv;
  struct lua_State th;  /* thread */

/* macros to convert a GCObject into a specific value */
#define rawgco2ts(o)	check_exp((o)->gch.tt == LUA_TSTRING, &((o)->ts))
#define gco2ts(o)	(&rawgco2ts(o)->tsv)
#define rawgco2u(o)	check_exp((o)->gch.tt == LUA_TUSERDATA, &((o)->u))
#define gco2u(o)	(&rawgco2u(o)->uv)
#define gco2cl(o)	check_exp((o)->gch.tt == LUA_TFUNCTION, &((o)->cl))
#define gco2h(o)	check_exp((o)->gch.tt == LUA_TTABLE, &((o)->h))
#define gco2p(o)	check_exp((o)->gch.tt == LUA_TPROTO, &((o)->p))
#define gco2uv(o)	check_exp((o)->gch.tt == LUA_TUPVAL, &((o)->uv))
#define ngcotouv(o) \
	check_exp((o) == NULL || (o)->gch.tt == LUA_TUPVAL, &((o)->uv))
#define gco2th(o)	check_exp((o)->gch.tt == LUA_TTHREAD, &((o)->th))

/* macro to convert any Lua object into a GCObject */
#define obj2gco(v)	(cast(GCObject *, (v)))

LUAI_FUNC lua_State *luaE_newthread (lua_State *L);
LUAI_FUNC void luaE_freethread (lua_State *L, lua_State *L1);
