author nemo
Sat, 25 Nov 2017 09:40:43 -0500
changeset 12849 22cc3d82905a
parent 10611 58cad46782ff
permissions -rw-r--r--
Should probably have gl context stuff in its own unit separate from store, but, don't close the gl context before anything that might still want to do gl operations

local ta_pointsize = 63
local ta_radius = (ta_pointsize * 10 + 6) / 2

local sqrttwo = math.sqrt(2)

-- creates round test area
function AddTestArea(testarea)
	step = 100
	xstep = step * testarea["xdir"]
	ystep = step * testarea["ydir"]
	x = testarea["x"]
	y = testarea["y"]
	if xstep * ystep ~= 0 then
		xstep = math.floor(xstep / sqrttwo)
		ystep = math.floor(ystep / sqrttwo)
	AddPoint(x, y, ta_pointsize);
	AddPoint(x + xstep, y + ystep, ta_pointsize, true);

-- vertical test area
local taa_v2 = {x= 350, y=1500, xdir= 0, ydir=-1}

-- fail counter
local nfailed = 0
local nspawned = 0
local ndied = 0

function onGameInit()
	-- At first we have to overwrite/set some global variables
	-- that define the map, the game has to load, as well as
	-- other things such as the game rules to use, etc.
	-- Things we don't modify here will use their default values.

	-- The base number for the random number generator
	Seed = 1
	-- The map to be played
	MapGen = mgDrawn
	-- The theme to be used
	Theme = "Bamboo"
	-- Game settings and rules
	EnableGameFlags(gfOneClanMode, gfDisableWind, gfDisableLandObjects, gfDisableGirders, gfSolidLand)
	CaseFreq = 0
	MinesNum = 0
	Explosives = 0

	-- No damage please
	DamagePercent = 1

	-- Draw Map
	AddPoint(10,30,0) -- hog spawn platform
	-- test areas


	-- Create the player team
	AddTeam("'Zooka Team", 14483456, "Simple", "Island", "Default")
	-- And add a hog to it
	player = AddHog("Hunter", 0, 1, "NoHat")
	-- place it on how spawn platform
	SetGearPosition(player, 10, 10)

local pass = 0
local nMines = 0
local maxMines = 2000

function onGameStart()
    local maxPass = maxMines / 25
    for pass = 1, maxPass, 1 do
        pass = pass + 1
        -- spawn 25 mines
        for i = 0, 480, 20 do
            AddGear(110 + i, 1000 - i - (pass * 30), gtMine, 0, 0, 0, 0)
            nMines = nMines + 1

function onNewTurn()
	WriteLnToConsole('Engine succeessfully dealt with ' .. nMines .. ' mines!')