Fix word "Feedback" not being translated in error message
This does not violate the string freeze, the string is already present in PageMain.
* Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game
* Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Andrey Korotaev <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
unit uConsts;
uses SDLh, uFloat, GLunit;
HDPIScaleFactor = 1;
// application return codes
HaltNoError = 0; // Hedgewars quits normally
// error codes are placed in range 50-99 because that way then don't overlap with run-time errors of pascal
// see
HaltUsageError = 51; // Hedgewars was invoked incorrectly (e.g. bad command-line parameter)
HaltFatalError = 52; // Fatal internal error. See logs for more. Also reports error to frontend
HaltStartupError = 53; // Failure loading critical resources
HaltFatalErrorNoIPC = 54; // Fatal internal error, IPC socket is not available
// for automatic tests
HaltTestSuccess = 0; // Test result: success
HaltTestFailed = 60; // Test result: failed
HaltTestLuaError = 61; // Lua runtime error
HaltTestUnexpected = 62; // Unexpected error
// maximum ScreenFadeValue
sfMax = 1000;
// log message constants
errmsgCreateSurface = 'Error creating SDL surface';
errmsgTransparentSet = 'Error setting transparent color';
errmsgUnknownCommand = 'Unknown command';
errmsgUnknownVariable = 'Unknown variable';
errmsgIncorrectUse = 'Incorrect use';
errmsgShouldntRun = 'This program shouldn''t be run manually';
errmsgWrongNumber = 'Wrong parameters number';
errmsgLuaTestTerm = 'WARNING: Lua test terminated before the test was properly finished with EndLuaTest()!';
msgLoading = 'Loading ';
msgOK = 'ok';
msgFailed = 'failed';
msgFailedSize = 'failed due to size';
msgGettingConfig = 'Getting game config...';
// camera movement multipliers
cameraKeyboardSpeed : LongInt = 10;
cameraKeyboardSpeedSlow : LongInt = 3;
// color constants
cWhiteColorChannels : TSDL_Color = (r:$FF; g:$FF; b:$FF; a:$FF);
cNearBlackColorChannels : TSDL_Color = (r:$00; g:$00; b:$10; a:$FF);
cInvertTextColorAt : Byte = 64;
cWhiteColor : Longword = $FFFFFFFF; // white
cNearBlackColor : Longword = $FF000010; // nearly black
capcolDefault : Longword = $FFFFFFFF; // default caption color
capcolSetting : Longword = $FFCCCCCC; // caption color for changing client setting like volume or auto camera
capcolDefaultLua : Longword = $FFFFFFFF; // capcolDefault for Lua
capcolSettingLua : Longword = $CCCCCCFF; // capcolSetting for Lua
cCentralMessageColor : Longword = $FFFFFF00; // color of message in center of screen like quit or pause
cAirPlaneSpeed: hwFloat = (isNegative: false; QWordValue: 3006477107); // 1.4
cBombsSpeed : hwFloat = (isNegative: false; QWordValue: 429496729);
// reducedquality flags
rqNone = $00000000; // don't reduce quality
rqLowRes = $00000001; // use half land array
rqBlurryLand = $00000002; // downscaled terrain
rqNoBackground= $00000004; // don't draw background
rqSimpleRope = $00000008; // draw rope using lines only
rq2DWater = $00000010; // disable 3D water effect
rqAntiBoom = $00000020; // no fancy explosion effects
rqKillFlakes = $00000040; // no flakes
rqSlowMenu = $00000080; // ammomenu appears with no animation
rqPlainSplash = $00000100; // no droplets
rqClampLess = $00000200; // don't clamp textures
rqTooltipsOff = $00000400; // tooltips are not drawn
rqDesyncVBlank= $00000800; // don't sync on vblank
// image flags (for LoadImage())
// TODO: discuss whether ifAlpha and ifColorKey are actually needed and if and where we want to support which colorkeys
ifNone = $00000000; // nothing special
ifAlpha = $00000001; // use alpha channel (unused right now?)
ifCritical = $00000002; // image is critical for gameplay (exit game if unable to load)
ifColorKey = $00000004; // image uses transparent pixels (color keying)
ifIgnoreCaps = $00000008; // ignore hardware capabilities when loading (i.e. image will not be drawn using OpenGL)
// texture priority (allows OpenGL to keep frequently used textures in video memory more easily)
tpLowest = 0.00;
tpLow = 0.25;
tpMedium = 0.50;
tpHigh = 0.75;
tpHighest = 1.00;
// To allow these to layer, going to treat them as masks. The bottom byte is reserved for objects
// TODO - set lfBasic for all solid land, ensure all uses of the flags can handle multiple flag bits
// lfObject and lfBasic are only to be different *graphically* in all other ways they should be treated the same
lfBasic = $8000; // normal destructible terrain (mask.png: black)
lfIndestructible = $4000; // indestructible terrain (mask.png: red)
lfObject = $2000; // destructible terrain, land object (mask.png: white)
lfDamaged = $1000; //
lfIce = $0800; // icy terrain (mask.png: blue)
lfBouncy = $0400; // bouncy terrain (mask.png: green)
lfLandMask = $FF00; // upper byte is used for terrain, not objects.
lfCurHogCrate = $0080; // CurrentHedgehog, and crates, for convenience of AI. Since an active hog would instantly collect the crate, this does not impact playj
lfNotCurHogCrate = $FF7F; // inverse of above. frequently used
lfObjMask = $007F; // lower 7 bits used for hogs and explosives and mines
lfNotObjMask = $FF80; // inverse of above.
// breaking up hogs would makes it easier to differentiate
// colliding with a hog from colliding with other things
// if overlapping hogs are less common than objects, the division can be altered.
// 3 bits for objects, 4 for hogs, that is, overlap 7 barrels/mines before possible dents, and 15 hogs.
lfHHMask = $000F; // lower 4 bits used only for hogs
lfNotHHObjMask = $0070; // next 3 bits used for non-hog things
lfNotHHObjShift = 4;
lfNotHHObjSize = lfNotHHObjMask shr lfNotHHObjShift;
// lower byte is for objects.
// consists of 0-127 counted for object checkins and $80 as a bit flag for current hog.
lfAllObjMask = $00FF; // lfCurHogCrate or lfObjMask
lfAll = $FFFF; // everything
cMaxPower = 1500; // maximum power value for ammo that powers up
cMaxAngle = 2048; // maximum positive value for Gear angle
cPowerDivisor = 1500;
// some opengl headers do not have these macros
GL_BGR = $80E0;
GL_BGRA = $80E1;
cVisibleWater : LongInt = 128;
cTeamHealthWidth : LongInt = 128;
cGearContourThreshold : LongInt = 179; // if water opacity is higher than this, draw contour for some gears when in water
cifRandomize = $00000001;
cifTheme = $00000002;
cifMap = $00000002; // either theme or map (or map+theme)
cifAllInited = cifRandomize or cifTheme or cifMap;
// hedgehog info
cMaxTeams = 8; // maximum number of teams
cMaxHHIndex = 7; // maximum hedgehog index (counting starts at 0)
// NOTE: If you change cMaxHHIndex, also change cMaxHogHealth!
cMaxHHs = cMaxTeams * (cMaxHHIndex+1); // maximum number of hogs
cClanColors = 9; // number of possible clan colors
cMaxEdgePoints = 32768;
cBorderWidth = 6; // width of indestructible border
// width of 3 allowed hogs to be knocked through with grenade
cHHRadius = 9; // hedgehog radius
cHHStepTicks = 29;
cMaxHogHealth = 268435455; // maximum hedgehog health
// cMaxHogHealth was calculated by: High(LongInt) div (cMaxHHIndex+1);
ouchDmg = 55; // least amount of damage a hog must take in one blow for sndOuch to play
// Z levels
cHHZ = 1000;
cCurrHHZ = Succ(cHHZ);
// some gear constants
cBarrelHealth = 60; // initial barrel health
cShotgunRadius = 22; // radius of land a shotgun shot destroys
cBlowTorchC = 6; // blow torch gear radius component (added to cHHRadius to get the full radius)
cakeDmg = 75; // default cake damage
// key stuff
cKeyMaxIndex = 1600;
cKbdMaxIndex = 65536;//need more room for the modifier keys
// font stuff
cFontBorder = 2 * HDPIScaleFactor;
cFontPadding = 2 * HDPIScaleFactor;
cDefaultBuildMaxDist = 256; // default max. building distance with girder/rubber
cResurrectorDist = 100; // effect distance of resurrector
cSeductionDist = 250; // effect distance of seduction
ExtraTime = 30000; // amount of time (ms) given for using Extra Time
// do not change this value
cDefaultZoomLevel = 2.0; // 100% zoom
// game flags
gfAny = $FFFFFFFF; // mask for all possible gameflags
gfOneClanMode = $00000001; // Game does not end if there's only one clan in play. For missions
gfMultiWeapon = $00000002; // Enter multishoot mode after attack with infinite shots. For target practice
gfSolidLand = $00000004; // (almost) indestrutible land
gfBorder = $00000008; // border at top, left and right
gfDivideTeams = $00000010; // each clan spawns their hogs on own side of terrain
gfLowGravity = $00000020; // low gravity
gfLaserSight = $00000040; // laser sight for all
gfInvulnerable = $00000080; // invulerable for all
gfResetHealth = $00000100; // heal hogs health up to InitialHealth each turn
gfVampiric = $00000200; // vampirism for all
gfKarma = $00000400; // receive damage you deal
gfArtillery = $00000800; // hogs can't walk
gfSwitchHog = $00001000; // free switch hog at turn start
gfRandomOrder = $00002000; // hogs play in random order
gfKing = $00004000; // King Mode
gfPlaceHog = $00008000; // place all hogs at game start
gfSharedAmmo = $00010000; // ammo is shared per-clan
gfDisableGirders = $00020000; // disable land girders
gfDisableLandObjects = $00040000; // disable land objects
gfAISurvival = $00080000; // AI is revived
gfInfAttack = $00100000; // infinite attack
gfResetWeps = $00200000; // reset weapons each turn
gfPerHogAmmo = $00400000; // each hog has its own ammo
gfDisableWind = $00800000; // don't automatically change wind
gfMoreWind = $01000000; // wind influences most gears
gfTagTeam = $02000000; // hogs of same clan share their turn time
gfBottomBorder = $04000000; // border at bottom
gfShoppaBorder = $08000000; // Surround terrain with fancy "security border". Pure eye candy
// NOTE: When adding new game flags, ask yourself
// if a "game start notice" would be useful. If so,
// add one in uWorld.pas - look for "AddGoal".
// gear states
gstDrowning = $00000001; // drowning
gstHHDriven = $00000002; // hog is controlled by current player
gstMoving = $00000004; // moving
gstAttacked = $00000008; // after attack
gstAttacking = $00000010; // while attacking
gstCollision = $00000020; // it has *just* collided
gstChooseTarget = $00000040; // choosing target
gstHHJumping = $00000100; // hog is doing long jump
gsttmpFlag = $00000200; // temporary wildcard flag, use it for anything you want
gstHHThinking = $00000800; // AI hog is thinking
gstNoDamage = $00001000; // gear is immune to damage
gstHHHJump = $00002000; // hog is doing high jump
gstAnimation = $00004000; // hog is playing an animation
gstHHDeath = $00008000; // hog is dying
gstWinner = $00010000; // indicates if hog did well
gstWait = $00020000;
gstNotKickable = $00040000; // gear cannot be pushed by forces
gstLoser = $00080000; // indicates if hog screwed up
gstHHGone = $00100000; // hog is gone (teamgone event)
gstInvisible = $00200000; // invisible
gstSubmersible = $00400000; // can survive in water
gstFrozen = $00800000; // frozen
gstNoGravity = $01000000; // ignores gravity
gstInBounceEdge = $02000000; // spawned in bounce edge
// gear messages
gmLeft = $00000001; // left
gmRight = $00000002; // right
gmUp = $00000004; // up
gmDown = $00000008; // down
gmSwitch = $00000010; // switch hedgehog
gmAttack = $00000020; // attack
gmLJump = $00000040; // long jump
gmHJump = $00000080; // high jump
gmDestroy = $00000100; // request to self-destruct
gmSlot = $00000200; // slot key; with param
gmWeapon = $00000400; // direct weapon selection (SetWeapon); with param
gmTimer = $00000800; // set timer; with param
gmAnimate = $00001000; // start animation; with param
gmPrecise = $00002000; // precise aim
// gmAddToList and gmRemoveFromList are used when changing order of gears in the gear list. They are used together when changing a gear's Z (drawing order)
gmRemoveFromList = $00004000; // remove gear from gear list
gmAddToList = $00008000; // add gear to gear list
gmDelete = $00010000; // delete gear
gmAllStoppable = gmLeft or gmRight or gmUp or gmDown or gmAttack or gmPrecise;
// ammo slots
cMaxSlotIndex = 10; // maximum slot index (including hidden slot) (row in ammo menu)
cHiddenSlotIndex = cMaxSlotIndex; // slot for hidden ammo types, not visible and has no key
cMaxSlotAmmoIndex = 5; // maximum index for ammos per slot (column in ammo menu)
// AI hints to be set for any gear
aihUsualProcessing = $00000000; // treat gear as usual
aihDoesntMatter = $00000001; // ignore gear in attack calculations and don't intentionally attack it
// ammo properties
ammoprop_Timerable = $00000001; // can set timer
ammoprop_Power = $00000002; // can power up fire strength
ammoprop_NeedTarget = $00000004; // must select target
ammoprop_ForwMsgs = $00000008; // received gear messages are forwarded to the spawned gear
ammoprop_AttackInMove = $00000010; // can attack while moving / in mid-air
= $00000020; // doesn't stop timer while attacker is attacking
ammoprop_NoCrosshair = $00000040; // no crosshair rendered
ammoprop_AttackingPut = $00000080; // selecting a target is considered an attack
ammoprop_DontHold = $00000100; // don't keep ammo selected in next turn
ammoprop_AltAttack = $00000200; // ammo can equip alternate ammo (ammoprop_AltUse)
ammoprop_AltUse = $00000400; // ammo can be equipped by an ammo with ammoprop_AltAttack
ammoprop_NotBorder = $00000800; // ammo is not available if map has border
ammoprop_Utility = $00001000; // ammo is considered an utility instead of a weapon
ammoprop_Effect = $00002000; // ammo is considered an effect like extra time or vampirism
ammoprop_SetBounce = $00004000; // can set bounciness
ammoprop_NeedUpDown = $00008000; // used by TouchInterface to show or hide up/down widgets
ammoprop_OscAim = $00010000; // oscillating aim
ammoprop_NoMoveAfter = $00020000; // can't move after attacking
ammoprop_Track = $00040000; // ammo follows the landscape, used by AI
= $00080000; // doesn't stop timer after entering multi-shoot mode
= $00100000; // doesn't stop timer while Attacking gear msg is set and inf. attack mode is on
ammoprop_ForceTurnEnd = $00200000; // always ends turn after usage, ignoring inf. attack
ammoprop_NoTargetAfter= $00400000; // disable target selection after attack
ammoprop_NoWrapTarget = $00800000; // allow to select target beyond wrap world edge limits
ammoprop_ShowSelIcon = $01000000; // show icon when selected
ammoprop_NoRoundEnd = $10000000; // ammo doesn't end turn
AMMO_INFINITE = 100; // internal representation of infinite ammo count
AMMO_FINITE_MAX = 99; // maximum possible finite ammo count
JETPACK_FUEL_INFINITE : LongInt = Low(LongInt); // internal representation of infinite jetpack fuel
BIRDY_ENERGY_INFINITE : LongInt = Low(LongInt); // as above, but for Birdy
// Special msgParam value used internally for invalid/non-existing value
// Must not be sent over the network!
// raw probability values for crate drops
probabilityLevels: array [0..8] of LongWord = (0,20,30,60,100,200,400,600,800);
// raw bounciness values for each of the player-selectable bounciness levels
defaultBounciness = 1000;
bouncinessLevels: array [0..4] of LongWord = (350, 700, defaultBounciness, 2000, 4000);
// explosion flags
// By default, an explosion removes land, damages and pushes gears,
// spawns an explosion animation and plays no sound.
//EXPLAllDamageInRadius = $00000001; Completely unused for ages
EXPLAutoSound = $00000002; // enable sound (if appropriate)
EXPLNoDamage = $00000004; // don't damage gears
EXPLDoNotTouchHH = $00000008; // don't push hogs
EXPLDontDraw = $00000010; // don't remove land
EXPLNoGfx = $00000020; // don't spawn visual effects
EXPLPoisoned = $00000040; // poison hogs in effect radius
EXPLDoNotTouchAny = $00000080; // don't push anything
EXPLForceDraw = $00000100; // remove land even with gfSolidLand
// Pos flags for gtCase
posCaseAmmo = $00000001; // ammo crate
posCaseHealth = $00000002; // health crate
posCaseUtility = $00000004; // utility crate
posCaseDummy = $00000008; // dummy crate
posCaseExplode = $00000010; // crate explodes when touched
posCasePoison = $00000020; // crate poisons hog when touched
cCaseHealthRadius = 14;
// hog tag mask
//htNone = $00;
htTeamName = $01;
htName = $02;
htHealth = $04;
htTransparent = $08;
NoPointX = Low(LongInt); // special value for CursorX/CursorY if cursor's disabled
cTargetPointRef : TPoint = (x: NoPointX; y: 0);
kSystemSoundID_Vibrate = $00000FFF;
cMinPlayWidth = 200;
cWorldEdgeDist = 200;
cMaxLaserSightWraps = 1; // maximum number of world wraps of laser sight
cMaxTurnTime = Pred(High(LongInt)); // maximum possible turn time