- Correct initialisation of TeamsGameOver (on mobile it doesn't get reset between plays, so ones set to true, prevents game to be finished next time)
// Windows/FileName.h
#include "../Common/MyString.h"
namespace NWindows {
namespace NFile {
namespace NName {
const TCHAR kDirDelimiter = CHAR_PATH_SEPARATOR;
const TCHAR kAnyStringWildcard = '*';
void NormalizeDirPathPrefix(CSysString &dirPath); // ensures that it ended with '\\'
#ifndef _UNICODE
void NormalizeDirPathPrefix(UString &dirPath); // ensures that it ended with '\\'
#ifdef _WIN32
void SplitNameToPureNameAndExtension(const UString &fullName,
UString &pureName, UString &extensionDelimiter, UString &extension);