- Correct initialisation of TeamsGameOver (on mobile it doesn't get reset between plays, so ones set to true, prevents game to be finished next time)
// OpenCallbackConsole.h
#include "Common/StdOutStream.h"
#include "../Common/ArchiveOpenCallback.h"
class COpenCallbackConsole: public IOpenCallbackUI
HRESULT CheckBreak();
HRESULT SetTotal(const UInt64 *files, const UInt64 *bytes);
HRESULT SetCompleted(const UInt64 *files, const UInt64 *bytes);
HRESULT CryptoGetTextPassword(BSTR *password);
HRESULT GetPasswordIfAny(UString &password);
bool WasPasswordAsked();
void ClearPasswordWasAskedFlag();
CStdOutStream *OutStream;
bool PasswordIsDefined;
UString Password;
bool PasswordWasAsked;
COpenCallbackConsole(): PasswordIsDefined(false), PasswordWasAsked(false) {}