- Correct initialisation of TeamsGameOver (on mobile it doesn't get reset between plays, so ones set to true, prevents game to be finished next time)
// OutByte.cpp
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "OutBuffer.h"
extern "C"
#include "../../../C/Alloc.h"
bool COutBuffer::Create(UInt32 bufferSize)
const UInt32 kMinBlockSize = 1;
if (bufferSize < kMinBlockSize)
bufferSize = kMinBlockSize;
if (_buffer != 0 && _bufferSize == bufferSize)
return true;
_bufferSize = bufferSize;
_buffer = (Byte *)::MidAlloc(bufferSize);
return (_buffer != 0);
void COutBuffer::Free()
_buffer = 0;
void COutBuffer::SetStream(ISequentialOutStream *stream)
_stream = stream;
void COutBuffer::Init()
_streamPos = 0;
_limitPos = _bufferSize;
_pos = 0;
_processedSize = 0;
_overDict = false;
ErrorCode = S_OK;
UInt64 COutBuffer::GetProcessedSize() const
UInt64 res = _processedSize + _pos - _streamPos;
if (_streamPos > _pos)
res += _bufferSize;
return res;
HRESULT COutBuffer::FlushPart()
// _streamPos < _bufferSize
UInt32 size = (_streamPos >= _pos) ? (_bufferSize - _streamPos) : (_pos - _streamPos);
HRESULT result = S_OK;
result = ErrorCode;
if (_buffer2 != 0)
memmove(_buffer2, _buffer + _streamPos, size);
_buffer2 += size;
if (_stream != 0
&& (ErrorCode == S_OK)
UInt32 processedSize = 0;
result = _stream->Write(_buffer + _streamPos, size, &processedSize);
size = processedSize;
_streamPos += size;
if (_streamPos == _bufferSize)
_streamPos = 0;
if (_pos == _bufferSize)
_overDict = true;
_pos = 0;
_limitPos = (_streamPos > _pos) ? _streamPos : _bufferSize;
_processedSize += size;
return result;
HRESULT COutBuffer::Flush()
if (ErrorCode != S_OK)
return ErrorCode;
while(_streamPos != _pos)
HRESULT result = FlushPart();
if (result != S_OK)
return result;
return S_OK;
void COutBuffer::FlushWithCheck()
HRESULT result = Flush();
ErrorCode = result;
if (result != S_OK)
throw COutBufferException(result);