author Zorg <zorgiepoo@gmail.com>
Wed, 08 Jun 2011 03:36:54 -0400
changeset 5229 148d581b17ab
parent 5071 0b931e96bee9
child 5761 e991f19132af
permissions -rw-r--r--
Attempt to fix issue #125. The password pop-up doesn't appear every time when going into the official server anymore, now it only does it when the password is blank. If a user enters an invalid password, the password is set blank to avoid the user going back to the official server just to be rejected. When entering an invalid password, the unknown error dialog doesn't show up anymore, but the connection lost to server one still does. This fixes the bug where the user would be spammed with error messages. The user can also now change his password in the settings page.

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<!-- There is, at present, no official xsd for (X)HTML5. A pity. Usefulness would depend on the parser and extensions made by the site.  -->
    <title>Hedgewars Hats</title>

    <style type="text/css">
* {padding: 0; margin: 0; }
    background: url('http://hedgewars.googlecode.com/hg/share/hedgewars/Data/Themes/Nature/Sky.png') fixed no-repeat bottom left;
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    width: 100%;
    height: 30px;
    clear: left;
    background-image: url('http://hedgewars.googlecode.com/hg/share/hedgewars/Data/Themes/Nature/Girder.png');
    background-repeat: repeat-x;
.hide { visibility: hidden; }
a div
    margin-top: -5px;
    height: 32px;
    width: 32px;
    <script type="application/ecmascript">
/* javascript version of a sprite sheet - this could be pretty trivially done in pure HTML, but maintenance
would be easier with a server-side portion. list of sprites could be gotten from googlecode, but would require XSS whitelisting */
var masks = [
'4gsuif',          'Coonskin3',     'jigglypuff',   'NinjaStraight',       'Ryu',              'sth_Super',
'AkuAku',          'Cororon',       'judo',         'NinjaTriangle',       'Samurai',          'sth_Tails',
'android',         'Cowboy',        'junior',       'OldMan',              'Samus',            'stormcloud',
'angel',           'crown',         'Ken',          'OrangeHair',          'Santa',            'stormtrooper',
'anzac',           'cyborg',        'KirbyMask',    'orange',              'SauceBoatSilver',  'StrawHatEyes',
'apple',           'darthvader',    'kiss_criss',   'Pantsu',              'ShaggyYeti',       'StrawHatFacial',
'ash',             'Deer',          'kiss_frehley', 'Pig',                 'sheep',            'StrawHat',
'Balrog',          'diglett',       'kiss_simmons', 'pikachu',             'ShortHair_Black',  'Sunglasses',
'banana',          'Disguise',      'kiss_stanley', 'PinkHair',            'ShortHair_Brown',  'SunWukong',
'Bandit',          'Dragon',        'knight',       'pinksunhat',          'ShortHair_Grey',   'Teacup',
'beaver',          'dwarf',         'Kululun',      'pirate_jack_bandana', 'ShortHair_Red',    'Teapot',
'beefeater',       'eastertop',     'Ladle',        'pirate_jack',         'ShortHair_Yellow', 'Terminator_Glasses',
'Blanka',          'Elvis',         'lambda',       'Plunger',             'Skull',            'test',
'BlankaToothless', 'Eva_00b',       'Laminaria',    'policecap',           'Sleepwalker',      'thug',
'BlueCap',         'Eva_00y',       'laurel',       'porkey',              'slowpoke',         'Toad',
'BlueHair',        'Falcon',        'lemon',        'PrincessDaisy',       'Sniper',           'tophats',
'Bob',             'Gasmask',       'link',         'PrincessPeach',       'Sonic',            'ushanka',
'BrainSlugMouth',  'Geordi',        'lugia',        'Pumpkin_Hat',         'SparkleSuperFun',  'Vega',
'BrainSlug',       'Glasses',       'Luigi',        'PurpleHair',          'spartan',          'venom',
'Bub',             'GreenCap',      'Mario',        'quotecap',            'spidey',           'Viking',
'Bunny',           'GreenHair',     'MegaHogX',     'Rain',                'squirtle',         'voltorb',
'charmander',      'GreyHair',      'mickey_ears',  'Rambo',               'sth_AmyClassic',   'Wario',
'chef',            'Guile',         'Moose',        'rasta',               'sth_Amy',          'WhySoSerious',
'chikorita',       'HogInTheHat',   'mp3',          'RedCap',              'sth_Eggman',       'WizardHat',
'Chunli',          'Honda',         'mudkip',       'RedHair',             'sth_Knux',         'YellowCap',
'clown-copper',    'IndianChief',   'Mummy',        'RobinHood',           'sth_Metal',        'YellowHair',
'clown-crossed',   'InfernalHorns', 'naruto',       'royalguard',          'sth_Shadow',       'Zombi',
'clown',           'Jason',         'NinjaFull',    'RSR',                 'sth_Sonic'];
var themes = {
var girder;
var animationInterval;
window.onload = function()
    var opt = document.createElement("option");
    var sel = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("select"));
    sel.onchange = switchTheme;
    for(var theme in themes)
        sel.lastChild.value = theme;
        sel.lastChild.lastChild.data = theme;
        if(theme == "Nature") sel.lastChild.selected = true;
    var chk = document.createElement("input");
    chk.type = "checkbox";
    chk.onclick = switchAnim;
    chk = chk.cloneNode(false);
    chk.onclick = hideGirders;
    var s = document.styleSheets[0].cssRules;
    for(var i=0;i<s.length;i++)
        if (s[i].selectorText.toLowerCase()==".girder") girder = s[i];
    var a = document.createElement("a");
    var g = document.createElement("div");
    for (var i=0;i<masks.length;i++)
        var h = document.body.appendChild(a.cloneNode(true));
        h.href = "http://hedgewars.googlecode.com/hg/share/hedgewars/Data/Graphics/Hats/"+masks[i]+".png";
        h.lastChild.style.backgroundImage = 'url("'+h.href+'")';
        h.lastChild.lastChild.data = masks[i];
        h.title = masks[i];
        h.idle = Math.floor(Math.random()*19);
        if (i%17==16 || i==masks.length-1) document.body.appendChild(g.cloneNode(false));
/* quick and dirty animation */
animationInterval = setInterval(animateHogs, 128);

function animateHogs()
    var a = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
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        if (a[i].idle > 18) a[i].idle = 0;

function switchAnim()
    if (animationInterval) 
        animationInterval = null;
    else animationInterval = setInterval(animateHogs, 128);

function hideGirders()
    var g = document.getElementsByClassName("girder");
    for(var i=0;i<g.length;i++) 
        if (this.checked)
            g[i].className = "girder hide";
            g[i].className = "girder";

function switchTheme()
    if (themes[this.value])
<h1>List of Hedgewars hats</h1>