Have make move the actual libhwengine.so to the SDL-android-project folder, rather than having the ndk-build reference to it. This removes the circular dependency
(* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Andrey Korotaev <unC0Rr@gmail.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA *){$INCLUDE "options.inc"}unit uIO;interfaceuses SDLh, uTypes;procedure initModule;procedure freeModule;procedure SendIPC(s: shortstring);procedure SendIPCXY(cmd: char; X, Y: SmallInt);procedure SendIPCRaw(p: pointer; len: Longword);procedure SendIPCAndWaitReply(s: shortstring);procedure SendIPCTimeInc;procedure SendKeepAliveMessage(Lag: Longword);procedure LoadRecordFromFile(fileName: shortstring);procedure SendStat(sit: TStatInfoType; s: shortstring);procedure IPCWaitPongEvent;procedure IPCCheckSock;procedure InitIPC;procedure CloseIPC;procedure NetGetNextCmd;procedure doPut(putX, putY: LongInt; fromAI: boolean);implementationuses uConsole, uConsts, uVariables, uCommands, uUtils, uDebug, uMobile;type PCmd = ^TCmd; TCmd = packed record Next: PCmd; loTime: Word; case byte of 1: (len: byte; cmd: Char; X, Y: SmallInt); 2: (str: shortstring); end;var IPCSock: PTCPSocket; fds: PSDLNet_SocketSet; isPonged: boolean; headcmd: PCmd; lastcmd: PCmd; SendEmptyPacketTicks: LongWord;function AddCmd(Time: Word; str: shortstring): PCmd;var command: PCmd;beginnew(command);FillChar(command^, sizeof(TCmd), 0);command^.loTime:= Time;command^.str:= str;if command^.cmd <> 'F' then dec(command^.len, 2); // cut timestampif headcmd = nil then begin headcmd:= command; lastcmd:= command end else begin lastcmd^.Next:= command; lastcmd:= command end;AddCmd:= command;end;procedure RemoveCmd;var tmp: PCmd;beginTryDo(headcmd <> nil, 'Engine bug: headcmd = nil', true);tmp:= headcmd;headcmd:= headcmd^.Next;if headcmd = nil then lastcmd:= nil;dispose(tmp)end;procedure InitIPC;var ipaddr: TIPAddress;begin WriteToConsole('Init SDL_Net... '); SDLTry(SDLNet_Init = 0, true); fds:= SDLNet_AllocSocketSet(1); SDLTry(fds <> nil, true); WriteLnToConsole(msgOK); WriteToConsole('Establishing IPC connection to tcp' + IntToStr(ipcPort) + ' '); {$HINTS OFF} SDLTry(SDLNet_ResolveHost(ipaddr, '', ipcPort) = 0, true); {$HINTS ON} IPCSock:= SDLNet_TCP_Open(ipaddr); SDLTry(IPCSock <> nil, true); WriteLnToConsole(msgOK)end;procedure CloseIPC;begin SDLNet_FreeSocketSet(fds); SDLNet_TCP_Close(IPCSock); SDLNet_Quit();end;procedure ParseIPCCommand(s: shortstring);var loTicks: Word;begincase s[1] of '!': begin AddFileLog('Ping? Pong!'); isPonged:= true; end; '?': SendIPC('!'); 'e': ParseCommand(copy(s, 2, Length(s) - 1), true); 'E': OutError(copy(s, 2, Length(s) - 1), true); 'W': OutError(copy(s, 2, Length(s) - 1), false); 'M': ParseCommand('landcheck ' + s, true); 'T': case s[2] of 'L': GameType:= gmtLocal; 'D': GameType:= gmtDemo; 'N': GameType:= gmtNet; 'S': GameType:= gmtSave; else OutError(errmsgIncorrectUse + ' IPC "T" :' + s[2], true) end; else loTicks:= SDLNet_Read16(@s[byte(s[0]) - 1]); AddCmd(loTicks, s); AddFileLog('[IPC in] '+s[1]+' ticks '+IntToStr(lastcmd^.loTime)); endend;procedure IPCCheckSock;const ss: shortstring = '';var i: LongInt; buf: array[0..255] of byte; s: shortstring absolute buf;beginif IPCSock = nil then exit;fds^.numsockets:= 0;SDLNet_AddSocket(fds, IPCSock);while SDLNet_CheckSockets(fds, 0) > 0 do begin i:= SDLNet_TCP_Recv(IPCSock, @buf[1], 255 - Length(ss)); if i > 0 then begin buf[0]:= i; ss:= ss + s; while (Length(ss) > 1) and (Length(ss) > byte(ss[1])) do begin ParseIPCCommand(copy(ss, 2, byte(ss[1]))); Delete(ss, 1, Succ(byte(ss[1]))) end end else OutError('IPC connection lost', true) end;end;procedure LoadRecordFromFile(fileName: shortstring);var f: file; ss: shortstring = ''; i: LongInt; buf: array[0..255] of byte; s: shortstring absolute buf;beginuMobile.SaveBegan();// set RDNLY on file openfilemode:= 0;{$I-}assign(f, fileName);reset(f, 1);tryDo(IOResult = 0, 'Error opening file ' + fileName, true);i:= 0; // avoid compiler hintsbuf[0]:= 0;repeat BlockRead(f, buf[1], 255 - Length(ss), i); if i > 0 then begin buf[0]:= i; ss:= ss + s; while (Length(ss) > 1)and(Length(ss) > byte(ss[1])) do begin ParseIPCCommand(copy(ss, 2, byte(ss[1]))); Delete(ss, 1, Succ(byte(ss[1]))) end enduntil i = 0;close(f){$I+}end;procedure SendStat(sit: TStatInfoType; s: shortstring);const stc: array [TStatInfoType] of char = 'rDkKHTPsSB';var buf: shortstring;beginbuf:= 'i' + stc[sit] + s;SendIPCRaw(@buf[0], length(buf) + 1)end;procedure SendIPC(s: shortstring);beginif IPCSock <> nil then begin SendEmptyPacketTicks:= 0; if s[0]>#251 then s[0]:= #251; SDLNet_Write16(GameTicks, @s[Succ(byte(s[0]))]); AddFileLog('[IPC out] '+ s[1]); inc(s[0], 2); SDLNet_TCP_Send(IPCSock, @s, Succ(byte(s[0]))) endend;procedure SendIPCRaw(p: pointer; len: Longword);beginif IPCSock <> nil then begin SDLNet_TCP_Send(IPCSock, p, len) endend;procedure SendIPCXY(cmd: char; X, Y: SmallInt);var s: shortstring;begins[0]:= #5;s[1]:= cmd;SDLNet_Write16(X, @s[2]);SDLNet_Write16(Y, @s[4]);SendIPC(s)end;procedure SendIPCTimeInc;const timeinc: shortstring = '#';beginAddFileLog('[IPC out] <time increment>');SendIPCRaw(@timeinc, 2)end;procedure IPCWaitPongEvent;beginisPonged:= false;repeat IPCCheckSock; SDL_Delay(1)until isPongedend;procedure SendIPCAndWaitReply(s: shortstring);beginSendIPC(s);SendIPC('?');IPCWaitPongEventend;procedure SendKeepAliveMessage(Lag: Longword);begininc(SendEmptyPacketTicks, Lag);if (SendEmptyPacketTicks >= cSendEmptyPacketTime) then SendIPC('+')end;procedure NetGetNextCmd;var tmpflag: boolean; s: shortstring; x16, y16: SmallInt;begintmpflag:= true;while (headcmd <> nil) and (tmpflag or (headcmd^.cmd = '#')) // '#' is the only cmd which can be sent within same tick after 'N' and ((GameTicks = hiTicks shl 16 + headcmd^.loTime) or (headcmd^.cmd = 's') // for these commands time is not specified or (headcmd^.cmd = 'h') // seems the hedgewars protocol does not allow remote synced commands or (headcmd^.cmd = '#') or (headcmd^.cmd = 'b') or (headcmd^.cmd = 'F')) do begin case headcmd^.cmd of '+': ; // do nothing - it is just an empty packet '#': inc(hiTicks); 'L': ParseCommand('+left', true); 'l': ParseCommand('-left', true); 'R': ParseCommand('+right', true); 'r': ParseCommand('-right', true); 'U': ParseCommand('+up', true); 'u': ParseCommand('-up', true); 'D': ParseCommand('+down', true); 'd': ParseCommand('-down', true); 'Z': ParseCommand('+precise', true); 'z': ParseCommand('-precise', true); 'A': ParseCommand('+attack', true); 'a': ParseCommand('-attack', true); 'S': ParseCommand('switch', true); 'j': ParseCommand('ljump', true); 'J': ParseCommand('hjump', true); ',': ParseCommand('skip', true); 'c': begin s:= copy(headcmd^.str, 2, Pred(headcmd^.len)); ParseCommand('gencmd ' + s, true); end; 's': begin s:= copy(headcmd^.str, 2, Pred(headcmd^.len)); ParseCommand('chatmsg ' + s, true); WriteLnToConsole(s) end; 'b': begin s:= copy(headcmd^.str, 2, Pred(headcmd^.len)); ParseCommand('chatmsg '#4 + s, true); WriteLnToConsole(s) end;// TODO: deprecate 'F' 'F': ParseCommand('teamgone ' + copy(headcmd^.str, 2, Pred(headcmd^.len)), true); 'N': begin tmpflag:= false; AddFileLog('got cmd "N": time '+IntToStr(hiTicks shl 16 + headcmd^.loTime)) end; 'p': begin x16:= SDLNet_Read16(@(headcmd^.X)); y16:= SDLNet_Read16(@(headcmd^.Y)); doPut(x16, y16, false) end; 'P': begin // these are equations solved for CursorPoint // SDLNet_Read16(@(headcmd^.X)) == CursorPoint.X - WorldDx; // SDLNet_Read16(@(headcmd^.Y)) == cScreenHeight - CursorPoint.Y - WorldDy; if not (CurrentTeam^.ExtDriven and bShowAmmoMenu) then begin CursorPoint.X:= SmallInt(SDLNet_Read16(@(headcmd^.X))) + WorldDx; CursorPoint.Y:= cScreenHeight - SmallInt(SDLNet_Read16(@(headcmd^.Y))) - WorldDy end end; 'w': ParseCommand('setweap ' + headcmd^.str[2], true); 't': ParseCommand('taunt ' + headcmd^.str[2], true); 'h': ParseCommand('hogsay ' + copy(headcmd^.str, 2, Pred(headcmd^.len)), true); '1'..'5': ParseCommand('timer ' + headcmd^.cmd, true); #128..char(128 + cMaxSlotIndex): ParseCommand('slot ' + char(byte(headcmd^.cmd) - 79), true) else OutError('Unexpected protocol command: ' + headcmd^.cmd, True) end; RemoveCmd end;if (headcmd <> nil) and tmpflag and (not CurrentTeam^.hasGone) then TryDo(GameTicks < hiTicks shl 16 + headcmd^.loTime, 'oops, queue error. in buffer: ' + headcmd^.cmd + ' (' + IntToStr(GameTicks) + ' > ' + IntToStr(hiTicks shl 16 + headcmd^.loTime) + ')', true);isInLag:= (headcmd = nil) and tmpflag and (not CurrentTeam^.hasGone);if isInLag then fastUntilLag:= falseend;procedure chFatalError(var s: shortstring);begin SendIPC('E' + s);end;procedure doPut(putX, putY: LongInt; fromAI: boolean);beginif CheckNoTeamOrHH or isPaused then exit;bShowFinger:= false;if not CurrentTeam^.ExtDriven and bShowAmmoMenu then begin bSelected:= true; exit end;with CurrentHedgehog^.Gear^, CurrentHedgehog^ do if (State and gstHHChooseTarget) <> 0 then begin isCursorVisible:= false; if not CurrentTeam^.ExtDriven then begin if fromAI then begin TargetPoint.X:= putX; TargetPoint.Y:= putY end else begin TargetPoint.X:= CursorPoint.X - WorldDx; TargetPoint.Y:= cScreenHeight - CursorPoint.Y - WorldDy; end; SendIPCXY('p', TargetPoint.X, TargetPoint.Y); end else begin TargetPoint.X:= putX; TargetPoint.Y:= putY end; AddFileLog('put: ' + inttostr(TargetPoint.X) + ', ' + inttostr(TargetPoint.Y)); State:= State and not gstHHChooseTarget; if (Ammoz[CurAmmoType].Ammo.Propz and ammoprop_AttackingPut) <> 0 then Message:= Message or (gmAttack and InputMask); end else if CurrentTeam^.ExtDriven then OutError('got /put while not being in choose target mode', false)end;procedure initModule;begin RegisterVariable('fatal', vtCommand, @chFatalError, true ); IPCSock:= nil; headcmd:= nil; lastcmd:= nil; isPonged:= false; // was const hiTicks:= 0; SendEmptyPacketTicks:= 0;end;procedure freeModule;beginend;end.