Clear gmSwitch before activating switcher
If if you pressed [Switch Hedgehog] key and THEN enabled the
Switch Hedgehog utility, you immediately switch. This was mildly
/* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Andrey Korotaev <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */#include <QFile>#include <QTextStream>#include <QStringList>#include <QLineEdit>#include <QCryptographicHash>#include <QSettings>#include <QStandardItemModel>#include <QDebug>#include "team.h"#include "hwform.h"#include "DataManager.h"#include "gameuiconfig.h"HWTeam::HWTeam(const QString & teamname) : QObject(0) , m_difficulty(0) , m_numHedgehogs(4) , m_isNetTeam(false){ m_name = teamname; OldTeamName = m_name; for (int i = 0; i < HEDGEHOGS_PER_TEAM; i++) { m_hedgehogs.append(HWHog()); m_hedgehogs[i].Name = (QLineEdit::tr("Hedgehog %1").arg(i+1)); m_hedgehogs[i].Hat = "NoHat"; } m_grave = "Statue"; m_fort = "Plane"; m_voicepack = "Default"; m_flag = "hedgewars"; for(int i = 0; i < BINDS_NUMBER; i++) { m_binds.append(BindAction()); m_binds[i].action = cbinds[i].action; m_binds[i].strbind = QString(); } m_color = 0;}HWTeam::HWTeam(const QStringList& strLst) : QObject(0) , m_numHedgehogs(4) , m_isNetTeam(true){ // net teams are configured from QStringList if(strLst.size() != 23) throw HWTeamConstructException(); m_name = strLst[0]; m_grave = strLst[1]; m_fort = strLst[2]; m_voicepack = strLst[3]; m_flag = strLst[4]; m_owner = strLst[5]; m_difficulty = strLst[6].toUInt(); for(int i = 0; i < HEDGEHOGS_PER_TEAM; i++) { m_hedgehogs.append(HWHog()); m_hedgehogs[i].Name=strLst[i * 2 + 7]; m_hedgehogs[i].Hat=strLst[i * 2 + 8];// Somehow claymore managed an empty hat. Until we figure out how, this should avoid a repeat// Checking net teams is probably pointless, but can't hurt. if (m_hedgehogs[i].Hat.isEmpty()) m_hedgehogs[i].Hat = "NoHat"; } m_color = 0;}HWTeam::HWTeam() : QObject(0) , m_difficulty(0) , m_numHedgehogs(4) , m_isNetTeam(false){ m_name = QString("Team"); for (int i = 0; i < HEDGEHOGS_PER_TEAM; i++) { m_hedgehogs.append(HWHog()); m_hedgehogs[i].Name.sprintf("hedgehog %d", i); m_hedgehogs[i].Hat = "NoHat"; } m_grave = QString("Simple"); // default m_fort = QString("Island"); // default m_voicepack = "Default"; m_flag = "hedgewars"; for(int i = 0; i < BINDS_NUMBER; i++) { m_binds.append(BindAction()); m_binds[i].action = cbinds[i].action; m_binds[i].strbind = QString(); } m_color = 0;}HWTeam::HWTeam(const HWTeam & other) : QObject(0) , OldTeamName(other.OldTeamName) , m_name(other.m_name) , m_grave(other.m_grave) , m_fort(other.m_fort) , m_flag(other.m_flag) , m_voicepack(other.m_voicepack) , m_hedgehogs(other.m_hedgehogs) , m_difficulty(other.m_difficulty) , m_binds(other.m_binds) , m_numHedgehogs(other.m_numHedgehogs) , m_color(other.m_color) , m_isNetTeam(other.m_isNetTeam) , m_owner(other.m_owner)// , AchievementProgress(other.AchievementProgress){}HWTeam & HWTeam::operator = (const HWTeam & other){ if(this != &other) { OldTeamName = other.OldTeamName; m_name = other.m_name; m_grave = other.m_grave; m_fort = other.m_fort; m_flag = other.m_flag; m_voicepack = other.m_voicepack; m_hedgehogs = other.m_hedgehogs; m_difficulty = other.m_difficulty; m_binds = other.m_binds; m_numHedgehogs = other.m_numHedgehogs; m_color = other.m_color; m_isNetTeam = other.m_isNetTeam; m_owner = other.m_owner; m_color = other.m_color; } return *this;}bool HWTeam::loadFromFile(){ QSettings teamfile(QString(cfgdir->absolutePath() + "/Teams/%1.hwt").arg(DataManager::safeFileName(m_name)), QSettings::IniFormat, 0); teamfile.setIniCodec("UTF-8"); m_name = teamfile.value("Team/Name", m_name).toString(); m_grave = teamfile.value("Team/Grave", "Statue").toString(); m_fort = teamfile.value("Team/Fort", "Plane").toString(); m_voicepack = teamfile.value("Team/Voicepack", "Default").toString(); m_flag = teamfile.value("Team/Flag", "hedgewars").toString(); m_difficulty = teamfile.value("Team/Difficulty", 0).toInt(); for(int i = 0; i < HEDGEHOGS_PER_TEAM; i++) { QString hh = QString("Hedgehog%1/").arg(i); m_hedgehogs[i].Name = teamfile.value(hh + "Name", QString("Hedgehog %1").arg(i+1)).toString(); m_hedgehogs[i].Hat = teamfile.value(hh + "Hat", "NoHat").toString(); } for(int i = 0; i < BINDS_NUMBER; i++) m_binds[i].strbind = teamfile.value(QString("Binds/%1").arg(m_binds[i].action), QString()).toString(); for(int i = 0; i < MAX_ACHIEVEMENTS; i++) if(achievements[i][0][0]) AchievementProgress[i] = teamfile.value(QString("Achievements/%1").arg(achievements[i][0]), 0).toUInt(); else break; return true;}bool HWTeam::fileExists(){ QFile f(QString(cfgdir->absolutePath() + "/Teams/%1.hwt").arg(DataManager::safeFileName(m_name))); return f.exists();}// Returns true if the team name has been changed but a file with the same team name already exists.// So if this team would be saved, another team file would be overwritten, which is generally not// desired.bool HWTeam::wouldOverwriteOtherFile(){ return (m_name != OldTeamName) && fileExists();}bool HWTeam::deleteFile(){ if(m_isNetTeam) return false; QFile cfgfile(QString(cfgdir->absolutePath() + "/Teams/%1.hwt").arg(DataManager::safeFileName(m_name))); cfgfile.remove(); return true;}bool HWTeam::saveToFile(){ if (OldTeamName != m_name) { QFile cfgfile(QString(cfgdir->absolutePath() + "/Teams/%1.hwt").arg(DataManager::safeFileName(OldTeamName))); cfgfile.remove(); OldTeamName = m_name; } QString fileName = QString(cfgdir->absolutePath() + "/Teams/%1.hwt").arg(DataManager::safeFileName(m_name)); DataManager::ensureFileExists(fileName); QSettings teamfile(fileName, QSettings::IniFormat, 0); teamfile.setIniCodec("UTF-8"); teamfile.setValue("Team/Name", m_name); teamfile.setValue("Team/Grave", m_grave); teamfile.setValue("Team/Fort", m_fort); teamfile.setValue("Team/Voicepack", m_voicepack); teamfile.setValue("Team/Flag", m_flag); teamfile.setValue("Team/Difficulty", m_difficulty); for(int i = 0; i < HEDGEHOGS_PER_TEAM; i++) { QString hh = QString("Hedgehog%1/").arg(i); teamfile.setValue(hh + "Name", m_hedgehogs[i].Name); teamfile.setValue(hh + "Hat", m_hedgehogs[i].Hat); } for(int i = 0; i < BINDS_NUMBER; i++) teamfile.setValue(QString("Binds/%1").arg(m_binds[i].action), m_binds[i].strbind); for(int i = 0; i < MAX_ACHIEVEMENTS; i++) if(achievements[i][0][0]) teamfile.setValue(QString("Achievements/%1").arg(achievements[i][0]), AchievementProgress[i]); else break; return true;}QStringList HWTeam::teamGameConfig(quint32 InitHealth) const{ QStringList sl; if (m_isNetTeam) { sl.push_back(QString("eaddteam %3 %1 %2").arg(qcolor().rgb() & 0xffffff).arg(m_name).arg(QString(QCryptographicHash::hash(m_owner.toUtf8(), QCryptographicHash::Md5).toHex()))); sl.push_back("erdriven"); } else sl.push_back(QString("eaddteam %3 %1 %2").arg(qcolor().rgb() & 0xffffff).arg(m_name).arg(playerHash)); sl.push_back(QString("egrave " + m_grave)); sl.push_back(QString("efort " + m_fort)); sl.push_back(QString("evoicepack " + m_voicepack)); sl.push_back(QString("eflag " + m_flag)); if(!m_owner.isEmpty()) sl.push_back(QString("eowner ") + m_owner); for (int t = 0; t < m_numHedgehogs; t++) { sl.push_back(QString("eaddhh %1 %2 %3") .arg(QString::number(m_difficulty), QString::number(InitHealth), m_hedgehogs[t].Name)); sl.push_back(QString("ehat %1") .arg(m_hedgehogs[t].Hat)); } return sl;}void HWTeam::setNetTeam(bool isNetTeam){ m_isNetTeam = isNetTeam;}bool HWTeam::isNetTeam() const{ return m_isNetTeam;}bool HWTeam::operator==(const HWTeam& t1) const{ return m_name==t1.m_name;}bool HWTeam::operator<(const HWTeam& t1) const{ return m_name<t1.m_name; // if names are equal - test if it is net team}//// Methods for member inspection+modification ////// nameQString HWTeam::name() const{ return m_name;}void HWTeam::setName(const QString & name){ m_name = name;}// single hedgehogconst HWHog & HWTeam::hedgehog(unsigned int idx) const{ return m_hedgehogs[idx];}void HWTeam::setHedgehog(unsigned int idx, HWHog hh){ m_hedgehogs[idx] = hh;}// ownerQString HWTeam::owner() const{ return m_owner;}// difficultyunsigned int HWTeam::difficulty() const{ return m_difficulty;}void HWTeam::setDifficulty(unsigned int level){ m_difficulty = level;}// colorint HWTeam::color() const{ return m_color;}QColor HWTeam::qcolor() const{ return DataManager::instance().colorsModel()->item(m_color)->data().value<QColor>();}void HWTeam::setColor(int color){ m_color = color % DataManager::instance().colorsModel()->rowCount();}// bindsQString HWTeam::keyBind(unsigned int idx) const{ return m_binds[idx].strbind;}void HWTeam::bindKey(unsigned int idx, const QString & key){ m_binds[idx].strbind = key;}// flagvoid HWTeam::setFlag(const QString & flag){ m_flag = flag;}QString HWTeam::flag() const{ return m_flag;}// fortvoid HWTeam::setFort(const QString & fort){ m_fort = fort;}QString HWTeam::fort() const{ return m_fort;}// gravevoid HWTeam::setGrave(const QString & grave){ m_grave = grave;}QString HWTeam::grave() const{ return m_grave;}// voicepack - getter/settervoid HWTeam::setVoicepack(const QString & voicepack){ m_voicepack = voicepack;}QString HWTeam::voicepack() const{ return m_voicepack;}// amount of hedgehogsunsigned char HWTeam::numHedgehogs() const{ return m_numHedgehogs;}void HWTeam::setNumHedgehogs(unsigned char num){ m_numHedgehogs = num;}