author dag10
Sun, 27 Jan 2013 20:17:30 -0500
changeset 8453 06541556df53
parent 8452 170afc3ac39f
child 10215 26fc5502ba22
permissions -rw-r--r--
Reorganized layout and appearance of rooms list page. Creating a new room uses a dialog prompt for the room name, which is preset to whatever your last room name was. Removed dotted rectangle around selected cell in rooms list. Removed bug where gamecfgwidget would be in master mode when joining a game as a slave. Can now join selected room when return is pressed. Can also move room selection while room search box has focus.

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

module RoomsAndClients(
    ) where

import Store
import Control.Monad
import Control.DeepSeq

data Room r = Room {
    roomClients' :: ![ClientIndex],
    room' :: !r

data Client c = Client {
    clientRoom' :: !RoomIndex,
    client' :: !c

newtype RoomIndex = RoomIndex ElemIndex
    deriving (Eq, NFData)
newtype ClientIndex = ClientIndex ElemIndex
    deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Ord, NFData)

instance Show RoomIndex where
    show (RoomIndex i) = 'r' : show i

unRoomIndex :: RoomIndex -> ElemIndex
unRoomIndex (RoomIndex r) = r

unClientIndex :: ClientIndex -> ElemIndex
unClientIndex (ClientIndex c) = c

newtype MRoomsAndClients r c = MRoomsAndClients (MStore (Room r), MStore (Client c))
newtype IRoomsAndClients r c = IRoomsAndClients (IStore (Room r), IStore (Client c))

lobbyId :: RoomIndex
lobbyId = RoomIndex firstIndex

newRoomsAndClients :: r -> IO (MRoomsAndClients r c)
newRoomsAndClients r = do
    rooms <- newStore
    clients <- newStore
    let rnc = MRoomsAndClients (rooms, clients)
    ri <- addRoom rnc r
    when (ri /= lobbyId) $ error "Empty struct inserts not at firstIndex index"
    return rnc

roomAddClient :: ClientIndex -> Room r -> Room r
roomAddClient cl rm = let cls = cl : roomClients' rm; nr = rm{roomClients' = cls} in cls `deepseq` nr

roomRemoveClient :: ClientIndex -> Room r -> Room r
roomRemoveClient cl rm = let cls = filter (/= cl) $ roomClients' rm; nr = rm{roomClients' = cls} in cls `deepseq` nr

addRoom :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> r -> IO RoomIndex
addRoom (MRoomsAndClients (rooms, _)) rm = do
    i <- addElem rooms (Room  [] rm)
    return $ RoomIndex i

addClient :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> c -> IO ClientIndex
addClient (MRoomsAndClients (rooms, clients)) cl = do
    i <- addElem clients (Client lobbyId cl)
    modifyElem rooms (roomAddClient (ClientIndex i)) (unRoomIndex lobbyId)
    return $ ClientIndex i

removeRoom :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> RoomIndex -> IO ()
removeRoom rnc@(MRoomsAndClients (rooms, _)) rm@(RoomIndex ri)
    | rm == lobbyId = error "Cannot delete lobby"
    | otherwise = do
        clIds <- liftM roomClients' $ readElem rooms ri
        forM_ clIds (moveClientToLobby rnc)
        removeElem rooms ri

removeClient :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> ClientIndex -> IO ()
removeClient (MRoomsAndClients (rooms, clients)) cl@(ClientIndex ci) = do
    RoomIndex ri <- liftM clientRoom' $ readElem clients ci
    modifyElem rooms (roomRemoveClient cl) ri
    removeElem clients ci

modifyRoom :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> (r -> r) -> RoomIndex -> IO ()
modifyRoom (MRoomsAndClients (rooms, _)) f (RoomIndex ri) = modifyElem rooms (\r -> r{room' = f $ room' r}) ri

modifyClient :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> (c -> c) -> ClientIndex -> IO ()
modifyClient (MRoomsAndClients (_, clients)) f (ClientIndex ci) = modifyElem clients (\c -> c{client' = f $ client' c}) ci

moveClientInRooms :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> RoomIndex -> RoomIndex -> ClientIndex -> IO ()
moveClientInRooms (MRoomsAndClients (rooms, clients)) (RoomIndex riFrom) rt@(RoomIndex riTo) cl@(ClientIndex ci) = do
    modifyElem rooms (roomRemoveClient cl) riFrom
    modifyElem rooms (roomAddClient cl) riTo
    modifyElem clients (\c -> c{clientRoom' = rt}) ci

moveClientToLobby :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> ClientIndex -> IO ()
moveClientToLobby rnc ci = do
    rm <- clientRoomM rnc ci
    moveClientInRooms rnc rm lobbyId ci

moveClientToRoom :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> RoomIndex -> ClientIndex -> IO ()
moveClientToRoom rnc = moveClientInRooms rnc lobbyId

clientExists :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> ClientIndex -> IO Bool
clientExists (MRoomsAndClients (_, clients)) (ClientIndex ci) = elemExists clients ci

clientRoomM :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> ClientIndex -> IO RoomIndex
clientRoomM (MRoomsAndClients (_, clients)) (ClientIndex ci) = liftM clientRoom' (clients `readElem` ci)

client'sM :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> (c -> a) -> ClientIndex -> IO a
client'sM (MRoomsAndClients (_, clients)) f (ClientIndex ci) = liftM (f . client') (clients `readElem` ci)

room'sM :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> (r -> a) -> RoomIndex -> IO a
room'sM (MRoomsAndClients (rooms, _)) f (RoomIndex ri) = liftM (f . room') (rooms `readElem` ri)

allClientsM :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> IO [ClientIndex]
allClientsM (MRoomsAndClients (_, clients)) = liftM (map ClientIndex) $ indicesM clients

clientsM :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> IO [c]
clientsM (MRoomsAndClients (_, clients)) = indicesM clients >>= mapM (liftM client' . readElem clients)

roomsM :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> IO [r]
roomsM (MRoomsAndClients (rooms, _)) = indicesM rooms >>= mapM (liftM room' . readElem rooms)

roomClientsIndicesM :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> RoomIndex -> IO [ClientIndex]
roomClientsIndicesM (MRoomsAndClients (rooms, _)) (RoomIndex ri) = liftM roomClients' (rooms `readElem` ri)

roomClientsM :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> RoomIndex -> IO [c]
roomClientsM (MRoomsAndClients (rooms, clients)) (RoomIndex ri) = liftM roomClients' (rooms `readElem` ri) >>= mapM (\(ClientIndex ci) -> liftM client' $ readElem clients ci)

withRoomsAndClients :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> (IRoomsAndClients r c -> a) -> IO a
withRoomsAndClients (MRoomsAndClients (rooms, clients)) f =
    withIStore2 rooms clients (\r c -> f $ IRoomsAndClients (r, c))

----------- IRoomsAndClients -----------

showRooms :: (Show r, Show c) => IRoomsAndClients r c -> String
showRooms rnc@(IRoomsAndClients (rooms, clients)) = concatMap showRoom (allRooms rnc)
    showRoom r = unlines $ (show r ++ ": " ++ (show . room' $ rooms ! unRoomIndex r)) : map showClient (roomClients' $ rooms ! unRoomIndex r)
    showClient c = "    " ++ show c ++ ": " ++ (show . client' $ clients ! unClientIndex c)

allRooms :: IRoomsAndClients r c -> [RoomIndex]
allRooms (IRoomsAndClients (rooms, _)) = map RoomIndex $ indices rooms

allClients :: IRoomsAndClients r c -> [ClientIndex]
allClients (IRoomsAndClients (_, clients)) = map ClientIndex $ indices clients

clientRoom :: IRoomsAndClients r c -> ClientIndex -> RoomIndex
clientRoom (IRoomsAndClients (_, clients)) (ClientIndex ci) = clientRoom' (clients ! ci)

client :: IRoomsAndClients r c -> ClientIndex -> c
client (IRoomsAndClients (_, clients)) (ClientIndex ci) = client' (clients ! ci)

room :: IRoomsAndClients r c -> RoomIndex -> r
room (IRoomsAndClients (rooms, _)) (RoomIndex ri) = room' (rooms ! ri)

roomClients :: IRoomsAndClients r c -> RoomIndex -> [ClientIndex]
roomClients (IRoomsAndClients (rooms, _)) (RoomIndex ri) = roomClients' (rooms ! ri)