- Possibility to send log file by email from app
Note: Ugly ifdef's are necessary, because we don't want to include MessageUI framework into 'Distro Appstore' build scheme
// MGSplitDividerView.h
// MGSplitView
// Created by Matt Gemmell on 26/07/2010.
// Copyright 2010 Instinctive Code.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@class MGSplitViewController;
@interface MGSplitDividerView : UIView {
MGSplitViewController *__unsafe_unretained splitViewController;
BOOL allowsDragging;
@property (nonatomic, unsafe_unretained) MGSplitViewController *splitViewController; // weak ref.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL allowsDragging;
- (void)drawGripThumbInRect:(CGRect)rect;