changeset 13054 f18cefc4309d
child 13058 8b42562dcada
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Scripts/SimpleMission.lua	Wed Feb 21 17:14:46 2018 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,795 @@
+= Simple Mission Framework for Hedgewars =
+This is a simple library intended to make setting up simple missions an
+easy task for Lua scripters. The entire game logic and coding is
+abtracted away in a single function which you just need to feed
+a large definition table in which you define gears, goals, etc.
+This is ideal for missions in which you set up the entire scenario
+from the start and don't need any complex in-mission events.
+BUT! This is NOT suited for missions with scripted events, cut-scenes,
+branching story, etc.
+This library has the following features:
+* Add teams, clans, hogs
+* Spawn gears
+* Sensible defaults for almost everything
+* Set custom goals or use the default one (kill all enemies)
+* Add non-goals to fail the mission
+* Checks victory and failure automatically
+To use this library, you first have to load it and to call SimpleMission once with
+the appropriate parameters.
+See the comment of SimpleMission for a specification of all parameters.
+This function sets up the *entire* mission and needs one argument: params.
+The argument “params” is a table containing fields which describe the mission.
+	Mandatory fields:
+	- teams:		Table of teams. There must be 1-8 teams.
+	Optional fields
+	- ammoConfig		Table containing basic ammo values (default: infinite skip only)
+	- initVars		Table where you set up environment parameters such as MinesNum.
+	- wind			If set, the wind will permanently set to this value (-100..100)
+	- gears:		Table of objects.
+	- girders		Table of girders
+	- rubbers		Table of rubbers
+	- ammoType		ammo type
+	- delay			delay (default: 0)
+	- numberInCrate		ammo per crate (default: 1)
+	- count			default starter ammo for everyone, 9 for infinite (default: 0)
+	- probability		probability in crates (default: 0)
+	- hogs			table of hedgehogs in this team (must contain at least 1 hog)
+	- name			team name
+	- clanID		ID of the clan to which this team belongs to. Counting starts at 0.
+				By default, each team goes into its own clan.
+				Important: The clan of the player and allies MUST be 0.
+				Important: You MUST either set the clan ID explicitly for all teams or none of them.
+	- flag			flag name (default: hedgewars)
+	- grave			grave name (has default grave for each team)
+	- fort			fort name (default: Castle)
+	- id			optional identifier for goals
+	- name			hog name
+	- x, y			hog position (default: spawns randomly on land)
+	- botLevel		1-5: Bot level (lower=stronger). 0=human player (default: 0)
+	- hat			hat name (default: NoHat)
+	- health		hog health (default: 100)
+	- poisoned		if true, hedgehog starts poisoned with 5 poison damage. Set to a number for other poison damage (default: false)
+	- frozen		if true, hedgehogs starts frozen (default: false)
+	- faceLeft		initial facing direction. true=left, false=false (default: false)
+	- ammo			table of ammo types
+	- type			gear type
+	ALL types:
+		id		optional identifier for goals
+		x		x coordinate of starting position (default: 0)
+		y		y coordinate of starting position (default: 0)
+		dx		initial x speed (default: 0)
+		dy		initial y speed (default: 0)
+	- type=gtMine		Mine
+		timer 		Mine timer (only for non-duds). Default: MinesTime
+		isDud		Whether the mine is a dud. default: false
+		isFrozen	Whether the mine is frozen. If true, it implies being a dud as well. Default: false
+		health 		Initial health of dud mines. Has no effect if isDud=false. Default: 36
+	- type=gtSMine		Sticky mine
+		timer		Timer. Default: 500
+	- type=gtAirMine	Air mine
+		timer		Timer. Default: (MinesTime/1000 * 250)
+	- type=gtExplosives	Barrel
+		health		Initial health. Default: 60
+		isFrozen	Whether the barrel is frozen. Default: true with health > 60, false otherwise
+		isRolling	Whether the barrel starts in “rolling” state. Default: false
+	- type=gtCase		Crate
+		crateType	"health": Health crate
+				"supply": Ammo or utility crate (select crate type automatically)
+				"supply_ammo_explicit": Ammo crate (not recommened)
+				"supply_utility_explicit": Utility crate (not recommededn)
+		ammoType	Contained ammo (only for ammo and utility crates).
+		health		Contained health (only for health crates). Default: HealthCaseAmount
+		isFrozen	Whether the crate is frozen. Default: false
+	- type=gtKnife		Cleaver
+	- type=gtTarget		Target
+	Note: If there are at least two opposing teams, a default goal is used, which is to defeat all the enemies of the
+	player's team. If this is what you want, you can skip this section.
+	The default goal is overwritten as if customGoals has been set. Set customGoals and other related parameters for
+	defining your own special goals. In this case, the mission is won if all customGoals are completed.
+	Note the mission will always fail if the player's hedgehogs and all their allies have been defeated.
+	If there is only one team (for the player), there is no default goal and one must be set explicitly.
+	- customGoals		Table of custom goals (see below). All of them must be met to win. Some goal types might fail,
+				rendering the mission unwinnable and leading to the loss of the mission. An example is
+				blowing up a crate which you should have collected.ed.
+	- customNonGoals	Table of non-goals, the player loses if one of them is achieved
+	- customGoalCheck	When to check goals and non-goals. Values: "instant" (default), "turnStart", "turnEnd"
+	- missionTitle:		The name of the mission (highly recommended)
+	- customGoalText:	A short string explaining the goal of the mission (use this if you set custom goals).
+	- type			name of goal type
+	- type="destroy"	Gear must be destroyed
+		- id		Gear to destroy
+	- type="teamDefeat"	Team must be defeated
+		- teamName	Name of team to defeat
+	- type="collect"	Crate must be collected
+		FAIL CONDITION:	Crate taken by enemy, or destroyed
+		- id		ID of crate gear to collect
+		- collectors	Optional table of gear IDs, any one of which must collect the gear (but nobody else!).
+				By default, this is for the player's teams and allies.
+	- type="turns"		Achieved when a number of turns has been played
+		- turns 	Number of played turns 
+	- type="rounds"		Achieved when a number of rounds has been played
+		- rounds	Number of played rounds
+	- type="suddenDeath"	Sudden Death has started
+	- type="inZone"		A gear is within given coordinate bounds. Each of xMin, xMax, yMin and yMax is a sub-goal.
+				Each sub-goal is only checked if not nil.
+				You can use this to check if a gear left, right, above or below a given coordinate.
+				To check if the gear is within a rectangle, just set all 4 sub-goals.
+		FAIL CONDITION:	Gear destroyed
+		- id		Gear to watch
+		- xMin		gear's X coordinate must be lower than this
+		- xMax		gear's X coordinate must be higher than this
+		- yMin		gear's Y coordinate must be lower than this
+		- yMax		gear's Y coordinate must be higher than this
+	- type="distGearPos"	Distance between a gear and a fixed position
+		FAIL CONDITION:	Gear destroyed
+		- distance	goal distance to compare to
+		- relationship	"greaterThan" or "lowerThan"
+		- id		gear to watch
+		- x		x coordinate to reach
+		- y		y coordinate to reach
+	- type="distGearGear"	Distance between two gears
+		FAIL CONDITION:	Any of both gears destroyed
+		- distance	goal distance to compare to
+		- relationship	"greaterThan" or "lowerThan"
+		- id1		first gear to compare
+		- id2		second gear to compare
+	- type="damage"		Gear took damage or was destroyed
+		- id		Gear to watch
+		- damage	Minimum amount of damage to take at a single blow. Default: 1
+		- canDestroy	If false, this goal will fail if the gear was destroyed without taking the required damage
+	- type="drown"		Gear has drowned
+		FAIL CONDITION:	Gear destroyed by other means
+		- id		Gear to watch
+	- type="poison"		Gear must be poisoned
+		FAIL CONDITION:	Gear destroyed
+		- id		Gear to be poisoned
+	- type="cure"		Gear must exist and be free from poisoning
+		FAIL CONDITION:	Gear destroyed
+		- id		Gear to check
+	- type="freeze"		Gear must exist and be frozen
+		FAIL CONDITION:	Gear destroyed
+		- id		Gear to be frozen
+	- type="melt"		Gear must exist and be unfrozen
+		FAIL CONDITION:	Gear destroyed
+		- id		Gear to check
+	- type="waterSkip"	Gear must have skipped over water
+		FAIL CONDITION:	Gear destroyed before it reached the required number of skips
+		- id
+		- skips		Total number of water skips required at least (default: 1)
+local goals
+local teamHogs = {}
+local defaultClanColors = {
+	[0] = 0xff0204,	-- red
+	[1] = 0x4980c1,	-- blue
+	[2] = 0x1de6ba,	-- cyan
+	[3] = 0xb541ef,	-- purple
+	[4] = 0xe55bb0,	-- magenta
+	[5] = 0x20bf00,	-- green
+	[6] = 0xfe8b0e,	-- orange
+	[7] = 0x5f3605,	-- brown
+	[8] = 0xffff01,	-- yellow
+local defaultGraves = {
+	"Grave", "Statue", "pyramid", "Simple", "skull", "Badger", "Duck2", "Flower"
+local defaultFlags = {
+	"hedgewars", "cm_birdy", "cm_eyes", "cm_spider", "cm_kiwi", "cm_scout", "cm_skull", "cm_bars"
+-- Utility functions
+-- Returns value if it is non-nil, otherwise returns default
+local function def(value, default)
+	if value == nil then
+		return default
+	else
+		return value
+	end
+-- Get hypotenuse of a triangle with legs x and y
+local function hypot(x, y)
+	local t
+	x = math.abs(x)
+	y = math.abs(y)
+	t = math.min(x, y)
+	x = math.max(x, y)
+	if x == 0 then
+		return 0
+	end
+	t = t / x
+	return x * math.sqrt(1 + t * t)
+local errord = false
+-- This function generates the mission. See above for the meaning of params.
+function SimpleMission(params)
+	if params.missionTitle == nil then
+		params.missionTitle = loc("Scenario")
+	end
+	if params.goalText == nil then
+		params.goalText = loc("Defeat the enemy!")
+	end
+	if params.customGoalCheck == nil and (params.customGoals ~= nil or params.customNonGoals ~= nil) then
+		params.customGoalCheck = "instant"
+	end
+ = {}
+ = false
+	-- Number of completed turns
+ = 0
+ = {}
+ = params
+ = false
+ = 0
+ = function(winningClan, customAchievements)
+		for t=0, TeamsCount-1 do
+			local team = GetTeamName(t)
+			local stats = GetTeamStats(team)
+			local clan = GetTeamClan(team)
+			if clan == winningClan then
+				SendStat(siPlayerKills, stats.Kills, team)
+			end
+		end
+		for t=0, TeamsCount-1 do
+			local team = GetTeamName(t)
+			local stats = GetTeamStats(team)
+			local clan = GetTeamClan(team)
+			if clan ~= winningClan then
+				SendStat(siPlayerKills, stats.Kills, team)
+			end
+		end
+		if customAchievements ~= nil then
+			for a=1, #customAchievements do
+				SendStat(siCustomAchievement, customAchievements[a])
+			end
+		end
+	end
+ = function(goal)
+		if goal.type == "destroy" then
+			return getGearValue([], "sm_destroyed")
+		elseif goal.type == "collect" then
+			local collector = getGearValue([], "sm_collected")
+			if collector then
+				if not goal.collectors then
+					if GetHogClan(collector) == then
+						return true
+					else
+						-- Fail if the crate was collected by enemy
+						return "fail"
+					end
+				else
+					for c=1, #goal.collectors do
+						if[goal.collectors[c]] == collector then
+							return true
+						end
+					end
+					-- Fail if the crate was collected by someone who was not supposed to get it
+					return "fail"
+				end
+			else
+				-- Fail goal if crate was destroyed
+				if getGearValue([], "sm_destroyed") then
+					return "fail"
+				end
+				return false
+			end
+		elseif goal.type == "turns" then
+			return sm.gameTurns >= goal.turns
+		elseif goal.type == "rounds" then
+			return (TotalRounds) >= goal.rounds
+		elseif goal.type == "inZone" then
+			if getGearValue([], "sm_destroyed") then
+				return "fail"
+			end
+			local gX, gY = GetGearPosition([])
+			-- 4 sub-goals, each optional
+			local g1 = (not goal.xMin) or gX >= goal.xMin
+			local g2 = (not goal.xMax) or gX <= goal.xMax
+			local g3 = (not goal.yMin) or gY >= goal.yMin
+			local g4 = (not goal.yMax) or gY <= goal.yMax
+			return g1 and g2 and g3 and g4
+		elseif goal.type == "distGearPos" or goal.type == "distGearGear" then
+			local gX, tY, tX, tY
+			if goal.type == "distGearPos" then
+				if getGearValue([], "sm_destroyed") then
+					-- Fail if gear was destroyed
+					return "fail"
+				end
+				gX, gY = GetGearPosition([])
+				tX, tY = goal.x, goal.y
+			elseif goal.type == "distGearGear" then
+				if getGearValue([goal.id1], "sm_destroyed") or getGearValue([goal.id2], "sm_destroyed") then
+					-- Fail if one of the gears was destroyed
+					return "fail"
+				end
+				gX, gY = GetGearPosition([goal.id1])
+				tX, tY = GetGearPosition([goal.id2])
+			end
+			local h = hypot(gX - tX, gY - tY)
+			if goal.relationship == "smallerThan" then
+				return h < goal.distance
+			elseif goal.relationship == "greaterThan" then
+				return h > goal.distance
+			end
+			-- Invalid parameters!
+			error("SimpleMission: Invalid parameters for distGearPos/distGearGear!")
+			errord = true
+			return false
+		elseif goal.type == "suddenDeath" then
+			return sm.isInSuddenDeath
+		elseif goal.type == "damage" then
+			local damage = goal.damage or 1
+			local tookEnoughDamage = getGearValue([], "sm_maxDamage") >= damage
+			if getGearValue([], "sm_destroyed") then
+				-- Fail if gear was destroyed without taking enough damage first
+				if not tookEnoughDamage and goal.canDestroy == false then
+					return "fail"
+				else
+				-- By default, succeed if gear was destroyed
+					return true
+				end
+			end
+			return tookEnoughDamage
+		elseif goal.type == "drown" then
+			local drowned = getGearValue([], "sm_drowned")
+			-- Fail if gear was destroyed by something other than drowning
+			if not drowned and getGearValue([], "sm_destroyed") then
+				return "fail"
+			end
+			return drowned
+		elseif goal.type == "poison" then
+			if getGearValue([], "sm_destroyed") then
+				return "fail"
+			end
+			return GetEffect([], hePoisoned) >= 1
+		elseif goal.type == "freeze" then
+			if getGearValue([], "sm_destroyed") then
+				return "fail"
+			end
+			return GetEffect([], heFrozen) >= 256
+		elseif goal.type == "cure" then
+			if getGearValue([], "sm_destroyed") then
+				return "fail"
+			end
+			return GetEffect([], hePoisoned) == 0
+		elseif goal.type == "melt" then
+			if getGearValue([], "sm_destroyed") then
+				return "fail"
+			end
+			return GetEffect([], heFrozen) == 0
+		elseif goal.type == "waterSkip" then
+			local skips = goal.skips or 1
+			local hasEnoughSkips = getGearValue([], "sm_waterSkips") >= skips
+			-- Fail if gear was destroyed before it got the required number of skips
+			if not hasEnoughSkips and getGearValue([], "sm_destroyed") then
+				return "fail"
+			end
+			return hasEnoughSkips
+		elseif goal.type == "teamDefeat" then
+			return #teamHogs[goal.teamName] == 0
+		else
+			return false
+		end
+	end
+	--[[ Checks the custom goals.
+	Returns true when all custom goals are met.
+	Returns false when not all custom goals are met.
+	Returns "fail" if any of the goals has failed (i.e. is impossible to complete).
+	Returns nil when there are no custom goals ]]
+ = function()
+		if params.customGoals ~= nil and #params.customGoals > 0 then
+			for key, goal in pairs(params.customGoals) do
+				local done =
+				if done == false or done == "fail" then
+					return done
+				end
+			end
+			return true
+		else
+			return nil
+		end
+	end
+	--[[ Checks the custom non-goals.
+	Returns true when any non-goal is met.
+	Returns false otherwise. ]]
+ = function()
+		if params.customNonGoals ~= nil and #params.customNonGoals > 0 then
+			for key, nonGoal in pairs(params.customNonGoals) do
+				local done =
+				if done == true then
+					return true
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		return false
+	end
+	-- Checks goals and non goals and wins or loses mission
+ = function()
+		if errord then
+			return
+		end
+		if == true or == "fail" then
+		elseif == true then
+		end
+	end
+ = function()
+		if not then
+ = true
+			AddCaption(loc("Victory!"), 0xFFFFFFFF, capgrpGameState)
+			SendStat(siGameResult, loc("You win!"))
+			if GetHogLevel(CurrentHedgehog) == 0 then
+				SetState(CurrentHedgehog, bor(GetState(CurrentHedgehog), gstWinner))
+				SetState(CurrentHedgehog, band(GetState(CurrentHedgehog), bnot(gstHHDriven)))
+				PlaySound(sndVictory, CurrentHedgehog)
+			end
+			EndGame()
+		end
+	end
+ = function()
+		if not then
+ = true
+			AddCaption(loc("Scenario failed!"), 0xFFFFFFFF, capgrpGameState)
+			SendStat(siGameResult, loc("You lose!"))
+			if GetHogLevel(CurrentHedgehog) == 0 then
+				SetState(CurrentHedgehog, bor(GetState(CurrentHedgehog), gstLoser))
+				SetState(CurrentHedgehog, band(GetState(CurrentHedgehog), bnot(gstHHDriven)))
+			end
+			local clan = ClansCount-1
+			for t=0, TeamsCount-1 do
+				local team = GetTeamName(t)
+				-- Just declare any living team other than the player team the winner
+				if ({type="teamDefeat", teamName=team}) == false) and (GetTeamClan(team) ~= then
+					clan = GetTeamClan(team)
+					break
+				end
+			end
+			EndGame()
+		end
+	end
+	_G.onSuddenDeath = function()
+		sm.isInSuddenDeath = true
+	end
+	_G.onGearWaterSkip = function(gear)
+		increaseGearValue(gear, "sm_waterSkips")
+	end
+	_G.onGearAdd = function(gear)
+		if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then
+			local team = GetHogTeamName(gear)
+			if teamHogs[team] == nil then
+				teamHogs[team] = {}
+			end
+			table.insert(teamHogs[GetHogTeamName(gear)], gear)
+		end
+		setGearValue(gear, "sm_waterSkips", 0)
+		setGearValue(gear, "sm_maxDamage", 0)
+		setGearValue(gear, "sm_drowned", false)
+		setGearValue(gear, "sm_destroyed", false)
+	end
+	_G.onGearResurrect = function(gear)
+		if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then
+			table.insert(teamHogs[GetHogTeamName(gear)], gear)
+		end
+		setGearValue(gear, "sm_destroyed", false)
+	end
+	_G.onGearDelete = function(gear)
+		if GetGearType(gear) == gtCase and band(GetGearMessage(gear), gmDestroy) ~= 0 then
+			-- Set ID of collector
+			setGearValue(gear, "sm_collected", CurrentHedgehog)
+		end
+		if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then
+			local team = GetHogTeamName(gear)
+			local hogList = teamHogs[team]
+			for h=1, #hogList do
+				if hogList[h] == gear then
+					table.remove(hogList, h)
+					break
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		if band(GetState(gear), gstDrowning) ~= 0 then
+			setGearValue(gear, "sm_drowned", true)
+		end
+		setGearValue(gear, "sm_destroyed", true)
+	end
+	_G.onGearDamage = function(gear, damage)
+		local currentDamage = getGearValue(gear, "sm_maxDamage")
+		if damage > currentDamage then
+			setGearValue(gear, "sm_maxDamage", damage)
+		end
+	end
+	_G.onGameInit = function()
+		CaseFreq = 0
+		WaterRise = 0
+		HealthDecrease = 0
+		MinesNum = 0
+		Explosives = 0
+		for initVarName, initVarValue in pairs(params.initVars) do
+			_G[initVarName] = initVarValue
+		end
+		if #params.teams == 1 then
+			EnableGameFlags(gfOneClanMode)
+		end
+		local clanCounter = 0
+		for teamID, teamData in pairs(params.teams) do
+			local name, clanID, grave, fort, voice, flag
+			name = def(, string.format(loc("Team %d"), teamID))
+			if teamData.clanID == nil then
+				clanID = clanCounter
+				clanCounter = clanCounter + 1
+			else
+				clanID = teamData.clanID
+			end
+			grave = def(teamData.grave, defaultGraves[math.min(teamID, 8)])
+			fort = def(teamData.fort, "Castle")
+			voice = def(teamData.voice, "Default")
+			flag = def(teamData.flag, defaultFlags[math.min(teamID, 8)])
+			AddTeam(name, defaultClanColors[clanID], grave, fort, voice, flag)
+			for hogID, hogData in pairs(teamData.hogs) do
+				local name, botLevel, health, hat
+				name = def(, string.format(loc("Hog %d"), hogID))
+				botLevel = def(hogData.botLevel, 0)
+				health = def(, 100)
+				hat = def(hogData.hat, "NoHat")
+				local hog = AddHog(name, botLevel, health, hat)
+				if hogData.x ~= nil and hogData.y ~= nil then
+					SetGearPosition(hog, hogData.x, hogData.y)
+				end
+				if hogData.faceLeft then
+					HogTurnLeft(hog, true)
+				end
+				if hogData.poisoned == true then
+					SetEffect(hog, hePoisoned, 5)
+				elseif type(hogData.poisoned) == "number" then
+					SetEffect(hog, hePoisoned, hogData.poisoned)
+				end
+				if hogData.frozen then
+					SetEffect(hog, heFrozen, 199999)
+				end
+				if hog ~= nil and ~= nil then
+[] = hog
+					setGearValue(hog, "sm_id",
+				end
+				-- Remember this hedgehog's gear ID for later use
+				hogData.gearID = hog
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	_G.onNewTurn = function()
+		if params.wind ~= nil then
+			SetWind(params.wind)
+		end
+ = true
+		if params.customGoalCheck == "turnStart" then
+		end
+	end
+	_G.onEndTurn = function()
+ = + 1
+		if params.customGoalCheck == "turnEnd" then
+		end
+	end
+	_G.onAmmoStoreInit = function()
+		local ammoTypesDone = {}
+		-- Read script's stated ammo wishes
+		if params.ammoConfig ~= nil then
+			for ammoType, v in pairs(params.ammoConfig) do
+				SetAmmo(ammoType, def(v.count, 0), def(v.probability, 0), def(v.delay, 0), def(v.numberInCrate, 1))
+				ammoTypesDone[ammoType] = true
+			end
+		end
+		-- Apply default values for all ammo types which have not been set
+		for a=0, AmmoTypeMax do
+			if a ~= amNothing and ammoTypesDone[a] ~= true then
+				local count = 0
+				if a == amSkip then
+					count = 9
+				end
+				SetAmmo(a, count, 0, 0, 1)
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	_G.onGameStart = function()
+		-- Mention mines timer
+		if MinesTime ~= 3000 and MinesTime ~= nil then 
+			if MinesTime < 0 then
+				params.goalText = params.goalText .. "|" .. loc("Mines time: 0s-5s")
+			elseif (MinesTime % 1000) == 0 then
+				params.goalText = params.goalText .. "|" .. string.format(loc("Mines time: %ds"), MinesTime/1000)
+			elseif (MinesTime % 100) == 0 then
+				params.goalText = params.goalText .. "|" .. string.format(loc("Mines time: %.1fs"), MinesTime/1000)
+			else
+				params.goalText = params.goalText .. "|" .. string.format(loc("Mines time: %.2fs"), MinesTime/1000)
+			end
+		end
+		ShowMission(params.missionTitle, loc("Scenario"), params.goalText, 1, 5000) 
+		-- Spawn objects
+		if params.gears ~= nil then
+			for listGearID, gv in pairs(params.gears) do
+				local timer, state, x, y, dx, dy
+				local g
+				state = 0
+				if gv.type == gtMine then
+					if gv.isFrozen then
+						state = gstFrozen
+					end
+					g = AddGear(def(gv.x,0), def(gv.y,0), gv.type, state, def(gv.dx, 0), def(gv.dy, 0), def(gv.timer, MinesTime))
+					if gv.isDud then
+						SetHealth(g, 0)
+						if ~= nil then
+							SetGearValues(g, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 36 -
+						end
+					end
+				elseif gv.type == gtSMine then
+					g = AddGear(def(gv.x,0), def(gv.y,0), gv.type, 0, def(gv.dx,0), def(gv.dy,0), def(gv.timer, 500))
+				elseif gv.type == gtAirMine then
+					if gv.isFrozen then
+						state = gstFrozen
+					end
+					local timer = def(gv.timer, div(MinesTime, 1000) * 250)
+					g = AddGear(def(gv.x,0), def(gv.y,0), gv.type, state, def(gv.dx,0), def(gv.dy,0), timer)
+					SetGearValues(g, nil, nil, timer) -- WDTimer
+				elseif gv.type == gtExplosives then
+					if gv.isRolling then
+						state = gsttmpFlag
+					end
+					g = AddGear(def(gv.x,0), def(gv.y,0), gv.type, state, def(gv.dx,0), def(gv.dy,0), 0)
+					if then
+						SetHealth(g,
+					end
+					if gv.isFrozen ~= nil then
+						if gv.isFrozen == true then
+							SetState(g, bor(GetState(g, gstFrozen)))
+						end
+					elseif GetHealth(g) > 60 then
+						SetState(g, bor(GetState(g, gstFrozen)))
+					end
+				elseif gv.type == gtCase then
+					local x, y, spawnTrick
+					spawnTrick = false
+					x = def(gv.x, 0)
+					y = def(gv.y, 0)
+					if x==0 and y==0 then
+						x=1
+						y=1
+						spawnTrick = true
+					end
+					g = AddGear(x, y, gv.type, 0, def(gv.dx,0), def(gv.dy,0), 0)
+					if spawnTrick then
+						SetGearPosition(g, 0, 0)
+					end
+					if gv.crateType == "supply" then
+						g = SpawnSupplyCrate(def(gv.x, 0), def(gv.y, 0), gv.ammoType)
+					elseif gv.crateType == "supply_ammo_explicit" then
+						g = SpawnAmmoCrate(def(gv.x, 0), def(gv.y, 0), gv.ammoType)
+					elseif gv.crateType == "supply_utility_explicit" then
+						g = SpawnUtilityCrate(def(gv.x, 0), def(gv.y, 0), gv.ammoType)
+					elseif gv.crateType == "health" then
+						g = SpawnHealthCrate(def(gv.x, 0), def(gv.y, 0))
+						if ~= nil then
+							SetHealth(g,
+						end
+					end
+					if gv.isFrozen then
+						SetState(g, bor(GetState(g, gstFrozen)))
+					end
+				elseif gv.type == gtKnife or gv.type == gtTarget then
+					g = AddGear(def(gv.x,0), def(gv.y,0), gv.type, 0, def(gv.dx,0), def(gv.dy,0), 0)
+				end
+				if g ~= nil and ~= nil then
+[] = g
+					setGearValue(g, "sm_id",
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		-- Spawn girders and rubbers
+		if params.girders ~= nil then
+			for i, girderData in pairs(params.girders) do
+				PlaceGirder(girderData.x, girderData.y, girderData.frameIdx)
+			end
+		end
+		if params.rubbers ~= nil then
+			for i, rubberData in pairs(params.rubbers) do
+				PlaceSprite(rubberData.x, rubberData.y, sprAmRubber, 0xFFFFFFFF, rubberData.frameIdx, false, false, false, lfBouncy)
+			end
+		end
+		-- Per-hedgehog ammo loadouts
+		for teamID, teamData in pairs(params.teams) do
+			for hogID, hogData in pairs(teamData.hogs) do
+				if hogData.ammo ~= nil then
+					for ammoType, count in pairs(hogData.ammo) do
+						AddAmmo(hogData.gearID, ammoType, count)
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	_G.onGameTick20 = function()
+		if params.customGoalCheck == "instant" then
+		end
+	end