--- a/hedgewars/uLandGenTemplateBased.pas Thu Mar 20 00:59:15 2014 +0400
+++ b/hedgewars/uLandGenTemplateBased.pas Thu Mar 20 17:04:49 2014 +0400
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
procedure FindPoint(si, fillPointsCount: LongInt; var newPoint: TPoint; var pa: TPixAr);
-const mapBorderMargin = 30;
+const mapBorderMargin = 40;
minDistance = 32; // adjust/parametrize this for different details size
var p1, p2, p4, fp, mp: TPoint;
i, t1, t2, a, b, p, q, iy, ix, aqpb: LongInt;
@@ -126,9 +126,9 @@
// don't process too short segments or those which are too close to map borders
if (p1.x = NTPX)
or (dab < minDistance * 3)
- or (mp.x < mapBorderMargin)
- or (mp.x > LAND_WIDTH - mapBorderMargin)
- or (mp.y < mapBorderMargin)
+ or (mp.x < leftX + mapBorderMargin)
+ or (mp.x > rightX - mapBorderMargin)
+ or (mp.y < topY + mapBorderMargin)
or (mp.y > LAND_HEIGHT - mapBorderMargin)
@@ -140,22 +140,22 @@
if a <> 0 then
// left border
- iy:= (mapBorderMargin - mp.x) * b div a + mp.y;
- d:= DistanceI(mp.x - mapBorderMargin, mp.y - iy).Round;
+ iy:= (leftX + mapBorderMargin - mp.x) * b div a + mp.y;
+ d:= DistanceI(mp.x - leftX - mapBorderMargin, mp.y - iy).Round;
t1:= a * (mp.x - mapBorderMargin) + b * (mp.y - iy);
if t1 > 0 then distL:= d else distR:= d;
// right border
- iy:= (LAND_WIDTH - mapBorderMargin - mp.x) * b div a + mp.y;
- d:= DistanceI(mp.x - LAND_WIDTH + mapBorderMargin, mp.y - iy).Round;
+ iy:= (rightX - mapBorderMargin - mp.x) * b div a + mp.y;
+ d:= DistanceI(mp.x - rightX + mapBorderMargin, mp.y - iy).Round;
if t1 > 0 then distR:= d else distL:= d;
if b <> 0 then
// top border
- ix:= (mapBorderMargin - mp.y) * a div b + mp.x;
- d:= DistanceI(mp.y - mapBorderMargin, mp.x - ix).Round;
+ ix:= (topY + mapBorderMargin - mp.y) * a div b + mp.x;
+ d:= DistanceI(mp.y - topY - mapBorderMargin, mp.x - ix).Round;
t2:= b * (mp.y - mapBorderMargin) + a * (mp.x - ix);
if t2 > 0 then distL:= min(d, distL) else distR:= min(d, distR);
@@ -331,6 +331,15 @@
for y:= 0 to LAND_HEIGHT - 1 do
for x:= 0 to LAND_WIDTH - 1 do
Land[y, x]:= lfBasic;
+ MaxHedgehogs:= Template.MaxHedgehogs;
+ hasGirders:= Template.hasGirders;
+ playHeight:= Template.TemplateHeight;
+ playWidth:= Template.TemplateWidth;
+ leftX:= (LAND_WIDTH - playWidth) div 2;
+ rightX:= leftX + playWidth - 1;
+ topY:= LAND_HEIGHT - playHeight;
SetPoints(Template, pa, @fps);
@@ -346,14 +355,6 @@
DrawEdge(pa, lfBasic);
- MaxHedgehogs:= Template.MaxHedgehogs;
- hasGirders:= Template.hasGirders;
- playHeight:= Template.TemplateHeight;
- playWidth:= Template.TemplateWidth;
- leftX:= ((LAND_WIDTH - playWidth) div 2);
- rightX:= (playWidth + ((LAND_WIDTH - playWidth) div 2)) - 1;
- topY:= LAND_HEIGHT - playHeight;
// HACK: force to only cavern even if a cavern map is invertable if cTemplateFilter = 4 ?
if (cTemplateFilter = 4)
or (Template.canInvert and (getrandom(2) = 0))