--- a/QTfrontend/model/gameSchemeModel.cpp Wed May 16 18:22:28 2018 +0200
+++ b/QTfrontend/model/gameSchemeModel.cpp Wed Jul 31 23:14:27 2019 +0200
@@ -87,7 +87,9 @@
<< "Timeless"
<< "Thinking with Portals"
<< "King Mode"
+ << "Mutant"
<< "Construction Mode"
+ << "The Specialists"
<< "Space Invasion"
<< "HedgeEditor"
@@ -573,9 +575,57 @@
<< QVariant() // scriptparam 43
+ QList<QVariant> mutant;
+ mutant
+ << predefSchemesNames[10] // name 0
+ << QVariant(false) // switchhog 1
+ << QVariant(false) // team divide 2
+ << QVariant(false) // solid land 3
+ << QVariant(false) // border 4
+ << QVariant(false) // low gravity 5
+ << QVariant(false) // laser sight 6
+ << QVariant(false) // invulnerable 7
+ << QVariant(false) // reset health 8
+ << QVariant(false) // vampiric 9
+ << QVariant(false) // karma 10
+ << QVariant(false) // artillery 11
+ << QVariant(true) // random order 12
+ << QVariant(false) // king 13
+ << QVariant(false) // place hog 14
+ << QVariant(false) // shared ammo 15
+ << QVariant(false) // disable girders 16
+ << QVariant(false) // disable land objects 17
+ << QVariant(false) // AI survival 18
+ << QVariant(false) // inf. attack 19
+ << QVariant(true) // reset weps 20
+ << QVariant(false) // per hog ammo 21
+ << QVariant(false) // no wind 22
+ << QVariant(false) // more wind 23
+ << QVariant(false) // tag team 24
+ << QVariant(false) // bottom border 25
+ << QVariant(100) // damage modfier 26
+ << QVariant(20) // turn time 27
+ << QVariant(100) // init health 28
+ << QVariant(15) // sudden death 29
+ << QVariant(2) // case prob 30
+ << QVariant(1) // mines time 31
+ << QVariant(4) // mines number 32
+ << QVariant(0) // mine dud pct 33
+ << QVariant(2) // explosives 34
+ << QVariant(0) // air mines 35
+ << QVariant(0) // health case pct 36
+ << QVariant(25) // health case amt 37
+ << QVariant(0) // water rise amt 38
+ << QVariant(0) // health dec amt 39
+ << QVariant(100) // rope modfier 40
+ << QVariant(100) // get away time 41
+ << QVariant(0) // world edge 42
+ << QVariant() // scriptparam 43
+ ;
QList<QVariant> construction;
- << predefSchemesNames[10] // name 0
+ << predefSchemesNames[11] // name 0
<< QVariant(false) // switchhog 1
<< QVariant(false) // team divide 2
<< QVariant(false) // solid land 3
@@ -622,9 +672,58 @@
<< QVariant("initialenergy=550, energyperround=50, maxenergy=1000, cratesperround=5") // scriptparam 43
+ QList<QVariant> specialists;
+ specialists
+ << predefSchemesNames[12] // name 0
+ << QVariant(true) // switchhog 1
+ << QVariant(false) // team divide 2
+ << QVariant(false) // solid land 3
+ << QVariant(false) // border 4
+ << QVariant(false) // low gravity 5
+ << QVariant(false) // laser sight 6
+ << QVariant(false) // invulnerable 7
+ << QVariant(false) // reset health 8
+ << QVariant(false) // vampiric 9
+ << QVariant(false) // karma 10
+ << QVariant(false) // artillery 11
+ << QVariant(false) // random order 12
+ << QVariant(false) // king 13
+ << QVariant(true) // place hog 14
+ << QVariant(false) // shared ammo 15
+ << QVariant(false) // disable girders 16
+ << QVariant(false) // disable land objects 17
+ << QVariant(false) // AI survival 18
+ << QVariant(true) // inf. attack 19
+ << QVariant(true) // reset weps 20
+ << QVariant(true) // per hog ammo 21
+ << QVariant(false) // no wind 22
+ << QVariant(false) // more wind 23
+ << QVariant(false) // tag team 24
+ << QVariant(false) // bottom border 25
+ << QVariant(100) // damage modfier 26
+ << QVariant(45) // turn time 27
+ << QVariant(100) // init health 28
+ << QVariant(15) // sudden death 29
+ << QVariant(5) // case prob 30
+ << QVariant(3) // mines time 31
+ << QVariant(0) // mines number 32
+ << QVariant(0) // mine dud pct 33
+ << QVariant(0) // explosives 34
+ << QVariant(0) // air mines 35
+ << QVariant(100) // health case pct 36
+ << QVariant(25) // health case amt 37
+ << QVariant(47) // water rise amt 38
+ << QVariant(5) // health dec amt 39
+ << QVariant(100) // rope modfier 40
+ << QVariant(100) // get away time 41
+ << QVariant(0) // world edge 42
+ // NOTE: If you change this, also change the defaults in the The Specialists script
+ << QVariant("t=SENDXHPL") // scriptparam 43
+ ;
QList<QVariant> spaceinvasion;
- << predefSchemesNames[11] // name 0
+ << predefSchemesNames[13] // name 0
<< QVariant(false) // switchhog 1
<< QVariant(false) // team divide 2
<< QVariant(false) // solid land 3
@@ -673,7 +772,7 @@
QList<QVariant> hedgeeditor;
- << predefSchemesNames[12] // name 0
+ << predefSchemesNames[14] // name 0
<< QVariant(false) // switchhog 1
<< QVariant(false) // team divide 2
<< QVariant(false) // solid land 3
@@ -731,13 +830,20 @@
+ schemes.append(mutant);
+ schemes.append(specialists);
if (!QDir(cfgdir->absolutePath() + "/Schemes").exists()) {
QDir().mkdir(cfgdir->absolutePath() + "/Schemes");
+ QStringList predefSchemesNamesLower;
+ for (int i = 0; i < predefSchemesNames.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ predefSchemesNamesLower.append(predefSchemesNames[i].toLower());
+ }
if (!QDir(directory).exists()) {
@@ -751,7 +857,7 @@
QString schemeName = legacyFileConfig.value(spNames[0]).toString();
- if (!schemeName.isNull() && !predefSchemesNames.contains(schemeName))
+ if (!schemeName.isNull() && !predefSchemesNamesLower.contains(schemeName.toLower()))
QList<QVariant> scheme;
QFile file(directory + "/" + schemeName + ".hwg");
@@ -794,6 +900,11 @@
if (schemeName.endsWith(".hwg", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
+ // Don't load scheme if name collides with default scheme
+ if (predefSchemesNamesLower.contains(schemeName.toLower())) {
+ qWarning("Game scheme \"%s\" not loaded from file, name collides with a default scheme!", qPrintable(schemeName));
+ continue;
+ }
// Parse game scheme file
if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
QTextStream stream(&file);
@@ -856,9 +967,15 @@
bool GameSchemeModel::hasScheme(QString name)
+ return hasScheme(name, -1);
+bool GameSchemeModel::hasScheme(QString name, int ignoreID)
+ QString nameLower = name.toLower();
for(int i=0; i<schemes.size(); i++)
- if(schemes[i][0] == name)
+ if(((ignoreID == -1) || (i != ignoreID)) && (schemes[i][0].toString().toLower() == nameLower))
return true;
@@ -866,6 +983,11 @@
return false;
+bool GameSchemeModel::renameScheme(int index, QString newName)
+ return setData(QAbstractItemModel::createIndex(index, 0), QVariant(newName));
Qt::ItemFlags GameSchemeModel::flags(const QModelIndex & index) const