changeset 8833 c13ebed437cb
parent 8026 4a4f21070479
parent 8828 4ae5233abe76
child 8839 caa57115d7ea
--- a/hedgewars/uLandGraphics.pas	Wed Feb 20 02:21:58 2013 +0100
+++ b/hedgewars/uLandGraphics.pas	Tue Apr 02 21:00:57 2013 +0200
@@ -22,10 +22,14 @@
 uses uFloat, uConsts, uTypes;
+    fillType = (nullPixel, backgroundPixel, ebcPixel, icePixel, setNotCurrentMask, changePixelSetNotCurrent, setCurrentHog, changePixelNotSetNotCurrent);
 type TRangeArray = array[0..31] of record
                                    Left, Right: LongInt;
      PRangeArray = ^TRangeArray;
+TLandCircleProcedure = procedure (landX, landY, pixelX, pixelY: Longint);
 function  addBgColor(OldColor, NewColor: LongWord): LongWord;
 function  SweepDirty: boolean;
@@ -36,17 +40,230 @@
 procedure DrawHLinesExplosions(ar: PRangeArray; Radius: LongInt; y, dY: LongInt; Count: Byte);
 procedure DrawTunnel(X, Y, dX, dY: hwFloat; ticks, HalfWidth: LongInt);
 procedure FillRoundInLand(X, Y, Radius: LongInt; Value: Longword);
+function FillRoundInLand(X, Y, Radius: LongInt; fill: fillType): LongWord;
 procedure ChangeRoundInLand(X, Y, Radius: LongInt; doSet, isCurrent: boolean);
 function  LandBackPixel(x, y: LongInt): LongWord;
 procedure DrawLine(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: LongInt; Color: Longword);
 procedure DrawThickLine(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, radius: LongInt; color: Longword);
 procedure DumpLandToLog(x, y, r: LongInt);
+procedure DrawIceBreak(x, y, iceRadius, iceHeight: Longint);
 function TryPlaceOnLand(cpX, cpY: LongInt; Obj: TSprite; Frame: LongInt; doPlace: boolean; indestructible: boolean): boolean;
 uses SDLh, uLandTexture, uVariables, uUtils, uDebug;
+procedure calculatePixelsCoordinates(landX, landY: Longint; var pixelX, pixelY: Longint); inline;
+if (cReducedQuality and rqBlurryLand) = 0 then
+    begin
+    pixelX := landX;
+    pixelY := landY;
+    end
+    begin
+    pixelX := LandX div 2;
+    pixelY := LandY div 2;
+    end;
+function drawPixelBG(landX, landY, pixelX, pixelY: Longint): Longword; inline;
+drawPixelBG := 0;
+if (Land[LandY, landX] and lfIndestructible) = 0 then
+    begin
+        if ((Land[landY, landX] and lfBasic) <> 0) and (((LandPixels[pixelY, pixelX] and AMask) shr AShift) = 255) and (not disableLandBack) then
+        begin
+            LandPixels[pixelY, pixelX]:= LandBackPixel(landX, landY);
+            inc(drawPixelBG);
+        end
+        else if ((Land[landY, landX] and lfObject) <> 0) or (((LandPixels[pixelY, pixelX] and AMask) shr AShift) < 255) then
+            LandPixels[pixelY, pixelX]:= 0
+    end;
+procedure drawPixelEBC(landX, landY, pixelX, pixelY: Longint); inline;
+if ((Land[landY, landX] and lfBasic) <> 0) or ((Land[landY, landX] and lfObject) <> 0) then
+    begin
+    LandPixels[pixelY, pixelX]:= ExplosionBorderColor;
+    Land[landY, landX]:= (Land[landY, landX] or lfDamaged) and not lfIce;
+    LandDirty[landY div 32, landX div 32]:= 1;
+    end;
+function isLandscapeEdge(weight:Longint):boolean; inline;
+result := (weight < 8) and (weight >= 2);
+function getPixelWeight(x, y:Longint): Longint;
+    i, j:Longint;
+result := 0;
+for i := x - 1 to x + 1 do
+    for j := y - 1 to y + 1 do
+    begin
+    if (i < 0) or
+       (i > LAND_WIDTH - 1) or
+       (j < 0) or
+       (j > LAND_HEIGHT -1) then
+       begin
+       result := 9;
+       exit;
+       end;
+    if Land[j, i] and lfLandMask and not lfIce = 0 then
+       result := result + 1;
+    end;
+procedure fillPixelFromIceSprite(pixelX, pixelY:Longint); inline;
+    iceSurface: PSDL_Surface;
+    icePixels: PLongwordArray;
+    w: LongWord;
+    // So. 3 parameters here. Ice colour, Ice opacity, and a bias on the greyscaled pixel towards lightness
+    iceSurface:= SpritesData[sprIceTexture].Surface;
+    icePixels := iceSurface^.pixels;
+    w:= LandPixels[pixelY, pixelX];
+    if w > 0 then
+        begin
+        w:= round(((w shr RShift and $FF) * RGB_LUMINANCE_RED +
+              (w shr BShift and $FF) * RGB_LUMINANCE_GREEN +
+              (w shr GShift and $FF) * RGB_LUMINANCE_BLUE));
+        if w < 128 then w:= w+128;
+        if w > 255 then w:= 255;
+        w:= (w shl RShift) or (w shl BShift) or (w shl GShift) or (LandPixels[pixelY, pixelX] and AMask);
+        LandPixels[pixelY, pixelX]:= addBgColor(w, IceColor);
+        LandPixels[pixelY, pixelX]:= addBgColor(LandPixels[pixelY, pixelX], icePixels^[iceSurface^.w * (pixelY mod iceSurface^.h) + (pixelX mod iceSurface^.w)])
+        end
+    else
+        begin
+        LandPixels[pixelY, pixelX]:= IceColor and not AMask or $E8 shl AShift;
+        LandPixels[pixelY, pixelX]:= addBgColor(LandPixels[pixelY, pixelX], icePixels^[iceSurface^.w * (pixelY mod iceSurface^.h) + (pixelX mod iceSurface^.w)]);
+        // silly workaround to avoid having to make background erasure a tadb it smarter about sea ice
+        if LandPixels[pixelY, pixelX] and AMask shr AShift = 255 then
+            LandPixels[pixelY, pixelX]:= LandPixels[pixelY, pixelX] and not AMask or 254 shl AShift;
+        end;
+procedure DrawPixelIce(landX, landY, pixelX, pixelY: Longint); inline;
+if ((Land[landY, landX] and lfIce) <> 0) then exit;
+if isLandscapeEdge(getPixelWeight(landX, landY)) then
+    begin
+    if (LandPixels[pixelY, pixelX] and AMask < 255) and (LandPixels[pixelY, pixelX] and AMask > 0) then
+        LandPixels[pixelY, pixelX] := (IceEdgeColor and not AMask) or (LandPixels[pixelY, pixelX] and AMask)
+    else if (LandPixels[pixelY, pixelX] and AMask < 255) or (Land[landY, landX] > 255) then
+        LandPixels[pixelY, pixelX] := IceEdgeColor
+    end
+else if Land[landY, landX] > 255 then
+    begin
+        fillPixelFromIceSprite(pixelX, pixelY);
+    end;
+if Land[landY, landX] > 255 then Land[landY, landX] := Land[landY, landX] or lfIce and not lfDamaged;
+function FillLandCircleLine(y, fromPix, toPix: LongInt; fill : fillType): Longword;
+var px, py, i: LongInt;
+//get rid of compiler warning
+    px := 0;
+    py := 0;
+    FillLandCircleLine := 0;
+    case fill of
+    backgroundPixel:
+    for i:= fromPix to toPix do
+        begin
+        calculatePixelsCoordinates(i, y, px, py);
+        inc(FillLandCircleLine, drawPixelBG(i, y, px, py));
+        end;
+    ebcPixel:
+    for i:= fromPix to toPix do
+        begin
+        calculatePixelsCoordinates(i, y, px, py);
+        drawPixelEBC(i, y, px, py);
+        end;
+    nullPixel:
+    for i:= fromPix to toPix do
+        begin
+        calculatePixelsCoordinates(i, y, px, py);
+        if ((Land[y, i] and lfIndestructible) = 0) and (not disableLandBack or (Land[y, i] > 255))  then
+            LandPixels[py, px]:= 0
+        end;
+    icePixel:
+    for i:= fromPix to toPix do
+        begin
+        calculatePixelsCoordinates(i, y, px, py);
+        DrawPixelIce(i, y, px, py);
+        end;
+    setNotCurrentMask:
+    for i:= fromPix to toPix do
+        begin
+        Land[y, i]:= Land[y, i] and lfNotCurrentMask;
+        end;
+    changePixelSetNotCurrent:
+    for i:= fromPix to toPix do
+        begin
+        if Land[y, i] and lfObjMask > 0 then
+            Land[y, i]:= (Land[y, i] and lfNotObjMask) or ((Land[y, i] and lfObjMask) - 1);
+        end;
+    setCurrentHog:
+    for i:= fromPix to toPix do
+        begin
+        Land[y, i]:= Land[y, i] or lfCurrentHog
+        end;
+    changePixelNotSetNotCurrent:
+    for i:= fromPix to toPix do
+        begin
+        if Land[y, i] and lfObjMask < lfObjMask then
+            Land[y, i]:= (Land[y, i] and lfNotObjMask) or ((Land[y, i] and lfObjMask) + 1)
+        end;
+    end;
+function FillLandCircleSegment(x, y, dx, dy: LongInt; fill : fillType): Longword; inline;
+    FillLandCircleSegment := 0;
+if ((y + dy) and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0 then
+    inc(FillLandCircleSegment, FillLandCircleLine(y + dy, Max(x - dx, 0), Min(x + dx, LAND_WIDTH - 1), fill));
+if ((y - dy) and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0 then
+    inc(FillLandCircleSegment, FillLandCircleLine(y - dy, Max(x - dx, 0), Min(x + dx, LAND_WIDTH - 1), fill));
+if ((y + dx) and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0 then
+    inc(FillLandCircleSegment, FillLandCircleLine(y + dx, Max(x - dy, 0), Min(x + dy, LAND_WIDTH - 1), fill));
+if ((y - dx) and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0 then
+    inc(FillLandCircleSegment, FillLandCircleLine(y - dx, Max(x - dy, 0), Min(x + dy, LAND_WIDTH - 1), fill));
+function FillRoundInLand(X, Y, Radius: LongInt; fill: fillType): Longword; inline;
+var dx, dy, d: LongInt;
+dx:= 0;
+dy:= Radius;
+d:= 3 - 2 * Radius;
+FillRoundInLand := 0;
+while (dx < dy) do
+    begin
+    inc(FillRoundInLand, FillLandCircleSegment(x, y, dx, dy, fill));
+    if (d < 0) then
+        d:= d + 4 * dx + 6
+    else
+        begin
+        d:= d + 4 * (dx - dy) + 10;
+        dec(dy)
+        end;
+    inc(dx)
+    end;
+if (dx = dy) then
+    inc (FillRoundInLand, FillLandCircleSegment(x, y, dx, dy, fill));
 function addBgColor(OldColor, NewColor: LongWord): LongWord;
 // Factor ranges from 0 to 100% NewColor
@@ -99,65 +316,6 @@
             Land[y - dx, i]:= Value;
-procedure ChangeCircleLines(x, y, dx, dy: LongInt; doSet, isCurrent: boolean);
-var i: LongInt;
-if not doSet then
-    begin
-    if ((y + dy) and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0 then
-        for i:= Max(x - dx, 0) to Min(x + dx, LAND_WIDTH - 1) do
-            if isCurrent then
-                Land[y + dy, i]:= Land[y + dy, i] and $FF7F
-            else if Land[y + dy, i] and $007F > 0 then
-                Land[y + dy, i]:= (Land[y + dy, i] and $FF80) or ((Land[y + dy, i] and $7F) - 1);
-    if ((y - dy) and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0 then
-        for i:= Max(x - dx, 0) to Min(x + dx, LAND_WIDTH - 1) do
-            if isCurrent then
-                Land[y - dy, i]:= Land[y - dy, i] and $FF7F
-            else if Land[y - dy, i] and $007F > 0 then
-                Land[y - dy, i]:= (Land[y - dy, i] and $FF80) or ((Land[y - dy, i] and $7F) - 1);
-    if ((y + dx) and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0 then
-        for i:= Max(x - dy, 0) to Min(x + dy, LAND_WIDTH - 1) do
-            if isCurrent then
-                Land[y + dx, i]:= Land[y + dx, i] and $FF7F
-            else if Land[y + dx, i] and $007F > 0 then
-                Land[y + dx, i]:= (Land[y + dx, i] and $FF80) or ((Land[y + dx, i] and $7F) - 1);
-    if ((y - dx) and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0 then
-        for i:= Max(x - dy, 0) to Min(x + dy, LAND_WIDTH - 1) do
-            if isCurrent then
-                Land[y - dx, i]:= Land[y - dx, i] and $FF7F
-            else if Land[y - dx, i] and $007F > 0 then
-                Land[y - dx, i]:= (Land[y - dx, i] and $FF80) or ((Land[y - dx, i] and $7F) - 1)
-    end
-    begin
-    if ((y + dy) and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0 then
-        for i:= Max(x - dx, 0) to Min(x + dx, LAND_WIDTH - 1) do
-            if isCurrent then
-                Land[y + dy, i]:= Land[y + dy, i] or $80
-            else if Land[y + dy, i] and $007F < 127 then
-                Land[y + dy, i]:= (Land[y + dy, i] and $FF80) or ((Land[y + dy, i] and $7F) + 1);
-    if ((y - dy) and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0 then
-        for i:= Max(x - dx, 0) to Min(x + dx, LAND_WIDTH - 1) do
-            if isCurrent then
-                Land[y - dy, i]:= Land[y - dy, i] or $80
-            else if Land[y - dy, i] and $007F < 127 then
-                Land[y - dy, i]:= (Land[y - dy, i] and $FF80) or ((Land[y - dy, i] and $7F) + 1);
-    if ((y + dx) and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0 then
-        for i:= Max(x - dy, 0) to Min(x + dy, LAND_WIDTH - 1) do
-            if isCurrent then
-                Land[y + dx, i]:= Land[y + dx, i] or $80
-            else if Land[y + dx, i] and $007F < 127 then
-                Land[y + dx, i]:= (Land[y + dx, i] and $FF80) or ((Land[y + dx, i] and $7F) + 1);
-    if ((y - dx) and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0 then
-        for i:= Max(x - dy, 0) to Min(x + dy, LAND_WIDTH - 1) do
-            if isCurrent then
-                Land[y - dx, i]:= Land[y - dx, i] or $80
-            else if Land[y - dx, i] and $007F < 127 then
-                Land[y - dx, i]:= (Land[y - dx, i] and $FF80) or ((Land[y - dx, i] and $7F) + 1)
-    end
 procedure FillRoundInLand(X, Y, Radius: LongInt; Value: Longword);
 var dx, dy, d: LongInt;
@@ -181,307 +339,54 @@
 procedure ChangeRoundInLand(X, Y, Radius: LongInt; doSet, isCurrent: boolean);
-var dx, dy, d: LongInt;
-dx:= 0;
-dy:= Radius;
-d:= 3 - 2 * Radius;
-while (dx < dy) do
-    begin
-    ChangeCircleLines(x, y, dx, dy, doSet, isCurrent);
-    if (d < 0) then
-        d:= d + 4 * dx + 6
-    else
-        begin
-        d:= d + 4 * (dx - dy) + 10;
-        dec(dy)
-        end;
-    inc(dx)
-    end;
-if (dx = dy) then
-    ChangeCircleLines(x, y, dx, dy, doSet, isCurrent)
-procedure FillLandCircleLines0(x, y, dx, dy: LongInt);
-var i, t: LongInt;
-t:= y + dy;
-if (t and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0 then
-    for i:= Max(x - dx, 0) to Min(x + dx, LAND_WIDTH - 1) do
-        if ((Land[t, i] and lfIndestructible) = 0) and ((not disableLandBack) or (Land[t, i] > 255))  then
-            if (cReducedQuality and rqBlurryLand) = 0 then
-                LandPixels[t, i]:= 0
-            else
-                LandPixels[t div 2, i div 2]:= 0;
-t:= y - dy;
-if (t and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0 then
-    for i:= Max(x - dx, 0) to Min(x + dx, LAND_WIDTH - 1) do
-        if ((Land[t, i] and lfIndestructible) = 0) and ((not disableLandBack) or (Land[t, i] > 255))  then
-            if (cReducedQuality and rqBlurryLand) = 0 then
-                LandPixels[t, i]:= 0
-            else
-                LandPixels[t div 2, i div 2]:= 0;
-t:= y + dx;
-if (t and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0 then
-    for i:= Max(x - dy, 0) to Min(x + dy, LAND_WIDTH - 1) do
-        if ((Land[t, i] and lfIndestructible) = 0) and ((not disableLandBack) or (Land[t, i] > 255))  then
-            if (cReducedQuality and rqBlurryLand) = 0 then
-                LandPixels[t, i]:= 0
-            else
-                LandPixels[t div 2, i div 2]:= 0;
-t:= y - dx;
-if (t and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0 then
-    for i:= Max(x - dy, 0) to Min(x + dy, LAND_WIDTH - 1) do
-        if ((Land[t, i] and lfIndestructible) = 0) and ((not disableLandBack) or (Land[t, i] > 255))  then
-            if (cReducedQuality and rqBlurryLand) = 0 then
-                LandPixels[t, i]:= 0
-            else
-                LandPixels[t div 2, i div 2]:= 0;
+if not doSet and isCurrent then
+    FillRoundInLand(X, Y, Radius, setNotCurrentMask)
+else if not doSet and not IsCurrent then
+    FillRoundInLand(X, Y, Radius, changePixelSetNotCurrent)
+else if doSet and IsCurrent then
+    FillRoundInLand(X, Y, Radius, setCurrentHog)
+else if doSet and not IsCurrent then
+    FillRoundInLand(X, Y, Radius, changePixelNotSetNotCurrent);
-function FillLandCircleLinesBG(x, y, dx, dy: LongInt): Longword;
-var i, t, by, bx: LongInt;
-    cnt: Longword;
+procedure DrawIceBreak(x, y, iceRadius, iceHeight: Longint);
+    i, j: integer;
+    landRect: TSDL_Rect;
-cnt:= 0;
-t:= y + dy;
-if (t and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0 then
-    for i:= Max(x - dx, 0) to Min(x + dx, LAND_WIDTH - 1) do
-        if (Land[t, i] and lfIndestructible) = 0 then
-            begin
-            if (cReducedQuality and rqBlurryLand) = 0 then
-                begin
-                by:= t; bx:= i;
-                end
-            else
-                begin
-                by:= t div 2; bx:= i div 2;
-                end;
-            if ((Land[t, i] and lfBasic) <> 0) and (((LandPixels[by,bx] and AMask) shr AShift) = 255) and (not disableLandBack) then
-                begin
-                inc(cnt);
-                LandPixels[by, bx]:= LandBackPixel(i, t)
-                end
-            else if ((Land[t, i] and lfObject) <> 0) or (((LandPixels[by,bx] and AMask) shr AShift) < 255) then
-                LandPixels[by, bx]:= 0
-            end;
-t:= y - dy;
-if (t and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0 then
-    for i:= Max(x - dx, 0) to Min(x + dx, LAND_WIDTH - 1) do
-        if (Land[t, i] and lfIndestructible) = 0 then
-            begin
-            if (cReducedQuality and rqBlurryLand) = 0 then
-                begin
-                by:= t; bx:= i;
-                end
-            else
-                begin
-                by:= t div 2; bx:= i div 2;
-                end;
-            if ((Land[t, i] and lfBasic) <> 0) and (((LandPixels[by,bx] and AMask) shr AShift) = 255) and (not disableLandBack) then
-                begin
-                inc(cnt);
-                LandPixels[by, bx]:= LandBackPixel(i, t)
-                end
-            else if ((Land[t, i] and lfObject) <> 0) or (((LandPixels[by,bx] and AMask) shr AShift) < 255) then
-                LandPixels[by, bx]:= 0
-            end;
-t:= y + dx;
-if (t and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0 then
-    for i:= Max(x - dy, 0) to Min(x + dy, LAND_WIDTH - 1) do
-        if (Land[t, i] and lfIndestructible) = 0 then
-            begin
-            if (cReducedQuality and rqBlurryLand) = 0 then
-                begin
-                by:= t; bx:= i;
-                end
-            else
-                begin
-                by:= t div 2; bx:= i div 2;
-                end;
-            if ((Land[t, i] and lfBasic) <> 0) and (((LandPixels[by,bx] and AMask) shr AShift) = 255) and (not disableLandBack) then
-                begin
-                inc(cnt);
-                LandPixels[by, bx]:= LandBackPixel(i, t)
-                end
-            else if ((Land[t, i] and lfObject) <> 0) or (((LandPixels[by,bx] and AMask) shr AShift) < 255) then
-                LandPixels[by, bx]:= 0
-            end;
-t:= y - dx;
-if (t and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0 then
-    for i:= Max(x - dy, 0) to Min(x + dy, LAND_WIDTH - 1) do
-        if (Land[t, i] and lfIndestructible) = 0 then
+for i := min(max(x - iceRadius, 0), LAND_WIDTH - 1) to min(max(x + iceRadius, 0), LAND_WIDTH - 1) do
+    begin
+    for j := min(max(y, 0), LAND_HEIGHT - 1) to min(max(y + iceHeight, 0), LAND_HEIGHT - 1) do
+        begin
+        if Land[j, i] = 0 then
-            if (cReducedQuality and rqBlurryLand) = 0 then
-                begin
-                by:= t; bx:= i;
-                end
-            else
-                begin
-                by:= t div 2; bx:= i div 2;
-                end;
-            if ((Land[t, i] and lfBasic) <> 0) and (((LandPixels[by,bx] and AMask) shr AShift) = 255) and (not disableLandBack) then
-                begin
-                inc(cnt);
-                LandPixels[by, bx]:= LandBackPixel(i, t)
-                end
-            else if ((Land[t, i] and lfObject) <> 0) or (((LandPixels[by,bx] and AMask) shr AShift) < 255) then
-                LandPixels[by, bx]:= 0
-            end;
-FillLandCircleLinesBG:= cnt;
-procedure FillLandCircleLinesEBC(x, y, dx, dy: LongInt);
-var i, t: LongInt;
-t:= y + dy;
-if (t and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0 then
-    for i:= Max(x - dx, 0) to Min(x + dx, LAND_WIDTH - 1) do
-        if ((Land[t, i] and lfBasic) <> 0) or ((Land[t, i] and lfObject) <> 0) then
-            begin
-            if (cReducedQuality and rqBlurryLand) = 0 then
-                LandPixels[t, i]:= ExplosionBorderColor
-            else
-                LandPixels[t div 2, i div 2]:= ExplosionBorderColor;
-            Land[t, i]:= Land[t, i] or lfDamaged;
-            //Despeckle(i, t);
-            LandDirty[t div 32, i div 32]:= 1;
+            Land[j, i] := lfIce;
+            fillPixelFromIceSprite(i, j);
-t:= y - dy;
-if (t and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0 then
-    for i:= Max(x - dx, 0) to Min(x + dx, LAND_WIDTH - 1) do
-        if ((Land[t, i] and lfBasic) <> 0) or ((Land[t, i] and lfObject) <> 0) then
-            begin
-            if (cReducedQuality and rqBlurryLand) = 0 then
-                LandPixels[t, i]:= ExplosionBorderColor
-            else
-                LandPixels[t div 2, i div 2]:= ExplosionBorderColor;
-            Land[t, i]:= Land[t, i] or lfDamaged;
-            //Despeckle(i, t);
-            LandDirty[t div 32, i div 32]:= 1;
-            end;
-t:= y + dx;
-if (t and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0 then
-    for i:= Max(x - dy, 0) to Min(x + dy, LAND_WIDTH - 1) do
-        if ((Land[t, i] and lfBasic) <> 0) or ((Land[t, i] and lfObject) <> 0) then
-            begin
-            if (cReducedQuality and rqBlurryLand) = 0 then
-                LandPixels[t, i]:= ExplosionBorderColor
-            else
-               LandPixels[t div 2, i div 2]:= ExplosionBorderColor;
-            Land[t, i]:= Land[t, i] or lfDamaged;
-            //Despeckle(i, t);
-            LandDirty[t div 32, i div 32]:= 1;
-            end;
-t:= y - dx;
-if (t and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0 then
-    for i:= Max(x - dy, 0) to Min(x + dy, LAND_WIDTH - 1) do
-        if ((Land[t, i] and lfBasic) <> 0) or ((Land[t, i] and lfObject) <> 0) then
-            begin
-            if (cReducedQuality and rqBlurryLand) = 0 then
-                LandPixels[t, i]:= ExplosionBorderColor
-            else
-                LandPixels[t div 2, i div 2]:= ExplosionBorderColor;
-            Land[t, i]:= Land[t, i] or lfDamaged;
-            //Despeckle(i, y - dy);
-            LandDirty[t div 32, i div 32]:= 1;
-            end;
+        end;
+    end;
+landRect.x := min(max(x - iceRadius, 0), LAND_WIDTH - 1);
+landRect.y := min(max(y, 0), LAND_HEIGHT - 1);
+landRect.w := min(2*iceRadius, LAND_WIDTH - landRect.x - 1);
+landRect.h := min(iceHeight, LAND_HEIGHT - landRect.y - 1);
+UpdateLandTexture(landRect.x, landRect.w, landRect.y, landRect.h, true);
 function DrawExplosion(X, Y, Radius: LongInt): Longword;
-var dx, dy, ty, tx, d: LongInt;
-    cnt: Longword;
+    tx, ty, dx, dy: Longint;
-// draw background land texture
-    begin
-    cnt:= 0;
-    dx:= 0;
-    dy:= Radius;
-    d:= 3 - 2 * Radius;
-    while (dx < dy) do
-        begin
-        inc(cnt, FillLandCircleLinesBG(x, y, dx, dy));
-        if (d < 0) then
-            d:= d + 4 * dx + 6
-        else
-            begin
-            d:= d + 4 * (dx - dy) + 10;
-            dec(dy)
-            end;
-        inc(dx)
-        end;
-    if (dx = dy) then
-        inc(cnt, FillLandCircleLinesBG(x, y, dx, dy));
-    end;
-// draw a hole in land
-if Radius > 20 then
-    begin
-    dx:= 0;
-    dy:= Radius - 15;
-    d:= 3 - 2 * dy;
-    while (dx < dy) do
-        begin
-        FillLandCircleLines0(x, y, dx, dy);
-        if (d < 0) then
-            d:= d + 4 * dx + 6
-        else
-            begin
-            d:= d + 4 * (dx - dy) + 10;
-            dec(dy)
-            end;
-        inc(dx)
-        end;
-    if (dx = dy) then
-        FillLandCircleLines0(x, y, dx, dy);
-    end;
-  // FillRoundInLand after erasing land pixels to allow Land 0 check for mask.png to function
+    DrawExplosion := FillRoundInLand(x, y, Radius, backgroundPixel);
+    if Radius > 20 then
+        FillRoundInLand(x, y, Radius - 15, nullPixel);
     FillRoundInLand(X, Y, Radius, 0);
-// draw explosion border
-    begin
-    inc(Radius, 4);
-    dx:= 0;
-    dy:= Radius;
-    d:= 3 - 2 * Radius;
-    while (dx < dy) do
-        begin
-        FillLandCircleLinesEBC(x, y, dx, dy);
-        if (d < 0) then
-            d:= d + 4 * dx + 6
-        else
-            begin
-            d:= d + 4 * (dx - dy) + 10;
-            dec(dy)
-            end;
-        inc(dx)
-        end;
-    if (dx = dy) then
-        FillLandCircleLinesEBC(x, y, dx, dy);
-    end;
-tx:= Max(X - Radius - 1, 0);
-dx:= Min(X + Radius + 1, LAND_WIDTH) - tx;
-ty:= Max(Y - Radius - 1, 0);
-dy:= Min(Y + Radius + 1, LAND_HEIGHT) - ty;
-UpdateLandTexture(tx, dx, ty, dy, false);
-DrawExplosion:= cnt
+    FillRoundInLand(x, y, Radius + 4, ebcPixel);
+    tx:= Max(X - Radius - 5, 0);
+    dx:= Min(X + Radius + 5, LAND_WIDTH) - tx;
+    ty:= Max(Y - Radius - 5, 0);
+    dy:= Min(Y + Radius + 5, LAND_HEIGHT) - ty;
+    UpdateLandTexture(tx, dx, ty, dy, false);
 procedure DrawHLinesExplosions(ar: PRangeArray; Radius: LongInt; y, dY: LongInt; Count: Byte);
@@ -525,7 +430,7 @@
                     LandPixels[ty div 2, tx div 2]:= ExplosionBorderColor;
-                Land[ty, tx]:= Land[ty, tx] or lfDamaged;
+                Land[ty, tx]:= (Land[ty, tx] or lfDamaged) and not lfIce;
                 LandDirty[ty div 32, tx div 32]:= 1;
     inc(y, dY)
@@ -535,6 +440,33 @@
 UpdateLandTexture(0, LAND_WIDTH, 0, LAND_HEIGHT, false)
+procedure DrawExplosionBorder(X, Y, dx, dy:hwFloat;  despeckle : Boolean);
+    t, tx, ty :Longint;
+for t:= 0 to 7 do
+    begin
+    X:= X + dX;
+    Y:= Y + dY;
+    tx:= hwRound(X);
+    ty:= hwRound(Y);
+    if ((ty and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0) and ((tx and LAND_WIDTH_MASK) = 0) and (((Land[ty, tx] and lfBasic) <> 0)
+    or ((Land[ty, tx] and lfObject) <> 0)) then
+        begin
+        Land[ty, tx]:= (Land[ty, tx] or lfDamaged) and not lfIce;
+        if despeckle then
+            LandDirty[ty div 32, tx div 32]:= 1;
+        if (cReducedQuality and rqBlurryLand) = 0 then
+            LandPixels[ty, tx]:= ExplosionBorderColor
+        else
+            LandPixels[ty div 2, tx div 2]:= ExplosionBorderColor
+        end
+    end;
 //  - (dX, dY) - direction, vector of length = 0.5
@@ -567,6 +499,7 @@
     and ((tx and LAND_WIDTH_MASK) = 0)
     and (((Land[ty, tx] and lfBasic) <> 0) or ((Land[ty, tx] and lfObject) <> 0)) then
+        Land[ty, tx]:= Land[ty, tx] and not lfIce;
         if despeckle then
             Land[ty, tx]:= Land[ty, tx] or lfDamaged;
@@ -586,24 +519,7 @@
     X:= nx - dX8;
     Y:= ny - dY8;
-    for t:= 0 to 7 do
-        begin
-        X:= X + dX;
-        Y:= Y + dY;
-        tx:= hwRound(X);
-        ty:= hwRound(Y);
-        if ((ty and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0) and ((tx and LAND_WIDTH_MASK) = 0) and (((Land[ty, tx] and lfBasic) <> 0)
-        or ((Land[ty, tx] and lfObject) <> 0)) then
-            begin
-            Land[ty, tx]:= Land[ty, tx] or lfDamaged;
-            if despeckle then
-                LandDirty[ty div 32, tx div 32]:= 1;
-            if (cReducedQuality and rqBlurryLand) = 0 then
-                LandPixels[ty, tx]:= ExplosionBorderColor
-            else
-                LandPixels[ty div 2, tx div 2]:= ExplosionBorderColor
-            end
-        end;
+    DrawExplosionBorder(X, Y, dx, dy, despeckle);
     X:= nx;
     Y:= ny;
     for t:= 0 to ticks do
@@ -629,24 +545,7 @@
             Land[ty, tx]:= 0;
-    for t:= 0 to 7 do
-    begin
-    X:= X + dX;
-    Y:= Y + dY;
-    tx:= hwRound(X);
-    ty:= hwRound(Y);
-    if ((ty and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0) and ((tx and LAND_WIDTH_MASK) = 0) and (((Land[ty, tx] and lfBasic) <> 0)
-    or ((Land[ty, tx] and lfObject) <> 0)) then
-        begin
-        Land[ty, tx]:= Land[ty, tx] or lfDamaged;
-        if despeckle then
-            LandDirty[ty div 32, tx div 32]:= 1;
-        if (cReducedQuality and rqBlurryLand) = 0 then
-            LandPixels[ty, tx]:= ExplosionBorderColor
-        else
-            LandPixels[ty div 2, tx div 2]:= ExplosionBorderColor
-        end
-        end;
+    DrawExplosionBorder(X, Y, dx, dy, despeckle);
     nx:= nx - dY;
     ny:= ny + dX;
@@ -664,7 +563,7 @@
     if ((ty and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0) and ((tx and LAND_WIDTH_MASK) = 0) and (((Land[ty, tx] and lfBasic) <> 0)
     or ((Land[ty, tx] and lfObject) <> 0)) then
-        Land[ty, tx]:= Land[ty, tx] or lfDamaged;
+        Land[ty, tx]:= (Land[ty, tx] or lfDamaged) and not lfIce;
         if despeckle then
             LandDirty[ty div 32, tx div 32]:= 1;
         if (cReducedQuality and rqBlurryLand) = 0 then
@@ -790,7 +689,7 @@
         yy:= Y div 2;
-    pixelsweep:= ((Land[Y, X] and $FF00) = 0) and (LandPixels[yy, xx] <> 0);
+    pixelsweep:= (Land[Y, X] <= lfAllObjMask) and (LandPixels[yy, xx] <> 0);
     if (((Land[Y, X] and lfDamaged) <> 0) and ((Land[Y, X] and lfIndestructible) = 0)) or pixelsweep then
         c:= 0;
@@ -891,7 +790,7 @@
 else if ((cReducedQuality and rqBlurryLand) = 0) and (LandPixels[Y, X] and AMask = 255)
-and ((Land[Y, X] and (lfDamaged or lfBasic) = lfBasic) or (Land[Y, X] and (lfDamaged or lfBasic) = lfBasic))
+and (Land[Y, X] and (lfDamaged or lfBasic) = lfBasic)
 and (Y > LongInt(topY) + 1) and (Y < LAND_HEIGHT-2) and (X > LongInt(leftX) + 1) and (X < LongInt(rightX) - 1) then
     if ((((Land[y, x-1] and lfDamaged) <> 0) and (((Land[y+1,x] and lfDamaged) <> 0)) or ((Land[y-1,x] and lfDamaged) <> 0))