--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hedgewars/uUtils.pas Thu Nov 18 11:32:47 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+{$INCLUDE "options.inc"}
+unit uUtils;
+uses uTypes, uFloat, GLunit;
+procedure SplitBySpace(var a, b: shortstring);
+procedure SplitByChar(var a, b: ansistring; c: char);
+function EnumToStr(const en : TGearType) : shortstring; overload;
+function EnumToStr(const en : TSound) : shortstring; overload;
+function EnumToStr(const en : TAmmoType) : shortstring; overload;
+function EnumToStr(const en : THogEffect) : shortstring; overload;
+function Min(a, b: LongInt): LongInt; inline;
+function Max(a, b: LongInt): LongInt; inline;
+function IntToStr(n: LongInt): shortstring;
+function FloatToStr(n: hwFloat): shortstring;
+function DxDy2Angle(const _dY, _dX: hwFloat): GLfloat;
+function DxDy2Angle32(const _dY, _dX: hwFloat): LongInt;
+function DxDy2AttackAngle(const _dY, _dX: hwFloat): LongInt;
+procedure SetLittle(var r: hwFloat);
+function Str2PChar(const s: shortstring): PChar;
+function DecodeBase64(s: shortstring): shortstring;
+function isPowerOf2(i: Longword): boolean;
+function toPowerOf2(i: Longword): Longword; inline;
+function endian(independent: LongWord): LongWord; inline;
+procedure AddFileLog(s: shortstring);
+procedure initModule;
+procedure freeModule;
+uses typinfo, Math, uConsts, uVariables, SysUtils;
+ f: textfile;
+// should this include "strtolower()" for the split string?
+procedure SplitBySpace(var a, b: shortstring);
+var i, t: LongInt;
+i:= Pos(' ', a);
+if i > 0 then
+ begin
+ for t:= 1 to Pred(i) do
+ if (a[t] >= 'A')and(a[t] <= 'Z') then Inc(a[t], 32);
+ b:= copy(a, i + 1, Length(a) - i);
+ byte(a[0]):= Pred(i)
+ end else b:= '';
+procedure SplitByChar(var a, b: ansistring; c: char);
+var i: LongInt;
+i:= Pos(c, a);
+if i > 0 then
+ begin
+ b:= copy(a, i + 1, Length(a) - i);
+ setlength(a, Pred(i));
+ end else b:= '';
+function EnumToStr(const en : TGearType) : shortstring; overload;
+EnumToStr:= GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TGearType), ord(en))
+function EnumToStr(const en : TSound) : shortstring; overload;
+EnumToStr:= GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TSound), ord(en))
+function EnumToStr(const en : TAmmoType) : shortstring; overload;
+EnumToStr:= GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TAmmoType), ord(en))
+function EnumToStr(const en: THogEffect) : shortstring; overload;
+ EnumToStr := GetEnumName(TypeInfo(THogEffect), ord(en))
+function Min(a, b: LongInt): LongInt;
+if a < b then Min:= a else Min:= b
+function Max(a, b: LongInt): LongInt;
+if a > b then Max:= a else Max:= b
+function IntToStr(n: LongInt): shortstring;
+str(n, IntToStr)
+function FloatToStr(n: hwFloat): shortstring;
+FloatToStr:= cstr(n) + '_' + inttostr(Lo(n.QWordValue))
+function DxDy2Angle(const _dY, _dX: hwFloat): GLfloat;
+var dY, dX: Extended;
+dY:= _dY.QWordValue / $100000000;
+if _dY.isNegative then dY:= - dY;
+dX:= _dX.QWordValue / $100000000;
+if _dX.isNegative then dX:= - dX;
+DxDy2Angle:= arctan2(dY, dX) * 180 / pi
+function DxDy2Angle32(const _dY, _dX: hwFloat): LongInt;
+const _16divPI: Extended = 16/pi;
+var dY, dX: Extended;
+dY:= _dY.QWordValue / $100000000;
+if _dY.isNegative then dY:= - dY;
+dX:= _dX.QWordValue / $100000000;
+if _dX.isNegative then dX:= - dX;
+DxDy2Angle32:= trunc(arctan2(dY, dX) * _16divPI) and $1f
+function DxDy2AttackAngle(const _dY, _dX: hwFloat): LongInt;
+const MaxAngleDivPI: Extended = cMaxAngle/pi;
+var dY, dX: Extended;
+dY:= _dY.QWordValue / $100000000;
+if _dY.isNegative then dY:= - dY;
+dX:= _dX.QWordValue / $100000000;
+if _dX.isNegative then dX:= - dX;
+DxDy2AttackAngle:= trunc(arctan2(dY, dX) * MaxAngleDivPI)
+procedure SetLittle(var r: hwFloat);
+r:= SignAs(cLittle, r)
+function isPowerOf2(i: Longword): boolean;
+if i = 0 then exit(true);
+while not odd(i) do i:= i shr 1;
+isPowerOf2:= (i = 1)
+function toPowerOf2(i: Longword): Longword;
+toPowerOf2:= 1;
+while (toPowerOf2 < i) do toPowerOf2:= toPowerOf2 shl 1
+function DecodeBase64(s: shortstring): shortstring;
+const table = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
+var i, t, c: Longword;
+c:= 0;
+for i:= 1 to Length(s) do
+ begin
+ t:= Pos(s[i], table);
+ if s[i] = '=' then inc(c);
+ if t > 0 then byte(s[i]):= t - 1 else byte(s[i]):= 0
+ end;
+i:= 1;
+t:= 1;
+while i <= length(s) do
+ begin
+ DecodeBase64[t ]:= char((byte(s[i ]) shl 2) or (byte(s[i + 1]) shr 4));
+ DecodeBase64[t + 1]:= char((byte(s[i + 1]) shl 4) or (byte(s[i + 2]) shr 2));
+ DecodeBase64[t + 2]:= char((byte(s[i + 2]) shl 6) or (byte(s[i + 3]) ));
+ inc(t, 3);
+ inc(i, 4)
+ end;
+if c < 3 then t:= t - c;
+byte(DecodeBase64[0]):= t - 1
+function Str2PChar(const s: shortstring): PChar;
+const CharArray: array[byte] of Char = '';
+CharArray:= s;
+CharArray[Length(s)]:= #0;
+Str2PChar:= @CharArray
+function endian(independent: LongWord): LongWord; inline;
+endian:= independent;
+endian:= (((independent and $FF000000) shr 24) or
+ ((independent and $00FF0000) shr 8) or
+ ((independent and $0000FF00) shl 8) or
+ ((independent and $000000FF) shl 24))
+procedure AddFileLog(s: shortstring);
+writeln(f, GameTicks: 6, ': ', s);
+procedure initModule;
+ Assign(f,'../Documents/hw-' + cLogfileBase + '.log');
+ Rewrite(f);
+ if (ParamStr(1) <> '') and (ParamStr(2) <> '') then
+ if (ParamCount <> 3) and (ParamCount <> cDefaultParamNum) then
+ begin
+ for i:= 0 to 7 do
+ begin
+ assign(f, ExtractFileDir(ParamStr(2)) + '/' + cLogfileBase + inttostr(i) + '.log');
+ rewrite(f);
+ if IOResult = 0 then break;
+ end;
+ if IOResult <> 0 then f:= stderr; // if everything fails, write to stderr
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ for i:= 0 to 7 do
+ begin
+ assign(f, ParamStr(1) + '/Logs/' + cLogfileBase + inttostr(i) + '.log');
+ rewrite(f);
+ if IOResult = 0 then break;
+ end;
+ if IOResult <> 0 then f:= stderr; // if everything fails, write to stderr
+ end
+ else
+ f:= stderr;
+procedure freeModule;
+ recordFileName:= '';
+ writeln(f, 'halt at ', GameTicks, ' ticks. TurnTimeLeft = ', TurnTimeLeft);
+ flush(f);
+ close(f);
\ No newline at end of file