changeset 5867 a04f25c4209f
parent 5844 fdf22a4843f7
child 7827 353d90ddc188
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/zh_CN.lua	Sun Sep 11 14:46:04 2011 -0400
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/zh_CN.lua	Sun Sep 11 15:51:56 2011 -0400
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 --      ["BOOM!"] = "",
 --      ["Boss defeated!"] = "",
 --      ["Boss Slayer!"] = "",
+--      ["Build a track and race."] = "",
       ["CAPTURE THE FLAG"] = "抢旗子",
 --      ["Careless"] = "",
 --      ["Change Weapon"] = "",
@@ -134,15 +135,19 @@
 --      ["Pathetic Resistance"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_Newton_and_the_Hammock
 --      ["Per-Hog Ammo"] = "",
 --      ["Place more waypoints using [ENTER]"] = "",
+--      ["Place more waypoints using the 'Air Attack' weapon."] = "",
 --      ["points"] =
 --      ["Poison"] =
 --      ["Power Remaining"] = "",
 --      ["Prepare yourself"] = "",
 --      ["Press [Precise] to skip intro"] = "",
 --      ["Race complexity limit reached."] = "",
+--      ["RACER"] = "",
 --      [" - Return the enemy flag to your base to score | - First team to 3 captures wins | - You may only score when your flag is in your base | - Hogs will drop the flag if killed, or drowned | - Dropped flags may be returned or recaptured | - Hogs respawn when killed"] =
       ["- Return the enemy flag to your base to score | - First team to 3 captures wins | - You may only score when your flag is in your base | - Hogs will drop the flag if killed, or drowned | - Dropped flags may be returned or recaptured | - Hogs respawn when killed"] = "-带回敌人旗帜得分| -第一支3次夺旗队伍获胜| - 只有旗帜在己方基地才算| -带旗刺猬消逝则旗帜落下| -落下的旗帜使用方式不变| -损失的刺猬瞬间还原",
+--      ["Round Limit:"] = "",
 --      ["Round Limit"] = "",
+--      ["Rounds Complete: "] = "",
 --      ["Rounds Complete"] = "",
       ["RULES OF THE GAME [Press ESC to view]"] = "游戏规则 [按下 ESC键 查看]",
 --      ["s|"] = "",
@@ -162,7 +167,6 @@
 --      ["Shield Seeker!"] = "",
       ["Shotgun Team"] = "霰弹枪队",
       ["Shotgun Training"] = "霰弹枪训练",
---      ["Shots Left: "] = "", -- GaudyRacer, Tumbler
 --      ["shots remaining."] = "",
 --      ["Silly"] = "",
 --      ["Sinky"] = "",
@@ -191,7 +195,7 @@
 --      ["Toggle Shield"] = "",
       ["Toxic Team"] = "腐坏的队伍", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
 --      ["TRACK COMPLETED"] = "",
---      ["Track Time: "] = "",
+--      ["TRACK FAILED!"] = "",
       ["TrophyRace"] = "竞速",
       ["T_T"] = "T_T",
 --      ["Tumbling Time Extended!"] = "",
@@ -203,9 +207,9 @@
 --      ["Unstoppable!"] = "",
 --      ["User Challenge"] = "",
       ["Use your rope to get from start to finish as fast as you can!"] = "抓起绳子飞向目的地,越快越好。",
---      ["v.06"] = "",
       ["Victory for the "] = "胜利属于",
 --      ["Waypoint placed."] = "",
+--      ["Way-Points Remaining"] = "",
 --      ["Weapons Reset"] = "",
 --      ["Well done."] = "",
 --      ["Will this ever end?"] = "",