changeset 2863 9eb53b1f1842
parent 2857 768dfbe276a5
child 2885 518e6e66239d
--- a/hedgewars/uWorld.pas	Thu Feb 25 12:49:04 2010 +0000
+++ b/hedgewars/uWorld.pas	Thu Feb 25 13:02:08 2010 +0000
@@ -75,6 +75,14 @@
 procedure InitWorld;
 var i, t: LongInt;
     cp: PClan;
+    g: ansistring;
+    // helper function to create the goal/game mode string
+    function AddGoal(s: ansistring; gf: LongInt; si: TGoalStrId): ansistring;
+    begin
+        if (GameFlags and gf) <> 0 then s:= s + trgoal[si] + '|';
+        AddGoal:= s;
+    end;
 missionTimer:= 0;
@@ -97,6 +105,20 @@
    CurrentTeam:= ClansArray[0]^.Teams[0];
+// if special game flags are set, add them to the game mode notice window and then show it
+g:= ''; // no text/things to note yet
+g:= AddGoal(g, gfForts, gidForts); // forts?
+g:= AddGoal(g, gfLowGravity, gidLowGravity); // low gravity?
+g:= AddGoal(g, gfInvulnerable, gidInvulnerable); // invulnerability?
+g:= AddGoal(g, gfVampiric, gidVampiric); // vampirism?
+g:= AddGoal(g, gfKarma, gidKarma); // karma?
+g:= AddGoal(g, gfKing, gidKing); // king?
+g:= AddGoal(g, gfPlaceHog, gidPlaceHog); // placement?
+g:= AddGoal(g, gfArtillery, gidArtillery); // artillery?
+g:= AddGoal(g, gfSolidLand, gidSolidLand); // solid land?
+// if the string has been set, show it for (default timeframe) seconds
+if g <> '' then ShowMission(trgoal[gidCaption], trgoal[gidSubCaption], g, 1, 0);
 cWaveWidth:= SpritesData[sprWater].Width;
 //cWaveHeight:= SpritesData[sprWater].Height;
 cWaveHeight:= 32;