changeset 851 8ffa4ad0d8ea
parent 849 82ac0596aa3c
child 852 f756a1d3324c
--- a/netserver/Miscutils.hs	Sat Apr 19 13:12:08 2008 +0000
+++ b/netserver/Miscutils.hs	Sat Apr 19 19:29:58 2008 +0000
@@ -6,6 +6,23 @@
 import Control.Concurrent.STM
 import Control.Exception (finally)
+data ClientInfo =
+	ClientInfo
+	{
+		handle :: Handle,
+		nick :: String,
+		room :: String,
+		isMaster :: Bool
+	}
+data RoomInfo =
+	RoomInfo
+	{
+		name :: String,
+		password :: String
+	}
 sendMsg :: Handle -> String -> IO()
 sendMsg clientHandle str = finally (return ()) (hPutStrLn clientHandle str >> hFlush clientHandle) -- catch exception when client tries to send to other
@@ -25,3 +42,12 @@
 			ls <- readTVar state
 			writeTVar state $ op ls
+manipState2 :: TVar[ClientInfo] -> TVar[RoomInfo] -> ([ClientInfo] -> [RoomInfo] -> ([ClientInfo], [RoomInfo])) -> IO()
+manipState2 state1 state2 op =
+	atomically $ do
+			ls1 <- readTVar state1
+			ls2 <- readTVar state2
+			let (ol1, ol2) = op ls1 ls2
+			writeTVar state1 ol1
+			writeTVar state2 ol2