--- a/hedgewars/uLocale.pas Fri Jan 17 18:17:47 2014 +0100
+++ b/hedgewars/uLocale.pas Sat Jan 18 00:10:33 2014 +0400
@@ -26,21 +26,23 @@
procedure LoadLocale(FileName: shortstring);
function Format(fmt: shortstring; var arg: shortstring): shortstring;
-function FormatA(fmt: ansistring; var arg: ansistring): ansistring;
-function GetEventString(e: TEventId): ansistring;
+function FormatA(fmt: PChar; arg: ansistring): ansistring;
+function GetEventString(e: TEventId): PChar;
+procedure initModule;
+procedure freeModule;
procedure LoadLocaleWrapper(str: pchar); cdecl; export;
-uses uRandom, uUtils, uVariables, uDebug, uPhysFSLayer;
+uses uRandom, uUtils, uVariables, uDebug, uPhysFSLayer, sysutils;
-var trevt: array[TEventId] of array [0..Pred(MAX_EVENT_STRINGS)] of ansistring;
+var trevt: array[TEventId] of array [0..Pred(MAX_EVENT_STRINGS)] of PChar;
trevt_n: array[TEventId] of integer;
procedure LoadLocale(FileName: shortstring);
-var s: ansistring = '';
+var s, sc: PChar;
f: pfsFile;
a, b, c: LongInt;
first: array[TEventId] of boolean;
@@ -57,47 +59,48 @@
while not pfsEof(f) do
pfsReadLnA(f, s);
- if Length(s) = 0 then
- continue;
- if (s[1] < '0') or (s[1] > '9') then
- continue;
- TryDo(Length(s) > 6, 'Load locale: empty string', true);
- val(s[1]+s[2], a, c);
- TryDo(c = 0, 'Load locale: numbers should be two-digit: ' + s, true);
- TryDo(s[3] = ':', 'Load locale: ":" expected', true);
- val(s[4]+s[5], b, c);
- TryDo(c = 0, 'Load locale: numbers should be two-digit' + s, true);
- TryDo(s[6] = '=', 'Load locale: "=" expected', true);
- Delete(s, 1, 6);
- case a of
- 0: if (b >=0) and (b <= ord(High(TAmmoStrId))) then
- trammo[TAmmoStrId(b)]:= s;
- 1: if (b >=0) and (b <= ord(High(TMsgStrId))) then
- trmsg[TMsgStrId(b)]:= s;
- 2: if (b >=0) and (b <= ord(High(TEventId))) then
- begin
- TryDo(trevt_n[TEventId(b)] < MAX_EVENT_STRINGS, 'Too many event strings in ' + IntToStr(a) + ':' + IntToStr(b), false);
- if first[TEventId(b)] then
+ if (Length(s) > 0) and (s[0] >= '0') and (s[0] <= '9') then
+ begin
+ TryDo(Length(s) > 6, 'Load locale: empty string', true);
+ val(s[0]+s[1], a, c);
+ TryDo(c = 0, 'Load locale: numbers should be two-digit: ' + s, true);
+ TryDo(s[2] = ':', 'Load locale: ":" expected', true);
+ val(s[3]+s[4], b, c);
+ TryDo(c = 0, 'Load locale: numbers should be two-digit' + s, true);
+ TryDo(s[5] = '=', 'Load locale: "=" expected', true);
+ sc:= StrAlloc(length(s) - 5);
+ StrCopy(sc, @s[6]);
+ case a of
+ 0: if (b >=0) and (b <= ord(High(TAmmoStrId))) then
+ trammo[TAmmoStrId(b)]:= sc;
+ 1: if (b >=0) and (b <= ord(High(TMsgStrId))) then
+ trmsg[TMsgStrId(b)]:= sc;
+ 2: if (b >=0) and (b <= ord(High(TEventId))) then
- trevt_n[TEventId(b)]:= 0;
- first[TEventId(b)]:= false;
+ TryDo(trevt_n[TEventId(b)] < MAX_EVENT_STRINGS, 'Too many event strings in ' + IntToStr(a) + ':' + IntToStr(b), false);
+ if first[TEventId(b)] then
+ begin
+ trevt_n[TEventId(b)]:= 0;
+ first[TEventId(b)]:= false;
+ end;
+ trevt[TEventId(b)][trevt_n[TEventId(b)]]:= sc;
+ inc(trevt_n[TEventId(b)]);
- trevt[TEventId(b)][trevt_n[TEventId(b)]]:= s;
- inc(trevt_n[TEventId(b)]);
- end;
- 3: if (b >=0) and (b <= ord(High(TAmmoStrId))) then
- trammoc[TAmmoStrId(b)]:= s;
- 4: if (b >=0) and (b <= ord(High(TAmmoStrId))) then
- trammod[TAmmoStrId(b)]:= s;
- 5: if (b >=0) and (b <= ord(High(TGoalStrId))) then
- trgoal[TGoalStrId(b)]:= s;
- end;
- end;
+ 3: if (b >=0) and (b <= ord(High(TAmmoStrId))) then
+ trammoc[TAmmoStrId(b)]:= sc;
+ 4: if (b >=0) and (b <= ord(High(TAmmoStrId))) then
+ trammod[TAmmoStrId(b)]:= sc;
+ 5: if (b >=0) and (b <= ord(High(TGoalStrId))) then
+ trgoal[TGoalStrId(b)]:= sc;
+ end;
+ end;
+ StrDispose(s);
+ end;
-function GetEventString(e: TEventId): ansistring;
+function GetEventString(e: TEventId): PChar;
if trevt_n[e] = 0 then // no messages for this event type?
GetEventString:= '*missing translation*'
@@ -115,14 +118,17 @@
Format:= copy(fmt, 1, i - 1) + arg + Format(copy(fmt, i + 2, Length(fmt) - i - 1), arg)
-function FormatA(fmt: ansistring; var arg: ansistring): ansistring;
+function FormatA(fmt: PChar; arg: ansistring): ansistring;
var i: LongInt;
+ s: ansistring;
-i:= Pos('%1', fmt);
+s:= fmt;
+i:= Pos('%1', s);
if i = 0 then
- FormatA:= fmt
+ FormatA:= s
- FormatA:= copy(fmt, 1, i - 1) + arg + FormatA(copy(fmt, i + 2, Length(fmt) - i - 1), arg)
+ FormatA:= copy(s, 1, i - 1) + arg + FormatA(PChar(copy(s, i + 2, Length(s) - i - 1)), arg)
@@ -132,4 +138,22 @@
+procedure initModule;
+var e: TEventId;
+ i: LongInt;
+ for e:= Low(TEventId) to High(TEventId) do
+ for i:= 0 to Pred(MAX_EVENT_STRINGS) do
+ trevt[e][i]:= nil;
+procedure freeModule;
+var e: TEventId;
+ i: LongInt;
+ for e:= Low(TEventId) to High(TEventId) do
+ for i:= 0 to Pred(trevt_n[e]) do
+ StrDispose(trevt[e][i]);