changeset 8377 869f80966a77
parent 6983 ede55af89e78
child 8419 d99f46b676b5
--- a/QTfrontend/model/MapModel.h	Mon Jan 14 12:07:06 2013 +0400
+++ b/QTfrontend/model/MapModel.h	Mon Jan 14 11:19:59 2013 +0100
@@ -63,32 +63,49 @@
             quint32 limit; ///< The maximum allowed number of hedgehogs.
             QString scheme; ///< Default scheme name or "locked", for mission-maps.
             QString weapons; ///< Default weaponset name or "locked", for missions-maps.
+            QString desc; ///< The brief 1-2 sentence description of the mission, for mission-maps.
-         * @brief Returns the row-index of the given map.
-         * @param map map of which to get the row-index of.
-         * @return row-index of map or -1 if not available.
+         * @brief Searches maps in model to find out if one exists
+         * @param map map of which to check existence
+         * @return true if it exists
-        int indexOf(const QString & map) const;
+        bool mapExists(const QString & map) const;
+        /**
+         * @brief Finds a map index (column, row) for a map name
+         * @param map map of which to find index+column
+         * @return QPair<int, int> with column, index, or (-1, -1) if map not found
+         */
+        //QPair<int, int> findMap(const QString & map) const;
-         * @brief Returns the row-index of a random map with a specified type.
-         * @param type desired type of map.
-         * @return row-index of a map with the desired type, -1 if none found.
+         * @brief Finds a map index for a map name
+         * @param map map of which to find index
+         * @return int of index, or -1 if map not found
-        int randomMap(MapType type) const;
+        int findMap(const QString & map) const;
+        /**
+         * @brief Finds and returns a map item for a map name
+         * @param map map
+         * @return QStandardItem of map, or NULL if map not found
+         */
+        QStandardItem * getMap(const QString & map);
+        // Static MapInfos for drawn and generated maps
+        static MapInfo MapInfoRandom, MapInfoMaze, MapInfoDrawn;
     public slots:
         /// Reloads the maps using the DataManager.
-        void loadMaps();
+        /// Accepts two map types: StaticMap or MissionMap.
+        void loadMaps(MapType maptype);
-        /// start-index and map count for each map-type.
-        QMap<MapType, QPair<int,int> > m_typeLoc;
-        /// map index lookup table
+        /// map index lookup table. QPair<int, int> contains: <column, index>
+        //QHash<QString, QPair<int, int> > m_mapIndexes;
         QHash<QString, int> m_mapIndexes;
@@ -102,9 +119,10 @@
          * @param limit the hedgehog limit of the map.
          * @param scheme mission map: default scheme name or "locked".
          * @param weapons mission map: default weaponset name or "locked".
+         * @param desc mission map: description of mission.
          * @return pointer to item representing the map info: at Qt::UserRole + 1.
-        QStandardItem * infoToItem(
+        static QStandardItem * infoToItem(
             const QIcon & icon,
             const QString caption,
             MapType type = Invalid,
@@ -112,7 +130,8 @@
             QString theme = "",
             quint32 limit = 0,
             QString scheme = "",
-            QString weapons = "") const;
+            QString weapons = "",
+            QString desc = "");