--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/zh_CN.lua Tue Dec 28 18:47:44 2010 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+locale = {
+ ["!!!"] = "!!!",
+ ["A game of luck"] = "运气游戏",
+ ["Aiming Practice"] = "瞄准练习", --火箭筒、霰弹枪、狙击枪
+ ["Bat balls at your enemies and|push them into the sea!"] = "发射棒球将敌人击打入水",
+ ["Bat your opponents through the|baskets and out of the map!"] = "把敌人击出场地——对准栏框",
+ ["Bazooka Training"] = "火箭筒训练",
+ ["Best laps per team: "] = "每一队最佳速度:",
+ ["Bloody Rookies"] = "雉儿飞", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree
+-- ["Boom!"] =
+ ["by mikade"] = "mikade撰写", -- Control, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork, Capture_the_Flag
+ ["CAPTURE THE FLAG"] = "抢旗子",
+ ["Codename: Teamwork"] = "代号:团队行动",
+ ["Congratulations! You've eliminated all targets|within the allowed time frame."] = "恭喜!你在规定时限内清零全部目标。", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+ ["Congratulations!"] = "恭喜",
+ ["Control pillars to score points."] = "控制支柱得分",
+ ["CONTROL v0.3"] = "控制 v0.3",
+ ["CONTROL"] = "控制",
+-- ["CTF_BLIZZARD"] =
+ ["CUSTOM BUILD 0.2"] = "自定义建设 0.2",
+ ["Cybernetic Empire"] = "自动化帝国",
+ ["DAMMIT, ROOKIE! GET OFF MY HEAD!"] = "新人,别让我看到",
+ ["DAMMIT, ROOKIE!"] = "新人",
+ ["Dangerous Ducklings"] = "危险的小鸭子",
+ ["Eliminate all enemies"] = "解决全部对手",
+ ["Eliminate all targets before your time runs out.|You have unlimited ammo for this mission."] = "时间限制内清除全部目标。弹药无限。", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+ ["Eliminate Poison before the time runs out"] = "时间限制内清除毒素。",
+ ["Eliminate the Blue Team"] = "解决蓝色队伍",
+ ["- Eliminate Unit 3378 |- Feeble Resistance must survive"] = "- 打倒 3378 |-反抗者必须存活",
+ ["Enjoy the swim..."] = "游水愉快",
+ ["Fastest lap: "] = "最快记录:",
+ ["Feeble Resistance"] = "反抗者",
+ ["Flag captured!"] = "夺旗得分!",
+ ["Flag respawned!"] = "旗帜重生!",
+ ["Flag returned!"] = "旗帜归还!",
+ ["Flags will be placed where each team ends their turn."] = "旗帜会被放置在每个队伍回合结束时所在的地方。",
+ ["GAME OVER!"] = "结束了!",
+ ["Game Started!"] = "开始",
+ ["Get on over there and take him out!"] = "上去把它拉下来!",
+-- ["Goal:"] =
+ ["GO! GO! GO!"] = "上!",
+ ["Good birdy......"] = "乖鸟儿",
+ ["Good luck out there!"] = "祝好运",
+ ["Hedgewars-Basketball"] = "刺猬大作战-篮球计划",
+ ["Hedgewars-Knockball"] = "刺猬大作战-击球计划",
+ ["Hmmm..."] = "呃...",
+ ["Hooray!"] = "呼!",
+ ["Hunter"] = "猎人", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+ ["Instructor"] = "引导员", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
+ ["- Jumping is disabled"] = "- 跳跃禁止",
+ ["Listen up, maggot!!"] = "听好,小子!!",
+-- ["|- Mines Time:"] =
+ ["MISSION FAILED"] = "任务失败", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+ ["MISSION SUCCESSFUL"] = "任务成功", -- User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+ ["MISSION SUCCESS"] = "任务成功", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+ ["NEW fastest lap: "] = "新记录",
+ ["NO JUMPING"] = "不准跳",
+ ["Not So Friendly Match"] = "非友善对抗", -- Basketball, Knockball
+ ["Oh no! Just try again!"] = "不!重新再来。", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+ ["Oh no! Time's up! Just try again."] = "不!到点了,需要重新来。", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+ ["Operation Diver"] = "水下行动",
+-- ["Opposing Team: "] =
+ ["Opposing Team:"] = "对方队伍",
+ ["Pathetic Hog #1"] = "可怜刺猬一号",
+ ["Pathetic Hog #2"] = "可怜刺猬二号",
+-- ["Pathetic Hog #%d"] =
+-- ["points"] =
+-- ["Poison"] =
+ ["Random Weapons"] = "随机武器",
+-- [" - Return the enemy flag to your base to score | - First team to 3 captures wins | - You may only score when your flag is in your base | - Hogs will drop the flag if killed, or drowned | - Dropped flags may be returned or recaptured | - Hogs respawn when killed"] =
+ ["- Return the enemy flag to your base to score | - First team to 3 captures wins | - You may only score when your flag is in your base | - Hogs will drop the flag if killed, or drowned | - Dropped flags may be returned or recaptured | - Hogs respawn when killed"] = "-带回敌人旗帜得分| -第一支3次夺旗队伍获胜| - 只有旗帜在己方基地才算| -带旗刺猬消逝则旗帜落下| -落下的旗帜使用方式不变| -损失的刺猬瞬间还原",
+ ["RULES OF THE GAME [Press ESC to view]"] = "游戏规则 [按下 ESC键 查看]",
+-- ["sec"] =
+ ["See ya!"] = "再见!",
+ ["Shotgun Team"] = "霰弹枪队",
+ ["Shotgun Training"] = "霰弹枪训练",
+ ["%s is out and Team %d|scored a penalty!| |Score:"] = "%s 出局, %d 惩罚分数!", -- Basketball, Knockball
+ ["%s is out and Team %d|scored a point!| |Score:"] = "%s 出局, %d 得分!", -- Basketball, Knockball
+ ["Sniper Training"] = "狙击训练",
+ ["Sniperz"] = "狙击手",
+ ["Spooky Tree"] = "怪树",
+ ["Team %d: "] = "队伍 %d",
+ ["Team Scores:"] = "队伍得分:",
+-- ["That was pointless."] =
+ ["The enemy is hiding out on yonder ducky!"] = "敌人藏在那边!",
+-- ["The flag will respawn next round."] =
+ ["There has been a mix-up with your gear and now you|have to utilize whatever is coming your way!"] = "现阶段装备混用,只能最大|程度地用好到手的玩具。",
+ ["Toxic Team"] = "腐坏的队伍", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+ ["TrophyRace"] = "竞速",
+ ["T_T"] = "T_T",
+ ["Unit 3378"] = "3378",
+ ["Use your rope to get from start to finish as fast as you can!"] = "抓起绳子飞向目的地,越快越好。",
+ ["Victory for the "] = "胜利属于",
+ ["You have SCORED!!"] = "得分",
+ ["You've failed. Try again."] = "失败了。再尝试吧。",
+ ["You've reached the goal!| |Time: "] = "目标达成| |时间:",
+ ["'Zooka Team"] = "火箭队",
+ [":("] = "囧",
+ }