--- a/hedgewars/uRender.pas Wed Jun 18 01:37:28 2014 +0200
+++ b/hedgewars/uRender.pas Wed Jun 18 15:42:01 2014 +0200
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
procedure DrawRect (rect: TSDL_Rect; r, g, b, a: Byte; Fill: boolean);
procedure DrawHedgehog (X, Y: LongInt; Dir: LongInt; Pos, Step: LongWord; Angle: real);
procedure DrawScreenWidget (widget: POnScreenWidget);
-procedure DrawWaterBody (pVertexBuffer: Pointer);
+procedure DrawWater (Alpha: byte; OffsetY, OffsetX: LongInt);
procedure RenderClear ();
procedure RenderSetClearColor (r, g, b, a: real);
@@ -1290,22 +1290,137 @@
-procedure DrawWaterBody(pVertexBuffer: Pointer);
+procedure DrawWater(Alpha: byte; OffsetY, OffsetX: LongInt);
+var VertexBuffer : array [0..7] of TVertex2f;
+ watertop, lx, rx, firsti, afteri, n: LongInt;
- UpdateModelviewProjection;
+// those
+firsti:= -1;
+afteri:= 0;
+watertop:= OffsetY + WorldDy + cWaterLine;
+if watertop < 0 then
+ watertop:= 0;
+// if no walls are needed, then bottom water surface spans full view width
+if (WorldEdge <> weSea) then
+ begin
+ lx:= ViewLeftX;
+ rx:= ViewRightX;
+ end
+ begin
+ lx:= LeftX + WorldDx - OffsetX;
+ rx:= RightX + WorldDx + OffsetX;
- BeginWater;
+ if lx > ViewLeftX then
+ begin
+ VertexBuffer[0].X:= ViewLeftX;
+ VertexBuffer[0].Y:= ViewTopY;
+ VertexBuffer[1].X:= lx;
+ VertexBuffer[1].Y:= ViewTopY;
+ // shares vertices 2 and 3 with bottom water
+ firsti:= 0;
+ afteri:= 4;
+ end;
+ if rx < ViewRightX then
+ begin
+ VertexBuffer[6].X:= ViewRightX;
+ VertexBuffer[6].Y:= ViewTopY;
+ VertexBuffer[7].X:= rx;
+ VertexBuffer[7].Y:= ViewTopY;
+ // shares vertices 4 and 5 with bottom water
+ if firsti < 0 then
+ firsti:= 4;
+ afteri:= 8;
+ end;
+ end;
+if watertop < ViewBottomY then
+ begin
+ // shares vertices 2-5 with water walls
+ // starts at vertex 2
+ if (firsti < 0) or (firsti > 2) then
+ firsti:= 2;
+ // ends at vertex 5
+ if afteri < 6 then
+ afteri:= 6;
+ end;
+if firsti < 0 then
+ exit; // nothing to draw at all!
- if SuddenDeathDmg then
- SetColorPointer(@SDWaterColorArray[0], 4)
- else
- SetColorPointer(@WaterColorArray[0], 4);
+if firsti < 4 then
+ begin
+ VertexBuffer[2].X:= ViewLeftX;
+ VertexBuffer[2].Y:= ViewBottomY;
+ VertexBuffer[3].X:= lx;
+ VertexBuffer[3].Y:= watertop;
+ end;
+if afteri > 4 then
+ begin
+ VertexBuffer[4].X:= ViewRightX;
+ VertexBuffer[4].Y:= ViewBottomY;
+ VertexBuffer[5].X:= rx;
+ VertexBuffer[5].Y:= watertop;
+ end;
+// number of points to draw
+n:= afteri - firsti;
+// drawing time
- SetVertexPointer(pVertexBuffer, 4);
+if SuddenDeathDmg then
+ begin // only set alpha if it differs from what we want
+ if SDWaterColorArray[0].a <> Alpha then
+ begin
+ SDWaterColorArray[0].a := Alpha;
+ SDWaterColorArray[1].a := Alpha;
+ SDWaterColorArray[2].a := Alpha;
+ SDWaterColorArray[3].a := Alpha;
+ SDWaterColorArray[4].a := Alpha;
+ SDWaterColorArray[5].a := Alpha;
+ SDWaterColorArray[6].a := Alpha;
+ SDWaterColorArray[7].a := Alpha;
+ end;
+ SetColorPointer(@SDWaterColorArray[0], 8);
+ end
+ begin
+ if WaterColorArray[0].a <> Alpha then
+ begin
+ WaterColorArray[0].a := Alpha;
+ WaterColorArray[1].a := Alpha;
+ WaterColorArray[2].a := Alpha;
+ WaterColorArray[3].a := Alpha;
+ WaterColorArray[4].a := Alpha;
+ WaterColorArray[5].a := Alpha;
+ WaterColorArray[6].a := Alpha;
+ WaterColorArray[7].a := Alpha;
+ end;
+ SetColorPointer(@WaterColorArray[0], 8);
+ end;
- glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4);
+SetVertexPointer(@VertexBuffer[0], 8);
+glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, firsti, n);
- EndWater;
+// must not be Tint() as color array seems to stay active and color reset is required
+glColor4ub($FF, $FF, $FF, $FF);
procedure openglTint(r, g, b, a: Byte); inline;