--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hedgewars/uVideoRec.pas Mon Jun 04 21:32:30 2012 +0400
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+ * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game
+ * Copyright (c) 2004-2012 Andrey Korotaev <unC0Rr@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ *)
+{$INCLUDE "options.inc"}
+unit uVideoRec;
+ {$LINKLIB avwrapper}
+ {$LINKLIB avutil}
+ {$LINKLIB avcodec}
+ {$LINKLIB avformat}
+var flagPrerecording: boolean = false;
+function BeginVideoRecording: Boolean;
+function LoadNextCameraPosition: LongInt;
+procedure EncodeFrame;
+procedure StopVideoRecording;
+function BeginPreRecording(filePrefix: shortstring): Boolean;
+procedure StopPreRecording;
+procedure SaveCameraPosition;
+procedure freeModule;
+uses uVariables, uUtils, GLunit, SDLh, SysUtils;
+const AVWrapperLibName = 'libavwrapper.dll';
+type TAddFileLogRaw = procedure (s: pchar); cdecl;
+procedure AVWrapper_Init(AddLog: TAddFileLogRaw; filename, soundFile: PChar; width, height, framerate, frequency, channels: LongInt); cdecl; external AVWrapperLibName;
+procedure AVWrapper_Close; cdecl; external AVWrapperLibName;
+procedure AVWrapper_WriteFrame( pY, pCb, pCr: PByte ); cdecl; external AVWrapperLibName;
+procedure AVWrapper_Init(AddLog: TAddFileLogRaw; filename, soundFile: PChar; width, height, framerate, frequency, channels: LongInt); cdecl; external;
+procedure AVWrapper_Close; cdecl; external;
+procedure AVWrapper_WriteFrame( pY, pCb, pCr: PByte ); cdecl; external;
+var YCbCr_Planes: array[0..2] of PByte;
+ RGB_Buffer: PByte;
+ frequency, channels: LongInt;
+ cameraFile: TextFile;
+ audioFile: File;
+ numPixels: LongInt;
+ framerate: Int64 = 30;
+ firstTick, nframes: Int64;
+ cameraFilePath, soundFilePath: shortstring;
+function BeginVideoRecording: Boolean;
+var filename: shortstring;
+ AddFileLog('BeginVideoRecording');
+ numPixels:= cScreenWidth*cScreenHeight;
+ // open file with prerecorded camera positions
+ cameraFilePath:= UserPathPrefix + '/Videos/' + cRecPrefix + '.txtin';
+ Assign(cameraFile, cameraFilePath);
+ Reset(cameraFile);
+ if IOResult <> 0 then
+ begin
+ AddFileLog('Error: Could not read from ' + cameraFilePath);
+ exit(false);
+ end;
+ ReadLn(cameraFile, frequency, channels);
+ filename:= UserPathPrefix + '/Videos/' + cRecPrefix + '.mp4' + #0;
+ soundFilePath:= UserPathPrefix + '/Videos/' + cRecPrefix + '.hwsound' + #0;
+ AVWrapper_Init(@AddFileLogRaw, @filename[1], @soundFilePath[1], cScreenWidth, cScreenHeight, framerate, frequency, channels);
+ YCbCr_Planes[0]:= GetMem(numPixels);
+ YCbCr_Planes[1]:= GetMem(numPixels div 4);
+ YCbCr_Planes[2]:= GetMem(numPixels div 4);
+ if (YCbCr_Planes[0] = nil) or (YCbCr_Planes[1] = nil) or (YCbCr_Planes[2] = nil) then
+ begin
+ AddFileLog('Error: Could not allocate memory for video recording (YCbCr buffer).');
+ exit(false);
+ end;
+ RGB_Buffer:= GetMem(4*numPixels);
+ if RGB_Buffer = nil then
+ begin
+ AddFileLog('Error: Could not allocate memory for video recording (RGB buffer).');
+ exit(false);
+ end;
+ BeginVideoRecording:= true;
+procedure StopVideoRecording;
+ AddFileLog('StopVideoRecording');
+ FreeMem(YCbCr_Planes[0], numPixels);
+ FreeMem(YCbCr_Planes[1], numPixels div 4);
+ FreeMem(YCbCr_Planes[2], numPixels div 4);
+ FreeMem(RGB_Buffer, 4*numPixels);
+ Close(cameraFile);
+ AVWrapper_Close();
+ DeleteFile(cameraFilePath);
+ DeleteFile(soundFilePath);
+function pixel(x, y, color: LongInt): LongInt;
+ pixel:= RGB_Buffer[(cScreenHeight-y-1)*cScreenWidth*4 + x*4 + color];
+procedure EncodeFrame;
+var x, y, r, g, b: LongInt;
+ // read pixels from OpenGL
+ glReadPixels(0, 0, cScreenWidth, cScreenHeight, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, RGB_Buffer);
+ // convert to YCbCr 4:2:0 format
+ // Y
+ for y := 0 to cScreenHeight-1 do
+ for x := 0 to cScreenWidth-1 do
+ YCbCr_Planes[0][y*cScreenWidth + x]:= Byte(16 + ((16828*pixel(x,y,0) + 33038*pixel(x,y,1) + 6416*pixel(x,y,2)) shr 16));
+ // Cb and Cr
+ for y := 0 to cScreenHeight div 2 - 1 do
+ for x := 0 to cScreenWidth div 2 - 1 do
+ begin
+ r:= pixel(2*x,2*y,0) + pixel(2*x+1,2*y,0) + pixel(2*x,2*y+1,0) + pixel(2*x+1,2*y+1,0);
+ g:= pixel(2*x,2*y,1) + pixel(2*x+1,2*y,1) + pixel(2*x,2*y+1,1) + pixel(2*x+1,2*y+1,1);
+ b:= pixel(2*x,2*y,2) + pixel(2*x+1,2*y,2) + pixel(2*x,2*y+1,2) + pixel(2*x+1,2*y+1,2);
+ YCbCr_Planes[1][y*(cScreenWidth div 2) + x]:= Byte(128 + ((-2428*r - 4768*g + 7196*b) shr 16));
+ YCbCr_Planes[2][y*(cScreenWidth div 2) + x]:= Byte(128 + (( 7196*r - 6026*g - 1170*b) shr 16));
+ end;
+ AVWrapper_WriteFrame(YCbCr_Planes[0], YCbCr_Planes[1], YCbCr_Planes[2]);
+function LoadNextCameraPosition: LongInt;
+var NextTime: LongInt;
+ NextZoom: LongInt;
+ NextWorldDx, NextWorldDy: LongInt;
+ if eof(cameraFile) then
+ exit(-1);
+ ReadLn(cameraFile, NextTime, NextWorldDx, NextWorldDy, NextZoom);
+ if NextTime = 0 then
+ exit(-1);
+ WorldDx:= NextWorldDx;
+ WorldDy:= NextWorldDy;
+ zoom:= NextZoom/10000;
+ ZoomValue:= NextZoom/10000;
+ LoadNextCameraPosition:= NextTime;
+// this procedure may be called from different thread
+procedure RecordPostMix(udata: pointer; stream: PByte; len: LongInt); cdecl;
+ udata:= udata;
+ BlockWrite(audioFile, stream^, len);
+function BeginPreRecording(filePrefix: shortstring): Boolean;
+var format: word;
+ filename: shortstring;
+ AddFileLog('BeginPreRecording');
+ nframes:= 0;
+ firstTick:= SDL_GetTicks();
+ Mix_QuerySpec(@frequency, @format, @channels);
+ if format <> $8010 then
+ begin
+ // TODO: support any audio format
+ AddFileLog('Error: Unexpected audio format ' + IntToStr(format));
+ exit(false);
+ end;
+ filename:= UserPathPrefix + '/Videos/' + filePrefix + '.hwsound';
+ Assign(audioFile, filename);
+ Rewrite(audioFile, 1);
+ if IOResult <> 0 then
+ begin
+ AddFileLog('Error: Could not write to ' + filename);
+ exit(false);
+ end;
+ filename:= UserPathPrefix + '/Videos/' + filePrefix + '.txtout';
+ Assign(cameraFile, filename);
+ Rewrite(cameraFile);
+ if IOResult <> 0 then
+ begin
+ AddFileLog('Error: Could not write to ' + filename);
+ exit(false);
+ end;
+ WriteLn(cameraFile, inttostr(frequency) + ' ' + inttostr(channels));
+ // register callback for actual audio recording
+ Mix_SetPostMix(@RecordPostMix, nil);
+ flagPrerecording:= true;
+ BeginPreRecording:= true;
+procedure StopPreRecording;
+ AddFileLog('StopPreRecording');
+ flagPrerecording:= false;
+ // call SDL_LockAudio because RecordPostMix may be executing right now
+ SDL_LockAudio();
+ Close(audioFile);
+ Close(cameraFile);
+ Mix_SetPostMix(nil, nil);
+ SDL_UnlockAudio();
+procedure SaveCameraPosition;
+var Ticks: LongInt;
+ Ticks:= SDL_GetTicks();
+ while (Ticks - firstTick)*framerate > nframes*1000 do
+ begin
+ WriteLn(cameraFile, inttostr(GameTicks) + ' ' + inttostr(WorldDx) + ' ' + inttostr(WorldDy) + ' ' + inttostr(Round(zoom*10000)));
+ inc(nframes);
+ end;
+procedure freeModule;
+ if flagPrerecording then
+ StopPreRecording();