--- a/hedgewars/uIO.pas Sat Mar 06 10:54:24 2010 +0000
+++ b/hedgewars/uIO.pas Sat Mar 06 10:59:20 2010 +0000
@@ -55,14 +55,14 @@
2: (str: shortstring);
-var IPCSock: PTCPSocket;
- fds: PSDLNet_SocketSet;
- isPonged: boolean;
+var IPCSock: PTCPSocket;
+ fds: PSDLNet_SocketSet;
+ isPonged: boolean;
- headcmd: PCmd;
- lastcmd: PCmd;
+ headcmd: PCmd;
+ lastcmd: PCmd;
- SendEmptyPacketTicks: LongWord;
+ SendEmptyPacketTicks: LongWord;
function AddCmd(Time: Word; str: shortstring): PCmd;
@@ -112,9 +112,9 @@
procedure CloseIPC;
- SDLNet_FreeSocketSet(fds);
- SDLNet_TCP_Close(IPCSock);
- SDLNet_Quit();
+ SDLNet_FreeSocketSet(fds);
+ SDLNet_TCP_Close(IPCSock);
+ SDLNet_Quit();
procedure ParseIPCCommand(s: shortstring);
@@ -143,8 +143,8 @@
procedure IPCCheckSock;
const ss: shortstring = '';
var i: LongInt;
- buf: array[0..255] of byte;
- s: shortstring absolute buf;
+ buf: array[0..255] of byte;
+ s: shortstring absolute buf;
if IPCSock = nil then
@@ -153,27 +153,27 @@
SDLNet_AddSocket(fds, IPCSock);
while SDLNet_CheckSockets(fds, 0) > 0 do
- begin
- i:= SDLNet_TCP_Recv(IPCSock, @buf[1], 255 - Length(ss));
- if i > 0 then
- begin
- buf[0]:= i;
- ss:= ss + s;
- while (Length(ss) > 1) and (Length(ss) > byte(ss[1])) do
- begin
- ParseIPCCommand(copy(ss, 2, byte(ss[1])));
- Delete(ss, 1, Succ(byte(ss[1])))
- end
- end else OutError('IPC connection lost', true)
- end;
+ begin
+ i:= SDLNet_TCP_Recv(IPCSock, @buf[1], 255 - Length(ss));
+ if i > 0 then
+ begin
+ buf[0]:= i;
+ ss:= ss + s;
+ while (Length(ss) > 1) and (Length(ss) > byte(ss[1])) do
+ begin
+ ParseIPCCommand(copy(ss, 2, byte(ss[1])));
+ Delete(ss, 1, Succ(byte(ss[1])))
+ end
+ end else OutError('IPC connection lost', true)
+ end;
procedure LoadRecordFromFile(fileName: shortstring);
var f: file;
- ss: shortstring = '';
- i: LongInt;
- buf: array[0..255] of byte;
- s: shortstring absolute buf;
+ ss: shortstring = '';
+ i: LongInt;
+ buf: array[0..255] of byte;
+ s: shortstring absolute buf;
// set RDNLY on file open
@@ -183,17 +183,17 @@
reset(f, 1);
- BlockRead(f, buf[1], 255 - Length(ss), i);
- if i > 0 then
- begin
- buf[0]:= i;
- ss:= ss + s;
- while (Length(ss) > 1)and(Length(ss) > byte(ss[1])) do
- begin
- ParseIPCCommand(copy(ss, 2, byte(ss[1])));
- Delete(ss, 1, Succ(byte(ss[1])))
- end
- end
+ BlockRead(f, buf[1], 255 - Length(ss), i);
+ if i > 0 then
+ begin
+ buf[0]:= i;
+ ss:= ss + s;
+ while (Length(ss) > 1)and(Length(ss) > byte(ss[1])) do
+ begin
+ ParseIPCCommand(copy(ss, 2, byte(ss[1])));
+ Delete(ss, 1, Succ(byte(ss[1])))
+ end
+ end
until i = 0;
@@ -202,14 +202,14 @@
procedure SendIPC(s: shortstring);
if IPCSock <> nil then
- begin
- SendEmptyPacketTicks:= 0;
- if s[0]>#251 then s[0]:= #251;
- SDLNet_Write16(GameTicks, @s[Succ(byte(s[0]))]);
- {$IFDEF DEBUGFILE}AddFileLog('IPC send: '+ s[1]);{$ENDIF}
- inc(s[0], 2);
- SDLNet_TCP_Send(IPCSock, @s, Succ(byte(s[0])))
- end
+ begin
+ SendEmptyPacketTicks:= 0;
+ if s[0]>#251 then s[0]:= #251;
+ SDLNet_Write16(GameTicks, @s[Succ(byte(s[0]))]);
+ {$IFDEF DEBUGFILE}AddFileLog('IPC send: '+ s[1]);{$ENDIF}
+ inc(s[0], 2);
+ SDLNet_TCP_Send(IPCSock, @s, Succ(byte(s[0])))
+ end
procedure SendIPCRaw(p: pointer; len: Longword);
@@ -256,88 +256,88 @@
inc(SendEmptyPacketTicks, Lag);
if (SendEmptyPacketTicks >= cSendEmptyPacketTime) then
- SendIPC('+')
+ SendIPC('+')
procedure NetGetNextCmd;
var tmpflag: boolean;
- s: shortstring;
- x16, y16: SmallInt;
+ s: shortstring;
+ x16, y16: SmallInt;
tmpflag:= true;
while (headcmd <> nil)
- and (tmpflag or (headcmd^.cmd = '#')) // '#' is the only cmd which can be sent within same tick after 'N'
- and ((GameTicks = hiTicks shl 16 + headcmd^.loTime)
- or (headcmd^.cmd = 's') // for these commands time is not specified
- or (headcmd^.cmd = '#')
- or (headcmd^.cmd = 'b')
- or (headcmd^.cmd = 'F')) do
- begin
- case headcmd^.cmd of
- '+': ; // do nothing - it is just an empty packet
- '#': inc(hiTicks);
- 'L': ParseCommand('+left', true);
- 'l': ParseCommand('-left', true);
- 'R': ParseCommand('+right', true);
- 'r': ParseCommand('-right', true);
- 'U': ParseCommand('+up', true);
- 'u': ParseCommand('-up', true);
- 'D': ParseCommand('+down', true);
- 'd': ParseCommand('-down', true);
- 'Z': ParseCommand('+precise', true);
- 'z': ParseCommand('-precise', true);
- 'A': ParseCommand('+attack', true);
- 'a': ParseCommand('-attack', true);
- 'S': ParseCommand('switch', true);
- 'j': ParseCommand('ljump', true);
- 'J': ParseCommand('hjump', true);
- ',': ParseCommand('skip', true);
- 's': begin
- s:= copy(headcmd^.str, 2, Pred(headcmd^.len));
- AddChatString(s);
- WriteLnToConsole(s)
- end;
- 'b': begin
- s:= copy(headcmd^.str, 2, Pred(headcmd^.len));
- AddChatString(#4 + s);
- WriteLnToConsole(s)
- end;
- 'F': TeamGone(copy(headcmd^.str, 2, Pred(headcmd^.len)));
- 'N': begin
- tmpflag:= false;
- {$IFDEF DEBUGFILE}AddFileLog('got cmd "N": time '+inttostr(hiTicks shl 16 + headcmd^.loTime)){$ENDIF}
- end;
- 'p': begin
- x16:= SDLNet_Read16(@(headcmd^.X));
- y16:= SDLNet_Read16(@(headcmd^.Y));
- doPut(x16, y16, false)
- end;
- 'P': begin
- // these are equations solved for CursorPoint
- // SDLNet_Read16(@(headcmd^.X)) == CursorPoint.X - WorldDx;
- // SDLNet_Read16(@(headcmd^.Y)) == cScreenHeight - CursorPoint.Y - WorldDy;
- CursorPoint.X:= SmallInt(SDLNet_Read16(@(headcmd^.X))) + WorldDx;
- CursorPoint.Y:= cScreenHeight - SmallInt(SDLNet_Read16(@(headcmd^.Y))) - WorldDy;
- end;
- 'w': ParseCommand('setweap ' + headcmd^.str[2], true);
- 't': ParseCommand('taunt ' + headcmd^.str[2], true);
- 'g': ParseCommand('newgrave', true);
- 'h': ParseCommand('hogsay ' + copy(headcmd^.str, 2, Pred(headcmd^.len)), true);
- '1'..'5': ParseCommand('timer ' + headcmd^.cmd, true);
- #128..char(128 + cMaxSlotIndex): ParseCommand('slot ' + char(byte(headcmd^.cmd) - 79), true)
- else
- OutError('Unexpected protocol command: ' + headcmd^.cmd, True)
- end;
- RemoveCmd
- end;
+ and (tmpflag or (headcmd^.cmd = '#')) // '#' is the only cmd which can be sent within same tick after 'N'
+ and ((GameTicks = hiTicks shl 16 + headcmd^.loTime)
+ or (headcmd^.cmd = 's') // for these commands time is not specified
+ or (headcmd^.cmd = '#')
+ or (headcmd^.cmd = 'b')
+ or (headcmd^.cmd = 'F')) do
+ begin
+ case headcmd^.cmd of
+ '+': ; // do nothing - it is just an empty packet
+ '#': inc(hiTicks);
+ 'L': ParseCommand('+left', true);
+ 'l': ParseCommand('-left', true);
+ 'R': ParseCommand('+right', true);
+ 'r': ParseCommand('-right', true);
+ 'U': ParseCommand('+up', true);
+ 'u': ParseCommand('-up', true);
+ 'D': ParseCommand('+down', true);
+ 'd': ParseCommand('-down', true);
+ 'Z': ParseCommand('+precise', true);
+ 'z': ParseCommand('-precise', true);
+ 'A': ParseCommand('+attack', true);
+ 'a': ParseCommand('-attack', true);
+ 'S': ParseCommand('switch', true);
+ 'j': ParseCommand('ljump', true);
+ 'J': ParseCommand('hjump', true);
+ ',': ParseCommand('skip', true);
+ 's': begin
+ s:= copy(headcmd^.str, 2, Pred(headcmd^.len));
+ AddChatString(s);
+ WriteLnToConsole(s)
+ end;
+ 'b': begin
+ s:= copy(headcmd^.str, 2, Pred(headcmd^.len));
+ AddChatString(#4 + s);
+ WriteLnToConsole(s)
+ end;
+ 'F': TeamGone(copy(headcmd^.str, 2, Pred(headcmd^.len)));
+ 'N': begin
+ tmpflag:= false;
+ {$IFDEF DEBUGFILE}AddFileLog('got cmd "N": time '+inttostr(hiTicks shl 16 + headcmd^.loTime)){$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ 'p': begin
+ x16:= SDLNet_Read16(@(headcmd^.X));
+ y16:= SDLNet_Read16(@(headcmd^.Y));
+ doPut(x16, y16, false)
+ end;
+ 'P': begin
+ // these are equations solved for CursorPoint
+ // SDLNet_Read16(@(headcmd^.X)) == CursorPoint.X - WorldDx;
+ // SDLNet_Read16(@(headcmd^.Y)) == cScreenHeight - CursorPoint.Y - WorldDy;
+ CursorPoint.X:= SmallInt(SDLNet_Read16(@(headcmd^.X))) + WorldDx;
+ CursorPoint.Y:= cScreenHeight - SmallInt(SDLNet_Read16(@(headcmd^.Y))) - WorldDy;
+ end;
+ 'w': ParseCommand('setweap ' + headcmd^.str[2], true);
+ 't': ParseCommand('taunt ' + headcmd^.str[2], true);
+ 'g': ParseCommand('newgrave', true);
+ 'h': ParseCommand('hogsay ' + copy(headcmd^.str, 2, Pred(headcmd^.len)), true);
+ '1'..'5': ParseCommand('timer ' + headcmd^.cmd, true);
+ #128..char(128 + cMaxSlotIndex): ParseCommand('slot ' + char(byte(headcmd^.cmd) - 79), true)
+ else
+ OutError('Unexpected protocol command: ' + headcmd^.cmd, True)
+ end;
+ RemoveCmd
+ end;
if (headcmd <> nil) and tmpflag and (not CurrentTeam^.hasGone) then
- TryDo(GameTicks < hiTicks shl 16 + headcmd^.loTime,
- 'oops, queue error. in buffer: ' + headcmd^.cmd +
- ' (' + inttostr(GameTicks) + ' > ' +
- inttostr(hiTicks shl 16 + headcmd^.loTime) + ')',
- true);
+ TryDo(GameTicks < hiTicks shl 16 + headcmd^.loTime,
+ 'oops, queue error. in buffer: ' + headcmd^.cmd +
+ ' (' + inttostr(GameTicks) + ' > ' +
+ inttostr(hiTicks shl 16 + headcmd^.loTime) + ')',
+ true);
isInLag:= (headcmd = nil) and tmpflag and (not CurrentTeam^.hasGone);
@@ -346,15 +346,15 @@
procedure init_uIO;
- IPCSock:= nil;
+ IPCSock:= nil;
- headcmd:= nil;
- lastcmd:= nil;
- isPonged:= false; // was const
+ headcmd:= nil;
+ lastcmd:= nil;
+ isPonged:= false; // was const
- hiTicks:= 0;
- SendEmptyPacketTicks:= 0;
- ipcPort:= 0;
+ hiTicks:= 0;
+ SendEmptyPacketTicks:= 0;
+ ipcPort:= 0;
procedure free_uIO;