changeset 11443 1a6148b4de3b
parent 10448 4cb727e029fa
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hedgewars/uFLThemes.pas	Tue Dec 01 23:40:38 2015 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+unit uFLThemes;
+function getThemesList: PPChar; cdecl;
+procedure freeThemesList(list: PPChar); cdecl;
+function getThemeIcon(themeName: PChar; buffer: PChar; buflen: Longword): Longword; cdecl;
+const colorsSet: array[0..8] of shortstring = (
+                                               '16712196'
+                                               , '4817089'
+                                               , '1959610'
+                                               , '11878895'
+                                               , '10526880'
+                                               , '2146048'
+                                               , '16681742'
+                                               , '6239749'
+                                               , '16776961');
+uses uPhysFSLayer;
+function getThemesList: PPChar; cdecl;
+var list, res, tmp: PPChar;
+    i, size: Longword;
+    list:= pfsEnumerateFiles('Themes');
+    size:= 0;
+    tmp:= list;
+    while tmp^ <> nil do
+    begin
+        inc(size);
+        inc(tmp)
+    end;
+    res:= GetMem((3 + size) * sizeof(PChar));
+    res^:= PChar(list);
+    inc(res);
+    res^:= PChar(res + size + 2);
+    inc(res);
+    getThemesList:= res;
+    for i:= 1 to size do
+    begin
+        if pfsExists('/Themes/' + shortstring(list^) + '/icon.png') then
+        begin
+            res^:= list^;
+            inc(res)
+        end;
+        inc(list)
+    end;
+    res^:= nil
+procedure freeThemesList(list: PPChar); cdecl;
+var listEnd: PPChar;
+    dec(list);
+    listEnd:= PPChar(list^);
+    dec(list);
+    pfsFreeList(PPChar(list^));
+    freeMem(list, (listEnd - list) * sizeof(PChar))
+function getThemeIcon(themeName: PChar; buffer: PChar; buflen: Longword): Longword; cdecl;
+var s: shortstring;
+    f: PFSFile;
+    s:= '/Themes/' + shortstring(themeName) + '/icon@2x.png';
+    f:= pfsOpenRead(s);
+    if f = nil then
+        getThemeIcon:= 0
+    else
+    begin
+        getThemeIcon:= pfsBlockRead(f, buffer, buflen);
+        pfsClose(f)
+    end;