changeset 11034 a9bafac12634
child 12229 d62d6f8ebef1
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11033:2a5520837036 11034:a9bafac12634
     1 --[=[
     2 Speed Shoppa Mission Framework for Hedgewars
     4 This is a simple library intended to make setting up simple training missions a trivial
     5 task. The library has been created to reduce redundancy in Lua scripts.
     7 The framework generates complete and fully Speed Shoppa missions by just
     8 one function call.
    10 The missions generated by this script are all the same:
    11 - The player will get a team with a single hedgehog.
    12 - The team gets infinite ropes.
    13 - A fixed set of crates will spawn at predefined positions.
    14 - The mission ends successfully when all crates have been collected
    15 - The mission ends unsuccessfully when the time runs out or the hedgehog dies
    16 - When the mission ends, the time it took to finish the mission is shown
    18 To use this library, you first have to load it and to call SpeedShoppaMission once with
    19 the appropriate parameters. Really, that’s all!
    20 See the comment of SpeedShoppaMission for a specification of all parameters.
    22 ]=]
    24 HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Locale.lua")
    26 --[[
    27 SpeedShoppaMission(params)
    29 This function sets up the *entire* mission and needs one argument: params.
    30 The argument “params” is a table containing fields which describe the training mission.
    31 	mandatory fields:
    32 	- map:			the name of the map to be used
    33 	- theme:		the name of the theme (does not need to be a standalone theme)
    34 	- time:			the time limit in milliseconds
    35 	- crates:		The coordinates of where the crates will be spawned.
    36 				It is a table containing tables containing coordinates of format
    37 				{ x=value, y=value }. Example:
    38 					crates = {
    39 						{ x = 324, y = 43 },
    40 						{ x = 123, y = 56 },
    41 						{ x = 6, y = 0 },
    42 					}
    43 				There must be at least 1 crate.
    45 	optional fields:
    46 	- missionTitle:		the name of the mission (optional but highly recommended) (default: "Speed Shoppa")
    47 	- hogHat:		hat of the hedgehog (default: "NoHat")
    48 	- hogName:		name of the hedgehog (default: "Roper")
    49 	- teamName:		name of the hedgehog’s team (default: "Shoppers")
    50 	- teamGrave:		name of the hedgehog’s grave (default: "Statue")
    51 	- teamFlag:		name of the team’s flag (default: "cm_shoppa")
    52 	- clanColor:		color of the (only) clan (default: 0xFF0204, which is a red tone)
    53 	- goalText:		A short string explaining the goal of the mission
    54 				(default: "Use your rope to collect all crates as fast as possible.")
    55 	- faceLeft:		If true, the hog faces to the left initially, if false, it faces to the right.
    56 				(default: false (=right))
    57 	- crateType		Specify the type of crate (this has no gameplay effect), pick one of
    58 				"ammo", "utility", "health". Default: "ammo"
    59 	- extra_onGameStart:	A function which is called at the end of this script's onGameStart. It takes no parameters.
    60 				You could use this to spawn additional gears like girders or mines.
    61 	- extra_onGameInit:	A function which is called at the end of this script's onGameInit.
    62 ]]
    65 local playerHog
    66 local gameStarted = false
    67 local cratesCollected = 0
    68 local gameEnded = false
    69 local timeOut = false
    70 local hogHurt = false
    71 local endTime
    73 local crates
    75 function SpeedShoppaMission(params)
    76 	if params.hogHat == nil then params.hogHat = "NoHat" end
    77 	if params.hogName == nil then params.hogName = loc("Roper") end
    78 	if params.teamName == nil then params.teamName = loc("Shoppers") end
    79 	if params.goalText == nil then params.goalText = loc("Use your rope to collect all crates as fast as possible.") end
    80 	if params.missionTitle == nil then params.missionTitle = loc("Speed Shoppa") end
    81 	if params.clanColor == nil then params.clanColor = 0xFF0204 end
    82 	if params.teamGrave == nil then params.teamGrave = "Statue" end
    83 	if params.teamFlag == nil then params.teamFlag = "cm_shoppa" end
    84 	if params.extra_onGameInit == nil then params.extra_onGameInit = function() end end
    85 	if params.extra_onGameStart == nil then params.extra_onGameStart = function() end end
    86 	if params.faceLeft == nil then params.faceLeft = false end
    88 	crates = params.crates
    89 	startTime = params.time
    91 	_G.onGameInit = function()
    92 		GameFlags = gfDisableWind + gfOneClanMode + gfBorder + gfSolidLand
    93 		TurnTime = startTime
    94 		CaseFreq = 0 
    95 		MinesNum = 0 
    96 		Explosives = 0 
    97 		Delay = 10 
    98 		Theme = params.theme
    99 		Map =
   101 		AddTeam(params.teamName, params.clanColor, params.teamGrave, "Castle", "Default", params.teamFlag)
   102 		playerHog = AddHog(params.hogName, 0, 1, params.hogHat)
   103 		HogTurnLeft(playerHog, params.faceLeft)
   105 		SetGearPosition(playerHog, params.hog_x, params.hog_y)
   107 		params.extra_onGameInit()
   108 	end
   110 	_G.onAmmoStoreInit = function()
   111 		SetAmmo(amRope, 9, 0, 0, 1)
   112 	end
   114 	_G.onGameStart = function()
   115 		SendHealthStatsOff()
   116 		ShowMission(params.missionTitle, loc("Challenge"), params.goalText, -amRope, 5000) 
   117 		for i=1,#crates do
   118 			spawnCrate(crates[i].x, crates[i].y)
   119 		end
   120 		params.extra_onGameStart()
   121 	end
   123 	_G.onNewTurn = function()
   124 		SetWeapon(amRope)
   125 		gameStarted = true
   126 	end
   127 	_G.onGearDelete = function(gear)
   128 		if GetGearType(gear) == gtCase and not hogHurt and not timeOut then
   129 			cratesCollected = cratesCollected + 1
   130 			PlaySound(sndShotgunReload)
   131 			if cratesCollected == #crates then
   132 				endTime = TurnTimeLeft
   133 				finalize()
   134 			else
   135 				AddCaption(string.format(loc("%d crate(s) remaining"), #crates - cratesCollected))
   136 			end
   137 		elseif gear == playerHog then
   138 			finalize()
   139 		end
   140 	end
   142 	_G.onGearDamage = function(gear)
   143 		if gear == playerHog then
   144 			hogHurt = true
   145 		end
   146 	end
   149 	_G.onGameTick20 = function()
   150 		if TurnTimeLeft < 40 and TurnTimeLeft > 0 and gameStarted and not timeOut and not gameEnded then
   151 			timeOut = true
   152 			AddCaption(loc("Time's up!"))
   153 			SetHealth(playerHog, 0)
   154 			hogHurt = true
   155 		end
   156 	end
   158 	_G.finalize = function()
   159 		if not gameEnded then
   160 			if cratesCollected == #crates then
   161 				PlaySound(sndVictory, playerHog)
   162 				SetState(playerHog, bor(GetState(playerHog), gstWinner))
   163 				SetState(playerHog, band(GetState(playerHog), bnot(gstHHDriven)))
   164 				AddCaption(loc("Challenge completed!"))
   165 				SendStat(siGameResult, loc("Challenge completed!"))
   166 				SendStat(siPointType, loc("milliseconds"))
   167 				local time = startTime - endTime
   168 				SendStat(siPlayerKills, tostring(time), params.teamName)
   169 				SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("You have finished the challenge in %.3f s."), (time/1000)))
   170 				TurnTimeLeft = 0
   171 			else
   172 				SendStat(siGameResult, loc("Challenge failed!"))
   173 				SendStat(siPointType, loc("crate(s)"))
   174 				SendStat(siPlayerKills, tostring(cratesCollected), params.teamName)
   175 				SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("You have collected %d out of %d crate(s)."), cratesCollected, #crates))
   176 			end
   177 			gameEnded = true
   178 			EndGame()
   179 		end
   180 	end
   182 	_G.spawnCrate = function(x, y)
   183 		if params.crateType == "utility" then
   184 			SpawnFakeUtilityCrate(x, y, false, false)
   185 		elseif params.crateType == "ammo" then
   186 			SpawnFakeAmmoCrate(x, y, false, false)
   187 		elseif params.crateType == "health" then
   188 			SpawnFakeHealthCrate(x, y, false, false)
   189 		else
   190 			SpawnFakeAmmoCrate(x, y, false, false)
   191 		end
   192 	end
   194 end