changeset 15515 7030706266df
parent 14933 4c5fb1ee75b7
equal deleted inserted replaced
7861:bc7b6aa5d67a 15515:7030706266df
     1 --[=[
     2 Target Practice Mission Framework for Hedgewars
     4 This is a simple library intended to make setting up simple training missions a trivial
     5 task requiring just. The library has been created to reduce redundancy in Lua scripts.
     7 The training framework generates complete and fully usable training missions by just
     8 one function call.
    10 The missions generated by this script are all the same:
    11 - The player will get a team with a single hedgehog.
    12 - The team gets a single predefined weapon infinitely times.
    13 - A fixed sequence of targets will spawn at predefined positions.
    14 - When a target has been destroyed, the next target of the target sequence appears
    15 - The mission ends successfully when all targets have been destroyed
    16 - The mission ends unsuccessfully when the time runs out or the hedgehog dies
    17 - When the mission ends, a score is awarded, based on the performance (hit targets,
    18   accuracy and remaining time) of the hedgehog. When not all targets are hit, there
    19   will be no accuracy and time bonuses.
    21 To use this library, you first have to load it and to call TrainingMission once with
    22 the appropriate parameters. Really, that’s all!
    23 See the comment of TrainingMission for a specification of all parameters.
    25 Below is a template for your convenience, you just have to fill in the fields and delete
    26 optional arguments you don’t want.
    27 ----- snip -----
    28 HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Training.lua")
    29 params = {
    30 	missionTitle = ,
    31 	map = ,
    32 	theme = ,
    33 	time = ,
    34 	ammoType = ,
    35 	gearType = ,
    36 	secondaryGearType = ,
    37 	targets = {
    38 		{ x = , y = },
    39 		{ x = , y = },
    40 		-- etc.
    41 	},
    43 	wind = ,
    44 	solidLand = ,
    45 	artillery = ,
    46 	clanColor = ,
    47 	goalText = ,
    48 	shootText =
    49 }
    50 TargetPracticeMission(params)
    51 ----- snip -----
    52 ]=]
    54 HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Utils.lua")
    55 HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Locale.lua")
    57 local player = nil
    58 local scored = 0
    59 local shots = 0
    60 local end_timer = 1000
    61 local game_lost = false
    62 local time_goal = 0
    63 local total_targets
    64 local targets
    65 local target_radar = false
    66 local next_target_circle = nil
    67 local gearsInGameCount = 0
    68 local gearsInGame = {}
    70 --[[
    71 TrainingMission(params)
    73 This function sets up the *entire* training mission and needs one argument: params.
    74 The argument “params” is a table containing fields which describe the training mission.
    75 	mandatory fields:
    76 	- missionTitle:	the name of the mission
    77 	- map:		the name map to be used
    78 	- theme:	the name of the theme (does not need to be a standalone theme)
    79 	- time:		the time limit in milliseconds
    80 	- ammoType:	the ammo type of the weapon to be used
    81 	- gearType:	the gear type of the gear which is fired (used to count shots and re-center camera)
    82 	- targets:	The coordinates of where the targets will be spawned.
    83 			It is a table containing tables containing coordinates of format
    84 			{ x=value, y=value }. The targets will be spawned in the same
    85 			order as specified the coordinate tables appear. Example:
    86 				targets = {
    87 					{ x = 324, y = 43 },
    88 					{ x = 123, y = 56 },
    89 					{ x = 6, y = 0 },
    90 				}
    91 			There must be at least 1 target.
    93 	optional fields:
    94 	- wind:		the initial wind (-100 to 100) (default: 0 (no wind))
    95 	- solidLand:	weather the terrain is indestructible (default: false)
    96 	- artillery:	if true, the hog can’t move (default: false)
    97 	- secGearType:	cluster of projectile gear (if present) (used to re-center camera)
    98 	- clanColor:	color of the (only) clan (default: -1, default first clan color)
    99 	- faceLeft:	if true, hog starts facing left, otherwise right (default: false)
   100 	- goalText:	A short string explaining the goal of the mission
   101 			(default: "Destroy all targets within the time!")
   102 	- shootText:	A string which says how many times the player shot, “%d” is replaced
   103 			by the number of shots. (default: "You have shot %d times.")
   104 	- useRadar	Whether to use target radar (small circles that mark the position
   105 			of the next target). (default: true). Note: Still needs to be unlocked.
   106 	- radarTint:	RGBA color of the target radar  (default: 0xFF3030FF). Use this field
   107 			if the target radar would be hard to see against the background.
   108 ]]
   111 local getTargetsScore = function()
   112 	return scored * math.ceil(6000/#targets)
   113 end
   115 function TargetPracticeMission(params)
   116 	if params.goalText == nil then params.goalText = loc("Eliminate all targets before your time runs out.|You have unlimited ammo for this mission.") end
   117 	if params.shootText == nil then params.shootText = loc("You have shot %d times.") end
   118 	if params.clanColor == nil then params.clanColor = -1 end
   119 	if params.faceLeft == nil then params.faceLeft = false end
   120 	if params.wind == nil then params.wind = 0 end
   121 	if params.radarTint == nil then params.radarTint = 0xFF3030FF end
   122 	if params.useRadar == nil then params.useRadar = true end
   124 	local solid, artillery
   125 	if params.solidLand == true then solid = gfSolidLand else solid = 0 end
   126 	if params.artillery == true then artillery = gfArtillery else artillery = 0 end
   128 	targets = params.targets
   130 	total_targets = #targets
   132 	_G.onAmmoStoreInit = function()
   133 		SetAmmo(params.ammoType, 9, 0, 0, 0)
   134 	end
   136 	_G.onGameInit = function()
   137 		Seed = 1
   138 		ClearGameFlags()
   139 		local attackMode
   140 		if (params.ammoType == amBee) then
   141 			attackMode = gfInfAttack
   142 		else
   143 			attackMode = gfMultiWeapon
   144 		end
   145 		EnableGameFlags(gfDisableWind, attackMode, gfOneClanMode, solid, artillery)
   146 		TurnTime = params.time
   147 		Map =
   148 		Theme = params.theme
   149 		Goals = params.goalText
   150 		CaseFreq = 0
   151 		MinesNum = 0
   152 		Explosives = 0
   153 		-- Disable Sudden Death
   154 		WaterRise = 0
   155 		HealthDecrease = 0
   157 		SetWind(params.wind)
   159 		AddMissionTeam(params.clanColor)
   161 		player = AddMissionHog(1)
   162 		SetGearPosition(player, params.hog_x, params.hog_y)
   163 		HogTurnLeft(player, params.faceLeft)
   165 		local won = GetMissionVar("Won")
   166 		-- Unlock the target radar when the player has completed
   167 		-- the target practice before (any score).
   168 		-- Target radar might be disabled by config, however.
   169 		if won == "true" and params.useRadar == true then
   170 			target_radar = true
   171 		end
   173 	end
   175 	_G.onGameStart = function()
   176 		SendHealthStatsOff()
   177 		local recordInfo = getReadableChallengeRecord("Highscore")
   178 		ShowMission(params.missionTitle, loc("Aiming practice"), params.goalText .. "|" .. recordInfo, -params.ammoType, 5000)
   179 		SetTeamLabel(GetHogTeamName(player), "0")
   180 		spawnTarget()
   181 	end
   183 	_G.onNewTurn = function()
   184 		SetWeapon(params.ammoType)
   185 	end
   187 	_G.spawnTarget = function()
   188 		-- Spawn next target
   189 		local gear = AddGear(0, 0, gtTarget, 0, 0, 0, 0)
   191 		local x = targets[scored+1].x
   192 		local y = targets[scored+1].y
   194 		SetGearPosition(gear, x, y)
   196 		-- Target radar: Highlight position of the upcoming target.
   197 		-- This must be unlocked by the player first.
   198 		if target_radar then
   199 			if (not next_target_circle) and targets[scored+2] then
   200 				next_target_circle = AddVisualGear(0,0,vgtCircle,90,true)
   201 			end
   202 			if targets[scored+2] then
   203 				SetVisualGearValues(next_target_circle, targets[scored+2].x, targets[scored+2].y, 205, 255, 1, 20, nil, nil, 3, params.radarTint)
   204 			elseif next_target_circle then
   205 				DeleteVisualGear(next_target_circle)
   206 				next_target_circle = nil
   207 			end
   208 		end
   210 		return gear
   211 	end
   213 	_G.onGameTick20 = function()
   214 		if TurnTimeLeft < 40 and TurnTimeLeft > 0 and scored < total_targets and game_lost == false then
   215 			game_lost = true
   216 			AddCaption(loc("Time’s up!"), capcolDefault, capgrpGameState)
   217 			SetHealth(player, 0)
   218 			time_goal = 1
   219 		end
   221 		if band(GetState(player), gstDrowning) == gstDrowning and game_lost == false and scored < total_targets then
   222 			game_lost = true
   223 			time_goal = 1
   224 		end
   226 		if scored == total_targets  or game_lost then
   227 			if end_timer == 0 then
   228 				generateStats()
   229 				EndGame()
   230 				if scored == total_targets then
   231 					SetState(player, gstWinner)
   232 				end
   233 			end
   234 			end_timer = end_timer - 20
   235 		end
   237 		for gear, _ in pairs(gearsInGame) do
   238 			if band(GetState(gear), gstDrowning) ~= 0 then
   239 				-- Re-center camera on hog if projectile gears drown
   240 				gearsInGame[gear] = nil
   241 				gearsInGameCount = gearsInGameCount - 1
   242 				if gearsInGameCount == 0 and GetHealth(CurrentHedgehog) then
   243 					FollowGear(CurrentHedgehog)
   244 				end
   245 			end
   246 		end
   247 	end
   249 	_G.onGearAdd = function(gear)
   250 		if GetGearType(gear) == params.gearType then
   251 			shots = shots + 1
   252 		end
   253 		if GetGearType(gear) == params.gearType or (params.secGearType and GetGearType(gear) == params.secGearType) then
   254 			gearsInGameCount = gearsInGameCount + 1
   255 			gearsInGame[gear] = true
   256 		end
   257 	end
   259 	_G.onGearDamage = function(gear, damage)
   260 		if GetGearType(gear) == gtTarget then
   261 			scored = scored + 1
   262 			SetTeamLabel(GetHogTeamName(player), tostring(getTargetsScore()))
   263 			if scored < total_targets then
   264 				AddCaption(string.format(loc("Targets left: %d"), (total_targets-scored)), capcolDefault, capgrpMessage)
   265 				spawnTarget()
   266 			else
   267 				if not game_lost then
   268 					SaveMissionVar("Won", "true")
   269 					AddCaption(loc("You have destroyed all targets!"), capcolDefault, capgrpGameState)
   270 					ShowMission(params.missionTitle, loc("Aiming practice"), loc("Congratulations! You have destroyed all targets within the time."), 0, 0)
   271 					if shots <= scored then
   272 						-- No misses!
   273 						PlaySound(sndFlawless, player)
   274 					else
   275 						PlaySound(sndVictory, player)
   276 					end
   277 					SetEffect(player, heInvulnerable, 1)
   278 					time_goal = TurnTimeLeft
   279 					-- Disable control
   280 					SetInputMask(0)
   281 					AddAmmo(player, params.ammoType, 0)
   282 					SetTurnTimePaused(true)
   283 				end
   284 			end
   285 		end
   287 		if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then
   288 			if not game_lost then
   289 				game_lost = true
   291 				SetHealth(player, 0)
   292 				time_goal = 1
   293 			end
   294 		end
   295 	end
   297 	_G.onGearDelete = function(gear)
   298 		if GetGearType(gear) == gtTarget and band(GetState(gear), gstDrowning) ~= 0 then
   299 			AddCaption(loc("You lost your target, try again!"), capcolDefault, capgrpGameState)
   300 			local newTarget = spawnTarget()
   301 			local x, y = GetGearPosition(newTarget)
   302 			local success = PlaceSprite(x, y + 24, sprAmGirder, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, false, false, false)
   303 			if not success then
   304 				WriteLnToConsole("ERROR: Failed to spawn girder under respawned target!")
   305 			end
   306 		elseif gearsInGame[gear] then
   307 			gearsInGame[gear] = nil
   308 			gearsInGameCount = gearsInGameCount - 1
   309 			if gearsInGameCount == 0 and GetHealth(CurrentHedgehog) then
   310 				-- Re-center camera to hog after all projectile gears were destroyed
   311 				FollowGear(CurrentHedgehog)
   312 			end
   313 		end
   314 	end
   316 	_G.generateStats = function()
   317 		local accuracy, accuracy_int
   318 		if(shots > 0) then
   319 			accuracy = (scored/shots)*100
   320 			accuracy_int = div(scored*100, shots)
   321 		end
   322 		local end_score_targets = getTargetsScore()
   323 		local end_score_overall
   324 		if not game_lost then
   325 			local end_score_time = math.ceil(time_goal/(params.time/6000))
   326 			local end_score_accuracy = 0
   327 			if(shots > 0) then
   328 				end_score_accuracy = math.ceil(accuracy * 60)
   329 			end
   330 			end_score_overall = end_score_time + end_score_targets + end_score_accuracy
   331 			SetTeamLabel(GetHogTeamName(player), tostring(end_score_overall))
   333 			SendStat(siGameResult, loc("You have finished the target practice!"))
   335 			SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("You have destroyed %d of %d targets (+%d points)."), scored, total_targets, end_score_targets))
   336 			SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(params.shootText, shots))
   337 			if(shots > 0) then
   338 				SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("Your accuracy was %.1f%% (+%d points)."), accuracy, end_score_accuracy))
   339 			end
   340 			SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("You had %.1fs remaining on the clock (+%d points)."), (time_goal/1000), end_score_time))
   341 			if (not target_radar) and (#targets > 1) and (params.useRadar == true) then
   342 				SendStat(siCustomAchievement, loc("You have unlocked the target radar!"))
   343 			end
   345 			if(shots > 0) then
   346 				updateChallengeRecord("AccuracyRecord", accuracy_int)
   347 			end
   348 		else
   349 			SendStat(siGameResult, loc("Challenge over!"))
   351 			SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("You have destroyed %d of %d targets (+%d points)."), scored, total_targets, end_score_targets))
   352 			SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(params.shootText, shots))
   353 			if(shots > 0) then
   354 				SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("Your accuracy was %.1f%%."), accuracy))
   355 			end
   356 			end_score_overall = end_score_targets
   357 		end
   358 		SendStat(siPointType, "!POINTS")
   359 		SendStat(siPlayerKills, tostring(end_score_overall), GetHogTeamName(player))
   360 		-- Update highscore
   361 		updateChallengeRecord("Highscore", end_score_overall)
   362 	end
   363 end