changeset 15515 7030706266df
parent 15096 5c8c729a16ce
equal deleted inserted replaced
7861:bc7b6aa5d67a 15515:7030706266df
     1 --[=[
     2 = Simple Mission Framework for Hedgewars =
     4 This is a simple library intended to make setting up simple missions an
     5 easy task for Lua scripters. The entire game logic and coding is
     6 abtracted away in a single function which you just need to feed
     7 a large definition table in which you define gears, goals, etc.
     9 This is ideal for missions in which you set up the entire scenario
    10 from the start and don't need any complex in-mission events.
    11 BUT! This is NOT suited for missions with scripted events, cut-scenes,
    12 branching story, etc.
    14 This library has the following features:
    15 * Add teams, clans, hogs
    16 * Spawn gears
    17 * Sensible defaults for almost everything
    18 * Set custom goals or use the default one (kill all enemies)
    19 * Add non-goals to fail the mission
    20 * Checks victory and failure automatically
    22 To use this library, you first have to load it and to call SimpleMission once with
    23 the appropriate parameters.
    24 See the comment of SimpleMission for a specification of all parameters.
    26 ]=]
    28 HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Locale.lua")
    29 HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Tracker.lua")
    30 HedgewarsScriptLoad("/Scripts/Utils.lua")
    32 --[[
    33 SimpleMission(params)
    35 This function sets up the *entire* mission and needs one argument: params.
    36 The argument “params” is a table containing fields which describe the mission.
    38 	Mandatory fields:
    39 	- teams:		Table of teams. There must be 1-8 teams.
    41 	Optional fields
    42 	- ammoConfig		Table containing basic ammo values (default: infinite skip only)
    43 	- initVars		Table where you set up environment parameters such as MinesNum.
    44 	- wind			If set, the wind will permanently set to this value (-100..100). Implies gfDisableWind
    45 	- gears:		Table of objects.
    46 	- girders		Table of girders
    47 	- rubbers		Table of rubbers
    49 	AMMO
    50 	- ammoType		ammo type
    51 	- delay			delay (default: 0)
    52 	- numberInCrate		ammo per crate (default: 1)
    53 	- count			default starter ammo for everyone, 9 for infinite (default: 0)
    54 	- probability		probability in crates (default: 0)
    56 	TEAM DATA
    57 	- isMissionTeam		if true, this is the player's chosen team for this mission (default: false)
    58 	- hogs			table of hedgehogs in this team (must contain at least 1 hog)
    59 	- clanID		ID of the clan to which this team belongs to. Counting starts at 0.
    60 				By default, each team goes into its own clan.
    61 				Important: The clan of the player and allies MUST be 0.
    62 				Important: You MUST either set the clan ID explicitly for all teams or none of them.
    63 	These arguments will be ignored if this is a mission team:
    64 	- name			team name
    65 	- flag			flag name (default: hedgewars)
    66 	- grave			grave name (has default grave for each team)
    67 	- fort			fort name (default: Castle)
    68 	- voice			voicepack (default: Default_qau)
    71 	- id			optional identifier for goals
    72 	- health		hog health (default: 100)
    73 	- ammo			table of ammo types
    74 	- x, y			hog position (default: spawns randomly on land)
    75 	- poisoned		if true, hedgehog starts poisoned with 5 poison damage. Set to a number for other poison damage (default: false)
    76 	- frozen		if true, hedgehogs starts frozen (default: false)
    77 	- faceLeft		initial facing direction. true=left, false=false (default: false)
    78 	These arguments will be ignored if the hog is in a mission team:
    79 	- name			hog name
    80 	- botLevel		1-5: Bot level (lower=stronger). 0=human player (default: 0)
    81 	- hat			hat name (default: NoHat)
    83 	GEAR TYPES:
    84 	- type			gear type
    85 	ALL types:
    86 		id		optional identifier for goals
    87 		x		x coordinate of starting position (default: 0)
    88 		y		y coordinate of starting position (default: 0)
    89 		dx		initial x speed (default: 0)
    90 		dy		initial y speed (default: 0)
    91 	- type=gtMine		Mine
    92 		timer 		Mine timer (only for non-duds). Default: MinesTime
    93 		isDud		Whether the mine is a dud. default: false
    94 		isFrozen	Whether the mine is frozen. If true, it implies being a dud as well. Default: false
    95 		health 		Initial health of dud mines. Has no effect if isDud=false. Default: 36
    96 	- type=gtSMine		Sticky mine
    97 		timer		Timer. Default: 500
    98 	- type=gtAirMine	Air mine
    99 		timer		Timer. Default: (MinesTime/1000 * 250)
   100 	- type=gtExplosives	Barrel
   101 		health		Initial health. Default: 60
   102 		isFrozen	Whether the barrel is frozen. Default: true with health > 60, false otherwise
   103 		isRolling	Whether the barrel starts in “rolling” state. Default: false
   104 	- type=gtCase		Crate
   105 		crateType	"health": Health crate
   106 				"supply": Ammo or utility crate (select crate type automatically)
   107 				"supply_ammo_explicit": Ammo crate (not recommened)
   108 				"supply_utility_explicit": Utility crate (not recommededn)
   109 		ammoType	Contained ammo (only for ammo and utility crates).
   110 		health		Contained health (only for health crates). Default: HealthCaseAmount
   111 		isFrozen	Whether the crate is frozen. Default: false
   112 	- type=gtKnife		Cleaver
   113 	- type=gtTarget		Target
   115 	GOALS:
   116 	Note: If there are at least two opposing teams, a default goal is used, which is to defeat all the enemies of the
   117 	player's team. If this is what you want, you can skip this section.
   119 	The default goal is overwritten as if customGoals has been set. Set customGoals and other related parameters for
   120 	defining your own special goals. In this case, the mission is won if all customGoals are completed.
   121 	Note the mission will always fail if the player's hedgehogs and all their allies have been defeated.
   122 	If there is only one team (for the player), there is no default goal and one must be set explicitly.
   123 	- customGoals		Table of custom goals (see below). All of them must be met to win. Some goal types might fail,
   124 				rendering the mission unwinnable and leading to the loss of the mission. An example is
   125 				blowing up a crate which you should have collected.ed.
   126 	- customNonGoals	Table of non-goals, the player loses if one of them is achieved
   127 	- customGoalCheck	When to check goals and non-goals. Values: "instant" (default), "turnStart", "turnEnd"
   129 	- missionTitle:		The name of the mission (highly recommended)
   130 	- missionIcon:		Icon of the mission panel, see documentation of ShowMission in the Lua API
   131 	- goalText:		A short string explaining the goal of the mission (use this if you set custom goals).
   133 	GOAL TYPES:
   134 	- type			name of goal type
   135 	- failText		Optional. For non-goals, this text will be shown in the stats if mission fails due to this non-goal
   136 				being completed. For goals which fail, this text will be displayed at failure. Note that
   137 				all normal goals have sensible default fail texts.
   138 	- type="destroy"	Gear must be destroyed
   139 		- id		Gear to destroy
   140 	- type="teamDefeat"	Team must be defeated
   141 		- teamName	Name of team to defeat
   142 	- type="collect"	Crate must be collected
   143 		FAIL CONDITION:	Crate taken by enemy, or destroyed
   144 		- id		ID of crate gear to collect
   145 		- collectors	Optional table of gear IDs, any one of which must collect the gear (but nobody else!).
   146 				By default, this is for the player's teams and allies.
   147 	- type="turns"		Achieved when a number of turns has been played
   148 		- turns 	Number of played turns 
   149 	- type="rounds"		Achieved when a number of rounds has been played
   150 		- rounds	Number of played rounds
   151 	- type="suddenDeath"	Sudden Death has started
   152 	- type="inZone"		A gear is within given coordinate bounds. Each of xMin, xMax, yMin and yMax is a sub-goal.
   153 				Each sub-goal is only checked if not nil.
   154 				You can use this to check if a gear left, right, above or below a given coordinate.
   155 				To check if the gear is within a rectangle, just set all 4 sub-goals.
   156 		FAIL CONDITION:	Gear destroyed
   157 		- id		Gear to watch
   158 		- xMin		gear's X coordinate must be lower than this
   159 		- xMax		gear's X coordinate must be higher than this
   160 		- yMin		gear's Y coordinate must be lower than this
   161 		- yMax		gear's Y coordinate must be higher than this
   162 	- type="distGearPos"	Distance between a gear and a fixed position
   163 		FAIL CONDITION:	Gear destroyed
   164 		- distance	goal distance to compare to
   165 		- relationship	"greaterThan" or "smallerThan"
   166 		- id		gear to watch
   167 		- x		x coordinate to reach
   168 		- y		y coordinate to reach
   169 	- type="distGearGear"	Distance between two gears
   170 		FAIL CONDITION:	Any of both gears destroyed
   171 		- distance	goal distance to compare to
   172 		- relationship	"greaterThan" or "smallerThan"
   173 		- id1		first gear to compare
   174 		- id2		second gear to compare
   175 	- type="damage"		Gear took damage or was destroyed
   176 		- id		Gear to watch
   177 		- damage	Minimum amount of damage to take at a single blow. Default: 1
   178 		- canDestroy	If false, this goal will fail if the gear was destroyed without taking the required damage
   179 	- type="drown"		Gear has drowned
   180 		FAIL CONDITION:	Gear destroyed by other means
   181 		- id		Gear to watch
   182 	- type="poison"		Gear must be poisoned
   183 		FAIL CONDITION:	Gear destroyed
   184 		- id		Gear to be poisoned
   185 	- type="cure"		Gear must exist and be free from poisoning
   186 		FAIL CONDITION:	Gear destroyed
   187 		- id		Gear to check
   188 	- type="freeze"		Gear must exist and be frozen
   189 		FAIL CONDITION:	Gear destroyed
   190 		- id		Gear to be frozen
   191 	- type="melt"		Gear must exist and be unfrozen
   192 		FAIL CONDITION:	Gear destroyed
   193 		- id		Gear to check
   194 	- type="waterSkip"	Gear must have skipped over water
   195 		FAIL CONDITION:	Gear destroyed before it reached the required number of skips
   196 		- id
   197 		- skips		Total number of water skips required at least (default: 1)
   199 ]]
   201 local goals
   202 local teamHogs = {}
   204 --[[
   206 ]]
   208 local defaultGraves = {
   209 	"Grave", "Statue", "pyramid", "Simple", "skull", "Badger", "Duck2", "Flower"
   210 }
   211 local defaultFlags = {
   212 	"hedgewars", "cm_birdy", "cm_eyes", "cm_spider", "cm_kiwi", "cm_scout", "cm_skull", "cm_bars"
   213 }
   215 -- Utility functions
   217 -- Returns value if it is non-nil, otherwise returns default
   218 local function def(value, default)
   219 	if value == nil then
   220 		return default
   221 	else
   222 		return value
   223 	end
   224 end
   226 local errord = false
   228 -- This function generates the mission. See above for the meaning of params.
   229 function SimpleMission(params)
   230 	if params.missionTitle == nil then
   231 		params.missionTitle = loc("Scenario")
   232 	end
   233 	if params.missionIcon == nil then
   234 		params.missionIcon = 1 -- target icon
   235 	end
   236 	if params.goalText == nil then
   237 		params.goalText = loc("Eliminate the enemy.")
   238 	end
   239 	if params.customGoalCheck == nil and (params.customGoals ~= nil or params.customNonGoals ~= nil) then
   240 		params.customGoalCheck = "instant"
   241 	end
   243 = {}
   245 = false
   247 	-- Number of completed turns
   248 = 0
   250 = {}
   252 = params
   254 = false
   256 = 0
   258 = false
   260 = function(winningClan, customAchievements)
   261 		for t=0, TeamsCount-1 do
   262 			local team = GetTeamName(t)
   263 			local stats = GetTeamStats(team)
   264 			local clan = GetTeamClan(team)
   265 			if clan == winningClan then
   266 				SendStat(siPlayerKills, stats.Kills, team)
   267 			end
   268 		end
   269 		for t=0, TeamsCount-1 do
   270 			local team = GetTeamName(t)
   271 			local stats = GetTeamStats(team)
   272 			local clan = GetTeamClan(team)
   273 			if clan ~= winningClan then
   274 				SendStat(siPlayerKills, stats.Kills, team)
   275 			end
   276 		end
   277 		if customAchievements ~= nil then
   278 			for a=1, #customAchievements do
   279 				SendStat(siCustomAchievement, customAchievements[a])
   280 			end
   281 		end
   282 	end
   284 = function(gearSmid)
   285 		local gear =[gearSmid]
   286 		if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then
   287 			return string.format(loc("%s is dead, who was critical to this mission!"), GetHogName(gear))
   288 		else
   289 			return loc("We have lost an object which was critical to this mission.")
   290 		end
   291 	end
   293 = function(goal)
   294 		if goal.type == "destroy" then
   295 			return getGearValue([], "sm_destroyed")
   296 		elseif goal.type == "collect" then
   297 			local collector = getGearValue([], "sm_collected")
   298 			if collector then
   299 				if not goal.collectors then
   300 					if GetHogClan(collector) == then
   301 						return true
   302 					else
   303 						-- Fail if the crate was collected by enemy
   304 						return "fail", loc("The enemy has taken a crate which we really needed!")
   305 					end
   306 				else
   307 					for c=1, #goal.collectors do
   308 						if[goal.collectors[c]] == collector then
   309 							return true
   310 						end
   311 					end
   312 					-- Fail if the crate was collected by someone who was not supposed to get it
   313 					return "fail", loc("The wrong hedgehog has taken the crate.")
   314 				end
   315 			else
   316 				-- Fail goal if crate was destroyed
   317 				if getGearValue([], "sm_destroyed") then
   318 					return "fail", loc("A crate critical to this mission has been destroyed.")
   319 				end
   320 				return false
   321 			end
   322 		elseif goal.type == "turns" then
   323 			return sm.gameTurns >= goal.turns
   324 		elseif goal.type == "rounds" then
   325 			return (TotalRounds) >= goal.rounds
   326 		elseif goal.type == "inZone" then
   327 			if getGearValue([], "sm_destroyed") then
   328 				return "fail",
   329 			end
   330 			local gX, gY = GetGearPosition([])
   331 			-- 4 sub-goals, each optional
   332 			local g1 = (not goal.xMin) or gX >= goal.xMin
   333 			local g2 = (not goal.xMax) or gX <= goal.xMax
   334 			local g3 = (not goal.yMin) or gY >= goal.yMin
   335 			local g4 = (not goal.yMax) or gY <= goal.yMax
   336 			return g1 and g2 and g3 and g4
   337 		elseif goal.type == "distGearPos" or goal.type == "distGearGear" then
   338 			local gX, gY, tX, tY
   339 			if goal.type == "distGearPos" then
   340 				if getGearValue([], "sm_destroyed") then
   341 					-- Fail if gear was destroyed
   342 					return "fail",
   343 				end
   344 				gX, gY = GetGearPosition([])
   345 				tX, tY = goal.x, goal.y
   346 			elseif goal.type == "distGearGear" then
   347 				-- Fail if one of the gears was destroyed
   348 				if getGearValue([goal.id1], "sm_destroyed") then
   349 					return "fail",
   350 				elseif getGearValue([goal.id2], "sm_destroyed") then
   351 					return "fail",
   352 				end
   353 				gX, gY = GetGearPosition([goal.id1])
   354 				tX, tY = GetGearPosition([goal.id2])
   355 			end
   357 			local h = integerHypotenuse(gX - tX, gY - tY)
   358 			if goal.relationship == "smallerThan" then
   359 				return h < goal.distance
   360 			elseif goal.relationship == "greaterThan" then
   361 				return h > goal.distance
   362 			end
   363 			-- Invalid parameters!
   364 			error("SimpleMission: Invalid parameters for distGearPos/distGearGear!")
   365 			errord = true
   366 			return false
   367 		elseif goal.type == "suddenDeath" then
   368 			return sm.isInSuddenDeath
   369 		elseif goal.type == "damage" then
   370 			local damage = goal.damage or 1
   371 			local gear =[]
   372 			local tookEnoughDamage = getGearValue(gear, "sm_maxDamage") >= damage
   373 			if getGearValue(gear, "sm_destroyed") then
   374 				-- Fail if gear was destroyed without taking enough damage first
   375 				if not tookEnoughDamage and goal.canDestroy == false then
   376 					if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then
   377 						return "fail", string.format(loc("%s has been killed before taking enough damage first."), GetHogName(gear))
   378 					else
   379 						return "fail", loc("An object has been destroyed before it took enough damage.")
   380 					end
   381 				else
   382 				-- By default, succeed if gear was destroyed
   383 					return true
   384 				end
   385 			end
   386 			return tookEnoughDamage
   387 		elseif goal.type == "drown" then
   388 			local drowned = getGearValue([], "sm_drowned")
   389 			-- Fail if gear was destroyed by something other than drowning
   390 			if not drowned and getGearValue([], "sm_destroyed") then
   391 				return "fail",
   392 			end
   393 			return drowned
   394 		elseif goal.type == "poison" then
   395 			if getGearValue([], "sm_destroyed") then
   396 				return "fail",
   397 			end
   398 			return GetEffect([], hePoisoned) >= 1
   399 		elseif goal.type == "freeze" then
   400 			if getGearValue([], "sm_destroyed") then
   401 				return "fail",
   402 			end
   403 			return GetEffect([], heFrozen) >= 256
   404 		elseif goal.type == "cure" then
   405 			if getGearValue([], "sm_destroyed") then
   406 				return "fail",
   407 			end
   408 			return GetEffect([], hePoisoned) == 0
   409 		elseif goal.type == "melt" then
   410 			if getGearValue([], "sm_destroyed") then
   411 				return "fail",
   412 			end
   413 			return GetEffect([], heFrozen) == 0
   414 		elseif goal.type == "waterSkip" then
   415 			local skips = goal.skips or 1
   416 			local hasEnoughSkips = getGearValue([], "sm_waterSkips") >= skips
   417 			-- Fail if gear was destroyed before it got the required number of skips
   418 			if not hasEnoughSkips and getGearValue([], "sm_destroyed") then
   419 				return "fail",
   420 			end
   421 			return hasEnoughSkips
   422 		elseif goal.type == "teamDefeat" then
   423 			return #teamHogs[goal.teamName] == 0
   424 		else
   425 			return false
   426 		end
   427 	end
   429 	--[[ Checks the custom goals.
   430 	Returns true when all custom goals are met.
   431 	Returns false when not all custom goals are met.
   432 	Returns "fail" if any of the goals has failed (i.e. is impossible to complete).
   433 	Returns nil when there are no custom goals ]]
   434 = function()
   435 		if params.customGoals ~= nil and #params.customGoals > 0 then
   436 			for key, goal in pairs(params.customGoals) do
   437 				local done, defaultFailText =
   438 				if done == false or done == "fail" then
   439 					local failText
   440 					if goal.failText then
   441 						failText = goal.failText
   442 					else
   443 						failText = customFailText
   444 					end
   445 					return done, failText
   446 				end
   447 			end
   448 			return true
   449 		else
   450 			return nil
   451 		end
   452 	end
   454 	--[[ Checks the custom non-goals.
   455 	Returns true when any non-goal is met.
   456 	Returns false otherwise. ]]
   457 = function()
   458 		if params.customNonGoals ~= nil and #params.customNonGoals > 0 then
   459 			for key, nonGoal in pairs(params.customNonGoals) do
   460 				local done =
   461 				if done == true then
   462 					return true, nonGoal.failText
   463 				end
   464 			end
   465 		end
   466 		return false
   467 	end
   469 	-- Declare the game ended if all enemy teams are dead and player teams or allies are still alive
   470 = function()
   471 		local victory = true
   472 		for t=0, TeamsCount-1 do
   473 			local team = GetTeamName(t)
   474 			local defeat ={type="teamDefeat", teamName=team})
   475 			if not defeat then
   476 				-- Deep check, also look at damage of all hogs
   477 				local dead = 0
   478 				for h=1, #teamHogs[team] do
   479 					local _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,Damage = GetGearValues(teamHogs[team][h])
   480 					if Damage >= GetHealth(teamHogs[team][h]) then
   481 						dead = dead + 1
   482 					end
   483 				end
   484 				if dead >= #teamHogs[team] then
   485 					defeat = true
   486 				end
   487 			end
   488 			if (defeat == true) and (GetTeamClan(team) == then
   489 				victory = false
   490 				break
   491 			elseif (defeat == false) and (GetTeamClan(team) ~= then
   492 				victory = false
   493 				break
   494 			end
   495 		end
   496 		if victory then
   497 = true
   498 		end
   499 	end
   501 	-- Checks goals and non goals and wins or loses mission
   502 = function()
   503 		if errord then
   504 			return
   505 		end
   506 		local nonGoalStatus, nonGoalFailText =
   507 		local goalStatus, goalFailText =
   508 		if nonGoalStatus == true then
   510 		elseif goalStatus == "fail" then
   512 		elseif goalStatus == true then
   514 		end
   515 	end
   517 = function()
   518 		if not then
   519 = true
   520 			if not then
   521 				SaveMissionVar("Won", "true")
   522 = true
   523 			end
   524 			AddCaption(loc("Victory!"), capcolDefault, capgrpGameState)
   525 			SendStat(siGameResult, loc("Mission succeeded!"))
   527 			EndGame()
   528 			if GetHogLevel(CurrentHedgehog) == 0 then
   529 				for team, hog in pairs(teamHogs[GetHogTeamName(CurrentHedgehog)]) do
   530 					SetState(hog, gstWinner)
   531 					PlaySound(sndVictory, hog)
   532 				end
   533 			end
   534 		end
   535 	end
   537 = function(failReason)
   538 		if not then
   539 = true
   540 			AddCaption(loc("Mission failed!"), capcolDefault, capgrpGameState)
   541 			SendStat(siGameResult, loc("Mission failed!"))
   542 			if failReason then
   543 				SendStat(siCustomAchievement, failReason)
   544 			end
   545 			if GetHogLevel(CurrentHedgehog) == 0 then
   546 				SetState(CurrentHedgehog, bor(GetState(CurrentHedgehog), gstLoser))
   547 				SetState(CurrentHedgehog, band(GetState(CurrentHedgehog), bnot(gstHHDriven)))
   548 			end
   549 			local clan = ClansCount-1
   550 			for t=0, TeamsCount-1 do
   551 				local team = GetTeamName(t)
   552 				-- Just declare any living team other than the player team the winner
   553 				if ({type="teamDefeat", teamName=team}) == false) and (GetTeamClan(team) ~= then
   554 					clan = GetTeamClan(team)
   555 					break
   556 				end
   557 			end
   559 			EndGame()
   560 		end
   561 	end
   563 	_G.onSuddenDeath = function()
   564 = true
   565 	end
   567 	_G.onGearWaterSkip = function(gear)
   568 		increaseGearValue(gear, "sm_waterSkips")
   569 	end
   571 	_G.onGearAdd = function(gear)
   572 		if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then
   573 			local team = GetHogTeamName(gear)
   574 			if teamHogs[team] == nil then
   575 				teamHogs[team] = {}
   576 			end
   577 			table.insert(teamHogs[GetHogTeamName(gear)], gear)
   578 		end
   579 		setGearValue(gear, "sm_waterSkips", 0)
   580 		setGearValue(gear, "sm_maxDamage", 0)
   581 		setGearValue(gear, "sm_drowned", false)
   582 		setGearValue(gear, "sm_destroyed", false)
   583 	end
   585 	_G.onGearResurrect = function(gear)
   586 		if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then
   587 			table.insert(teamHogs[GetHogTeamName(gear)], gear)
   588 		end
   589 		setGearValue(gear, "sm_destroyed", false)
   590 	end
   592 	_G.onGearDelete = function(gear)
   593 		if GetGearType(gear) == gtCase and band(GetGearMessage(gear), gmDestroy) ~= 0 then
   594 			-- Set ID of collector
   595 			setGearValue(gear, "sm_collected", CurrentHedgehog)
   596 		end
   597 		if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then
   598 			local team = GetHogTeamName(gear)
   599 			local hogList = teamHogs[team]
   600 			for h=1, #hogList do
   601 				if hogList[h] == gear then
   602 					table.remove(hogList, h)
   603 					break
   604 				end
   605 			end
   606 		end
   607 		if band(GetState(gear), gstDrowning) ~= 0 then
   608 			setGearValue(gear, "sm_drowned", true)
   609 		end
   610 		setGearValue(gear, "sm_destroyed", true)
   611 	end
   613 	_G.onGearDamage = function(gear, damage)
   614 		local currentDamage = getGearValue(gear, "sm_maxDamage")
   615 		if damage > currentDamage then
   616 			setGearValue(gear, "sm_maxDamage", damage)
   617 		end
   618 	end
   620 	_G.onGameInit = function()
   621 		CaseFreq = 0
   622 		WaterRise = 0
   623 		HealthDecrease = 0
   624 		MinesNum = 0
   625 		Explosives = 0
   627 		for initVarName, initVarValue in pairs(params.initVars) do
   628 			if initVarName == "GameFlags" then
   629 				EnableGameFlags(initVarValue)
   630 			else
   631 				_G[initVarName] = initVarValue
   632 			end
   633 		end
   634 		if #params.teams == 1 then
   635 			EnableGameFlags(gfOneClanMode)
   636 		end
   637 		if params.wind then
   638 			EnableGameFlags(gfDisableWind)
   639 		end
   641 		local clanCounter = 0
   642 		for teamID, teamData in pairs(params.teams) do
   643 			local name, clanID, grave, fort, voice, flag
   644 			name = def(, string.format(loc("Team %d"), teamID))
   645 			if teamData.clanID == nil then
   646 				clanID = clanCounter
   647 				clanCounter = clanCounter + 1
   648 			else
   649 				clanID = teamData.clanID
   650 			end
   652 			local realName
   653 			if teamData.isMissionTeam then
   654 				realName = AddMissionTeam(-(clanID+1))
   655 = clanID
   656 			else
   657 				grave = def(teamData.grave, defaultGraves[math.min(teamID, 8)])
   658 				fort = def(teamData.fort, "Castle")
   659 				voice = def(teamData.voice, "Default_qau")
   660 				flag = def(teamData.flag, defaultFlags[math.min(teamID, 8)])
   662 				realName = AddTeam(name, -(clanID+1), grave, fort, voice, flag)
   663 			end
   665 			-- Update all teamDefeat goals if the real team name differs from the
   666 			-- team configuration.
   667 			-- (AddTeam might change the name due to naming collisions)
   668 			if name ~= realName then
   669 				local checks = { params.customGoals, params.customNonGoals }
   670 				for c=1, 2 do
   671 					if checks[c] then
   672 						for k,goal in pairs(checks[c]) do
   673 							if goal.type == "teamDefeat" and goal.teamName == name then
   674 								goal.teamName = realName
   675 							end
   676 						end
   677 					end
   678 				end
   679 			end
   681 			for hogID, hogData in pairs(teamData.hogs) do
   682 				local name, botLevel, health, hat
   683 				name = def(, string.format(loc("Hog %d"), hogID))
   684 				botLevel = def(hogData.botLevel, 0)
   685 				health = def(, 100)
   686 				hat = def(hogData.hat, "NoHat")
   687 				local hog
   688 				if teamData.isMissionTeam then
   689 					hog = AddMissionHog(health)
   690 				else
   691 					hog = AddHog(name, botLevel, health, hat)
   692 				end
   693 				if hogData.x ~= nil and hogData.y ~= nil then
   694 					SetGearPosition(hog, hogData.x, hogData.y)
   695 				end
   696 				if hogData.faceLeft then
   697 					HogTurnLeft(hog, true)
   698 				end
   699 				if hogData.poisoned == true then
   700 					SetEffect(hog, hePoisoned, 5)
   701 				elseif type(hogData.poisoned) == "number" then
   702 					SetEffect(hog, hePoisoned, hogData.poisoned)
   703 				end
   704 				if hogData.frozen then
   705 					SetEffect(hog, heFrozen, 199999)
   706 				end
   708 				if hog ~= nil and ~= nil then
   709[] = hog
   710 					setGearValue(hog, "sm_id",
   711 				end
   713 				-- Remember this hedgehog's gear ID for later use
   714 				hogData.gearID = hog
   715 			end
   716 		end
   717 	end
   719 	_G.onNewTurn = function()
   720 = true
   722 		if params.customGoalCheck == "turnStart" then
   725 		end
   726 	end
   728 	_G.onEndTurn = function()
   729 = + 1
   731 		if params.customGoalCheck == "turnEnd" then
   734 		end
   735 	end
   737 	_G.onGameResult = function(winningClan)
   738 		if (params.customGoals == nil) and (not and (winningClan == then
   739 			SendStat(siGameResult, loc("Mission succeeded!"))
   740 			SaveMissionVar("Won", "true")
   741 = true
   742 		else
   743 			SendStat(siGameResult, loc("Mission failed!"))
   744 		end
   745 	end
   747 	_G.onAmmoStoreInit = function()
   748 		local ammoTypesDone = {}
   749 		-- Read script's stated ammo wishes
   750 		if params.ammoConfig ~= nil then
   751 			for ammoType, v in pairs(params.ammoConfig) do
   752 				SetAmmo(ammoType, def(v.count, 0), def(v.probability, 0), def(v.delay, 0), def(v.numberInCrate, 1))
   753 				ammoTypesDone[ammoType] = true
   754 			end
   755 		end
   756 		-- Apply default values for all ammo types which have not been set
   757 		for a=0, AmmoTypeMax do
   758 			if a ~= amNothing and ammoTypesDone[a] ~= true then
   759 				local count = 0
   760 				if a == amSkip then
   761 					count = 9
   762 				end
   763 				SetAmmo(a, count, 0, 0, 1)
   764 			end
   765 		end
   766 	end
   768 	_G.onGameStart = function()
   769 		-- Mention mines timer
   770 		if MinesTime ~= 3000 and MinesTime ~= nil then 
   771 			if MinesTime < 0 then
   772 				params.goalText = params.goalText .. "|" .. loc("Mines time: 0s-5s")
   773 			elseif (MinesTime % 1000) == 0 then
   774 				params.goalText = params.goalText .. "|" .. string.format(loc("Mines time: %ds"), MinesTime/1000)
   775 			elseif (MinesTime % 100) == 0 then
   776 				params.goalText = params.goalText .. "|" .. string.format(loc("Mines time: %.1fs"), MinesTime/1000)
   777 			else
   778 				params.goalText = params.goalText .. "|" .. string.format(loc("Mines time: %.2fs"), MinesTime/1000)
   779 			end
   780 		end
   781 		if params.wind then
   782 			SetWind(params.wind)
   783 		end
   784 		ShowMission(params.missionTitle, loc("Scenario"), params.goalText, params.missionIcon, 5000) 
   786 		-- Spawn objects
   788 		if params.gears ~= nil then
   789 			for listGearID, gv in pairs(params.gears) do
   790 				local timer, state, x, y, dx, dy
   791 				local g
   792 				state = 0
   793 				if gv.type == gtMine then
   794 					if gv.isFrozen then
   795 						state = gstFrozen
   796 					end
   797 					g = AddGear(def(gv.x,0), def(gv.y,0), gv.type, state, def(gv.dx, 0), def(gv.dy, 0), def(gv.timer, MinesTime))
   798 					if gv.isDud then
   799 						SetHealth(g, 0)
   800 						if ~= nil then
   801 							SetGearValues(g, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 36 -
   802 						end
   803 					end
   804 				elseif gv.type == gtSMine then
   805 					g = AddGear(def(gv.x,0), def(gv.y,0), gv.type, 0, def(gv.dx,0), def(gv.dy,0), def(gv.timer, 500))
   806 				elseif gv.type == gtAirMine then
   807 					if gv.isFrozen then
   808 						state = gstFrozen
   809 					end
   810 					local timer = def(gv.timer, div(MinesTime, 1000) * 250)
   811 					g = AddGear(def(gv.x,0), def(gv.y,0), gv.type, state, def(gv.dx,0), def(gv.dy,0), timer)
   812 					SetGearValues(g, nil, nil, timer) -- WDTimer
   813 				elseif gv.type == gtExplosives then
   814 					if gv.isRolling then
   815 						state = gsttmpFlag
   816 					end
   817 					g = AddGear(def(gv.x,0), def(gv.y,0), gv.type, state, def(gv.dx,0), def(gv.dy,0), 0)
   818 					if then
   819 						SetHealth(g,
   820 					end
   821 					if gv.isFrozen ~= nil then
   822 						if gv.isFrozen == true then
   823 							SetState(g, bor(GetState(g, gstFrozen)))
   824 						end
   825 					elseif GetHealth(g) > 60 then
   826 						SetState(g, bor(GetState(g, gstFrozen)))
   827 					end
   828 				elseif gv.type == gtCase then
   829 					local x, y, spawnTrick
   830 					spawnTrick = false
   831 					x = def(gv.x, 0)
   832 					y = def(gv.y, 0)
   833 					if x==0 and y==0 then
   834 						x=1
   835 						y=1
   836 						spawnTrick = true
   837 					end
   838 					g = AddGear(x, y, gv.type, 0, def(gv.dx,0), def(gv.dy,0), 0)
   839 					if spawnTrick then
   840 						SetGearPosition(g, 0, 0)
   841 					end
   842 					if gv.crateType == "supply" then
   843 						g = SpawnSupplyCrate(def(gv.x, 0), def(gv.y, 0), gv.ammoType)
   844 					elseif gv.crateType == "supply_ammo_explicit" then
   845 						g = SpawnAmmoCrate(def(gv.x, 0), def(gv.y, 0), gv.ammoType)
   846 					elseif gv.crateType == "supply_utility_explicit" then
   847 						g = SpawnUtilityCrate(def(gv.x, 0), def(gv.y, 0), gv.ammoType)
   848 					elseif gv.crateType == "health" then
   849 						g = SpawnHealthCrate(def(gv.x, 0), def(gv.y, 0))
   850 						if ~= nil then
   851 							SetHealth(g,
   852 						end
   853 					end
   854 					if gv.isFrozen then
   855 						SetState(g, bor(GetState(g, gstFrozen)))
   856 					end
   857 				elseif gv.type == gtKnife or gv.type == gtTarget then
   858 					g = AddGear(def(gv.x,0), def(gv.y,0), gv.type, 0, def(gv.dx,0), def(gv.dy,0), 0)
   859 				end
   860 				if g ~= nil and ~= nil then
   861[] = g
   862 					setGearValue(g, "sm_id",
   863 				end
   864 			end
   865 		end
   867 		-- Spawn girders and rubbers
   868 		if params.girders ~= nil then
   869 			for i, girderData in pairs(params.girders) do
   870 				PlaceGirder(girderData.x, girderData.y, girderData.frameIdx)
   871 			end
   872 		end
   873 		if params.rubbers ~= nil then
   874 			for i, rubberData in pairs(params.rubbers) do
   875 				PlaceSprite(rubberData.x, rubberData.y, sprAmRubber, capcolDefault, rubberData.frameIdx, false, false, false, lfBouncy)
   876 			end
   877 		end
   879 		-- Per-hedgehog ammo loadouts
   880 		for teamID, teamData in pairs(params.teams) do
   881 			for hogID, hogData in pairs(teamData.hogs) do
   882 				if hogData.ammo ~= nil then
   883 					for ammoType, count in pairs(hogData.ammo) do
   884 						AddAmmo(hogData.gearID, ammoType, count)
   885 					end
   886 				end
   887 			end
   888 		end
   889 	end
   891 	_G.onGameTick20 = function()
   892 		if params.customGoalCheck == "instant" then
   894 		end
   895 	end
   897 end