2017-10-21 Wuzzy Translations: chatroom link
2017-10-21 Wuzzy Translations: fix Arch Linux path
2017-10-21 Wuzzy Translations: Qt linguist
2017-10-21 Wuzzy Translations: explain dashes in .lua
2017-10-17 Wuzzy BuildingOnMac: versions
2017-10-17 Wuzzy BuildingOnMac: Less specific links
2017-10-14 Wuzzy GearTypes: napalm typo
2017-10-11 Wuzzy GearTypes: fix another typo
2017-10-11 Wuzzy GearTypes: fix typo
2017-10-10 Wuzzy LuaAPI: Remove BorderColor again
2017-10-10 Wuzzy LuaAPI: fix typos
2017-10-10 Wuzzy LuaAPI: argb bordercolor
2017-10-10 Wuzzy LuaAPI: fix syntax
2017-10-10 Wuzzy LuaAPI: Add BorderColor
2017-10-09 Wuzzy GearTypes: Add Pos of gtGrave
2017-10-08 Wuzzy TODO: Edited via web interface
2017-10-08 Wuzzy TODO: Link to EngineTestCases
2017-10-08 Wuzzy TODO: Edited via web interface
2017-10-08 Wuzzy TODO: SDL2: done
2017-10-08 Wuzzy TODO: Update link
2017-10-08 Wuzzy TODO: Edited via web interface
2017-10-08 Wuzzy TODO: Edited via web interface
2017-10-08 Wuzzy TODO: add rubber duck
2017-10-04 Wuzzy GearTypes: hog facing dir
2017-10-04 Wuzzy Voicepacks: fix typo
2017-10-04 Wuzzy Voicepacks: Edited via web interface
2017-10-04 Wuzzy Voicepacks: Edited via web interface
2017-10-04 Wuzzy LuaAPI: fix broken link
2017-10-04 Wuzzy EngineTestCases: fix typos
2017-10-04 Wuzzy Explain briefly how engine testing works
2017-10-04 Wuzzy LuaAPI: Add EndLuaTest
2017-09-29 Wuzzy LuaLibraries: AnimSetInputMask
2017-09-28 Wuzzy Translations: minute
2017-09-28 Wuzzy Translations: SI unit
2017-09-28 Wuzzy Translations: more abbreviations
2017-09-28 Wuzzy Translations: Edited via web interface
2017-09-28 Wuzzy Translations: fix syntax
2017-09-28 Wuzzy Translations: Add abbreviations
2017-09-28 Wuzzy LuaAPI: Update ParseCommand info
2017-09-28 Wuzzy ConfigurationFiles: Update rotmask explanation
2017-09-28 Wuzzy LuaAPI: Update ParseCommand help
2017-09-26 Wuzzy LuaAPI: Upda
2017-09-26 Wuzzy LuaAPI: Update GetTeamStats
2017-09-26 Wuzzy LuaAPI: Update TeamDamage
2017-09-26 Wuzzy LuaAPI: GetTeamStats
2017-09-26 Wuzzy LuaAPI: GetHogTeamName: Allow gtGrave
2017-09-26 Wuzzy LuaAPI: Fix poor explanation of siTeamStats
2017-09-25 Wuzzy Sprites: Update sprite list
2017-09-21 Wuzzy Translations: Fix typos
2017-09-21 Wuzzy Translations: Explain .txt even more
2017-09-21 Wuzzy Translations: Explain the syntax of txt files
2017-09-20 Wuzzy LuaAPI: fix spawnammocrate mistakes
2017-09-20 Wuzzy LuaAPI: fix **all** syntax fail
2017-09-20 Wuzzy LuaAPI: Explain the initial ammo setting in missions
2017-09-20 Wuzzy LuaAPI: Clarify ammoCount parameter of AddAmmo
2017-09-20 Wuzzy LuaAPI: Explain infinite amout for SpawnAmmoCrate
2017-09-20 Wuzzy GearTypes: special value for infinite ammo
2017-09-20 Wuzzy GearTypes: Add gtAddAmmo params
2017-09-20 Wuzzy GearTypes: add default gtCase Power
2017-09-20 Wuzzy GearTypes: Add Power setting for crates
(0) -1000 -300 -100 -60 +60 +100 +300 +1000 tip